183 research outputs found

    Instal·lació d’una indústria de ferreria de ferro i d’acer inoxidable

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    El present projecte defineix l’execució d’un edifici per una empresa de ferreria de ferro i acer inoxidable en el polígon industrial “Son Colom” de Felanitx. La justificació de les característiques del edifici venen determinades per l’ús que si vol donar, les dimensions del solar que es disposa, i l’adaptació a les diferents normatives en l’àmbit de la construcció. L’edifici consisteix en una nau de dues plantes. La planta baixa esta destinada a ferreria de ferro i la planta superior al acer inoxidable. A més, la nau disposa també d’una zona per a vendes i oficines i vestuaris per el personal. L’estructura de la nau es metàl·lica formada per pòrtics d’acer laminat i un sostre intermedi format per plaques alveolars de formigó prefabricat. L’envolvent de l’edifici, i la resta d’elements, estan també construïts majoritàriament per prefabricats d’acer i formigó. Tot i tractar-se d’un projecte de final de carrera, es pretén que el projecte sigui el màxim de fidel a la realitat. Per una banda l’edifici projectat segueix les tècniques constructives clàssiques per aquest tipus d’edificis, i per l’altre, el conjunt de documents que formen aquest projecte ha de ser apte tant pels passar els tràmits administratius per obtenir la llicència com per dur a terme l’execució de la construcció. Per a la redacció del projecte s’han seguit el que indica nou “Código Técnico de la Edificación (CTE)”. Modificant, únicament, la ubicació d’alguns dels documents per complir amb la normativa de projectes de fi de carrera. Annexes a aquest document s’inclouen els càlculs de l’estructura, justificació de la protecció contra incendis, els càlculs elèctrics i de aigua calenta, l’estudi d’impacte ambiental, l’estudi de seguretat i salut, el plec de condicions tècniques i administratives, el pressupost i els plànols

    Instal·lació d’una indústria de ferreria de ferro i d’acer inoxidable

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    El present projecte defineix l’execució d’un edifici per una empresa de ferreria de ferro i acer inoxidable en el polígon industrial “Son Colom” de Felanitx. La justificació de les característiques del edifici venen determinades per l’ús que si vol donar, les dimensions del solar que es disposa, i l’adaptació a les diferents normatives en l’àmbit de la construcció. L’edifici consisteix en una nau de dues plantes. La planta baixa esta destinada a ferreria de ferro i la planta superior al acer inoxidable. A més, la nau disposa també d’una zona per a vendes i oficines i vestuaris per el personal. L’estructura de la nau es metàl·lica formada per pòrtics d’acer laminat i un sostre intermedi format per plaques alveolars de formigó prefabricat. L’envolvent de l’edifici, i la resta d’elements, estan també construïts majoritàriament per prefabricats d’acer i formigó. Tot i tractar-se d’un projecte de final de carrera, es pretén que el projecte sigui el màxim de fidel a la realitat. Per una banda l’edifici projectat segueix les tècniques constructives clàssiques per aquest tipus d’edificis, i per l’altre, el conjunt de documents que formen aquest projecte ha de ser apte tant pels passar els tràmits administratius per obtenir la llicència com per dur a terme l’execució de la construcció. Per a la redacció del projecte s’han seguit el que indica nou “Código Técnico de la Edificación (CTE)”. Modificant, únicament, la ubicació d’alguns dels documents per complir amb la normativa de projectes de fi de carrera. Annexes a aquest document s’inclouen els càlculs de l’estructura, justificació de la protecció contra incendis, els càlculs elèctrics i de aigua calenta, l’estudi d’impacte ambiental, l’estudi de seguretat i salut, el plec de condicions tècniques i administratives, el pressupost i els plànols

    Fabrication and deposition of copper and copper oxide nanoparticles by laser ablation in open air

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    The proximity of the “post-antibiotic era”, where infections and minor injuries could be a cause of death, there are urges to seek an alternative for the cure of infectious diseases. Copper nanoparticles and their huge potential as a bactericidal agent could be a solution. In this work, Cu and Cu oxide nanoparticles were synthesized by laser ablation in open air and in argon atmosphere using 532 and 1064 nm radiation generated by nanosecond and picosecond Nd:YVO4 lasers, respectively, to be directly deposited onto Ti substrates. Size, morphology, composition and the crystalline structure of the produced nanoparticles have been studied by the means of field emission scanning electron microscopy (FESEM), high resolution transmission electron microscopy (HRTEM), the energy dispersive spectroscopy of X-rays (EDS), selected area electron diffraction (SAED) and X-ray diffraction (XRD). The UV-VIS absorbance of the thin layer of nanoparticles was also measured, and the antibacterial capacity of the obtained deposits tested against Staphylococcus aureus. The obtained deposits consisted of porous coatings composed of copper and copper oxide nanoparticles interconnected to form chain-like aggregates. The use of the argon atmosphere contributed to reduce significantly the formation of Cu oxide species. The synthesized and deposited nanoparticles exhibited an inhibitory effect upon S. aureus.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Seminaris pràctics mitjançant l'aprenentatge basat en problemes en l'ensenyament de la pediatria

