439 research outputs found

    Merchants and poets adaptative strategies of Ubeda pottery

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    El objetivo de mi trabajo sería una revisión del mundo de la alfarería desde una perspectiva experiencial , científica y transversal. Me propongo una revalorización de las posibilidades expresivas y performativas de la disciplina alfarera. Realizar un análisis de las aportaciones plásticas, poéticas, socio‐culturales, éticas y turísticas en la sociedad contemporánea (segunda mitad siglo XX a la actualidad). Utilizaremos la experiencia concreta de el taller de Tito (Juan Martínez Villacañas, 1945) en Úbeda como paradigma de los cambios sufridos o provocados en este sector, su metamorfosis desde mediados del siglo XX y la hipotética validez de las aportaciones de este artesano. Su adaptación a los cambios y su aprovechamiento de los recursos turísticos.Pensamos que el trabajo es pertinente dada la escasa bibliografía existente, la parcialidad (siempre desde ópticas económicas, turísticas o antropológicas no conectadas entre si) de los trabajos anteriores, lo que ha impedido una lectura contextualizada de un fenómeno artístico‐turístico tan importante para nuestra sociedad. Creemos que en la disciplina alfarera contemporánea confluyen interesantes factores patrimoniales, artísticos, sociales y antropológicos; por lo que pueden hacer de este trabajo una interesante aportación para sus Jornadas de Investigación y Turismo.The aim of my work can be focused in a complete review about the world of pottery from an scientific and transversal perspective, based on my own experiences. My objective is to reestablish according to the expressive and performative possibilities of pottery, together with an analysis of the artistic, poetic, socio cultural, ethic and touristic contributions in modern society (second half of 20th century ­ present day) We will use the as a frame the experience and history of Tito Workshop (Juan Martinez Villacañas, 1945) in Ubeda as an example of changes occurred in this sector and the metamorphosis this art has suffered from the second half of the 20th century. This artisan, awarded with the National Prize, will provide us with his hypothetical contribution to this world, together with his adaptation and exploitation of touristic resources. We have a very high consideration for this work, as there is scarce bibliography on the topic, together with the biased (taken from non connected economic, touristic or anthropological views) perspective of former works. All this represents a handicap in order to achieve a contextualized comprehension of such an important artistic and touristic phenomenon in our society. We firmly believe that many interesting heritage, artistic social and anthropological values, giving this project an interesting contribution to your Investigation and Tourism Symposium

    Analysis of the geometric parameters influence in PCB fixtures for 2D multipole magnetization patterning of thin layer micro-magnets

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    Magnetic actuators, magnetic gears, vibrational energy harvesters and other micro-electromagnetic devices requires micro-magnetic rotors with alternant magnetizations to optimize their performance. Different approaches have been used for multipole magnetization of micro-magnets like fixed micro-fixtures, thermomagnetic patterning or laser machining. The main limitation of the previous techniques is that the inversion of the magnetic polarizations is only partially done. In this work, a concept based on 2D multipole magnetization printing of micro-magnets is proposed and analyzed to overcome current limitations. The fixtures are designed to be printed on a standard 35 μm PCB. The dependence of the magnetizing field with respect to the geometrical parameter of the fixture is analyzed. Maps of the required current for the magnetizing fields are also given. Some design recommendations to optimize the magnetizing field and to minimize current, thus the heat, are given.Universidad de Alcal

    Experiencias del trabajo colegiado en la Universidad Autónoma de Nayarit: una mirada desde las academias

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    El presente trabajo realiza una reflexión acerca del trabajo colaborativo de las academias y su experiencia de trabajo, acerca de diversos tópicos y su importancia para la capacitación y formación del docente, Se concluye que un porcentaje significativo de docentes que participan en academias realizando el trabajo colegiado, requieren actualización disciplinar o capacitación pedagógico didáctica en instrumentos de evaluación, elaboración de  reactivos y de material didáctico, así como sobre instrumentos y cuestiones relacionadas con la evaluación de los estudiantes

    Effects of oral capsaicinoids and capsinoids supplementation on resistance and high intensity interval training: A systematic review of randomized controlled trials

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    Oral capsaicinoids and capsinoids supplementation has been studied recently for a plausible ergogenic impact on sports performance. However, non-aggregated literature has focused on the impact of this substances in healthy humans’ performance. The aim of the present systematic review was to explore the effects of capsaicinoids and capsinoids on resistance training (RT) and HIIT exercise. Studies searches were performed in the PubMed/MEDLINE, Scopus and Web of Science electronic databases. Studies where healthy subjects consumed capsaicinoids or capsinoids acutely or chronically compared to placebo before a RT or HIIT intervention were included. The methodological quality of the included studies was assessed with PEDro checklist. A total of 7 excellent-good quality placebo-controlled trials (i.e., 5 RT and 2 HIIT experiments) were included. The most prevalent protocol used capsaicin (i.e., 6 capsacin and 1 capsiate studies) and acute (i.e., 5 of 7 interventions) supplementation designs. Positive effects were only noted for capsaicin in repetitions until failure (+14.4 to +21.7%), total weight lifted (+13.0 to +23.3%), perceived effort (-6.4%), fatigue index (+15.0%) and peak torque (+6.1%) compared to placebo. Neuromuscular HIIT variables (e.g., total and medium sprint time) were not highly affected by capsaicin except the time to reach 90% VO2 peak (+61.2%) and the number of efforts performed (+14.7%). Collectively, our findings suggest a positive effect of 12 mg of capsaicin on strength endurance, total weight lifted and perceived effort variables in healthy males after acute (i.e., 45 minutes pre-exercise) supplementation

