1,386 research outputs found

    Semiotic analysis of brand values represented in branded content format in Spanish advertising festivals

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    La publicidad actual se enfrenta al desafío de conectar con un público que, gracias a los avances tecnológicos, consigue omitir los espacios publicitarios. El auge de fórmulas publicitarias como el branded content demuestra la capacidad de esta herramienta para superar dichas barreras y comunicar los valores de las marcas publicitadas. El objetivo principal de este artículo es estudiar este formato desde una perspectiva semiótica utilizando el mapping semiótico de los valores del consumo de Semprini (1995). A través de una muestra de piezas publicitarias premiadas en la categoría branded content de festivales publicitarios españoles se aprecia que el modelo propuesto es de gran utilidad. Los resultados también sugieren importantes implicaciones para el desarrollo conceptual del branded content.Nowadays, advertising faces the challenge of connecting with an audience that, due to technological advances, manages to omit advertising space. The rise of advertising formulas such as branded content demonstrates the ability of this tool to overcome these barriers and communicate the values of the brands advertised. The main objective of this article is to study this format from a semiotic perspective using the semiotic mapping of the Semprini consumption values (1995). Through a sample of 13 advertising pieces awarded in the branded content category of Spanish advertising festivals, it is revealed that the proposed model is very useful to analyze this tool. The results also suggest important implications for the conceptual development of the branded content tool related to the description of its defining features

    Chlorophyll content variability in different sugarbeet crop cultivars

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    Measurement of chlorophyll content with portable meters is an easy way to quantify crop nutrient status, but meter readings are affected by different factors (Martinez and Guiamet, 2004), among which cultivar plays an important role (Chapman and Barreto, 1997). The aim of this work was to study the effect of crop cultivar on chlorophyll readings and to study the relationship of chlorophyll content with yield, quality and other eco-physiological and biochemical parameter

    Nitrogen fertilization effect on sugarbeet crop yield and quality

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    Nitrogen is an essential element in sugarbeet crop growth and yield. However, overfertilization may increase input costs and reduce root quality and sugar production efficiency (Gordo, 2003). Moreover, excess nitrogen causes environmental impacts, so an improved N management is essential to achieve crop sustainability. The aim of this work was to study the effect of nitrogen fertilization on sugarbeet crop yield and quality in the North cultivation zone of Spain

    Railway accident from Santiago de Compostela: communication crisis management since the beginning

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    El estudio versa sobre el análisis de la gestión informativa del accidente de tren de Santiago. El objetivo principal se basa en determinar el impacto en la imagen del gobierno generada en la prensa. El artículo se compone de dos elementos: las recomendaciones tácticas necesarias para generar efectos positivos en la imagen de las instituciones y las valoraciones emitidas en los mensajes periodísticos de las actuaciones del gobierno de España. Esta investigación ha sido abordada con el método deductivo, mediante fuentes primarias. El contenido noticioso ha sido extraído de los diarios digitales El País, El Mundo, ABC y La Vanguardia, en su edición 2013. Estos medios han permitido construir un relato de los hechos que tienen lugar tras el descarrilamiento y evaluar las noticias publicadas. Éstas han sido seleccionadas en función a la relación que guardan con el objeto y los objetivos presentados y se les ha asignado un valor positivo, negativo o neutro en relación con la forma cómo interaccionan con la imagen del ejecutivo. Tras un análisis previo de 388 publicaciones, se llega a la conclusión de que la gestión de crisis del gobierno español es correcta en sus inicios.O estudo trata da análise da gestão da informação do acidente de trem em Santiago. O objetivo principal é baseado na determinação do impacto na imagem do governo gerado na imprensa. O artigo é composto de dois elementos: as recomendações táticas necessárias para gerar efeitos positivos sobre a imagem das instituições e as avaliações emitidas nas mensagens jornalísticas das ações do governo da Espanha. Esta pesquisa foi abordada com o método dedutivo, utilizando fontes primárias. O conteúdo das notícias foi extraído dos jornais digitais El País, El Mundo, ABC e La Vanguardia, em sua edição de 2013. Esses meios nos permitiram construir um relato dos eventos que acontecem após o descarrilamento e avaliar as notícias publicadas. Estes foram selecionados com base na relação que eles têm com o objeto e os objetivos apresentados e lhes foi atribuído um valor positivo, negativo ou neutro em relação a como eles interagem com a imagem do executivo. Após uma análise prévia de 388 publicações, conclui-se que a gestão de crises do governo espanhol está correta em seus primórdios.The article deals with the analysis about the information management of the train accident happened in Santiago. The objective consists in get to know what the corporative answers of crisis managers are and the effects these answers can generate into the press. The article is composed by two elements: the tactics recommendations which are needed to generate positive effects into the corporate image and the ratings issued in journalistic messages about the actions of the government of Spain. This investigation has been made by the inductive method, through secondary sources. The news content has been extracted from the digital daily El País, El Mundo, ABC and La Vanguardia, edition 2013. These media have allowed constructing a narrative of events that take place after the derailment and evaluating published reports. They have been selected according to their relationship to the purpose and objectives presented and assigned a positive, negative and neutral value in relation to how they interact with the image of the government. After a previous analysis of 388 publications, we can get the conclusion that the crisis management from Spanish government was correct at the beginning

