861 research outputs found

    Entrepreneurship as seen by entrepreneurs in a developing country

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    Entrepreneurship in developed countries has been the focus of research in countless studies but very few studies have been dedicated to entrepreneurship in developing countries. Within an analysis of entrepreneurship in Latin America, this work focuses on Ecuador and its economic figures, along with the current situation in terms of research on entrepreneurship in the country. It was impossible for us to find nationwide studies about firm creation which have current Ecuadorean entrepreneurs as their direct target population. Hence our decision to collect the opinions of 132 entrepreneurs from all over Ecuador and ask them about the advantages and disadvantages of being an entrepreneur, both qualitatively and quantitatively. Their answers provided us not only with the basis to carry out descriptive statistics, correlation, factor, and cluster identification analyses but also to develop an explanatory model for the potential reduction of unemployment thanks to entrepreneurs’ characteristics


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    En esta tercera edición continuamos el análisis del Impuesto Adicional aplicable a los retiros efectivos sin establecimiento permanente que una persona sin domicilio o residencia en nuestro país efectúa desde una empresa chilena. Con este fin particular, recurrimos al enfoque metodológico relativo a las Modalidades del Impuesto, para reconocer y establecer el devengo y aplicación del Impuesto Adicional. Asimismo, el análisis contempla la aplicación del sistema de retención del Impuesto, cuyo deber de cumplimiento recae en el denominado agente retenedor. Para el análisis de la tributación de dichos retiros con fines metodológicos utilizamos un FUT Nocional, a tener presente al momento del retiro y cálculo de la retención, y un FUT Definitivo, a tener presente al término del ejercicio. También se introducen consideraciones a las partidas que deben considerarse retiradas de acuerdo a las normas de control del Art. 21 de la L.I.R. Para el desarrollo de las materias anotadas, se realiza una aplicación práctica del Impuesto Adicional sobre los retiros comentados

    The Tone from Above:The Effect of Communicating a Supportive Regulatory Strategy on Reporting Quality

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    In collaboration with the Authority for the Financial Markets in the Netherlands, we manipulate the content of official letters that instruct financial intermediaries to submit a mandatory self-assessment. As part of the Registered Report Process, we submitted our hypotheses, experimental procedure, and planned statistical analyses before data collection. We predicted that a request indicating a supportive regulatory attitude has a positive effect on reporting quality on average. We also predicted this effect to be stronger for small firms and for firms with a long-term orientation, and to become negative for firms with a short-term orientation. Planned analyses show that a supportive letter reduced reporting quality unless firms had a long-term orientation, supporting the moderating influence of time horizon, but providing no support for the expected average effect or for moderation by firm size

    Hot topics, urgent priorities, and ensuring success for racial/ethnic minority young investigators in academic pediatrics.

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    BackgroundThe number of racial/ethnic minority children will exceed the number of white children in the USA by 2018. Although 38% of Americans are minorities, only 12% of pediatricians, 5% of medical-school faculty, and 3% of medical-school professors are minorities. Furthermore, only 5% of all R01 applications for National Institutes of Health grants are from African-American, Latino, and American Indian investigators. Prompted by the persistent lack of diversity in the pediatric and biomedical research workforces, the Academic Pediatric Association Research in Academic Pediatrics Initiative on Diversity (RAPID) was initiated in 2012. RAPID targets applicants who are members of an underrepresented minority group (URM), disabled, or from a socially, culturally, economically, or educationally disadvantaged background. The program, which consists of both a research project and career and leadership development activities, includes an annual career-development and leadership conference which is open to any resident, fellow, or junior faculty member from an URM, disabled, or disadvantaged background who is interested in a career in academic general pediatrics.MethodsAs part of the annual RAPID conference, a Hot Topic Session is held in which the young investigators spend several hours developing a list of hot topics on the most useful faculty and career-development issues. These hot topics are then posed in the form of six "burning questions" to the RAPID National Advisory Committee (comprised of accomplished, nationally recognized senior investigators who are seasoned mentors), the RAPID Director and Co-Director, and the keynote speaker.Results/conclusionsThe six compelling questions posed by the 10 young investigators-along with the responses of the senior conference leadership-provide a unique resource and "survival guide" for ensuring the academic success and optimal career development of young investigators in academic pediatrics from diverse backgrounds. A rich conversation ensued on the topics addressed, consisting of negotiating for protected research time, career trajectories as academic institutions move away from an emphasis on tenure-track positions, how "non-academic" products fit into career development, racism and discrimination in academic medicine and how to address them, coping with isolation as a minority faculty member, and how best to mentor the next generation of academic physicians

    Mitochondrial Thioredoxin-Glutathione Reductase from Larval Taenia crassiceps (Cysticerci)

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    Mitochondrial thioredoxin-glutathione reductase was purified from larval Taenia crassiceps (cysticerci). The preparation showed NADPH-dependent reductase activity with either thioredoxin or GSSG, and was able to perform thiol/disulfide exchange reactions. At 25°C specific activities were 437 ± 27 mU mg−1 and 840 ± 49 mU mg−1 with thioredoxin and GSSG, respectively. Apparent Km values were 0.87 ± 0.04 μM, 41 ± 6 μM and 19 ± 10 μM for thioredoxin, GSSG and NADPH, respectively. Thioredoxin from eukaryotic sources was accepted as substrate. The enzyme reduced H2O2 in a NADPH-dependent manner, although with low catalytic efficiency. In the presence of thioredoxin, mitochondrial TGR showed a thioredoxin peroxidase-like activity. All disulfide reductase activities were inhibited by auranofin, suggesting mTGR is dependent on selenocysteine. The reductase activity with GSSG showed a higher dependence on temperature as compared with the DTNB reductase activity. The variation of the GSSG- and DTNB reductase activities on pH was dependent on the disulfide substrate. Like the cytosolic isoform, mTGR showed a hysteretic kinetic behavior at moderate or high GSSG concentrations, but it was less sensitive to calcium. The enzyme was able to protect glutamine synthetase from oxidative inactivation, suggesting that mTGR is competent to contend with oxidative stress

    Recuperación de agrosistemas degradados en la cuenca del lago de Cuitzeo (Michoagán, México): II. Control de Cárcavas.

