429 research outputs found

    Factores que intervienen en la competitividad de los municipios sonorenses: una propuesta metodológica

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    En el mundo existen serios estudios sobre competitividad, que abordan el fenómeno desde distintos niveles; bajo diversos fundamentos metodológicos y temporalidades. En este concierto de ideas, nadie ha logrado el consenso; de ahí que se cuente con muchas fuentes generadoras de índices de competitividad, cuyos resultados a veces difieren sensiblemente. México ha desarrollado importantes estudios en estos niveles, como los elaborados por IMCO, CIDE, ITESM, COLEF y Aregional. Sonora es incluido en dichos estudios pero no cuenta con ninguna institución que de manera continua construya índices de competitividad. El presente documento presenta una propuesta de medición de la competitividad a nivel municipal, específicamente para los municipios sonorenses, se retomaron algunos de los principales modelos que combinan recolección de datos estadísticos con captación de información mediante encuestas, para construir un modelo propio. Al final se validó estadísticamente la fiabilidad del estudio y se recomienda su aplicación

    Ozone as oxidation agent in cyclic activation of biochar

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    Granular activated carbons were produced from grape seed biochar by cyclic activation with ozone. In each cycle, char was first oxidized by exposure to ozone and then subjected to high temperature in inert atmosphere to desorb oxygen groups formed. The study assessed the influence of operating conditions in the development of porosity, from a starting biochar with narrow microporosity (SBET: 47 m2 g− 1, SDA: 505 m2g− 1) prepared by flash pyrolysis of grape seed at 800 °C. The variables studied were the number of cycles applied and the oxidation and desorption temperatures (250–275 and 850–950 °C, respectively). High oxidation temperatures led to higher burn-off, which was also found to increase with the number of activation cycles. The burn-off needed to achieve a high surface area was lower than in conventional physical activation. After 7–9 activation cycles, activated carbons with SBET higher than 1200 m2 g− 1 and SDA above 1500 m2 g− 1 were obtained. The use of ozone resulted in mainly microporous activated carbons (0.37–0.52 cm3 g− 1) with very low contribution of mesopores (< 0.04–0.07 cm3 g− 1). The mean micropore size increased with the number of activation cycles due to pore widening, while mesopore mean size decreased along the cycles. The activated carbons showed a unique granular morphology with a hollow core and a porous shell, which is maintained even after 10 activation cyclesThe authors greatly appreciatefinancial support from the Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (CTQ2012-32821

    Preparation of granular activated carbons from grape seeds by cycles of liquid phase oxidation and thermal desorption

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    Activation of grape seed char upon successive cycles of liquid phase oxidation followed by high temperature desorption permits a tailored development of porosity. In this work three different oxidants (HNO3, H 2O2, and (NH4)2S2O 8), have been tested and the desorption temperature has been varied within 850-950 C upon 10 activation cycles. A high increase of BET surface area was observed in the first five cycles with HNO3 as oxidizing agent giving rise to values higher than 1200 m2 g- 1 at around 50% burn-off. Activation with H2O2 and (NH 4)2S2O8 led to a significantly lower development of surface area, with 600 and 800 m2 g- 1 respectively at that burn-off. The analysis of the pore size distribution showed that porosity was generated through the creation of new micropores and widening of existing ones upon activation with HNO3 and (NH4) 2S2O8, whereas H2O2 mostly led to the widening of the narrow micropores already existing in the starting char. The activated carbons obtained are essentially microporous, with some small contribution of mesoporosity in the HNO3 series (V micro = 0.69 cm3 g- 1; Vmeso = 0.07 cm3 g- 1). SEM images showed that the activated carbons maintained the granular morphology of the seeds after 10 cycles showing a hollow core structure with a wall thickness of about 200 μmThe authors greatly appreciate the financial support from the Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (CTQ2009-09983

    Granular mesoporous activated carbons from waste tires by cyclic oxygen chemisorption-desorption

