36 research outputs found

    Two new species of terrestrial frogs of the Pristimantis gladiator complex (Anura, Strabomantidae) from the Ecuadorian Andes, with insights on their biogeography and skull morphology

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    The explosive diversity of rainfrogs (Pristimantis spp) reaches its highest levels in the mountains of the Tropical Andes, with remarkable cryptic species mainly in unexplored areas of Ecuador. Based on phylogenetics, morphometric traits, skull osteology and bioacoustics, we describe two new species of Pristimantis, previously confused with Pristimantis gladiator, that belong to the subgenus Trachyphrynus traditionally known as the Pristimantis myersi species group. The two new taxa are closely related, but have allopatric distributions. We discuss the importance of the Quijos and Pastaza River valleys in the diversification along Amazonian slopes of the Ecuadorian Andes

    Ranas terrestres del género Pristimantis (Anura: Craugastoridae) de la Reserva Ecológica Río Zúñag, Tungurahua, Ecuador: Lista anotada y descripción de una especie nueva

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    We present a synopsis of 17 species of the genus Pristimantis recorded at the Río Zuñag Ecological Reserve. This reserve is located at the upper Pastaza river basin, on the Cordillera Oriental of the Andes of Ecuador, between 1400 and 2200 m elevation. We include the description of a new species of Pristimantis characterized by its dorsal colouration in life (ambar yellow dorsum with reddish-brown marks, and orange-yellow spots on the groin and posterior surfaces of the thighs) and by the presence of two small tubercles on the upper eyelid and one small interorbital tubercle. We estimate that within the altitudinal range of the reserve may occur 23 species of Pristimantis, divided into two assamblages that get apparently separated at 1800 m elevation.Presentamos una sinopsis de las 17 especies del género Pristimantis registradas en la Reserva Ecológica Río Zuñag. Esta reserva se ubica en la cuenca alta del río Pastaza, en la Cordillera Oriental de los Andes de Ecuador, entre 1400 y 2200 m de elevación. Incluimos la descripción de una nueva especie de Pristimantis caracterizada por su coloración en vida (dorso amarillo ámbar con marcas café-rojizas, y manchas anaranjadas bordeadas de amarillo en las ingles y en las superficies posteriores de los muslos) y la presencia de dos tubérculos pequeños sobre el párpado superior y un tubérculo interorbital pequeño. Estimamos que dentro del rango altitudinal de la reserva podrían existir 23 especies de Pristimantis, divididos en dos ensamblajes que se dividen aparentemente en la cota de 1800 m de elevación

    Notable ampliación del rango altitudinal de Eira barbara Cabeza de Mate (Mammalia: Mustelidae)

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    Eira barbara Tayra has been reported across its geographic range from elevations between 0-2400 m, being rare above 1200 m. We report four records of E. barbara above 2600 m, obtained by using camera trapping. These records come from Reserva Natural Chamanapamba and Bosque Protector Cerro Candelaria, both located on the province of Tungurahua, eastern slopes of the Andes of Ecuador.Eira barbara Cabeza de Mate se ha reportado a lo largo de su rango geográfico a elevaciones entre 0-2400 m, siendo raro sobre 1200 m. Reportamos cuatros registros de E. barbara sobre los 2600 m, obtenidos por medio de trampas cámaras. Los registros vienen de la Reserva Natural Chamanapamba y del Bosque Protector Cerro Candelaria, ambos localizados en la provincia de Tungurahua, estribaciones orientales de los Andes de Ecuado

    Una nueva especie de Pristimantis (Anura: Craugastoridae) del corredor ecológico Llangantes-Sangay, Andes de Ecuador

