8 research outputs found

    Histology and ultrastructure of the testes of Cobitis loaches from diploid-tetraploid populations

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    The diploid-polyploid complexes of Cobitis distributed in Poland are usually composed of one 2n parental species, C. taenia or C. elongatoides, triploid hybrid females and intriguingly tetraploid hybrids of both sexes. Earlier histological examinations revealed that spermatozoa not detected in the testes of tetraploids. The aim of the preliminary studies presented here for the first time was the ultrastructure of the testes of C. taenia and tetraploid Cobitis from diploid-tetraploid population in Pilica and KortĂłwka Rivers (Poland) during the reproductive season. The structure of C. taenia testes represents a typical for most Teleostei cystic type of spermatogenesis. So, the developing germ cells are enclosed within cysts, whose borders are formed by the Sertoli cells. The testes of C. taenia were filed with spermatozoa over the entire reproductive season. We described morphologically the different germ cell stages of spermatogenesis (spermatogonia, spermatocytes, spermatids and spermatozoa) of C. taenia. In the testes of tetraploid males only cysts with normal spermatogonia and spermatocytes (pachyten or leptoten stages), containing synaptonemal complexes were observed. Any spermatids or spermatozoa have not been observed. In many cysts of postmeiotic stages we observed planty of degenerative cells showing signs of apoptosis and characterized by strange ultrastructure. Frequently, portions of electron-dense material were observed suggesting degenerative process as a result of chromatin defragmentation. Thereby we confirmed that investigated tetraploid Cobitis males are sterile

    Unique Features of River Lamprey (<i>Lampetra fluviatilis</i>) Myogenesis

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    The river lamprey (L. fluviatilis) is a representative of the ancestral jawless vertebrate group. We performed a histological analysis of trunk muscle fiber differentiation during embryonal, larval, and adult musculature development in this previously unstudied species. Investigation using light, transmission electron (TEM), and confocal microscopy revealed that embryonal and larval musculature differs from adult muscle mass. Here, we present the morphological analysis of L. fluviatilis myogenesis, from unsegmented mesoderm through somite formation, and their differentiation into multinucleated muscle lamellae. Our analysis also revealed the presence of myogenic factors LfPax3/7 and Myf5 in the dermomyotome. In the next stages of development, two types of muscle lamellae can be distinguished: central surrounded by parietal. This pattern is maintained until adulthood, when parietal muscle fibers surround the central muscles on both sides. The two types show different morphological characteristics. Although lampreys are phylogenetically distant from jawed vertebrates, somite morphology, especially dermomyotome function, shows similarity. Here we demonstrate that somitogenesis is a conservative process among all vertebrates. We conclude that river lamprey myogenesis shares features with both ancestral and higher vertebrates

    Molecular cytogenetic analysis of the crucian carp, Carassius carassius (Linnaeus, 1758) (Teleostei, Cyprinidae), using chromosome staining and fluorescence in situ hybridisation with rDNA probes

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    The crucian carp Carassius carassius (Linnaeus, 1758) is a species with restricted and decreasing distribution in Europe. Six males and six females of the species from the Baltic Sea basin in Poland were examined to show sequentially CMA3/AgNO3 staining pattern, DAPI staining, and, for the first time in literature, molecular cytogenetic analysis using double-colour fluorescence in situ hybridisation (FISH) with 28S and 5S rDNA probes. The karyotype consisted of 20 m, 36 sm and 44 sta chromosomes, NF=156. The AgNO3 stained NORs were most frequently located terminally in the short arms of two sm and two sta elements, and CMA3-positive sites were also observed suggesting abundant GC-rich repetitive DNA in the regions. Other CMA3-positive sites in the short arms of six to ten sm and sta chromosomes were detected. The results based on 28S rDNA FISH confirmed the location of rDNA sites. DAPI-negative staining of NORs suggested the scarcity of AT-rich DNA in the regions. FISH with 5S rDNA probe revealed 8&ndash;14 loci (ten and 12 in respectively 49 and 29% of metaphases). They were located in two sm and eight to ten sta chromosomes and six of them were larger than others. Simultaneously, mapping of the two rDNA families on the chromosomes of C. carassius revealed that both 28S and 5S rDNA probes were located in different chromosomes. Molecular cytogenetic data of C. carassius presented here for the first time give an important insight into the structure of chromosomes of this polyploid and declining species and may be useful in its systematics

    Molecular cytogenetic analysis of the crucian carp, Carassius carassius (Linnaeus, 1758) (Teleostei, Cyprinidae), using chromosome staining and fluorescence in situ hybridisation with rDNA probes

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    The crucian carp Carassius carassius (Linnaeus, 1758) is a species with restricted and decreasing distribution in Europe. Six males and six females of the species from the Baltic Sea basin in Poland were examined to show sequentially CMA3/AgNO3 staining pattern, DAPI staining, and, for the first time in literature, molecular cytogenetic analysis using double-colour fluorescence in situ hybridisation (FISH) with 28S and 5S rDNA probes. The karyotype consisted of 20 m, 36 sm and 44 sta chromosomes, NF=156. The AgNO3 stained NORs were most frequently located terminally in the short arms of two sm and two sta elements, and CMA3-positive sites were also observed suggesting abundant GC-rich repetitive DNA in the regions. Other CMA3-positive sites in the short arms of six to ten sm and sta chromosomes were detected. The results based on 28S rDNA FISH confirmed the location of rDNA sites. DAPI-negative staining of NORs suggested the scarcity of AT-rich DNA in the regions. FISH with 5S rDNA probe revealed 8–14 loci (ten and 12 in respectively 49 and 29% of metaphases). They were located in two sm and eight to ten sta chromosomes and six of them were larger than others. Simultaneously, mapping of the two rDNA families on the chromosomes of C. carassius revealed that both 28S and 5S rDNA probes were located in different chromosomes. Molecular cytogenetic data of C. carassius presented here for the first time give an important insight into the structure of chromosomes of this polyploid and declining species and may be useful in its systematics