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    This document is the accepted manuscript version of a published work that appeared in final form in Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research, © American Chemical Society after peer review and technical editing by the publisher. To access the final edited and published work see https://pubs.acs.org/doi/10.1021/ie201499hActivation upon cyclic oxygen chemisorption-desorption has proved to be an efficient way to develop porosity at low burn off from waste tires char. In this work the influence of particle size, desorption temperature, and the number of cycles is studied. Highest values of burnoff and specific surface area (S BET) are obtained for the largest particle diameter (3 mm average) and at intermediate desorption temperature (650 °C). In these conditions S BET values around 500 m 2/g can be achieved at burn-offs of about 30%, and close to 600 m 2/g at around 45% burnoff, with a mean pore size of 10 nm and a micropore volume close to 0.08 cm 3/g. Although the surface area is moderate, the low burnoff and high S BET/burnoff ratio achieved make it possible to maintain initial granular morphology of the particles even after 20 cycles of activationWe greatly appreciate finantial support from the Spanish Ministerio de Educacion y Ciencia through the project CTQ2009-0998

    Porous structure and morphology of granular chars from flash and conventional pyrolysis of grape seeds

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    This work studies the influence of the operating conditions used in the pyrolysis of grape seeds on the morphology and textural properties of the chars resulting. Flash and conventional (283Kmin-1 heating rate) pyrolysis have been used within a wide range of temperature (300-1000°C). The effect of a pretreatment for oil extraction has also been studied. The porous structure of the chars was characterized by adsorption of N2 at 77K, Ar at 77K and 87K, and CO2 at 273K and mercury intrusion porosimetry. The morphology was analyzed by scanning electron microscopy. All the materials prepared revealed an essentially microporous structure, with a poor or even negligible contribution of mesopores. Increasing pyrolysis temperature led to higher specific surface areas and lower pore size. The highest specific surface area values occurred within 700-800°C, reaching up to 500m2g-1 with pore sizes in the 0.4-1.1nm range. No significant morphological changes were observed upon carbonization so that the resulting chars were granular materials of similar size than the starting grape seeds. The hollow core structure of the chars, with most of the material allocated at the periphery of the granules can help to overcome the mass transfer limitations of most common (solid or massive) granular activated carbons. The chars showed a good mechanical strength during attrition tests. These chars can be potential candidates for the preparation of granular carbons molecular sieve or activated carbons raw materialsThe authors greatly appreciate financial support from the Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (CTQ2009-09983

    Psychosocial Impairment as a Possible Cause of Sexual Dysfunction among Young Men with Mild Androgenetic Alopecia: A Cross-sectional Crowdsourcing Web-based Study

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    Finasteride 1 mg, one of the main treatments for male androgenetic alopecia (MAGA), may produce sexual dysfunction, but young men with MAGA could experience high psychosocial impairment because of changes in body image. Dissatisfaction with body image has been linked to an increase in problems with sexual function. To date no study has considered the possible effect of psychological impairment on sexual function of men with MAGA. Aim of our study was to explore the effect of psychosocial impairment produced by hair loss on the sexual function of men with MAGA. Patients and methods: Cross-sectional design. In total, 190 men with MAGA ranging 18-40 years old were recruited from an Internet online community. Participants completed an online survey comprising the SKINDEX-29 and the Massachusetts General Hospital Sex Functioning Questionnaire. Individuals with MAGA and moderate to severe psychosocial impairment had a higher risk of sexual dysfunction – adjusted odds ratio 2.1 (1.2-4.0; P=0.02) – compared with subjects with mild to absent impairment. Sexual desire and sexual arousal were the most affected elements of sexual response, but an increase in erectile dysfunction and reduced global satisfaction were also reported. We present the first study exploring the influence of MAGA psychosocial impairment on sexual function. Men between 18 and 40 years of age with moderate to severe MAGA psychosocial morbidity were found to have an increased risk of sexual dysfunction. Assessment of psychological morbidity and sexual function could be critical in patients with MAGA, particularly when considering treatment with finasteride.  </p

    Influence of Large Periods of DC Current Injection in c-Si Photovoltaic Panels

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    Nowadays, electroluminescence imaging (Eli) appears as an emerging technique in the maintenance of photovoltaic (PV) plants. There is a concern about how the current injection needed in ELi measurements can affect the PV modules service life, and how these periodical inspections can affect the long term life of the modules. In order to give a practical answer to this problem, a series of tests consisting of long periods of current injection on several monocrystalline silicon modules has been carried out. The modules tested had already fulfilled their useful life and present multiple defects. In order to analyze how the current injection affects the state of the module, images of infrared thermography (IRT) and ELi were acquired during the current injection period. The subsequent analysis of these images shows only a small effect during the heating period in the EL intensity results at the beginning of each test, not affecting the module performance.Proyecto de Investigación ENE2017-89561-C4-3-R (MCIN)Proyecto de Investigación RTC-2017-6712-3 (MCIN)Proyecto de Investigación VA283P18 (Junta de Castilla y León

