108 research outputs found

    Stabilization of p21 by mTORC1/4E-BP1 predicts clinical outcome of head and neck cancers

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    The levels, regulation and prognostic value of p21 in head and neck squamous cell carcinomas (HNSCC) has been puzzling for years. Here, we report a new mechanism of regulation of p21 by the mTORC1/4E-BP1 pathway. We find that non-phosphorylated 4E-BP1 interacts with p21 and induces its degradation. Accordingly, hyper-activation of mTORC1 results in phosphorylation of 4E-BP1 and stabilization of p21. In HNSCC, p21 levels strongly correlate with mTORC1 activity but not with p53 status. Finally, clinical data indicate that HNSCC patients with p21 and phospho-S6-double-positive tumours present a better disease-specific survival. We conclude that over-activation of the mTORC1/4E-BP1/p21 pathway is a frequent and clinically relevant alteration in HNSCC.We are grateful to Reidar Grenman, Silvio Gutkind, Nahum Sonenberg, Gordon Peters, David Sabatini and Mariano Barbacid for sharing critical reagents. We also thank Aurora Astudillo, Aitana Vallina, Laura Alonso-Dura ́n and Eva Allonca for excellent technical assistance. Work in the laboratory of M.S. is funded by the CNIO and by grants from the Spanish Ministry of Economy (SAF) co-funded by the European Regional Development Fund, the European Research Council (ERC Advanced Grant), the Regional Government of Madrid co-funded by the European Social Fund, the Botin Foundation and BancoSantander (Santander Universities Global Division), the Ramon Areces Foundation an the AXA Foundation. Work in the laboratory of J.M.G.-P. and J.P.R. was supported bygrants from Plan Nacional de DþI 2013–2016 ISCIII (CP13/00013 andPI13/00259),RD12/0036/0015 of Red Tematica de Investigacio ́n Cooperativa en Cancer (RTICC), Spain and the FEDER Funding Program from the European UnionS

    High Throughput Screening for Inhibitors of Alpha-Galactosidase

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    Fabry disease is a rare X-linked lysosomal storage disorder caused by a deficiency in α-galactosidase A (GLA), which catalyzes the hydrolysis of terminal α-galactosyl groups from glycosphingolipids, such as globotriaosylceramide (Gb3). Many of the mutations in the GLA gene are missense alterations that cause misfolding, decreased stability, and/or mistrafficking of this protein. Small molecule compounds that correct the misfolding and mistrafficking, or activate the mutant enzyme, may be useful in the treatment of Fabry disease. We have screened a library of approximately 230,000 compounds using preparations of human recombinant protein and purified coffee bean enzyme in an effort to find activators and inhibitors of this enzyme. Lansoprazole was identified as a small molecule inhibitor of GLA derived from coffee beans (IC50 = 6.4 μM), but no inhibitors or activators were identified for the human enzyme. The screening results indicate that human GLA is a difficult target for small molecule inhibition or activation

    The function of phosphatidylinositol 5-phosphate 4-kinase γ (PI5P4Kγ) explored using a specific inhibitor that targets the PI5P-binding site.