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    Podeu consultar la Setena trobada de professorat de Ciències de la Salut completa a: http://hdl.handle.net/2445/43352En 2011, se aplicó la metodología del aprendizaje basado en problemas (ABP) en los seminarios prácticos de Pediatría a los estudiantes de 6º de Medicina. La ABP invierte la organización tradicional de los procesos de aprendizaje: primero se presenta el problema, ya partir de la delimitación de lo que ya se conoce, se establecen los objetivos, se identifican las necesidades de aprendizaje, y se diseña y se sigue un plan de actuación, para que el aprendizaje se acompañe de la reso-lución del problema. Previamente, los profesores realizaron un curso específico so-bre ABP organizado por el IES. Transcurrido el primer curso de aplicación del ABP, se pretende evaluar el grado de satisfacción y de aprendizaje obtenidos de los seminarios prácticos ba-sados en el ABP por parte de los estudiantes

    Influence of laser texturing on the wettability of PTFE

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    Polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) is a synthetic fluoropolymer showing excellent thermal and electrical insulation properties and a low coefficient of friction. Due to its large stability, and hydrophobic nature, the wettability of PTFE surfaces can be reduced to transform them into superhydrophobic. In this regard, laser texturing is a fast, simple and versatile method to produce superhydrophobic PTFE surfaces in one-step, and over large areas. In this work, we used a CO2 laser to modify the surface of PTFE samples. We studied the effect of the processing parameters (laser power or irradiance, scanning speed, and spacing -overlapping- between scan lines) on the wettability of textured surfaces using water, mineral oil and ethanol/water solutions as test fluids. Laser-treated surfaces showed a hierarchical micro- and nanotopography with a cotton-like appearance. The higher roughness and large quantity of air pockets make these laser-treated surfaces superhydrophobic, and highly oleophobic. Furthermore, they remain unaltered after being in contact with strong alkali and acid solutions or after slight friction. The self-cleaning performance of these surfaces was also demonstrated. The present findings suggest that CO2 laser texturing of PTFE is suitable for the large-scale preparation of surfaces with low-wettability to different liquids.Agencia Estatal de Investigación | Ref. RTI2018-095490-J-I00Xunta de Galicia | Ref. ED431C 2019/23Xunta de Galicia | Ref. ED481D 2017/010Xunta de Galicia | Ref. ED481B 2016/047-0Xunta de Galicia | Ref. POS-A/2013/16

    New Models Used to Determine the Dioxins Total Amount and Toxicity (TEQ) in Atmospheric Emissions from Thermal Processes

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    In order to reduce the calculation effort during the simulation of the emission of polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and furans (PCDD/F) during municipal solid waste incineration, minimizing the number of simulated components is mandatory. For this purpose, two new multilinear regression models capable of determining the dioxins total amount and toxicity of an atmospheric emission have been adjusted based on previously published ones. The new source of data used (almost 200 PCDD/F analyses) provides a wider range of application to the models, increasing also the diversity of the emission sources, from industrial and laboratory scale thermal processes. Only three of the 17 toxic congeners (1,2,3,6,7,8-HxCDD, 2,3,7,8-TCDF and OCDF), whose formation was found to be linearly independent, were necessary as inputs for the models. All model parameters have been statistically validated and their confidence intervals have been calculated using the Bootstrap method. The resulting coefficients of determination (R2) for the models are 0.9711 ± 0.0056 and 0.9583 ± 0.0085; its root mean square errors (RMSE) are 0.2115 and 0.2424, and its mean absolute errors (MAE) are 0.1541 and 0.1733 respectively.Juan A. Conesa and Nuria Ortuño acknowledge the support for this work by the CTQ2016-76608-R project from the Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness (Spain). Damià Palmer thanks IQS—Universitat Ramon Llull for its financial support

    Laser texturing to control the wettability of materials

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    Many applications of different materials are related to the properties of their surface. Wettability is a key property affecting applications in all fields: adhesives, lubricants, detergents, all types of coatings, implant integration, heat transmission, corrosion, etc. Laser texturing has been demonstrated to be an excellent technique to modify surface wettability of many different materials: polymers, metals, ceramics, or even natural stones. The relative simplicity and robustness of the results, together with the widespread availability of affordable industrial laser sources made laser texturing a very promising tool for modifying the surface of parts in manufacturing plants. In this paper we introduce the basics of the technique and show some examples of applications. On one hand, treating the surface of different polymers for biomedical applications. And on the other hand, the production of surfaces with extreme wettability properties is shown: superhydrophilic, superhydrophobic and omniphobic surfaces were obtained by laser texturing