    Nitrogen fertilization effect on sugarbeet crop growth and radiation interception

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    Nitrogen is an essential element in crop growth, yield and quality, while, an improved N management must reduce potential environmental impact. Crop yield is highly correlated with the amount of solar radiation intercepted by the canopy during crop growth cycle, so foliage development is important for growth and yield (Malnou et al., 2006). The aim of this work is to study the effect of nitrogen fertilization on sugarbeet crop growth and radiation use efficiency and interception in a temperate cultivation zone

    Análisis semiótico de los valores de marca representados en el formato de branded content en los festivales publicitarios españoles

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    La publicidad actual se enfrenta al desafío de conectar con un público que, gracias a los avances tecnológicos, consigue omitir los espacios publicitarios. El auge de fórmulas publicitarias como el branded content demuestra la capacidad de esta herramienta para superar dichas barreras y comunicar los valores de las marcas publicitadas. El objetivo principal de este artículo es estudiar este formato desde una perspectiva semiótica utilizando el mapping semiótico de los valores del consumo de Semprini (1995). A través de una muestra de 13 piezas publicitarias premiadas en la categoría branded content de festivales publicitarios españoles se aprecia que el modelo propuesto es de gran utilidad para analizar dicha herramientaToday's advertising faces the challenge of connecting with an audience that, thanks to technological advances, manages to omit advertising spaces. The rise of advertising formulas such as branded content demonstrates the capacity of this tool to overcome these barriers and communicate the values of the brands being advertised. The main objective of this article is to study this format from a semiotic perspective using Semprini's (1995) semiotic mapping of consumer values. Through a sample of 13 advertising pieces awarded in the branded content category of Spanish advertising festivals, it can be seen that the proposed model is very useful for analysing this tool.Ciencias de la Comunicació

    A hybrid photogrammetry approach for archaeological sites: Block alignment issues in a case study (the Roman camp of A Cidadela)

