308 research outputs found

    On the role of physisorption states in molecular scattering: A semi-local density-functional theory study on O2/Ag(111)

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    We simulate the scattering of O2_2 from Ag(111) with classical dynamics simulations performed on a six-dimensional potential energy surface calculated within semi-local density-functional theory (DFT). The enigmatic experimental trends that originally required the conjecture of two types of repulsive walls, arising from a physisorption and chemisorption part of the interaction potential, are fully reproduced. Given the inadequate description of the physisorption properties in semi-local DFT, our work casts severe doubts on the prevalent notion to use molecular scattering data as indirect evidence for the existence of such states.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Ultrafast Transient Dynamics of Adsorbates on Surfaces Deciphered: The Case of CO on Cu(100)

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    Time-resolved vibrational spectroscopy constitutes an invaluable experimental tool for monitoring hot-carrier induced surface reactions. However, the absence of a full understanding on the precise microscopic mechanisms causing the transient spectral changes has been limiting its applicability. Here we introduce a robust first-principles theoretical framework that successfully explains both the nonthermal frequency and linewidth changes of the CO internal stretch mode on Cu(100) induced by femtosecond laser pulses. Two distinct processes engender the changes: electron-hole pair excitations underlie the nonthermal frequency shifts, while electron-mediated vibrational mode coupling gives rise to linewidth changes. Furthermore, the origin and precise sequence of coupling events are finally identified.Comment: Article as accepted for publication in Physical Review Letters; 5 pages, 2 figures, 1 tabl

    Femtosecond laser driven molecular dynamics on surfaces: Photodesorption of molecular oxygen from Ag(110)

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    We simulate the femtosecond laser induced desorption dynamics of a diatomic molecule from a metal surface by including the effect of the electron and phonon excitations created by the laser pulse. Following previous models, the laser induced surface excitation is treated through the two temperature model, while the multidimensional dynamics of the molecule is described by a classical Langevin equation, in which the friction and random forces account for the action of the heated electrons. In this work, we propose the additional use of the generalized Langevin oscillator model to also include the effect of the energy exchange between the molecule and the heated surface lattice in the desorption dynamics. The model is applied to study the laser induced desorption of O2_2 from the Ag(110) surface, making use of a six-dimensional potential energy surface calculated within density functional theory. Our results reveal the importance of the phonon mediated process and show that, depending on the value of the electronic density in the surroundings of the molecule adsorption site, its inclusion can significantly enhance or reduce the desorption probabilities.Comment: 11 pages, 8 figure

    Diffusion of Hydrogen in Pd Assisted by Inelastic Ballistic Hot Electrons

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    Sykes {\it et al.} [Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. {\bf 102}, 17907 (2005)] have reported how electrons injected from a scanning tunneling microscope modify the diffusion rates of H buried beneath Pd(111). A key point in that experiment is the symmetry between positive and negative voltages for H extraction, which is difficult to explain in view of the large asymmetry in Pd between the electron and hole densities of states. Combining concepts from the theory of ballistic electron microscopy and electron-phonon scattering we show that H diffusion is driven by the ss-band electrons only, which explains the observed symmetry.Comment: 5 pages and 4 figure

    Trajectory-dependent energy loss for swift He atoms axially scattered off a silver surface

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    Angle- and energy-loss- resolved distributions of helium atoms grazingly scattered from a Ag(110) surface along low indexed crystallographic directions are investigated considering impact energies in the few keV range. Final projectile distributions are evaluated within a semi-classical formalism that includes dissipative effects due to electron-hole excitations through a friction force. For mono-energetic beams impinging along the [11ˉ0][1\bar{1}0], [11ˉ2][1\bar{1}2] and [11ˉ0][1\bar{1}0] directions, the model predicts the presence of multiple peak structures in energy-loss spectra. Such structures provide detailed information about the trajectory-dependent energy loss. However, when the experimental dispersion of the incident beam is taken into account, these energy-loss peaks are completely washed out, giving rise to a smooth energy-loss distribution, in fairly good agreement with available experimental data

    Competition between electron and phonon excitations in the scattering of nitrogen atoms and molecules off tungsten and silver surfaces

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    We investigate the role played by electron-hole pair and phonon excitations in the interaction of reactive gas molecules and atoms with metal surfaces. We present a theoretical framework that allows us to evaluate within a full-dimensional dynamics the combined contribution of both excitation mechanisms while the gas particle-surface interaction is described by an ab-initio potential energy surface. The model is applied to study energy dissipation in the scattering of N2_2 on W(110) and N on Ag(111). Our results show that phonon excitation is the dominant energy loss channel whereas electron-hole pair excitations represent a minor contribution. We substantiate that, even when the energy dissipated is quantitatively significant, important aspects of the scattering dynamics are well captured by the adiabatic approximation.Comment: 4pages and 3 figure

    Non-adiabatic effects during the dissociative adsorption of O2 at Ag(111)? A first-principles divide and conquer study

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    We study the gas-surface dynamics of O2 at Ag(111) with the particular objective to unravel whether electronic non-adiabatic effects are contributing to the experimentally established inertness of the surface with respect to oxygen uptake. We employ a first-principles divide and conquer approach based on an extensive density-functional theory mapping of the adiabatic potential energy surface (PES) along the six O2 molecular degrees of freedom. Neural networks are subsequently used to interpolate this grid data to a continuous representation. The low computational cost with which forces are available from this PES representation allows then for a sufficiently large number of molecular dynamics trajectories to quantitatively determine the very low initial dissociative sticking coefficient at this surface. Already these adiabatic calculations yield dissociation probabilities close to the scattered experimental data. Our analysis shows that this low reactivity is governed by large energy barriers in excess of 1.1 eV very close to the surface. Unfortunately, these adiabatic PES characteristics render the dissociative sticking a rather insensitive quantity with respect to a potential spin or charge non-adiabaticity in the O2-Ag(111) interaction. We correspondingly attribute the remaining deviations between the computed and measured dissociation probabilities primarily to unresolved experimental issues with respect to surface imperfections.Comment: 18 pages including 6 figure

    Energy Dissipation to Tungsten Surfaces upon Eley-Rideal Recombination of N2 and H2

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    Quasiclassical molecular dynamics simulations are performed to investigate energy dissipation to the (100) and (110) tungsten surfaces upon Eley-Rideal (ER) recombination of H2 and N2. Calculations are carried out within the single adsorbate limit under normal incidence. A generalized Langevin surface oscillator (GLO) scheme is used to simulate the coupling to phonons, whereas electron-hole (e-h) pair excitations are implemented using the local density friction approximation (LDFA). Phonon excitations are found to reduce the ER reactivity for N2 recombination, but do not affect H abstraction. In contrast, the effect of e-h pair excitations on the ER recombination cross section is small for N2, but can be important for H2. The analysis of the energy lost by the recombined species shows that most of the energy is dissipated into phonon excitations in the N2 recombination and into electronic excitations in the H2 recombination. In all cases, the energy dissipated into e-h pairs is taken away from the translational kinetic energy of the formed molecules, whereas dissipation to phonons, only significant for N2, also affects vibration. Interestingly, the electron mediated energy losses are found to be smaller in the case of N2 when surface motion is allowed