9,727 research outputs found

    Scale Invariance in a Perturbed Einstein-de Sitter Cosmology

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    This paper seeks to check the validity of the "apparent fractal conjecture" (Ribeiro 2001ab: gr-qc/9909093, astro-ph/0104181), which states that the observed power-law behaviour for the average density of large-scale distribution of galaxies arises when some observational quantities, selected by their relevance in average density profile determination, are calculated along the past light cone. Implementing these conditions in the proposed set of observational relations profoundly changes the behaviour of many observables in the standard cosmological models. In particular, the average density becomes observationally inhomogeneous, even in the spatially homogeneous spacetime of standard cosmology, change which was already analysed by Ribeiro (1992b, 1993, 1994, 1995: astro-ph/9910145) for a non-perturbed model. Here we derive observational relations in a perturbed Einstein-de Sitter cosmology by means of the perturbation scheme proposed by Abdalla and Mohayaee (1999: astro-ph/9810146), where the scale factor is expanded in power series to yield perturbative terms. The differential equations derived in this perturbative context, and other observables necessary in our analysis, are solved numerically. The results show that our perturbed Einstein-de Sitter cosmology can be approximately described by a decaying power-law like average density profile, meaning that the dust distribution of this cosmology has a scaling behaviour compatible with the power-law profile of the density-distance correlation observed in the galaxy catalogues. These results show that, in the context of this work, the apparent fractal conjecture is correct.Comment: 18 pages, 1 figure, LaTeX. Final version (small changes in the figure plus some references update). Fortran code included with the LaTeX source. To be published in "Fractals

    Generalised discrete torsion and mirror symmetry for G_2 manifolds

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    A generalisation of discrete torsion is introduced in which different discrete torsion phases are considered for the different fixed points or twist fields of a twisted sector. The constraints that arise from modular invariance are analysed carefully. As an application we show how all the different resolutions of the T^7/Z_2^3 orbifold of Joyce have an interpretation in terms of such generalised discrete torsion orbifolds. Furthermore, we show that these manifolds are pairwise identified under G_2 mirror symmetry. From a conformal field theory point of view, this mirror symmetry arises from an automorphism of the extended chiral algebra of the G_2 compactification.Comment: LaTeX, 25 pages, 1 figure; v2: one reference added and comment about higher loop modular invariance corrected, version to be publishe

    Primordial Magnetic Fields, Right Electrons, and the Abelian Anomaly

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    In the standard model there are charges with abelian anomaly only (e.g. right-handed electron number) which are effectively conserved in the early universe until some time shortly before the electroweak scale. A state at finite chemical potential of such a charge, possibly arising due to asymmetries produced at the GUT scale, is unstable to the generation of hypercharge magnetic field. Quite large magnetic fields (1022\sim 10^{22} gauss at T100T\sim 100 GeV with typical inhomogeneity scale 106T \sim \frac{ 10^6}{T}) can be generated. These fields may be of cosmological interest, potentially acting as seeds for amplification to larger scale magnetic fields through non-linear mechanisms. Previously derived bounds on exotic BLB-L violating operators may also be evaded.Comment: Revised version, to appear in Phys. Rev. Lett.. Analysis has been extended to larger chemical potentials, for which large magnetic fields survive at the electroweak scale. Previous bounds on BLB-L violating operators are also evaded in this cas

    Microbial Iron Reduction by Enrichment Cultures Isolated from Estuarine Sediments