    Miniaturized high gain flexible spiral antenna tested in human-like tissue

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    A miniaturized helical antenna is presented in this work. The antenna is flexible, it is 6100 μm long and it has a diameter of 352 μm. This antenna has such a small cross-section, that permits to be implanted in the human body with fine syringes and minimally invasive surgeries. The antenna can be used to receive power and/or send information in medical devices. The antenna is made of biocompatible materials: polytetrafluoroethylene (PFTE) and copper. The fundamental parameters of the antenna have been simulated and experimentally measured in animal human-like tissues, showing good agreement. The resonant frequency of the antenna is 4.7 GHz, with a reflection coefficient of −25.1 dB, and a gain of −4.7 dBi. As expected, the resonant frequency decreases inside biological tissues comparing to the free-space open-air measurement. Reducing the resonant frequency is an advantage because power signals can penetrate deeper into body tissues

    Model-based systems engineering applied to trade-off analysis of wireless power transfer technologies for implanted biomedical microdevices

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    Decision-making is an important part of human life and particularly in any engineering process related to a complex product. New sensors and actuators based on MEMS technologies are increasingly complex and quickly evolving into products. New biomedical implanted devices may benefit from system engineering approaches, previously reserved to very large projects, and it is expected that this need will increase in the future. Here, we propose the application of Model Based Systems Engineering (MBSE) to systematize and optimize the trade-off analysis process. The criteria, their utility functions and the weighting factors are applied in a systematic way for the selection of the best alternative. Combining trade-off with MBSE allow us to identify the more suitable technology to be implemented to transfer energy to an implanted biomedical micro device.European Commissio

    La Nueva Escuela Institucional (NEI) y su aporte a la teoría de la organización

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    El análisis económico ortodoxo (economíaneoclásica) ha obviado algunos aspectos dentrodel análisis empresarial. Los procesos al interiorde la organización desaparecen en este análisis,solo para enfocarse en los inputs y outputs,es decir, en la economía neoclásica la empresase reduce a una caja negra de decisiones.La economía institucional brinda la oportunidadde abordar este vacío teórico al incluir aspectoscomo el análisis de los costos de transacción,las jerarquías, arreglos institucionales en generalentre otros elementos. El presente documentorealiza una revisión documental entorno a losaportes a la teoría organizacional de la escuelaneo-institucional

    Characterization of the ozone effect over an α-amylase from Bacillus licheniformis

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    Starch usually soils industrial process equipment, hence demanding specific washing procedures to ensure optimal products and reliable process performance. α-Amylases have been included in detergent formulations to hydrolyse starch making easier its elimination. Ozone is frequently used as disinfectant but could also help to remove the starchy soils improving the cleaning process. To study the effect of ozone on the enzyme, the ozonation of an α-amylase from Bacillus licheniformis at pH 7.5 and 25°C was carried out. Enzyme activity assays showed that the relative α-amylase activity after ozonation decreased with increasing ozone/enzyme molar ratio exponentially. On the other hand, the ozone concentration after the reaction was negligible as some enzymatic activity remained, being the ozone consumption fast due to the high reaction kinetics of aromatic and sulfur-containing amino acids residues of the enzyme. The UV and MALDI-TOF mass spectra confirmed the oxidation of these amino acids, while the peptide bonds were unaffected. Therefore the loss of the α-amylase activity observed would be caused by the oxidation of amino acids residues directly involved in the hydrolysis mechanism such as tyrosine and histidine and/or by denaturation of the enzyme upon amino acid residues oxidation.Grupos de Investigación RNM332 y TEP21

    Concurrent Training Increases Serum Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor in Older Adults Regardless of the Exercise Frequency

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    Background: Human brain function declines with aging. In this sense, exercise-based interventions has a promising effect on brain plasticity for older adults. Serum brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) is a positive biomarker for brain neuroplasticity in healthy older adults also modified by exercise training. Selected features of the exercise prescription for improving brain health are missing; therefore, the aim of this study was to determine the effects of concurrent exercise training frequency on serum BDNF levels in healthy older adults. Methods: Nineteen volunteers (age: 65 ± 4 year; body mass index: 28.0 ± 4.5 kg/m2) completed either a three times/week (3-t/w) (n = 8) or five times/week (5-t/w) (n = 11) concurrent exercise program. The exercise program lasted 11 weeks and all exercise sessions were performed for 50 min at moderate intensity. Serum BDNF, body composition, cardiovascular, and physical fitness variables were assessed before and after the exercise training program. Results: Regardless of the group, the serum BDNF increased following the intervention (p < 0.001), and there were no significant group (p = 0.827) or interaction (p = 0.063) effects. The maximal oxygen consumption (VO2max) increased regardless of the group (p = 0.007), with a non-significant group (p = 0.722) or interaction (p = 0.223) effects. Upper- and lower-body strength increased in both groups (p = 0.003); however, there was no effect of the training frequency (p = 0.53). For the skeletal muscle mass, there was a trend in the interaction effect (p = 0.053). Finally, the body fat percentage was unchanged. Conclusion: Eleven weeks of combined exercise training increased serum BDNF levels in healthy older adults, a response independent of the training frequency. The overall fitness level improved similarly in both exercise groups. These data reveal that a minimal dosage of concurrent exercise enhance functional capacity and a brain health biomarker in older adults