    Plan de marketing de Tadan, aplicación móvil para encontrar promociones por geolocalización

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    El presente plan de negocios tiene como objetivo evaluar la viabilidad de Tadán en el mercado, una aplicación móvil que funciona por geolocalización. En ella, las promociones publicadas por las empresas podrán ser vistas por los usuarios que estén interesados y se encuentren cerca de la tienda mediante el uso de la geolocalización. A diferencia de otros servicios de promociones, esta solo permitirá que las notificaciones que le lleguen al usuario sean de productos relacionados a la categoría que este está buscando en ese momento en particular. La idea del proyecto nace de una tendencia global en la cual las personas han incorporado los smartphones a su estilo de vida, resolviendo cada vez más necesidades a través de las aplicaciones móviles. Sin embargo, actualmente las personas usan mayormente la tecnología para informarse antes de realizar una compra o comprar vía e-commerce; aún no la incorporan en su proceso de compra cuando visitan alguna tienda. Por ello, se busca optimizar la experiencia de compra del consumidor, para que pueda visualizar las promociones que le interesan más cercanas a su ubicación. Se realizó un análisis del macroentorno en el Perú, donde se encontró un ambiente favorable para el desarrollo de la aplicación, principalmente debido al desarrollo del entorno cultural (crecimiento sostenido de ‘smartphoneros’ en el Perú) y al desarrollo de facilidades tecnológicas que se han incrementado al día de hoy

    Vista general del Sistema de Gestión de Seguridad y Salud en el trabajo a Rigtesting Inspection SAS

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    El presente trabajo es el análisis del Sistema de Gestión de Seguridad y Salud en el trabajo SG-SST desarrollado a la empresa Rigtesting Inspection Services SAS, ubicada en Barrancabermeja-Santander y que se dedica al servicio de inspección y mantenimiento a equipos y herramientas de perforación, producción y refinación de hidrocarburos. Para tal efecto y en concordancia con el Decreto 1072 de 2015, la Resolución 0312 de 2019 y la normatividad legal vigente se estructura el SG-SST partiendo de la caracterización de la empresa, el análisis de los procesos y la caracterización de los cargos a evaluar en la identificación de los peligros a los que se encuentra expuesto el personal de acuerdo con el sector económico, por consiguiente, se elaboran los objetivos, política y plan de trabajo enfocados en la seguridad y salud en el trabajo y en la cual se aplicaron las fases del ciclo PHVA. De igual manera, se establecieron los indicadores de estructura, proceso y resultado; se implementa y diseña una lista de verificación con el fin de auditar el sistema de gestión de la empresa, en el cual se determina un resultado favorable en cuanto al cumplimiento de los requisitos normativos exigidos y así mismo, se encontraron oportunidades de mejora, donde se invita a proponer medidas de control y prevención que propicien la mejora continua y la creación de entornos de trabajo seguros y saludables.The present work is the analysis of the Occupational Health and Safety Management System SG-SST developed for the company Rigtesting Inspection Services SAS, located in Barrancabermeja-Santander and dedicated to the inspection and maintenance service for drilling equipment and tools, production and refining of hydrocarbons. For this purpose and in accordance with Decree 1072 of 2015, Resolution 0312 of 2019 and the current legal regulations, the SG-SST is structured based on the characterization of the company, the analysis of the processes and the characterization of the positions to be evaluated. in the identification of the dangers to which the personnel is exposed according to the economic sector, therefore, the objectives, policy and work plan focused on safety and health at work are elaborated and in which the Phases of the PHVA cycle. In the same way, the indicators of structure, process and result follow one another; a checklist is implemented and designed in order to audit the company's management system, in which a favorable result is determined in terms of compliance with the required regulatory requirements and likewise, opportunities for improvement were found, where invites you to propose control and prevention measures that promote continuous improvement and the creation of safe and healthy work environments