137 research outputs found


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    Index de les obres ressenyades: Zygmunt BAUMAN, Confianza y temor en la ciudad. Vivir con extranjero

    Trabajadores inmigrantes y acción colectiva : una panorámica sobre las relaciones entre inmigrantes y sindicalismo en Europa

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    Las organizaciones sindicales han mantenido, a lo largo del tiempo, una doble posición en relación a los fenómenos migratorios. Por un lado, han reclamado la igualdad de derechos sociales y económicos entre trabajadores inmigrantes y autóctonos como estrategia para oponerse a las intenciones de la patronal y la concurrencia entre trabajadores. Por otro lado, desde una posición defensiva, han tendido a exigir un control estatal restrictivo de la inmigración, manifestando un pragmatismo y una fuerte tendencia hacia la ideología del proteccionismo nacional sobre el mercado de trabajo. En este artículo queremos poner en perspectiva las relaciones entre trabajo inmigrante y sindicalismo, en particular tomando como ejemplo algunos de los países europeos en los que, en tanto que «importadores de mano de obra», la cuestión de la inmigración ha tenido una mayor incidencia a lo largo del siglo XX. En la última parte del texto se insiste en que las relaciones del sindicalismo con el trabajo inmigrante no pueden analizarse separadamente del proceso de reformulación de las formas de representación del trabajo y la cultura obrera.Along de time, Trade Unions maintained a double position related to migratory phenomenon. By one side, they claimed equality in social and economic rights between immigrants and autochthonous workers as a strategy of opposition to the management purposes and the concurrence among workers. By the other side, from a defensive position, they have tended to demand a restrictive state control of immigration, showing pragmatism and a strong tendency towards national protectionism ideology about labour market, specially in periods of recession of the national economies. This paper wants to analyze this relationships between immigrant labour and syndicalism, particularly having as an example some European countries, in which, as a «labour force importers», the question of immigration have had bigger impact through the XXth century. The end of this article insist on the roll and relations of syndicalism whit immigrant labour can not be analyzed separately from the process of reformulation of work representation

    La ciudad y sus metáforas: formulación ideológica y procesos de reestructuración urbana en la Barcelona contemporánea

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    El artículo analiza determinados «contextos metafóricos» que han servido de soporte ideológico-cultural para los actuales procesos de renovación urbana de Barcelona, con especial referencia a la creación del nuevo barrio marítimo de la villa olímpica y la remodelación del frente marítimo de la ciudad; operaciones que se inscriben en el contexto general de promoción de Barcelona como gran metrópolis mediterránea. En ese ámbito se aborda la producción de identidades urbanas y microterritoriales, así como la interrelación con otros niveles de identidad presentes en Cataluña

    Michel Wieviorka. La France raciste, París, Centre d'Analyse et d'Intervention Sociologique-Éditions du Seuil, col. L'épreuve des faits, 1992

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    En aquesta obra trobem una interessant i rica recerca entorn de les complexes i heterogènies pràctiques, dels plans i de les lògiques socials involucrades en el racisme tal i com avui es manifesta en la societat francesa. El seu interès rau tant en la metodologia emprada en el treball de camp com en les conclusions que se'n poden extreure. Es tracta d'una obra col.lectiva sota la direcció de M. Wieviorka que conté els treballs empírics que han seguit una altra publicació de l'autor, de caire més teòric (El espacio del racismo, 1991. traduïda al castellà). Abans que res, convé recordar que els treballs de M. Wieviorka participen d'un moviment de creació col.lectiva, sense formar una escola amb fronteres ben delimitades, en què destaca la figura de A. Touraine. Aquest ha elaborat un con- junt teòric en que ja no es considera l'estructura sin6 la dinàmica social, amb el propòsit de repensar les transformacions o les mutacions de les societats

    De la distancia y la hospitalidad: consideraciones sobre la razón espacial

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    In this paper we reconsider some of the ways in which the relation between space and society has been formulated. We focus specially on socioculturally mixed urban environments. We offer a three-part critique of what we call 'spatial reasoning.' That is, we critique the way of conceiving space-society relations which not only eliminates the social dimension (and so obscures relations and social positioning), but also hinders the appreciation of the multiplicity of ordinary social practices of exchange, transaction, communication or hospitality - which obscures, in a word, recognition between social groups. We conclude our argument by emphasizing the complex relation between distance and hospitality

    Medical oncology workload, workforce census, and needs in Spain: two nationwide studies by the Spanish Society of medical oncology

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    Medical oncologist; Spain; WorkloadMédico oncólogo; España; Carga de trabajoMetge oncòleg; Espanya; Càrrega de treballPurpose Growing complexity and demand for cancer care entail increased challenges for Medical Oncology (MO). The Spanish Society of Medical Oncology (SEOM) has promoted studies to provide updated data to estimate the need for medical oncologists in 2040 and to analyse current professional standing of young medical oncologists. Methods Two national, online surveys were conducted. The first (2021) targeted 146 Heads of MO Departments, and the second (2022), 775 young medical oncologists who had completed their MO residency between 2014 and 2021. Participants were contacted individually, and data were processed anonymously. Results Participation rates reached 78.8% and 48.8%, respectively. The updated data suggest that 87–110 new medical oncologist full-time equivalents (FTEs) should be recruited each year to achieve an optimal ratio of 110–130 new cases per medical oncologist FTE by 2040. The professional standing analysis reveals that 9.1% of medical oncologists trained in Spain do not work in clinical care in the country, with tremendous employment instability (only 15.2% have a permanent contract). A high percentage of young medical oncologists have contemplated career paths other than clinical care (64.5%) or working in other countries (51.7%). Conclusions Optimal ratios of medical oncologists must be achieved to tackle the evolution of MO workloads and challenges in comprehensive cancer care. However, the incorporation and permanence of medical oncologists in the national healthcare system in Spain could be compromised by their current sub-optimal professional standing.This study was funded by Janssen Pharmaceuticals

    The role of CDK4/6 inhibitors in early breast cancer

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    The use of cyclin-dependent kinase 4/6 inhibitors (CDK4/6i) has proven to be a successful strategy in the treatment of advanced hormone receptor-positive (HR+) and human epidermal growth factor receptor 2-negative (HER2-) breast cancer (BC), leading to a strong interest in their possible role in the treatment of early luminal BC. In this review we collect the most relevant and recent information on the use of CDK4/6i for the treatment of early BC in the neoadjuvant and adjuvant settings. Specifically, we evaluate the results of the large phase 3 adjuvant trials recently released, which have yielded apparently divergent results. We also examine the relevance of biomarkers as response predictive factors for CDI4/6i, the combination between radiotherapy and CDK4/6i, and provide a critical discussion on the evidence that we have so far and future directions of the role of these drugs in the treatment of early BC