48 research outputs found

    Response of Pinus sylvestris roots to sheet-erosion exposure: An anatomical approach

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    Anatomical changes of exposed tree roots are valuable tools to date erosion events, but the responses of diverse species under different types of erosion need still to be studied in detail. In this paper we analyze the histological changes that occur in roots of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) subjected to continuous denudation. A descriptive and quantitative study was conducted in the Senda Schmidt, a popular trail located on the northern slope of the Sierra de Guadarrama (Central Iberian System, Spain). Measurement of significant parameters allowed the moment of exposure of the roots to be identified. These parameters were: a) width of the growth ring; b) number of cells per ring; c) percentage of latewood and d) diameter of cellular light in earlywood. A one-way analysis ANOVA was also carried out in order to establish statistically significant differences between homogeneous groups of measurements in pre-exposed and exposed roots. Based on these analyses, Scots pine roots show a remarkable anatomical response to sheet-erosion exposure. Increased growth in the ring is accompanied by a slight reduction of the cell lumina of the earlywood tracheids. At the end of the ring, several rows of thick-walled tracheids define latewood tissue and visible annual borders very clearly. Furthermore, resin ducts often appear in tangential rows, increasing resin density in the tissue. All of these indicators made it possible to determine with precision the first year of exposure and to estimate precisely sheet erosion rates

    Correlating a documentary record of historical floods with the dendrochronological dating of a wooden decking in the old mint of Segovia (Spain)

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    the aim of this study is to apply an integrated methodological approximation where dendrochronology and documentary analysis allow us to reconstruct the historical flood record of the Segovia Mint. Our hypothesis is that differences between the dendrochronological data of the wooden decking pieces can be related to historical floods and, therefore, they could be used as proxy-source data in future palaeoflood research

    Evidencias anatómicas de avenidas torrenciales en diferentes especies arbóreas

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    La caracterización de la respuesta anatómica de árboles afectados por avenidas torrenciales, resulta determinante a la hora de definir indicadores útiles para el estudio de la frecuencia y magnitud del proceso utilizando técnicas dendrogeomorfológicas. Con este propósito, se han analizado 96 muestras provenientes de diferentes especies arbóreas (Pinus pinaster Ait., Quercus pyrenaica Willd., Alnus glutinosa L, Fraxinus angustifolia Vahl. y Populus sp.), de la madera afectada por la carga sólida transportada durante el evento torrencial que tuvo lugar en 1997 en el arroyo Cabrera (Navaluenga, Sierra del Valle, Gredos Oriental). En campo, la toma de muestras consistió en obtener cuñas de madera con una sierra de mano y testigos cilíndricos con barrena Pressler, de aquellos árboles localizados en los bancos de orilla que presentaban descortezados por impacto. En laboratorio se prepararon, a partir de los tejidos vegetales, láminas delgadas obtenidas en sección transversal y con espesores comprendidos entre 10-15 μm. Posteriormente, se procedió a la adquisición de imágenes microscópicas (300 ppp, x 50 aumentos) para el análisis de los diversos parámetros anatómicos cuantitativos y cualitativos mediante el software WinCELL (Regent Instrument). Los resultados obtenidos muestran un cambio claro en los parámetros anatómicos analizados, como respuesta al daño producido por el evento torrencial de 1997. Dependiendo de cada especie, los principales indicadores tuvieron que ver con: el lumen celular de las traqueidas de la madera temprana así como el porcentaje y grosor de la pared celular (en pino); tamaño de los vasos (en aliso, fresno y roble) y dimensiones de las células de madera temprana acompañantes a vasos (aliso y álamo). Por último, también se observó la existencia de falsos anillos (alisos), depósitos gomosos (alisos, robles y fresnos) y presencia de tejidos desestructurados. Estos parámetros se presentan como indicadores útiles para la datación eventos pretéritos en esta zona de estudio y sectores análogos

    Improving regional flood risk assessment using flood frequency and dendrogeomorphic analyses in mountain catchments impacted by tropical cyclones

