1,168 research outputs found

    Sensor Technologies for Intelligent Transportation Systems

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    Modern society faces serious problems with transportation systems, including but not limited to traffic congestion, safety, and pollution. Information communication technologies have gained increasing attention and importance in modern transportation systems. Automotive manufacturers are developing in-vehicle sensors and their applications in different areas including safety, traffic management, and infotainment. Government institutions are implementing roadside infrastructures such as cameras and sensors to collect data about environmental and traffic conditions. By seamlessly integrating vehicles and sensing devices, their sensing and communication capabilities can be leveraged to achieve smart and intelligent transportation systems. We discuss how sensor technology can be integrated with the transportation infrastructure to achieve a sustainable Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) and how safety, traffic control and infotainment applications can benefit from multiple sensors deployed in different elements of an ITS. Finally, we discuss some of the challenges that need to be addressed to enable a fully operational and cooperative ITS environment

    SAgric-IoT: an IoT-based platform and deep learning for greenhouse monitoring

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    The Internet of Things (IoT) and convolutional neural networks (CNN) integration is a growing topic of interest for researchers as a technology that will contribute to transforming agriculture. IoT will enable farmers to decide and act based on data collected from sensor nodes regarding field conditions and not purely based on experience, thus minimizing the wastage of supplies (seeds, water, pesticide, and fumigants). On the other hand, CNN complements monitoring systems with tasks such as the early detection of crop diseases or predicting the number of consumable resources and supplies (water, fertilizers) needed to increase productivity. This paper proposes SAgric-IoT, a technology platform based on IoT and CNN for precision agriculture, to monitor environmental and physical variables and provide early disease detection while automatically controlling the irrigation and fertilization in greenhouses. The results show SAgric-IoT is a reliable IoT platform with a low packet loss level that considerably reduces energy consumption and has a disease identification detection accuracy and classification process of over 90%

    Habitat and abundance of the Neotropical otter (Lontra longicaudis annectens) in Pueblo Nuevo, Durango, Mexico

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    La nutria neotropical es un depredador ubicado en el nivel trófico superior, su distribución geográfica abarca desde el norte de México hasta la zona central de Argentin

    Heuristic evaluation of an IoMT system for remote health monitoring in senior care

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    This paper presents the usability assessment of the design of an Internet of Medical Things (IoMT) system for older adults; the evaluation, using heuristics, was held early on the design process to assess potential problems with the system and was found to be an efficient method to find issues with the application design and led to significant usability improvements on the IoMT platform

    Calidad microbiológica de una fórmula enteral lista para usar

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    Indexación: ScieloTo determinate and compare the microbiological quality of a ready to use enteral formula (EF): liquid ADN™ during different periods of time. Methods: The study was developed in the Hospital formula-preparing room. Twenty liters of EF were delivered in 40 plastic sterile bottles using aseptic technique, and were maintained at room temperature during 24 hours. Feed samples of 50 ml at time 0 and at 24 hours were obtained and frozen at _70º C, until they were investigated (40 feed samples of EF were cultivated at preparation time 0, and 24 hours). Mesophile count (Me), total coliform (TC) and faecal coliform (FC) bacteria were investigated. The feed samples were analized at the Microbiologic Laboratory of CESMEC. The microbial quality standards (MQS) were at time 0: < 10² UFC/ml of (Me), and no (TC) and (FC). At 24 hours: < 10³ UFC/ml of (Me), < 10 UFC/ml of (TC) and no (FC).The statistical data analysis was done using Stata program and Z test was used for proportions. The level of p < 0,05 was considered statistically significant. Results: The average of fulfilment (MQS) for liquid ADN™ at time 0, and 24 hours was 100% and 95% (p = 0,3) for Me. TC got 100% fulfilment (MQS) at any time. FC were not detected at any time. Conclusions: Liquid ADN™can be hung during 24 hours at room temperature.http://www.scielo.cl/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S0716-10182004000400005&nrm=is

    El textil artesanal en el desarrollo local de las mujeres bordadoras de Nacajuca, Tabasco

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    El presente avance de investigación describe la actividad de las mujeres bordadoras de la comunidad de Nacajuca, Tabasco desde la perspectiva del trabajo artesanal en el que se autoemplean y como este incide en el desarrollo local de las mismas. Las comunidades bordadoras pese a que se dedican a la producción y obtienen beneficios de las mismas el desarrollo de las comunidades no es concreto debido a ello se pretende estudiar la relación entre los beneficios que reciben de la actividad del textil artesanal como generador de bienestar para la economía familiar y los factores que intervienen en el cómo estas mujeres a través de su práctica participan en el desarrollo de la unidad familiar y de sus propias comunidades. El estudio se abordará desde un enfoque cualitativo que permite conocer a fondo las perspectivas del sujeto brindando conocimiento que permite conocer la realidad en la que las artesanas viven su día a día. Este estudio estudiará la situación de las artesanas tomándolas como parte primordial de la economía familiar y como estas trabajan para llevar un sustento a sus familias desde el legado cultural que les ha sido transmitido y han podido adaptar al contexto contemporáneo para convertirlo en un producto diferenciado que al finalizar trae repercute en su propio sustento familiar