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    Microbial Fe reduction in acetate- and succinate-containing enrichment cultures initiated with an estuarine sediment inoculum was studied. Fe reduction was unaffected when SO42− reduction was inhibited by MoO42−, indicating that both processes could occur independently. Bacterially produced sulfide precipitated as FeS but was not completely responsible for Fe reduction. The separation of oxidized Fe particles from bacteria by dialysis tubing demonstrated that direct bacterial contact was necessary for Fe reduction. Fe reduction in cultures amended with NO3− was delayed until NO3− and NO2− were removed. However, bacterial attachment to oxidized Fe particles in NO3−-amended cultures occurred early during growth in a manner similar to NO3−-free cultures. During late stages of growth, bacteria not attached to Fe particles became pale and swollen, while attached cells remained bright blue when examined by 4′,6-diamidine-2-phenylindole epifluo-rescence microscopy. The presence of added oxidized Mn had no effect on Fe reduction. The results suggested that enzymatic Fe reduction was responsible for reducing Fe in these cultures even in the presence of sulfide and that cells incapable of Fe reduction became unhealthy when Fe(III) was the only available electron acceptor

    Executive function in first-episode schizophrenia

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    BACKGROUND: We tested the hypothesis that schizophrenia is primarily a frontostriatal disorder by examining executive function in first-episode patients. Previous studies have shown either equal decrements in many cognitive domains or specific deficits in memory. Such studies have grouped test results or have used few executive measures, thus, possibly losing information. We, therefore, measured a range of executive ability with tests known to be sensitive to frontal lobe function. METHODS: Thirty first-episode schizophrenic patients and 30 normal volunteers, matched for age and NART IQ, were tested on computerized test of planning, spatial working memory and attentional set shifting from the Cambridge Automated Neuropsychological Test Battery. Computerized and traditional tests of memory were also administered for comparison. RESULTS: Patients were worse on all tests but the profile was non-uniform. A componential analysis indicated that the patients were characterized by a poor ability to think ahead and organize responses but an intact ability to switch attention and inhibit prepotent responses. Patients also demonstrated poor memory, especially for free recall of a story and associate learning of unrelated word pairs. CONCLUSIONS: In contradistinction to previous studies, schizophrenic patients do have profound executive impairments at the beginning of the illness. However, these concern planning and strategy use rather than attentional set shifting, which is generally unimpaired. Previous findings in more chronic patients, of severe attentional set shifting impairment, suggest that executive cognitive deficits are progressive during the course of schizophrenia. The finding of severe mnemonic impairment at first episode suggests that cognitive deficits are not restricted to one cognitive domain

    The effects of room design on computer-supported collaborative learning in a multi-touch classroom.

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    While research indicates that technology can be useful for supporting learning and collaboration, there is still relatively little uptake or widespread implementation of these technologies in classrooms. In this paper, we explore one aspect of the development of a multi-touch classroom, looking at two different designs of the classroom environment to explore how classroom layout may influence group interaction and learning. Three classes of students working in groups of four were taught in the traditional forward-facing room condition, while three classes worked in a centered room condition. Our results indicate that while the outcomes on tasks were similar across conditions, groups engaged in more talk (but not more off-task talk) in a centered room layout, than in a traditional forward-facing room. These results suggest that the use of technology in the classroom may be influenced by the location of the technology, both in terms of the learning outcomes and the interaction behaviors of students. The findings highlight the importance of considering the learning environment when designing technology to support learning, and ensuring that integration of technology into formal learning environments is done with attention to how the technology may disrupt, or contribute to, the classroom interaction practices

    On the geometry of closed G2-structure

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    We give an answer to a question posed recently by R.Bryant, namely we show that a compact 7-dimensional manifold equipped with a G2-structure with closed fundamental form is Einstein if and only if the Riemannian holonomy of the induced metric is contained in G2. This could be considered to be a G2 analogue of the Goldberg conjecture in almost Kahler geometry. The result was generalized by R.L.Bryant to closed G2-structures with too tightly pinched Ricci tensor. We extend it in another direction proving that a compact G2-manifold with closed fundamental form and divergence-free Weyl tensor is a G2-manifold with parallel fundamental form. We introduce a second symmetric Ricci-type tensor and show that Einstein conditions applied to the two Ricci tensors on a closed G2-structure again imply that the induced metric has holonomy group contained in G2.Comment: 14 pages, the Einstein condition in the assumptions of the Main theorem is generalized to the assumption that the Weyl tensor is divergence-free, clarity improved, typos correcte