81 research outputs found

    Pensamiento religioso, fin de siglo y modernidad en la poesía puertorriqueña

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    Investigación sobre el tema religioso-espiritual en la poesía puertorriqueña, desde sus orígenes conocidos al inicio de la colonización española hasta el modernismo literario, hasta el movimiento modernista. Se ocupa de los momentos y las figuras literarias más representativas a lo largo de 400 años de historia. Trabaja en detalle el Romanticios, los finales del siglo XIX en ese país y la evolución del Modernismo en Puerto Rico hasta las primeras décadas del siglo XX.Departamento de Literatura Española y Teoría de la Literatura y Literatura Comparad

    Accelerating interpreted programming languages on GPUs with just-in-time compilation and runtime optimisations

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    Nowadays, most computer systems are equipped with powerful parallel devices such as Graphics Processing Units (GPUs). They are present in almost every computer system including mobile devices, tablets, desktop computers and servers. These parallel systems have unlocked the possibility for many scientists and companies to process significant amounts of data in shorter time. But the usage of these parallel systems is very challenging due to their programming complexity. The most common programming languages for GPUs, such as OpenCL and CUDA, are created for expert programmers, where developers are required to know hardware details to use GPUs. However, many users of heterogeneous and parallel hardware, such as economists, biologists, physicists or psychologists, are not necessarily expert GPU programmers. They have the need to speed up their applications, which are often written in high-level and dynamic programming languages, such as Java, R or Python. Little work has been done to generate GPU code automatically from these high-level interpreted and dynamic programming languages. This thesis presents a combination of a programming interface and a set of compiler techniques which enable an automatic translation of a subset of Java and R programs into OpenCL to execute on a GPU. The goal is to reduce the programmability and usability gaps between interpreted programming languages and GPUs. The first contribution is an Application Programming Interface (API) for programming heterogeneous and multi-core systems. This API combines ideas from functional programming and algorithmic skeletons to compose and reuse parallel operations. The second contribution is a new OpenCL Just-In-Time (JIT) compiler that automatically translates a subset of the Java bytecode to GPU code. This is combined with a new runtime system that optimises the data management and avoids data transformations between Java and OpenCL. This OpenCL framework and the runtime system achieve speedups of up to 645x compared to Java within 23% slowdown compared to the handwritten native OpenCL code. The third contribution is a new OpenCL JIT compiler for dynamic and interpreted programming languages. While the R language is used in this thesis, the developed techniques are generic for dynamic languages. This JIT compiler uniquely combines a set of existing compiler techniques, such as specialisation and partial evaluation, for OpenCL compilation together with an optimising runtime that compile and execute R code on GPUs. This JIT compiler for the R language achieves speedups of up to 1300x compared to GNU-R and 1.8x slowdown compared to native OpenCL

    The level of recognition of physical symptoms in patients with a major depression episode in the outpatient psychiatric practice in Puerto Rico: An observational study

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    BACKGROUND: This study was designed to evaluate the psychiatrists' level of recognition of somatic symptoms associated to a major depressive episode (MDE) (DSM-IV-TR criteria) and the impact of those somatic symptoms on the treatment effectiveness. METHODS: This non-interventional study was conducted in 25 medical offices in Puerto Rico from February to December 2003. It had 2 visits separated by 8 weeks. The level of recognition was determined by: the correlation between the physician clinical evaluation and their patients' self-evaluations through different validated instruments using kappa statistics. Chi-square test was used to evaluate the impact of somatic symptoms on treatment antidepressants' effectiveness. RESULTS: All the 145 recruited patients reported the presence of at least one somatic symptom associated with their current MDE. In the two visits covered by the study, a fair agreement between the psychiatrists' and the patients' reports was noted for headache, abdominal pain and upper limb pains (0.4003 ≤ κ ≥ 0.6594). For other painful symptoms and painless somatic symptoms, the Kappa values obtained were non-significant. Slight but significant reductions in depression and painful symptoms severity were observed after 8 weeks of treatment. A proportional relationship between the pain and depression severity was observed (p < 0.0001). CONCLUSION: The study results show that somatic symptoms: are very common in depressed Puerto Rican patients; are significant under-reported by psychiatrists; and have a significant impact on the antidepressant effectiveness

    A Composable Array Function Interface for Heterogeneous Computing in Java

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    Heterogeneous computing has now become mainstream with virtually every desktop machines featuring accelerators such as Graphics Processing Units (GPUs). While heterogeneity offers the promise of high-performance and high-efficiency, it comes at the cost of huge programming difficulties. Languages and interfaces for programming such system tend to be low-level and require expert knowledge of the hardware in order to achieve its potential. A promising approach for programming such heterogeneous systems is the use of array programming. This style of programming relies on well known parallel patterns that can be easily translated into GPU or other accelerator code. However, only little work has been done on integrating such concepts in mainstream languages such as Java. In this work, we propose a new Array Function interface implemented with the new features from Java 8. While similar in spirit to the new Stream API of Java, our API follows a different design based on reusability and composability. We demonstrate that this API can be used to generate OpenCL code for a simple application. We present encouraging preliminary performance results showing the potential of our approach
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