28 research outputs found

    New peptides under the s(ORF)ace of the genome

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    Hundreds of previously unidentified functional small peptides could exist in most genomes, but these sequences have been generally overlooked. The discovery of genes encoding small peptides with important functions in different organisms, has ignited the interest in these sequences, and led to an increasing amount of effort towards their identification. Here, we review the advances, both, computational, and biochemical, that are leading the way in the discovery of putatively functional smORFs, as well as the functional studies that have been carried out as a consequence of these searches. The evidence suggests that smORFs form a substantial part of our genomes, and that their encoded peptides could have important functions in a variety of cellular function

    Control of Drosophila imaginal disc development by rotund and roughened eye: differentially expressed transcripts of the same gene encoding functionally distinct zinc finger proteins

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    The Drosophila rotund gene is required in the wings, antenna, haltere, proboscis and legs. A member of the Rac family of GTPases, denoted the rotund racGAP gene, was previously identified in the rotund region. However, previous studies indicated that rotund racGAP was not responsible for the rotund phenotypes and that the rotund gene had yet to be identified. We have isolated the rotund gene and show that it is a member of the Kruppel family of zinc finger genes. The adjacent roughened eye locus specifically affects the eye and is genetically separable from rotund. However, roughened eye and rotund are tightly linked, and we have therefore also isolated the roughened eye transcript. Intriguingly, we show that roughened eye is part of the rotund gene but is represented by a different transcript. The rotund and roughened eye transcripts result from the utilization of two different promoters that direct expression in non-overlapping domains in the larval imaginal discs. The predicted Rotund and Roughened Eye proteins share the same C-terminal region, including the zinc finger domain, but differ in their N-terminal regions. Each cDNA can rescue only the corresponding mutation and show negative effects when expressed in each others domain of expression. These results indicate that in addition to the differential expression of rotund and roughened eye, their proteins have distinct activities. rotund and roughened eye act downstream of early patterning genes such as dachshund and appear to be involved in Notch signaling by regulating Delta, scabrous and Serrate

    Dioxin Toxicity In Vivo Results from an Increase in the Dioxin-Independent Transcriptional Activity of the Aryl Hydrocarbon Receptor

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    The Aryl hydrocarbon receptor (Ahr) is the nuclear receptor mediating the toxicity of dioxins -widespread and persistent pollutants whose toxic effects include tumor promotion, teratogenesis, wasting syndrome and chloracne. Elimination of Ahr in mice eliminates dioxin toxicity but also produces adverse effects, some seemingly unrelated to dioxin. Thus the relationship between the toxic and dioxin-independent functions of Ahr is not clear, which hampers understanding and treatment of dioxin toxicity. Here we develop a Drosophila model to show that dioxin actually increases the in vivo dioxin-independent activity of Ahr. This hyperactivation resembles the effects caused by an increase in the amount of its dimerisation partner Ahr nuclear translocator (Arnt) and entails an increased transcriptional potency of Ahr, in addition to the previously described effect on nuclear translocation. Thus the two apparently different functions of Ahr, dioxin-mediated and dioxin-independent, are in fact two different levels (hyperactivated and basal, respectively) of a single function

    Description of the exposure of the most-followed spanish instamom's children to social medias

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    There is evidence of the risk of overexposure of children on social networks by parents working as influencers. A cross-sectional study of the profiles of the sixteen most-followed Instamoms in Spain was carried out. An analysis of these profiles was performed over a full month (April 2022), three times a week, to describe the representation of influencers’ children in the posts shared by them, as well as their role in the Instamoms’ marketing. A total of 192 evaluations of the profiles were performed in the study period. The average number of children exposed by an Instamom was three, generally preschoolers and schoolchildren. The children appear in a context of the family home and accompanied by their mother. The type of advertising that accompanies the appearance of underage children is usually women or children’s clothing, but also food products, leisure, etc. Appearance of children in the posts had a statistically significant influence on followers measured by the number of likes. Results provided the identification of two Instamom clusters with differentiated behaviors in relation to appearance of children in posts. It is important to involve Social Pediatrics in the protection of the privacy and interests of children given the increase in sharenting. The authors believe that there are concerns about their explicit consent to public exposure from early childhood and about the medium and long-term effect that this may have on their future well-being

    Accepting splicing systems with permitting and forbidding words

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    Abstract: In this paper we propose a generalization of the accepting splicingsystems introduced in Mitrana et al. (Theor Comput Sci 411:2414?2422,2010). More precisely, the input word is accepted as soon as a permittingword is obtained provided that no forbidding word has been obtained sofar, otherwise it is rejected. Note that in the new variant of acceptingsplicing system the input word is rejected if either no permitting word isever generated (like in Mitrana et al. in Theor Comput Sci 411:2414?2422,2010) or a forbidding word has been generated and no permitting wordhad been generated before. We investigate the computational power ofthe new variants of accepting splicing systems and the interrelationshipsamong them. We show that the new condition strictly increases thecomputational power of accepting splicing systems. Although there areregular languages that cannot be accepted by any of the splicing systemsconsidered here, the new variants can accept non-regular and even non-context-free languages, a situation that is not very common in the case of(extended) finite splicing systems without additional restrictions. We alsoshow that the smallest class of languages out of the four classes definedby accepting splicing systems is strictly included in the class of context-free languages. Solutions to a few decidability problems are immediatelyderived from the proof of this result

    Hemotin, a regulator of phagocytosis encoded by a small ORF and xonserved across metazoans