    Plan piloto de adaptación al EEES: graduado en Ingeniería Mecánica

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    La Escuela Universitaria de Ingeniería Técnica Industrial de Terrassa ha puesto en marcha durante el curso 2005-06 un plan piloto de adaptación de la metodología docente según lo establecido por el EEES en la titulación de Ingeniería Técnica Industrial especialidad Mecánica. Esta experiencia se enmarca dentro de un programa piloto del Departamento de Universidades de la Generalidad de Cataluña, y ha sido impulsada por la dirección de la Escuela y apoyada por los responsables de la titulación. Se pretende, según el marco del EEES definir los objetivos del proceso de formación del estudiante, y expresarlos en términos de competencias; conjunto de conocimientos, habilidades, y destrezas que han de adquirir los estudiantes a través de las materias genéricas impartidas y las actividades planificadas en la asignatura. La base de la experiencia gira en torno al perfil de formación de la titulación aprobado por la Unidad Docente correspondiente, que establece las competencias específicas y transversales respectivas. Y el objetivo principal se fundamenta en diseñar y planificar el contenido de las asignaturas en base a la incorporación y consecución de estas competencias por parte del alumno. La adaptación se realizará de forma gradual, curso a curso, presentando memorias de planificación y resultados cada curso académico. La metodología seguida, se basa en acciones activas que dan protagonismo al estudiante en el proceso de aprendizaje, según indica la normativa de aplicación del sistema de créditos ECTS.Postprint (published version

    Palladium nanoparticles synthesized by laser ablation in liquids for antimicrobial applications

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    Antibiotic resistance is a leading cause of death worldwide. In this paper, we explore new alternatives in the treatment of infections. Noble metal nanoparticles could help to mitigate this problem. In this work, palladium nanoparticles were synthesized by laser ablation in order to explore their antimicrobial capacity. To obtain palladium nanoparticles, a palladium plate immersed in water, or methanol, was ablated, using two pulsed lasers that emit radiation with wavelengths of 532 nm and 1064 nm, respectively. Pure Pd-NPs with crystalline microstructure and rounded shape were obtained. The nanoparticles’ size is more homogeneous if the laser wavelength is 532 nm, and it decreases when methanol is used as solvent, reaching mean diameters smaller than 6 nm. With the objective of studying antimicrobial activity against Staphylococcus aureus, the Pd-NPs were immobilized on the surface of titanium discs. The release of palladium ions was recorded during the first seven days, and the cytotoxicity of the immobilized NPs was also tested with L929 mouse fibroblast cell line. Palladium nanoparticles synthesized by means of the infrared laser in methanol showed a strong inhibitory effect on S. aureus and good cytocompatibility, with no toxic effect on fibroblast cells.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    A novel truncated form of apolipoprotein A-I transported by dense LDL is increased in diabetic patients

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    Diabetic (DM) patients have exacerbated atherosclerosis and high CVD burden. Changes in lipid metabolism, lipoprotein structure, and dysfunctional HDL are characteristics of diabetes. Our aim was to investigate whether serum ApoA-I, the main protein in HDL, was biochemically modified in DM patients. By using proteomic technologies, we have identified a 26 kDa ApoA-I form in serum. MS analysis revealed this 26 kDa form as a novel truncated variant lacking amino acids 1-38, ApoA-IΔ(1-38). DM patients show a 2-fold increase in ApoA-IΔ(1-38) over nondiabetic individuals. ApoA-IΔ(1-38) is found in LDL, but not in VLDL or HDL, with an increase in LDL3 and LDL4 subfractions. To identify candidate mechanisms of ApoA-I truncation, we investigated potentially involved enzymes by in silico data mining, and tested the most probable molecule in an established animal model of diabetes. We have found increased hepatic cathepsin D activity as one of the potential proteases involved in ApoA-I truncation. Cathepsin D-cleaved ApoA-I exhibited increased LDL binding affinity and decreased antioxidant activity against LDL oxidation. In conclusion, we show for the first time: a) presence of a novel truncated ApoA-I form, ApoA-IΔ(1-38), in human serum; b) ApoA-IΔ(1-38) is transported by LDL; c) ApoA-IΔ(1-38) is increased in dense LDL fractions of DM patients; and d) cathepsin D-ApoA-I truncation may lead to ApoA-IΔ(1-38) binding to LDLs, increasing their susceptibility to oxidation and contributing to the high cardiovascular risk of DM patients. This research was originally published in Lipid Research. A novel truncated form of apolipoprotein A-I transported by dense LDL is increased in diabetic patients. Journal of Lipid Research. 2015. 56: 1762-1773 © the American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology.Peer Reviewe