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    We describe a new species of Pristimantis, known from cloud forests of the eastern slopes of central Ecuadorian Andes. The new species is characterized by having distinctive white spots on black venter, green dorsum, conical tubercles on eyelid, interorbital tubercle, and row of ulnar and tarsal tubercles. Efforts to conserve this species are focused on two protected areas within the Llanganates-Sangay corridor, a hotspot that protects endemic and unknown populations of frogs.Describimos una nueva especie de Pristimantis conocida del bosque nublado de las estribaciones orientales de los Andes centrales de Ecuador. La nueva especie se caracteriza por tener un distintivo patrón de manchas irregulares blancas sobre el vientre negro, dorso verde, tubérculos cónicos en el párpado, tubérculo interorbital, e hilera de tubérculos ulnares y tarsales. Esfuerzos por conservar esta especie se han cristalizado en dos áreas protegidas dentro del corredor Llanganates Sangay, un punto caliente de diversidad que resguarda poblaciones de ranas endémicas y todavía desconocidas

    Conservation Status of Macro Mammals in the Llanganates-Sangay Ecological Corridor and Anzu River Subbasin

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    With rapid ecological assessments, we diagnose the conservation status of large mammals in the localities Rio Encanto, San Jacinto Las Palmas, Sacha Llanganates, Cabeceras del Anzu, Boayaku, and Flor de Bosque, located within the Llanganates Sangay Ecological Corridor (CELS) and the upper subbasin of the Anzu River, in the eastern foothills of the tropical Andes, sub-Andean and tropical ecosystems in one of the most biologically diverse regions of Ecuador. Camera traps, 5 km linear transect walks, and interviews with local inhabitants recorded 35 species of macro mammals, in 8 Orders and 21 Families, including the Andean bear (Tremarctos ornatus), Andean tapir (Tapirus pinchaque), Amazonian tapir (Tapirus terrestris), puma (Puma concolor), and chorongo monkey (Lagothrix lagotricha), mammals considered as flagship species, highly endangered. The continuity of natural habitat along the subbasins of the Encanto, Topo, Zuñag, Tigre, and Anzu rivers, as well as the mountain ranges toward the highlands, provide favorable conditions for the flow of individuals, from adjacent areas of the Llanganates and Sangay National Parks to partially protected forest areas, such as the private reserves of Fundation Ecominga, Sumak Kawsay in Situ, community reserves of Boayaku and Flor de Bosque. The protection of the area is a priority

    Dos nuevas especies de ranas Pristimantis (Craugastoridae) de la cordillera de los Sacha Llanganatis, vertiente oriental de los Andes de Ecuador

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    We describe two new species of terrestrial frogs of the genus Pristimantis from the cloud forest of the Reserva Río Zuñag, located on the slopes of the Cordillera de los Sacha Llanganatis, buffer zone of the Llanganates National Park, on the eastern slopes of the central Andes of Ecuador. The first species differs from its congeners by presenting a distinctive brown colouration and hidden surfaces of posterior limb and groin black. The second is the only species of Pristimantis in the region characterized by the presence of a dermal occipital “W” crest, a distinctive pale-shaped inverted “V” mark, and hidden surfaces of groin and posterior limb reddish.Describimos dos especies nuevas de ranas terrestres del género Pristimantis provenientes del bosque nublado de la Reserva Río Zuñag, ubicada en las estribaciones de la cordillera de los Sacha Llanganatis, área de amortiguamiento del Parque Nacional Llanganates, en la vertiente oriental de los Andes centrales de Ecuador. La primera especie se diferencia de sus congéneres por presentar un distintivo patrón de coloración en tonos café y superficies ocultas de extremidades posteriores e ingles negras. La segunda es la única especie de Pristimantis en la región caracterizada por la presencia de una cresta dérmica occipital en forma de “W”, una distintiva marca pálida en forma de “V” invertida y superficies ocultas de ingles y extremidades posteriores de color rojizo

    Una nueva especie de rana terrestre Pristimantis (Anura: Terrarana: Strabomantidae) de la cuenca alta del Río Pastaza, Ecuador