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    Translation of hundreds of small ORFs (smORFs) of less than 100 amino acids has recently been revealed in vertebrates and Drosophila. Some of these peptides have essential and conserved cellular functions. In Drosophila, we have predicted a particular smORF class encoding ~80 aa hydrophobic peptides, which may function in membranes and cell organelles. Here, we characterise hemotin, a gene encoding an 88aa transmembrane smORF peptide localised to early endosomes in Drosophila macrophages. hemotin regulates endosomal maturation during phagocytosis by repressing the cooperation of 14-3-3ζ with specific phosphatidylinositol (PI) enzymes. hemotin mutants accumulate undigested phagocytic material inside enlarged endo-lysosomes and as a result, hemotin mutants have reduced ability to fight bacteria, and hence, have severely reduced life span and resistance to infections. We identify Stannin, a peptide involved in organometallic toxicity, as the Hemotin functional homologue in vertebrates, showing that this novel regulator of phagocytic processing is widely conserved, emphasizing the significance of smORF peptides in cell biology and disease

    Classification and function of small open reading frames

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    Small open reading frames (smORFs) of 100 codons or fewer are usually - if arbitrarily - excluded from proteome annotations. Despite this, the genomes of many metazoans, including humans, contain millions of smORFs, some of which fulfil key physiological functions. Recently, the transcriptome of Drosophila melanogaster was shown to contain thousands of smORFs of different classes that actively undergo translation, which produces peptides of mostly unknown function. Here, we present a comprehensive analysis of smORFs in flies, mice and humans. We propose the existence of several functional classes of smORFs, ranging from inert DNA sequences to transcribed and translated cis-regulators of translation and peptides with a propensity to function as regulators of membrane-associated proteins, or as components of ancient protein complexes in the cytoplasm. We suggest that the different smORF classes could represent steps in gene, peptide and protein evolution. Our analysis introduces a distinction between different peptide-coding classes of smORFs in animal genomes, and highlights the role of model organisms for the study of small peptide biology in the context of development, physiology and human disease

    Proximal-distal leg development in Drosophila requires the apterous gene and the lim 1 homogue dlim1

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    Proximal-distal leg development in Drosophila involves a battery of genes expressed and required in specific proximal-distal (PD) domains of the appendage. Here we report the characterisation of a new gene of this type, dlim 1, a member of the Lhx family of genes whose proteins contain two Lim domains and a homeodomain. We show that the Lhx gene apterous (ap) is also required for PD leg development, and we study the functional interactions between ap, dlim1 and other PD genes during leg development. Our results show that a regulatory network formed by ap and dlim1 plus the homeobox genes aristaless and Bar specifies distal leg cell fates in Drosophila

    Evolution of nubbin function in hemimetabolous and holometabolous insect appendages

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    AbstractInsects display a whole spectrum of morphological diversity, which is especially noticeable in the organization of their appendages. A recent study in a hemipteran, Oncopeltus fasciatus (milkweed bug), showed that nubbin (nub) affects antenna morphogenesis, labial patterning, the length of the femoral segment in legs, and the formation of a limbless abdomen. To further determine the role of this gene in the evolution of insect morphology, we analyzed its functions in two additional hemimetabolous species, Acheta domesticus (house cricket) and Periplaneta americana (cockroach), and re-examined its role in Drosophila melanogaster (fruit fly). While both Acheta and Periplaneta nub-RNAi first nymphs develop crooked antennae, no visible changes are observed in the morphologies of their mouthparts and abdomen. Instead, the main effect is seen in legs. The joint between the tibia and first tarsomere (Ta-1) is lost in Acheta, which in turn, causes a fusion of these two segments and creates a chimeric nub-RNAi tibia–tarsus that retains a tibial identity in its proximal half and acquires a Ta-1 identity in its distal half. Similarly, our re-analysis of nub function in Drosophila reveals that legs lack all true joints and the fly tibia also exhibits a fused tibia and tarsus. Finally, we observe a similar phenotype in Periplaneta except that it encompasses different joints (coxa–trochanter and femur–tibia), and in this species we also show that nub expression in the legs is regulated by Notch signaling, as had previously been reported in flies and spiders. Overall, we propose that nub acts downstream of Notch on the distal part of insect leg segments to promote their development and growth, which in turn is required for joint formation. Our data represent the first functional evidence defining a role for nub in leg segmentation and highlight the varying degrees of its involvement in this process across insects

    Control of Drosophila imaginal disc development by rotund and roughened eye: differentially expressed transcripts of the same gene encoding distinct zinc finger proteins

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    The Drosophila rotund gene is required in the wings, antenna, haltere, proboscis and legs. A member of the Rac family of GTPases, denoted the rotund racGAP gene, was previously identified in the rotund region. However, previous studies indicated that rotund racGAP was not responsible for the rotund phenotypes and that the rotund gene had yet to be identified. We have isolated the rotund gene and show that it is a member of the Krppel family of zinc finger genes. The adjacent roughened eye locus specifically affects the eye and is genetically separable from rotund. However, roughened eye and rotund are tightly linked, and we have therefore also isolated the roughened eye transcript. Intriguingly, we show that roughened eye is part of the rotund gene but is represented by a different transcript. The rotund and roughened eye transcripts result from the utilization of two different promoters that direct expression in non-overlapping domains in the larval imaginal discs. The predicted Rotund and Roughened Eye proteins share the same C-terminal region, including the zinc finger domain, but differ in their N-terminal regions. Each cDNA can rescue only the corresponding mutation and show negative effects when expressed in each others domain of expression. These results indicate that in addition to the differential expression of rotund and roughened eye, their proteins have distinct activities. rotund and roughened eye act downstream of early patterning genes such as dachshund and appear to be involved in Notch signaling by regulating Delta, scabrous and Serrate