66 research outputs found

    Subgrouping factors influencing migraine intensity in women: A semi-automatic methodology based on machine learning and information geometry

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    This is the peer reviewed version of the following article: Pérez-Benito, F.J., Conejero, J.A., Sáez, C., García-Gómez, J.M., Navarro-Pardo, E., Florencio, L.L. and Fernández-de-las-Peñas, C. (2020), Subgrouping Factors Influencing Migraine Intensity in Women: A Semi-automatic Methodology Based on Machine Learning and Information Geometry. Pain Pract, 20: 297-309, which has been published in final form at https://doi.org/10.1111/papr.12854. This article may be used for non-commercial purposes in accordance with Wiley Terms and Conditions for Self-Archiving.[EN] Background Migraine is a heterogeneous condition with multiple clinical manifestations. Machine learning algorithms permit the identification of population groups, providing analytical advantages over other modeling techniques. Objective The aim of this study was to analyze critical features that permit the differentiation of subgroups of patients with migraine according to the intensity and frequency of attacks by using machine learning algorithms. Methods Sixty-seven women with migraine participated. Clinical features of migraine, related disability (Migraine Disability Assessment Scale), anxiety/depressive levels (Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale), anxiety state/trait levels (State-Trait Anxiety Inventory), and pressure pain thresholds (PPTs) over the temporalis, neck, second metacarpal, and tibialis anterior were collected. Physical examination included the flexion-rotation test, cervical range of cervical motion, forward head position while sitting and standing, passive accessory intervertebral movements (PAIVMs) with headache reproduction, and joint positioning sense error. Subgrouping was based on machine learning algorithms by using the nearest neighbors algorithm, multisource variability assessment, and random forest model. Results For migraine intensity, group 2 (women with a regular migraine headache intensity score of 7 on an 11-point Numeric Pain Rating Scale [where 0 = no pain and 10 = maximum pain]) were younger and had lower joint positioning sense error in cervical rotation, greater cervical mobility in rotation and flexion, lower flexion-rotation test scores, positive PAIVMs reproducing migraine, normal PPTs over the tibialis anterior, shorter migraine history, and lower cranio-vertebral angles while standing than the remaining migraine intensity subgroups. The most discriminative variable was the flexion-rotation test score of the symptomatic side. For migraine frequency, no model was able to identify differences between groups (ie, patients with episodic or chronic migraine). Conclusions A subgroup of women with migraine who had common migraine intensity was identified with machine learning algorithms.Perez-Benito, FJ.; Conejero, JA.; Sáez Silvestre, C.; Garcia-Gomez, JM.; Navarro-Pardo, E.; Florencio, LL.; Fernández-De-Las-Peñas, C. (2020). Subgrouping factors influencing migraine intensity in women: A semi-automatic methodology based on machine learning and information geometry. Pain Practice. 20(3):297-309. https://doi.org/10.1111/papr.12854S29730920

    The reliability and validity of a Japanese version of symptom checklist 90 revised

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Objective</p> <p>To examine the validity and reliability of a Japanese version of the Symptom Checklist 90 Revised (SCL-90-R (J)).</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>The English SCL-90-R was translated to Japanese and the Japanese version confirmed by back-translation. To determine the factor validity and internal consistency of the nine primary subscales, 460 people from the community completed SCL-90-R(J). Test-retest reliability was examined for 104 outpatients and 124 healthy undergraduate students. The convergent-discriminant validity was determined for 80 inpatients who replied to both SCL-90-R(J) and the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI).</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The correlation coefficients between the nine primary subscales and items were .26 to .78. Cronbach's alpha coefficients were from .76 (Phobic Anxiety) to .86 (Interpersonal Sensitivity). Pearson's correlation coefficients between test-retest scores were from .81 (Psychoticism) to .90 (Somatization) for the outpatients and were from .64 (Phobic Anxiety) to .78 (Paranoid Ideation) for the students. Each of the nine primary subscales correlated well with their corresponding constructs in the MMPI.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>We confirmed the validity and reliability of SCL-90-R(J) for the measurement of individual distress. The nine primary subscales were consistent with the items of the original English version.</p

    Team players against headache: multidisciplinary treatment of primary headaches and medication overuse headache

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    Multidisciplinary approaches are gaining acceptance in headache treatment. However, there is a lack of scientific data about the efficacy of various strategies and their combinations offered by physiotherapists, physicians, psychologists and headache nurses. Therefore, an international platform for more intense collaboration between these professions and between headache centers is needed. Our aims were to establish closer collaboration and an interchange of knowledge between headache care providers and different disciplines. A scientific session focusing on multidisciplinary headache management was organised at The European Headache and Migraine Trust International Congress (EHMTIC) 2010 in Nice. A summary of the contributions and the discussion is presented. It was concluded that effective multidisciplinary headache treatment can reduce headache frequency and burden of disease, as well as the risk for medication overuse headache. The significant value of physiotherapy, education in headache schools, and implementation of strategies of cognitive behavioural therapy was highlighted and the way paved for future studies and international collaboration

