993 research outputs found
Do process innovations boost SMEs productivity growth?
In this paper we explore in depth the effect of process innovations on total factor productivity growth for small and medium enterprises (SMEs), taking into account the potential endogeneity problem that may be caused by self selection into these activities. First, we analyse whether the ex-ante most productive SMEs are those that start introducing process innovations; then, we test whether process innovations boost SMEs productivity growth using matching techniques to control for the possibility that selection into introducing process innovations may not be a random process. We use a sample of Spanish manufacturing SMEs for the period 1991-2002, drawn from the Encuesta sobre Estrategias Empresariales. Our results show that the introduction of process innovations by a first-time process innovator yields an extra productivity growth as compared to a non-process innovator, and that the life span of this extra productivity growth has an inverted U-shaped form. En este artículo se exploran los posibles efectos de la introducción de innovaciones de proceso en el crecimiento de la productividad de las pequeñas y medianas empresas (PYMES). Para ello se presta especial atención a la existencia de un problema de selección no aleatorio en la implementación de tales innovaciones. En primer lugar, se analiza si son aquellas empresas ex-ante más productivas las que introducen innovaciones de proceso. A continuación, se utilizan técnicas de matching para contrastar si la implementación de innovaciones de proceso acelera el crecimiento de la productividad de las PYMES. La utilización de técnicas de matching permite controlar la posible existencia de un proceso de selección no aleatorio en la implementación de innovaciones de proceso. El análisis empírico se lleva cabo usando una muestra de PYMES manufactureras españolas extraída de la Encuesta sobre Estrategias Empresariales. Nuestros resultados muestran que la implementación de innovaciones de proceso por parte de PYMES sin experiencia previa en la introducción de tales innovaciones, produce un crecimiento extra de la productividad de estas PYMES en comparación con el de aquellas PYMES que no implementan innovaciones de proceso. Adicionalmente, nuestros resultados sugieren la existencia de una relación en forma de U invertida entre el crecimiento extra de la productividad y el tiempo transcurrido desde la introducción de la innovación de proceso.innovaciones de proceso, PTF, dominancia estocástica, técnicas de matching. process innovations, TFP, stochastic dominance, matching techniques.
Information systems offshore outsourcing: a descriptive analysis
Purpose - The present paper has as its aim to deepen in the study of Information Systems Offshore Outsourcing, proposing three essential steps to make this decision: weighing up the advantages and risks of Offshore Outsourcing; analysing the taxonomy of this phenomenon; and determining its current geography.
Design/Methodology/Approach - With that objective in mind, it was decided to base the research work on the literature about this topic and the review of reports and statistics coming from different sources (consultants, the press, public institutions, etc.).
Findings - Offshore Outsourcing has grown vertiginously in recent years. Its advantages exceed even those of onshore outsourcing, though it also involves greater risks derived from the (cultural and physical) distance existing between customer and provider. Various types of services and customer-provider relationships hide under the umbrella of Offshore Outsourcing; i.e. it is not a homogeneous phenomenon. The main Offshore Outsourcing customers can be found in the USA and Europe, mainly in the UK but also in other countries such as Germany and France. As for provider firms, most of them are located in Asia −outstandingly in India but also in China and Russia. At present, there are important providers scattered in other continents as well.
Originality/Value - The conclusions suggest that the range of potential Offshore Outsourcing destinations must be widened and that the search for a provider cannot be based exclusively on cost savings; other considerations such as quality, security and proximity of the provider must also be taken into consideration. That is precisely the reason why the study of new countries like Spain as Offshore Outsourcing destinations is proposed
This paper tests the sunk costs explanation for hysteresis in exports using a sample of Spanish manufacturing firms for the period 1990-2000. The data are drawn from the Spanish Encuesta sobre Estrategias Empresariales. To obtain consistent estimates for sunk costs, we control for all other sources of persistence and use a dynamic random effects multivariate probit model that is estimated through pseudo simulated maximum-likelihood techniques. Our results support the sunk costs explanation for hysteresis. Furthermore, regional spillovers and some firm characteristics such as size, productivity or vertical and horizontal product differentiation are found to have a significant influence on the probability of exporting. El objetivo de este artículo es analizar el papel de los costes irrecuperables como factorexplicativo de la histéresis de las exportaciones. Para ello se hace uso de una muestra deempresas industriales españolas para el período 1999-2000, que proviene de la Encuestasobre Estrategias Empresariales. Con el objetivo de obtener estimaciones consistentespara los costes irrecuperables, controlamos por todas las posibles fuentes alternativas depersistencia y estimamos nuestro modelo usando técnicas de pseudo máximaverosimilitud simulada. Nuestros resultados confirman a los costes irrecuperables comocausante de la histéresis de las exportaciones. Adicionalmente, encontramos que lasexternalidades regionales y algunas características empresariales tales como tamaño,productividad o diferenciación horizontal y vertical tienen un impacto significativosobre la probabilidad de exportar.Histéresis de las exportaciones, costes irrecuperables, modelos dinámicos de elección discrecional hysteresis in trade, sunk costs, dynamic discrete choice models
Uns i altres en la cartografia de la narrativa breu medieval
Revision of a representative sample of short narrative in prose in order to detect, in the medieval cultural system, evidence of difference or diversity; likewise, the ways to portray the other one and to position literarily in front of it are revised. And all that
without considering if this other one was a Christian neighbour or a stranger, either in a cultural or spiritual way
Els escriptors finiseculars a la llar hispana i els fluents llindars d'un model d'interliterarietat
Aproximació a les relacions literàries catalanes-castellanes a la «fi de Segle», des de la recuperació de dades més generals i reconstructores de certs aspectes d’aquell
espectre fins a un cas concret —el de Caterina Albert i Paradís, Víctor Català, i el seu «vedat»—, exercici que pot ajudar a indagar sobre algun dels seus dobles vessants. En particular, s’interroga sobre l’abast de la combinatòria possible entre identitat i correspondències intel·lectuals i artístiques
ICT investment in Spanish SMEs of service and retail sectors. Is it determined by managers gender?
This study investigates the role of the entrepreneur’s gender on digitalization strategies undertaken by SMEs in the service and retail sectors. Specifically, we aim at testing how the gender of the entrepreneur may affect investment in software and equipment related to information and communication technologies (ICT). We use a sample of 1,041 Spanish businesses and estimate a bivariate probit model for these two decisions, controlling for other entrepreneurial and business characteristics. Results indicate a higher probability of male entrepreneurs to invest in software and ICT equipment, as compared to women. Furthermore, we find that entrepreneurial risk-taking and business’ innovation capabilities are important drivers for engaging in these two digitalisation strategies, regardless of the gender of the entrepreneur, and that entrepreneurial proactiveness is especially important for women entrepreneurs, since the positive impact of entrepreneurial proactiveness on the probability to engage in digitalisation strategies is stronger in women-led businesses.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech
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