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    NIH-12848 (NCGC00012848-02), a putative phosphatidylinositol 5-phosphate 4-kinase γ (PI5P4Kγ) inhibitor, was explored as a tool for investigating this enigmatic, low activity, lipid kinase. PI5P4K assays in vitro showed that NIH-12848 inhibited PI5P4Kγ with an IC50 of approximately 1 μM but did not inhibit the α and β PI5P4K isoforms at concentrations up to 100 μM. A lack of inhibition of PI5P4Kγ ATPase activity suggested that NIH-12848 does not interact with the enzyme's ATP-binding site and direct exploration of binding using hydrogen-deuterium exchange (HDX)-MS (HDX-MS) revealed the putative PI5P-binding site of PI5P4Kγ to be the likely region of interaction. This was confirmed by a series of mutation experiments which led to the identification of a single PI5P4Kγ amino acid residue that can be mutated to its PI5P4Ks α and β homologue to render PI5P4Kγ resistant NIH-12848 inhibition. NIH-12848 (10 μM) was applied to cultured mouse principal kidney cortical collecting duct (mpkCCD) cells which, we show, express PI5P4Kγ that increases when the cells grow to confluence and polarize. NIH-12848 inhibited the translocation of Na⁺/K⁺-ATPase to the plasma membrane that occurs when mpkCCD cells grow to confluence and also prevented reversibly their forming of 'domes' on the culture dish. Both these NIH-12848-induced effects were mimicked by specific RNAi knockdown of PI5P4Kγ, but not that of PI5P4Ks α or β. Overall, the data reveal a probable contribution of PI5P4Kγ to the development and maintenance of epithelial cell functional polarity and show that NIH-12848 is a potentially powerful tool for exploring the cell physiology of PI5P4Ks.J.H.C was supported by the MRC (Grant RG64071), M-L.G. by the BBSRC (Grant RG65394), and J.H.B. by the BHF (Grant PG11/109/29247).This is the final version of the article. It first appeared from the Biochemical Society via http://dx.doi.org/10.1042/BJ2014133

    High Throughput Screening for Small Molecule Therapy for Gaucher Disease Using Patient Tissue as the Source of Mutant Glucocerebrosidase

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    Gaucher disease (GD), the most common lysosomal storage disorder, results from the inherited deficiency of the lysosomal enzyme glucocerebrosidase (GCase). Previously, wildtype GCase was used for high throughput screening (HTS) of large collections of compounds to identify small molecule chaperones that could be developed as new therapies for GD. However, the compounds identified from HTS usually showed reduced potency later in confirmatory cell-based assays. An alternate strategy is to perform HTS on mutant enzyme to identify different lead compounds, including those enhancing mutant enzyme activities. We developed a new screening assay using enzyme extract prepared from the spleen of a patient with Gaucher disease with genotype N370S/N370S. In tissue extracts, GCase is in a more native physiological environment, and is present with the native activator saposin C and other potential cofactors. Using this assay, we screened a library of 250,000 compounds and identified novel modulators of mutant GCase including 14 new lead inhibitors and 30 lead activators. The activities of some of the primary hits were confirmed in subsequent cell-based assays using patient-derived fibroblasts. These results suggest that primary screening assays using enzyme extracted from tissues is an alternative approach to identify high quality, physiologically relevant lead compounds for drug development

    Development of an Aryloxazole Class of Hepatitis C Virus Inhibitors Targeting the Entry Stage of the Viral Replication Cycle

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    Reliance on hepatitis C virus (HCV) replicon systems and protein-based screening assays has led to treatments that target HCV viral replication proteins. The model does not encompass other viral replication cycle steps such as entry, processing, assembly and secretion, or viral host factors. We previously applied a phenotypic high-throughput screening platform based on an infectious HCV system and discovered an aryloxazole-based anti-HCV hit. Structure– activity relationship studies revealed several compounds exhibiting EC50 values below 100 nM. Lead compounds showed inhibition of the HCV pseudoparticle entry, suggesting a different mode of action from existing HCV drugs. Hit 7a and lead 7ii both showed synergistic effects in combination with existing HCV drugs. In vivo pharmacokinetics studies of 7ii showed high liver distribution and long half-life without obvious hepatotoxicity. The lead compounds are promising as preclinical candidates for the treatment of HCV infection and as molecular probes to study HCV pathogenesis

    High-Throughput Screening, Discovery, and Optimization to Develop a Benzofuran Class of Hepatitis C Virus Inhibitors

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    Using a high-throughput, cell-based HCV luciferase reporter assay to screen a diverse small-molecule compound collection (~300 000 compounds), we identified a benzofuran compound class of HCV inhibitors. The optimization of the benzofuran scaffold led to the identification of several exemplars with potent inhibition (EC50 25 µM), and excellent selectivity (selective index = CC50/EC50, > 371-fold). The structure–activity studies culminated in the design and synthesis of a 45-compound library to comprehensively explore the anti-HCV activity. The identification, design, synthesis, and biological characterization for this benzofuran series is discussed