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    River floods frequently occur when tropical cyclones hit land. Nonetheless, systematic, long-term discharge data remain rather scarce in many tropical countries, which prevent proper analysis of peak discharges occurring during floods. The Térraba catchment is the biggest and most dynamic catchment in Costa Rica. In this study, we developed regional flood-frequency analyses combining tree-ring based estimation and measurement of peak discharge at monitoring stations during tropical cyclones to derive flood quartiles. Flood quartiles were combined with the Topographic Wetness Index (TWI) to determine regional flood hazards along floodplains. The flood risk assessment was based on a high-resolution mapping of infrastructure, population density (as a measure of exposure), and a social development index (to represent vulnerability). We show that peak discharge of cycloneinduced floods can be assessed accurately with flood-frequency analyses including dendrogeomorphic reconstructions and systematic discharge measurements. We also show that regional flood risk assessments can be performed in large-scale catchments if both coarse and detailed inputs are used. The results of this study will be useful for the development of flood risk schemes promoting resilience of local populations.Swiss Federal Commission for Scholarships/[ESKAS-Nr 2017.1072]//SuizaMinisterio de Ciencia, Innovación, Tecnología y Telecomunicaciones/[No MICITT-PINN-CON-2-1-4-17-1-002]/MICITT/Costa RicaUniversidad de Costa Rica/[OAICE-187-2017]/UCR/Costa RicaUCR::Vicerrectoría de Docencia::Ciencias Sociales::Facultad de Ciencias Sociales::Escuela de Geografí

    Estimación de tasas de erosión hídrica a partir de Dendrogeomorfología

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    La senda Schmid es un camino bien conocido dentro de la Sierra de Guadarrama, caracterizándose por presentar un uso recreativo casi exclusivo, generalmente asociado al senderismo. Como resultado, se ha producido un proceso acelerado de erosión hídrica que ha derivado en la exposición de raíces de Pinus sylvestris L. Investigaciones previas llevadas a cabo en esta área, han utilizado técnicas dendrogeomorfológicas para estimar tasas de erosión hídrica basadas en el análisis del cambio del patrón morfológico de las series de anillos de crecimiento. Para ello, se calculó el cociente definido por la profundidad de rebajamiento existente entre la parte superior de la raíz hasta la superficie actual del suelo; y el número de anillos que denotan exposición subaérea, al definir éstos un patrón de crecimiento excéntrico. En este trabajo se han reevaluado, a partir de 18 muestras tomadas a lo largo de la senda, tasas de erosión hídrica sobre la base de la determinación del primer año de exposición mediante el análisis anatómico. Para ello, en laboratorio se obtuvieron imágenes de láminas delgadas de madera de raíz, las cuales fueron adquiridas por medio de un dispositivo digital acoplado a un microscopio óptico. Los parámetros considerados fueron: a) anchura del anillo de crecimiento; b) número de células por anillo; c) porcentaje de madera tardía; y d) diámetro de la luz celular en la madera temprana. Una vez finalizado el estudio anatómico, y con el fin de validar las conclusiones preliminares derivadas de éste, se realizó un análisis ANOVA, verificándose diferencias que han permitido utilizar la fecha de exposición para reevaluar las tasas con una mayor precisión que por medio del simple cambio de patrón excéntrico. Los resultados de tasas de erosión acelerada obtenidos y sus tendencias evolutivas en el tiempo podrían ayudar a la gestión adecuada y regulación del tránsito de excursionistas en áreas de especial fragilidad

    Improving flash flood frequency analyses by using non-systematic dendrogeomorphic data

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    Flash floods have a rapid hydrological response in catchments with short lag times, characterized by “peaky” hydrographs. The peak flows are reached within a few hours, thus giving little or no advance warning to prevent and mitigate flood damage. As a result, flash floods may result in a high social risk, as shown for instance by the 1997 Biescas disaster in Spain. The analysis and management of flood risk are clearly conditioned by data availability, especially in mountain areas where usually flash-floods occur. Nevertheless, in mountain basins there is often short data series available that are not accurate in terms of statistical significance. In addition, when flow data is ready for use maximum annual values are generally not as reliable as average flow values, since conventional stream gauge stations may not record the extreme floods, leading to gaps in the time series. Dendrogeomorphology has been shown to be especially useful for improving flood frequency analyses in catchments where short flood series limit the use of conventional hydrological methods. This study presents pros and cons of using a given probability distribution function, such as the Generalized Extreme Value (GEV), and Bayesian Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) methods to account for non-systematic data provided by dendrogeomorphic techniques, in order to asses flood quantile estimates accuracy. To this end, we have considered a set of locations in Central Spain, where systematic flow available at a gauging site can be extended with non-systematic data obtained from implementation of dendrogeomorphic techniques

