629 research outputs found

    Borja-Centelles: una polémica relación familiar en la Valencia del XVI

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    Català: Relacions familiars i conflictes nobiliaris entre els Borja, ducs de Gandia, i els Centelles, comtes d’Oliva, que finalment unirien els seus estats amb el casament del fill i hereu del duc sant, Carles de Borja, marquès de Llombai, amb Magdalena de Centelles, discutida successora del seu inestable germà Pere en el comtat. Paraules clau: Carles de Borja; Comtat d’Oliva; Ducat de Gandia; Magdalena de Centelles; Pere de Centelles. Castellano: Relaciones familiares y conflictos nobiliarios entre los Borja, duques de Gandía, y los Centelles, condes de Oliva, que finalmente unirían sus estados con el matrimonio del hijo y heredero del duque santo, Carlos de Borja, marqués de Llombai, con Magdalena de Centelles, discutida sucesora de su inestable hermano Pedro en el condado. Palabras clave: Carlos de Borja; Condado de Oliva; Ducado de Gandía; Magdalena de Centelles; Pedro de Centelles

    Nuevos registros de moluscos terrestres (Gastropoda: Stylommatophora) de Antofagasta, norte de Chile

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    Se presentan nuevos registros para Bostryx holostoma (Pfeiffer, 1846), Pupoides minimus (Philippi, 1860), Stephacharopa calderaensis Miquel y Araya, 2013 y una especie no identificada de la familia Charopidae, basados en ejemplares recolectados cerca de la ciudad de Antofagasta, en el norte de Chile. Se presenta el primer registro de S. calderaensis desde su descripción, extendiendo su distribución conocida hacia el norte en cerca de 350 km. Se presentan además detalles de la protoconcha de B. holostoma que también extiende su intervalo de distribución 145 km al sur. El microhábitat de estas especies en litorrefugios podría explicar la presencia de estos pequeños moluscos terrestres en el hiperárido norte chileno, destacando asimismo la necesidad de estudios adicionales en esta fauna poca conocida.New records for Bostryx holostoma (Pfeiffer, 1846), Pupoides minimus (Philippi, 1860), Stephacharopa calderaensis Miquel & Araya, 2013 and an unidentified charopid species are presented on the basis of specimens collected near the city of Antofagasta, in northern Chile. This is the first record for S. calderaensis after its description, extending its known distribution about 350 km northwards. Details on the protoconch of B. holostoma are presented for the first time, and this species extends its distributional range 145 km southwards. The microhabitat of these species in litho-refugia may explain the presence of these minute terrestrial mollusks in hyper arid northern Chile, further highlighting the need of additional studies of this neglected fauna.Fil: Araya, Juan Francisco. Universidad de Atacama; Chile. Universidad de Concepción; ChileFil: Miquel, Sergio Eduardo. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Parque Centenario. Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales ; ArgentinaFil: Martínez, Edmundo. Antofagasta Minerals; Chil

    Characterizing the Drivers of Global Food Trade Growth in 21th Century

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    [EN] 21st century is characterised by a steady growth in the global demand for basic foodstuffs. This paper reviews the drivers of this growth, through a descriptive analysis of the main literature on the subject, in order to synthesize the most relevant information generated by researchers and position the current state of the issue. The results of the analysis suggest that emerging economies have taken over in the increase of food imports; this is due to the potential of countries such as China, India, Brazil and Russia, which have become propellers of the global economy. From the developing countries, the increase in population and income are the driving forces behind the dynamism of world food demand, whose direct consequences are the increase in per capita consumption, the acceleration of the urbanization process in these regions and the increase in the consumption of products with greater added value. In developed economies, increases in per capita income do not translate into increases in the demand for food; rather, its role with respect to global demand is to promote it as they deepen the production of biofuels, the liberalization of the agricultural sector and the signing of trade agreements. Finally, the work concludes by warning about the uncertainties that surround the demand for food imports, including the crucial role played by climate change.Andrés González-Moralejo, S.; López-Miquel, JF. (2019). Characterizing the Drivers of Global Food Trade Growth in 21th Century. Journal of Agricultural Science. 11(10):14-28. https://doi.org/10.5539/jas.v11n10p14S1428111

    Fibronectin in human gallbladder bile: cholesterol pronucleating and/or mucin "link" protein?

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    Some biliary proteins (pronucleators) seem to be essential factors for cholesterol crystal formation and crystal growth in bile. A recent study suggests that fibronectin is such a pronucleator in bile. Fibronectin also seems to closely interact with intestinal mucin. Since biliary mucin plays an important role in gallstone formation, such an interaction in bile may be of relevance in cholesterol gallstone formation. To more clearly elucidate the role of fibronectin in cholesterol gallstone disease, we measured the concentration of fibronectin in native bile of cholesterol gallstone patients and checked its influence on the cholesterol nucleation time of model bile. We further looked for a molecular interaction between biliary fibronectin and gallbladder mucin. We found that fibronectin is present in gallbladder bile of gallstone patients in low concentrations (2.6 +/- 1.2 micrograms/ml). Bile fibronectin did not interact with gallbladder mucin. Moreover, in a wide range of concentrations fibronectin had no influence on the nucleation time of model bile. We conclude that fibronectin does not seem to play a major role in cholesterol gallstone disease