    Migraine and psychiatric comorbidity: a review of clinical findings

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    Migraine is an extremely common disorder. The underlying mechanisms of this chronic illness interspersed with acute symptoms appear to be increasingly complex. An important aspect of migraine heterogeneity is comorbidity with other neurological diseases, cardiovascular disorders, and psychiatric illnesses. Depressive disorders are among the leading causes of disability worldwide according to WHO estimation. In this review, we have mainly considered the findings from general population studies and studies on clinical samples, in adults and children, focusing on the association between migraine and psychiatric disorders (axis I of the DSM), carried over after the first classification of IHS (1988). Though not easily comparable due to differences in methodology to reach diagnosis, general population studies generally indicate an increased risk of affective and anxiety disorders in patients with migraine, compared to non-migrainous subjects. There would also be a trend towards an association of migraine with bipolar disorder, but not with substance abuse/dependence. With respect to migraine subtypes, comorbidity mainly involves migraine with aura. Patients suffering from migraine, however, show a decreased risk of developing affective and anxiety disorders compared to patients with daily chronic headache. It would also appear that psychiatric disorders prevail in patients with chronic headache and substance use than in patients with simple migraine. The mechanisms underlying migraine psychiatric comorbidity are presently poorly understood, but this topic remains a priority for future research. Psychiatric comorbidity indeed affects migraine evolution, may lead to chronic substance use, and may change treatment strategies, eventually modifying the outcome of this important disorder

    understanding the mechanisms of glutamine action in critically ill patients

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    Glutamine (Gln) is an important energy source and has been used as a supplementary energy substrate. Furthermore, Gln is an essential component for numerous metabolic functions, including acid-base homeostasis, gluconeogenesis, nitrogen transport and synthesis of proteins and nucleic acids. Therefore, glutamine plays a significant role in cell homeostasis and organ metabolism. This article aims to review the mechanisms of glutamine action during severe illnesses. In critically ill patients, the increase in mortality was associated with a decreased plasma Gln concentration. During catabolic stress, Gln consumption rate exceeds the supply, and both plasma and skeletal muscle pools of free Gln are severely reduced. The dose and route of Gln administration clearly influence its effectiveness: high-dose parenteral appears to be more beneficial than low-dose enteral administration. Experimental studies reported that Gln may protect cells, tissues, and whole organisms from stress and injury through the following mechanisms: attenuation of NF (nuclear factor)-kB activation, a balance between pro- and anti-inflammatory cytokines, reduction in neutrophil accumulation, improvement in intestinal integrity and immune cell function, and enhanced of heat shock protein expression. In conclusion, high-doses of parenteral Gln (>0.50 g/kg/day) demonstrate a greater potential to benefit in critically ill patients, although Gln pathophysiological mechanisms requires elucidation

    Overview of diagnosis and management of paediatric headache. Part I: diagnosis

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    Headache is the most common somatic complaint in children and adolescents. The evaluation should include detailed history of children and adolescents completed by detailed general and neurological examinations. Moreover, the possible role of psychological factors, life events and excessively stressful lifestyle in influencing recurrent headache need to be checked. The choice of laboratory tests rests on the differential diagnosis suggested by the history, the character and temporal pattern of the headache, and the physical and neurological examinations. Subjects who have any signs or symptoms of focal/progressive neurological disturbances should be investigated by neuroimaging techniques. The electroencephalogram and other neurophysiological examinations are of limited value in the routine evaluation of headaches. In a primary headache disorder, headache itself is the illness and headache is not attributed to any other disorder (e.g. migraine, tension-type headache, cluster headache and other trigeminal autonomic cephalgias). In secondary headache disorders, headache is the symptom of identifiable structural, metabolic or other abnormality. Red flags include the first or worst headache ever in the life, recent headache onset, increasing severity or frequency, occipital location, awakening from sleep because of headache, headache occurring exclusively in the morning associated with severe vomiting and headache associated with straining. Thus, the differential diagnosis between primary and secondary headaches rests mainly on clinical criteria. A thorough evaluation of headache in children and adolescents is necessary to make the correct diagnosis and initiate treatment, bearing in mind that children with headache are more likely to experience psychosocial adversity and to grow up with an excess of both headache and other physical and psychiatric symptoms and this creates an important healthcare problem for their future life

    Fifteen new risk loci for coronary artery disease highlight arterial-wall-specific mechanisms

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    Coronary artery disease (CAD) is a leading cause of morbidity and mortality worldwide. Although 58 genomic regions have been associated with CAD thus far, most of the heritability is unexplained, indicating that additional susceptibility loci await identification. An efficient discovery strategy may be larger-scale evaluation of promising associations suggested by genome-wide association studies (GWAS). Hence, we genotyped 56,309 participants using a targeted gene array derived from earlier GWAS results and performed meta-analysis of results with 194,427 participants previously genotyped, totaling 88,192 CAD cases and 162,544 controls. We identified 25 new SNP-CAD associations (P < 5 × 10(-8), in fixed-effects meta-analysis) from 15 genomic regions, including SNPs in or near genes involved in cellular adhesion, leukocyte migration and atherosclerosis (PECAM1, rs1867624), coagulation and inflammation (PROCR, rs867186 (p.Ser219Gly)) and vascular smooth muscle cell differentiation (LMOD1, rs2820315). Correlation of these regions with cell-type-specific gene expression and plasma protein levels sheds light on potential disease mechanisms.J.D. is a British Heart Foundation Professor, European Research Council Senior Investigator and NIHR Senior Investigator. J.D.E. and A.D.J. were supported by NHLBI Intramural Research Program funds. N.F. is supported by R21HL123677-01 and R56 DK104806-01A1. N.S. is supported by the British Heart Foundation and is an NIHR Senior Investigator. T.L.A. is supported by NIH career development award K23DK088942. This work was funded by the UK Medical Research Council (G0800270), the British Heart Foundation (SP/09/002), the UK National Institute for Health Research Cambridge Biomedical Research Centre, the European Research Council (268834), European Commission Framework Programme 7 (HEALTH-F2-2012-279233) and Pfizer. The eQTL database construction was supported by NHLBI intramural funds