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    II SIMPOSIO NACIONAL SOBRE CONTROL DE LA DEGRADACIÓN DE SUELOS. Universidad Autónoma de Madrid.{ESP}Con la participación de instituciones de investigación europeas y mejicanas concurrentes en el Proyecto REVOLSO/INCO (, se evaluó durante 3 años consecutivos, en la cuenca del Lago de Cuitzeo (Michoacán, Méjico), la construcción de pequeñas represas con neumáticos de desecho para la retención de azolves y control de cárcavas, producto del efecto erosivo del escurrimiento del agua de escorrentía producida por la compactación del suelo. La estabilización de taludes se realizó con veza (Vicia villosa), janamargo (V. sativa), pasto llorón (Eragrostis curvula), acacia (Acacia retinoides) y garrapata (Desmodium grahamii). Como resultados de estas medidas (basadas en el conocimiento de procesos de recuperación de suelos) se contribuye al mejoramiento de áreas productivas y se diminuye la erosión de las cárcavas, con lo cual se reduce el aporte de sedimentos a los cuerpos de agua y, en suma, se mejora el ambiente, aportándose soluciones de bajo costo que pueden romper el círculo vicioso erosión-pobreza.{ENG}Different European and Mexican institutions are collaborating in an international Project (named REVOLSO, INCO Program) working at the Cuitzeo Basin (Michoacán, Mexico). During 3 years the efficience of small dams built with tyres for the erosion control of gullies was assessed. Plant species tested for gullies stabilization were: Vicia villosa, V. sativa, Eragrostis curvula, Acacia retinoides, and Desmodium grahamii. Results are promising, because a deacreasing of erosion process was evident to a low cost. In this way, this actions could improve the soil conservation, diminishing the amount of sediments arriving to the big dams and broken the feedback circle soil erosion-poverty.Universidad Autónoma de Madrid Consejería de Economía e Innovación Tecnológic

    Tuberculosis en ovino: epidemiología, patología y evaluación de técnicas diagnósticas

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    5 páginas, 2 tablas, 1 figura.--Trabajo presentado al: XL Congreso Nacional y el XVI Congreso Internacional de la Sociedad Española de Ovinotecnia y Caprinotecnia. (Castellón de la Plana, España, 16-18 septiembre 2015).Peer Reviewe

    Tuberculosis due to Mycobacterium bovis and Mycobacterium caprae in sheep

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    Tuberculosis was diagnosed in three flocks of sheep in Galicia, Spain, in 2009 and 2010. Two flocks were infected with Mycobacterium bovis and one flock was infected with Mycobacterium caprae. Infection was confirmed by the comparative intradermal tuberculin test, bacteriology, molecular analysis and histopathology. Sheep have the potential to act as a reservoir for tuberculosis

    Composición y estructura de la ictiofauna del río Hondo, México-Belice, con base en el uso del arpón

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    ResumenSe determinó la composición y estructura de la ictiofauna del río Hondo y la variación espacial de éstas en función de los parámetros ambientales. Se realizaron 3 muestreos durante marzo, abril y mayo de 2012, en 6 sitios a lo largo del río. Los datos usados para determinar la estructura se obtuvieron con ayuda de un arpón de 58.5cm, utilizado durante 2h de buceo libre en cada punto de muestreo. Para complementar la lista de especies se utilizaron redes agalleras, palangres, nasas y anzuelos. Además, se realizó una revisión bibliográfica y se consultó material de la colección de peces de ECOSUR en Chetumal. La lista sistemática se conformó por 40 especies en 33 géneros, 18 familias y 11 órdenes. La familia mejor representada fue Cichlidae, incluida la especie exótica Oreochromis niloticus. Los parámetros ambientales que mejor describieron la variación de la distribución y abundancia en los peces en el río Hondo fueron: la anchura del río, distancia a la boca, transparencia, profundidad, concentración de oxígeno disuelto y conductividad. La relación entre las especies y las variables ambientales fue alta en ambos ejes (0.89 y 0.79). Ambientalmente, el río se puede zonificar en 3 partes, aunque su ictiofauna puede dividirse en 2 conjuntos principales.AbstractComposition and structure of the Hondo River ichthyofauna and its spatial variation were determined as a function of environmental parameters. Six sites along the river were sampled in March, April and May 2012. Data for estimating structure of fish assemblages was obtained by means of a 58.5cm harpoon during 2 hours of free diving at each sampling site. The species list for the study area was completed with the aid of gillnets, longlines, double-cone traps, and hook-and-line. In addition, a bibliographical research performed as well as the ichthyological collection of ECOSUR at Chetumal was checked. The systematic list includes 40 species in 33 genera, 18 families and 11 orders. The richest family was Cichlidae, including the exotic Oreochromis niloticus. The environmental parameters that best described distribution and abundance of fish in the Hondo River were river width, distance to mouth, transparency, depth, dissolved oxygen concentration, and conductivity. Correlation between species and environmental parameters was high in both axis (0.89 and 0.79). The river was classified into 3 environmental zones, although its fish fauna could be divided in 2 main assemblages