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    We describe Pristimantis loujosti sp. nov. from the upper River Pastaza basin. This species is characterised by its large body size, thick glandular skin, orange hidden surfaces of legs, prominent hand fold, one to three wart on the upper surface of the arm, and strongly reticulated iris. The presence of the hand fold has not been previously reported in other Pristimantis, althoug it seems to be shared with P pycnodermis, species that seems to be closely related.Describimos a Pristimantis loujosti sp. nov. de la cuenca alta del río Pastaza. La especie se caracteriza por su tamaño corporal grande, piel glandular gruesa, coloración de las superficies ocultas de las patas e ingles de color naranja, un pliegue prominente en la superficie superior de la base de la mano, uno a tres tubérculos aplanados en la superficie anterior del antebrazo e iris fuertemente reticulado. La presencia del pliegue en la mano no ha sido reportado antes en otros Pristimantis aunque no parece ser exclusivo de Pristimantis loujosti, ya que también ha sido observado en P pycnodermis, con la cual la nueva especie parece estar estrechamente relacionada

    A new cryptic species of Anolis lizard from northwestern South America (Iguanidae, Dactyloinae)

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    A new species of Anolis lizard from the Andean slopes of southwestern Colombia and northwestern Ecuador, from between 1187 and 2353 m in elevation, is described. The new species can be distinguished from other Anolis in squamation, cranial osteology, hemipenial morphology, and nuclear and mitochondrial DNA. The new species is sister to Anolis aequatorialis, and it is suggested that previous records of A. aequatorialis in Colombia correspond to the new species described herein

    Tres nuevas especies de ranas terrestres Pristimantis (Anura: Craugastoridae) de lacuenca alta del Río Pastaza, Ecuador

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    We describe three new species of terrestrial frogs Pristimantis from the evergreen montane forests surrounding the Tungurahua Volcano in the Upper Pastaza River Basin, eastern foothills of Ecuador.The first species is distinguished by the distinctive shape of its digits (elongated, narrow and only slightly wider than finger discs); the second presents cranial crest and body size smaller than 31 mm; and the third is spiny and exhibits a distinctive pattern with red-wine finely delineated by cream.Describimos tres nuevas especies de ranas terrestres Pristimantis de los bosques siempreverde montanos circundantes al Volcán Tungurahua en la cuenca alta del Rio Pastaza, estribaciones orientales de Ecuador. La primera especie se diferencia por la distintiva forma de sus dígitos (alargados, estrechos y con discos solo un poco más anchos que los dedos); la segunda exhibe cresta craneal y presenta tamaño corporal menor a 31 mm; y la tercera es espinosa y exhibe un distintivo patrón de coloración rojo-vino finamente delineado con crema

    Changes in land use and ecosystem services in tropical forest areas: a case study in Andes mountains of Ecuador

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    Tropical Andes are subjected to severe land use/land cover (LULC) changes that significantly alter the capacity of the landscape to provide ecological functions for supporting human well-being. The aim of the study is (a) to investigate the LULC changes in the Ecological Corridor Llaganantes-Sangay (Corredor Ecológico Llanganates-Sangay) (Central Ecuador), a buffer semi-protected area, during the period 2000–2014 and (b) to analyse their possible consequences on ecosystem services (ESs) provision. The analysis was performed using LULC maps of 2000, 2008 and 2014. ESs were analysed using the 'landscape capacity' index, which is based on a multi-criteria assessment framework. The study captured an extremely rapid LULC transition from croplands to pastures during 2008–2014 below the 2000-m altitude, which was followed by a respective rapid socio-economic change of the local society. The landscape index changes were insignificant showing a slight decrease (−1.92%) during 2000–2014. Although the overall coverage of natural ecosystems slightly increased during 2000–2014, it was found that the passive landscape conservation might not be sufficient to maintain ESs provision. This was justified by the different ESs contribution between forest types but also by urbanization, agriculture abandonment and pasture expansion.EDITED BY Neville Crossman EDITED BY Neville Crossma