    Percepciones de los ciudadanos catalanes acerca de la participación del público y los expertos en las controversias sobre el agua

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    La gestión sostenible del agua ha aparecido en España como el centro de una controversia de primera magnitud. En ella, la participación ciudadana es un eje fundamental. A partir del análisis de grupos de discusión realizados en seis ciudades de Cataluña, este trabajo reflexiona sobre la percepción de la participación en los debates sobre el agua. Se presentan cinco actores que aparecen en el discurso de los entrevistados: los «expertos», los «perjudicados », los «beneficiados», los «interesados» y los «concienciados». Posteriormente, se examinan los criterios que permiten identificar, entre estos actores, los que son considerados legítimos en las controversias hidrológicas.Sustainable water management has become the focal point of a highly important issue in Spain. Citizens’ participation in this controversy it is fundamental. Having carried out the analysis of several focus groups in six Catalonian cities (Spain), this study reflects on the perception of participating in discussions on water. Five actors mentioned in interviewees’ discourse are presented: the «experts», the «affected», the «benefited», the «interested», and the «conscious». Then, the criteria permitting to identify among these actors those considered to be legitimate participants in hydrological controversies are examined

    Are small and medium-size food industry firms profitable? Explaining differences in their performance: The case of the Valencia Region

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    [EN] The main aim of this study was to determine the factors that influenced profitability of companies involved in the Valencia food industry between 2006 and 2015. For this, macroeconomic, sector and company variables were the key elements used in the statistical analysis, together with their dependence on the economic cycle in indicating the present state of the sector in the Valencian Region. The panel data was obtained from the sabi data base and combined with transverse data and time series. Economic and financial profitability are both influenced by certain common factors, especially the sales margin. The higher the margin the higher the profit, although this relationship also depends on where the business company is located. Rotation of assets also contributes to raising profits in times of economic expansion. The Economic Crisis saw profits fall in 2009 and 2012, two of its worst years. Finally, differences were also found between large and small enterprises.Andrés González-Moralejo, S.; García Cortés, M.; López Miquel, JF. (2021). Are small and medium-size food industry firms profitable? Explaining differences in their performance: The case of the Valencia Region. Economia agro-alimentare / Food Economy. 23(1):1-24. https://doi.org/10.3280/ecag1-2021oa11547S12423

    UPC system for the 2016 MediaEval multimodal person discovery in broadcast TV task

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    The UPC system works by extracting monomodal signal segments (face tracks, speech segments) that overlap with the person names overlaid in the video signal. These segments are assigned directly with the name of the person and used as a reference to compare against the non-overlapping (unassigned) signal segments. This process is performed independently both on the speech and video signals. A simple fusion scheme is used to combine both monomodal annotations into a single one.Postprint (published version

    Diagnosis methodology based on deep feature learning for fault identification in metallic, hybrid and ceramic bearings

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    Scientific and technological advances in the field of rotatory electrical machinery are leading to an increased efficiency in those processes and systems in which they are involved. In addition, the consideration of advanced materials, such as hybrid or ceramic bearings, are of high interest towards high-performance rotary electromechanical actuators. Therefore, most of the diagnosis approaches for bearing fault detection are highly dependent of the bearing technology, commonly focused on the metallic bearings. Although the mechanical principles remain as the basis to analyze the characteristic patterns and effects related to the fault appearance, the quantitative response of the vibration pattern considering different bearing technology varies. In this regard, in this work a novel data-driven diagnosis methodology is proposed based on deep feature learning applied to the diagnosis and identification of bearing faults for different bearing technologies, such as metallic, hybrid and ceramic bearings, in electromechanical systems. The proposed methodology consists of three main stages: first, a deep learning-based model, supported by stacked autoencoder structures, is designed with the ability of self-adapting to the extraction of characteristic fault-related features from different signals that are processed in different domains. Second, in a feature fusion stage, information from different domains is integrated to increase the posterior discrimination capabilities during the condition assessment. Third, the bearing assessment is achieved by a simple softmax layer to compute the final classification results. The achieved results show that the proposed diagnosis methodology based on deep feature learning can be effectively applied to the diagnosis and identification of bearing faults for different bearing technologies, such as metallic, hybrid and ceramic bearings, in electromechanical systems. The proposed methodology is validated in front of two different electromechanical systems and the obtained results validate the adaptability and performance of the proposed approach to be considered as a part of the condition-monitoring strategies where different bearing technologies are involved.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Análisis de regularidad en fibrilación ventricular: aplicación a registros de mapeado cardíaco

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    Las técnicas utilizadas en el análisis de la señal de fibrilación ventricular (FV), obtenida mediante sistemas de mapeado utilizando matrices de electrodos, extraen información del proceso a partir de parámetros calculados principalmente en el dominio del tiempo o de la frecuencia. El presente trabajo plantea la aplicación del índice de regularidad (IR), propuesto inicialmente para caracterizar la fibrilación auricular humana, a la señal de FV en un modelo experimental de corazón animal. Los resultados obtenidos muestran que el IR permite extraer información de los mapas de FV no disponible de forma directa cuando se estudian mediante los métodos clásicos en el tiempo o la frecuencia, cuantificando el grado de modificación en la morfología de las ondas de activación durante la FV