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    This is the accepted manuscript of the following article: Arza-García, M., Gil-Docampo, M., & Ortiz-Sanz, J. (2019). A hybrid photogrammetry approach for archaeological sites: Block alignment issues in a case study (the Roman camp of A Cidadela). Journal Of Cultural Heritage. doi: 10.1016/j.culher.2019.01.001Photogrammetry is a cost-effective and versatile technique used for the threedimensional (3D) registration of archaeological heritage sites. Managing datasets of heterogeneous images in terms of camera type, elevation platform, position or acquisition time can now be addressed by structure from motion (SfM) software via bundle adjustment in a single block based on collinearity principles. This development enables new possibilities with regard to data completeness assurance for 3D documentation, even for complex sites with occlusive elements and hidden areas. However, hybrid photogrammetry in large datasets often requires multiple photogrammetric blocks that must be processed individually and subsequently aligned to obtain a unified point cloud. In this paper, we discuss the steps required to homogenize the information and the methods used to perform block alignment in these cases. A case study of low-altitude aerial photogrammetry with several cameras and platforms is presented for the Roman camp of A Cidadela in NW Spain as a representative example of an archaeological site that is difficult to survey using a single photogrammetric platform. The relatively large expanse of the area and the fact that it is partially covered by a protective structure constitute an ideal framework for the fusion of multiplatform imagery. The most accurate digital surface model (DSM) was obtained via point-based method fusion, during which subsets are aligned based on automatically extracted tie points (TPs) between the dense point clouds; however, point-based method fusion is very time consuming. When hardware capabilities allow, conducting the process in a single block is preferable, which is a noticeably more accurate procedure than independent block fusionThe study was supported by Xunta de Galicia under the "Financial aid for the consolidation and structure of competitive units of investigation in the universities of the University Galician System (2016-18)" grant Ref. ED431B 2016/030 and Ref. ED341D R2016/023. The authors thank all project partners and collaborators. We would especially like to thank Dr. Santiago Martínez, PhD, for the technical support and IRIS UAV Services S.L. for conducting the flightS

    Polar decomposition of the Mueller matrix: a polarimetric rule of thumb for square-profile surface structure recognition

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    In this research, the polar decomposition (PD) method is applied to experimental Mueller matrices (MMs) measured on two-dimensional microstructured surfaces. Polarization information is expressed through a set of parameters of easier physical interpretation. It is shown that evaluating the first derivative of the retardation parameter, δ, a clear indication of the presence of defects either built on or dug in the scattering flat surface (a silicon wafer in our case) can be obtained. Although the rule of thumb thus obtained is established through PD, it can be easily implemented on conventional surface polarimetry. These results constitute an example of the capabilities of the PD approach to MM analysis, and show a direct application in surface characterization

    On the usage of GRECOSAR: an orbital polarimetric SAR simulator of complex targets for vessel classification studies

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    This paper presents a synthetic aperture radar (SAR) simulator that is able to generate polarimetric SAR (POLSAR) and polarimetric inverse SAR data of complex targets. It solves the electromagnetic problem via high-frequency approximations, such as physical optics and the physical theory of diffraction, with notable computational efficiency. In principle, any orbital monostatic sensor working at any band, resolution, and operating mode can be modeled. To make simulations more realistic, the target’s bearing and speed are considered, and for the particular case of vessels, even the translational and rotational movements induced by the sea state. All these capabilities make the simulator a powerful tool for supplying large amounts of data with precise scenario information and for testing future sensor configurations. In this paper, the usefulness of the simulator on vessel classification studies is assessed. Several simulated polarimetric images are presented to analyze the potentialities of coherent target decompositions for classifying complex geometries, thus basing an operational algorithm. The limitations highlighted by the results suggest that other approaches, like POLSAR interferometry, should be explored.Peer Reviewe

    Herramienta de Simulación para el dimensionamiento de líneas ferroviarias electrificadas

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    Las necesidades del mercado del transporte actual exigen un incremento en la velocidad de circulación de los medios de transporte que realizan trayectos de media y larga distancia. Ésto, el compromiso con el medio ambiente y la saturación del espacio aéreo europeo, dejan ver el porqué del éxito actual de las líneas ferroviarias europeas de alta velocidad y en especial para las líneas de alta velocidad españolas con el titánico plan de inversiones que pronostica un futuro prometedor para este sector. Para alcanzar mayores prestaciones de forma más racional, económica y sistemática, se impone la utilización de herramientas de simulación, basadas en modelos matemáticos, que permitan simular el comportamiento del sistema de forma fiable y económica. Los requerimientos de los ferrocarriles hasta ahora permitía apoyarse en diseños veteranos totalmente probados, sin embargo hoy en día las exigencias son tales que para alcanzar el objetivo se deben utilizar herramientas informáticas dedicadas al estudio del comportamiento eléctrico. La herramienta de simulación, por tanto, permite el cálculo de las características técnicas de la electrificación obteniendo las magnitudes físicas necesarias para evaluar un funcionamiento correcto y dimensionar correctamente los elementos que lo componen