    Audiovisual Resources in Laboratory Practices for Hydraulic Engineering

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    During the laboratory practices of a subject, students write all the data, methodology, development and final results for later study at home. When a certain period of time passes since the essay was carried out, there are details that many of the students forget. They do not relate the methodology and development with the laboratory equipment used. The use of audiovisual resources can help students to better study the practical part of the subject. The new teaching resources will be applied in a block of the Hydraulics subject, which is included in the second year of the degree in Civil Engineering, at the Algeciras School of Engineering and Technology. The subject has a theoretical-practical part and another of laboratory practices. The course is divided into three blocks: Hydrostatics, Hydrokinematics and Hydrodynamics. The article will focus on the improvement of the teaching resources of the part of the laboratory practices, of the hydrostatics block. Audio-visual resources will consist of explanatory videos with the development of laboratory practices. The videos show for each of the tests the initial data, the methodology to be applied and the development of the practice. These videos help students to reinforce the knowledge acquired in the laboratory. In addition, the use of these resources helps Erasmus students (for language reasons) to understand the practices. Additionally, the generated material can be used as a resource in the case of non-face-toface practices (as in previous courses due to the Covid-19 pandemic). For the implementation of this initiative, a teaching innovation project has been developed. Eventually, the students show a great interest in the virtualization of the laboratory practices and a high degree of satisfaction with the available videos. Moreover, their academic results improved slightly with this new methodology

    Características e impacto na gestão dos mais altos órgãos colegiados das universidades argentinas: percepções de especialistas

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    This study focuses on the government of Argentine national universities, especially the Highest Collegiate Bodies (hcb). The theoretical perspective adopted, the Agency Approach, allows us to address different characteristics and their possible impact on management efficiency. The regulatory context provided by the Higher Education Law (1995) provides the framework for analysis. The main objective is to analyze the perspective of experts on the extent to which the variables size, composition, and performance impact on management. The exploratory and quantitative research is grounded on the analysis of the opinion of academic experts who are members of the different sectors that make up the university government, with special consideration on the importance given to co-government in Argentina. The data o was analyzed using multiple techniques which include descriptive and inferential statistics. The results allow us to identify the potential efficacy of the variables under study, such as alignment mechanisms and their coincidence with what is prescribed by the Higher Education Law. In turn, significant differences are identified in the assessment of the double role of the rector as top executive and president of the mcc and its impact on university management. Son muchos los factores que inciden en el éxito de las organizaciones; en el caso de las universidades se habla por ejemplo de los recursos, talentos, redes de colaboración, meritocracia en todos los niveles y por supuesto un adecuado gobierno universitario. En esta perspectiva, este artículo de investigación tiene como objetivo central analizar, desde la mirada de expertos, las peculiaridades que tienen los máximos cuerpos colegiados (mcc) de las universidades argentinas, con la finalidad de reflexionar en torno a la influencia que estas características ejercen en la respectiva gestión. Para ello se realiza una investigación de tipo exploratoria y cuantitativa, que cimienta su análisis en la opinión de expertos académicos integrantes de los diferentes claustros que componen el gobierno universitario, con especial consideración en la importancia brindada al cogobierno en Argentina. Para el análisis de los datos se utilizaron múltiples técnicas que incluyen estadísticas descriptivas e inferenciales. Los resultados permiten identificar la potencial eficacia de las variables estudiadas como mecanismos alineadores y su coincidencia con lo prescripto por la Ley de Educación Superior. A su vez, se identifican diferencias significativas en la valoración del doble rol del rector como máximo ejecutivo y presidente del mcc y su impacto en la gestión universitaria. Muitos fatores afetam o sucesso das organizações; no caso das universidades, por exemplo, são discutidos recursos, talentos, redes de colaboração, meritocracia em todos os níveis e, claro, um governo universitário adequado. Nesta perspectiva, o objetivo principal desta pesquisa é analisar as percepções dos especialistas sobre as peculiaridades que os órgãos colegiados superiores (mcc) das universidades argentinas, a fim de refletir sobre a influência que essas características exercem na respectiva gestão. Para isso, realiza-se uma pesquisa exploratória e quantitativa, que se baseia na opinião de acadêmicos membros dos diversos claustros que constituem o governo universitário, com especial atenção à importância atribuída ao co-governo na Argentina. Para a análise dos dados, foram utilizadas várias técnicas que incluem estatísticas descritivas e inferenciais. Os resultados permitem identificar a eficácia potencial das variáveis estudadas como mecanismos de alinhamento e sua coincidência com o que é prescrito pela Lei do Ensino Superior. Por sua vez, são identificadas diferenças significativas na avaliação da dupla função do reitor como mais alto executivo e presidente do mcc e seu impacto na gestão universitária.