    Pharmacokinetic evaluation of the PNC disassembler metarrestin in wild-type and Pdx1-Cre;LSL-KrasG12D/+;Tp53R172H/+ (KPC) mice, a genetically engineered model of pancreatic cancer

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    This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.Purpose Metarrestin is a first-in-class small molecule clinical candidate capable of disrupting the perinucleolar compartment, a subnuclear structure unique to metastatic cancer cells. This study aims to define the pharmacokinetic (PK) profile of metarrestin and the pharmacokinetic/pharmacodynamic relationship of metarrestin-regulated markers. Methods PK studies included the administration of single or multiple dose of metarrestin at 3, 10, or 25 mg/kg via intravenous (IV) injection, gavage (PO) or with chow to wild-type C57BL/6 mice and KPC mice bearing autochthonous pancreatic tumors. Metarrestin concentrations were analyzed by UPLC–MS/MS. Pharmacodynamic assays included mRNA expression profiling by RNA-seq and qRT-PCR for KPC mice. Results Metarrestin had a moderate plasma clearance of 48 mL/min/kg and a large volume of distribution of 17 L/kg at 3 mg/kg IV in C57BL/6 mice. The oral bioavailability after single-dose (SD) treatment was > 80%. In KPC mice treated with SD 25 mg/kg PO, plasma AUC0–∞ of 14400 ng h/mL, Cmax of 810 ng/mL and half-life (t1/2) of 8.5 h were observed. At 24 h after SD of 25 mg/kg PO, the intratumor concentration of metarrestin was high with a mean value of 6.2 µg/g tissue (or 13 µM), well above the cell-based IC50 of 0.4 µM. At multiple dose (MD) 25 mg/kg/day PO in KPC mice, mean tissue/plasma AUC0–24h ratio for tumor, spleen and liver was 37, 30 and 31, respectively. There was a good linear relationship of dosage to AUC0–24h and C24h. AUC0–24h MD to AUC0–24h SD ratios ranged from two for liver to five for tumor indicating additional accumulation in tumors. Dose-dependent normalization of FOXA1 and FOXO6 mRNA expression was observed in KPC tumors. Conclusions Metarrestin is an effective therapeutic candidate with a favorable PK profile achieving excellent intratumor tissue levels in a disease with known poor drug delivery.Intramural Research Program (IRP) of the NIHNational Cancer InstituteCenter for Cancer Research (ZIA BC 011267

    Discovery and Optimization of Pyrrolopyrimidine Derivatives as Selective Disruptors of the Perinucleolar Compartment, a Marker of Tumor Progression toward Metastasis

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    This document is the Accepted Manuscript version of a Published Work that appeared in final form in Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, Copyright © 2022 American Chemical Society after peer review and technical editing by the publisher. To access the final edited and published work see https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.jmedchem.2c00204.The perinucleolar compartment (PNC) is a dynamic subnuclear body found at the periphery of the nucleolus. The PNC is enriched with RNA transcripts and RNA-binding proteins, reflecting different states of genome organization. PNC prevalence positively correlates with cancer progression and metastatic capacity, making it a useful marker for metastatic cancer progression. A high-throughput, high-content assay was developed to identify novel small molecules that selectively reduce PNC prevalence in cancer cells. We identified and further optimized a pyrrolopyrimidine series able to reduce PNC prevalence in PC3M cancer cells at submicromolar concentrations without affecting cell viability. Structure–activity relationship exploration of the structural elements necessary for activity resulted in the discovery of several potent compounds. Analysis of in vitro drug-like properties led to the discovery of the bioavailable analogue, metarrestin, which has shown potent antimetastatic activity with improved survival in rodent models and is currently being evaluated in a first-in-human phase 1 clinical trial