    The dendrochronological age of ancient timbers of Casa de la Moneda (Segovia, Spain) and its relationship with historic flood events

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    In the course of restoration work on the Casa de la Moneda in Segovia (Spain), considered to be the world’s oldest industrial building still standing, floorboards were discovered between the old channel of the late sixteenth century, and the most recent, built in the last third of the eighteenth century. Using dendrochronological techniques, we have studied numerous samples of beams and planks, which constitute the platform. Precise dating of these materials has been possible thanks to the survival of ancient trees over a period of more than 400 years, in the upper mountain forest near the city. The tree-ring sequences of these trees, previously studied and published in other works, have enabled the use of cross-dating techniques with the nearest master chronologies, achieving great success in estimating the age and date of felled trees used in platform. Moreover, documentation from those times indicates that this floorboard wood has been replaced on a number of occasions, generally because of damage caused by single events of flooding. Furthermore, the age distribution of beams and planks provides novel data on the record of the most destructive flood events in the region, a subject very little explored until now in Spai

    Re-evaluating sheet erosion rates in a popular trekking trail located at the Spanish Central System

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    Degradation of walking tracks, mainly due to sheet erosion associated with hiking activities, damages the natural and recreational value of protected natural areas. Senda Schmidt is a popular trail located on the northern slope of the Sierra de Guadarrama (Central Spanish System), that shows high denudation morphologies on account of accelerated soil-erosion processes basically caused by human influence (trampling by continuous trekking), resulted in exposed roots. Previous works have used dendrogeomorphological methods in this trail to estimate rates of sheet erosion based on the changing morphology of tree rings (from concentric to eccentric) when root is exposed. This study aims to evaluate soil erosion reconstructing the first year of root exposure by analyzing changes in wood anatomical parameters within growth rings. Additionally, different multivariate statistical approaches were used in order to determinate the influence of different environmental factors affecting the variation in velocity of the sheet erosion processes

    Improvement of resilience of urban areas by integrating social perception in flash-flood risk management

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    In urban areas prone to flash floods, characterization of social resilience is critical to guarantee the success of emergency management plans. In this study, we present the methodological approach that led to the submission and subsequent approval of the Civil Protection Plan of Navaluenga (Central Spain), in which the first phase was to analyse flood hazard by combining the Hydrological Modelling System (HEC-HMS) and the Iber 2D hydrodynamic model. We then analysed social vulnerability and designed measures to put into practice within the framework of the Civil Protection Plan. At a later phase, we assessed citizens’ flash-flood risk perception and level of awareness regarding some key variables of the Civil Protection Plan. To this end, 254 adults representing roughly 12% of the population census were interviewed. Responses were analysed descriptively, comparing awareness regarding preparedness and response actions with the corresponding information and behaviours previously defined in the Civil Protection Plan. In addition, we carried out a latent class cluster analysis aimed at identifying the different groups present among the interviewees. Our results showed that risk perception is low. Specifically, 60.8% of the interviewees showed low risk perception and low awareness (cluster 1); 24.4% had high risk perception and low awareness (cluster 2), while the remaining 14.8% presented high long-term risk perception and high awareness (cluster 3). These findings suggest the need for integrating these key variables of social risk perception and local tailored information in emergency management plans, especially in urban areas prone to flash-floods where response times are limited.This research has been funded by the MARCoNI Project (MINECO, CGL2013-42728-R) of the Spanish National Plan for Scientific and Technical Research and Innovation, and previous projects of this research team by MAS Dendro-Avenidas (MINECO, CGL2010-19274; www.dendro-avenidas.es) and MIDHATOVenero (IGME 2013/2313)