41 research outputs found

    Nonequilibrium time evolution of the spectral function in quantum field theory

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    Transport or kinetic equations are often derived assuming a quasi-particle (on-shell) representation of the spectral function. We investigate this assumption using a three-loop approximation of the 2PI effective action in real time, without a gradient expansion or on-shell approximation. For a scalar field in 1+1 dimensions the nonlinear evolution, including the integration over memory kernels, can be solved numerically. We find that a spectral function approximately described by a nonzero width emerges dynamically. During the nonequilibrium time evolution the Wigner transformed spectral function is slowly varying, even in presence of strong qualitative changes in the effective particle distribution. These results may be used to make further analytical progress towards a quantum Boltzmann equation including off-shell effects and a nonzero width.Comment: 20 pages with 6 eps figures, explanation and references added; to appear in Phys.Rev.

    Transport equations for chiral fermions to order \hbar and electroweak baryogenesis: Part I

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    This is the first in a series of two papers. We use the Schwinger-Keldysh formalism to derive semiclassical Boltzmann transport equations for massive chiral fermions and scalar particles. Our considerations include complex mass terms and mixing fermion and scalar fields, such that CP-violation is naturally included, rendering the equations particularly suitable for studies of baryogenesis at a first order electroweak phase transition. In part II we discuss the collision terms.Comment: 58 pages, 5 figures; earlier version broken up into two parts, Part II is hep-ph/0406140; accepted for publication in Annals of Physic

    Controlled nonperturbative dynamics of quantum fields out of equilibrium

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    We compute the nonequilibrium real-time evolution of an O(N)-symmetric scalar quantum field theory from a systematic 1/N expansion of the 2PI effective action to next-to-leading order, which includes scattering and memory effects. In contrast to the standard 1/N expansion of the 1PI effective action, the next-to-leading order expansion in presence of a possible expectation value for the composite operator leads to a bounded time evolution where the truncation error may be controlled by higher powers in 1/N. We present a detailed comparison with the leading-order results and determine the range of validity of standard mean field type approximations. We investigate ``quench'' and ``tsunami'' initial conditions frequently used to mimic idealized far-from-equilibrium pion dynamics in the context of heavy-ion collisions. For spatially homogeneous initial conditions we find three generic regimes, characterized by an early-time exponential damping, a parametrically slow (power-law) behavior at intermediate times, and a late-time exponential approach to thermal equilibrium. The different time scales are obtained from a numerical solution of the time-reversal invariant equations in 1+1 dimensions without further approximations. We discuss in detail the out-of-equilibrium behavior of the nontrivial n-point correlation functions as well as the evolution of a particle number distribution and inverse slope parameter.Comment: 48 pages, 20 figures, Nucl.Phys.A version, minor wording changes, reference adde

    Personalized medication adherence management in asthma and COPD:a review of effective interventions and development of a practical adherence toolkit

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    BACKGROUND: Medication non-adherence management of patients with asthma/COPD remains challenging. Given the multitude of underlying causes, a personalized approach is required. The Test of Adherence to Inhalers (TAI) can identify reasons for non-adherence, but does not provide guidance on how to effectively act on results. OBJECTIVE: To develop a practical, evidence-based decision support toolkit for healthcare professionals managing adult patients with asthma and/or COPD, by matching TAI-identified adherence barriers to proven effective adherence enhancing interventions. METHODS: A literature review in PubMed and Embase was performed identifying interventions that enhanced medication adherence in adult patients with asthma and/or COPD. Randomised controlled trials (RCTs) published in English with full-texts available were included. Effective interventions were assessed by the Cochrane risk of bias tool, categorized, matched with specific TAI responses and developed into a practical TAI Toolkit. The Toolkit was assessed on content and usability (System Usability Scale, SUS) by a multidisciplinary group of healthcare professionals. RESULTS: Forty RCTs were included in the review. In total, seven effective interventions catergories were identified, informing the TAI Toolkit: reminders, educational interventions, motivational strategies, feedback on medication use, shared decision making, simplifying medication regimen and multiple component interventions. Healthcare professionals rated the TAI Toolkit with a mean SUS score of 71.4 (range: 57.5-80.0). CONCLUSION: Adherence can be improved using different interventions that the TAI Toolkit helps selecting. The TAI Toolkit was well received by healthcare professionals. Further research is required to test its validity, practicality and effectiveness in practice

    QCD with Chemical Potential in a Small Hyperspherical Box

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    To leading order in perturbation theory, we solve QCD, defined on a small three sphere in the large N and Nf limit, at finite chemical potential and map out the phase diagram in the (mu,T) plane. The action of QCD is complex in the presence of a non-zero quark chemical potential which results in the sign problem for lattice simulations. In the large N theory, which at low temperatures becomes a conventional unitary matrix model with a complex action, we find that the dominant contribution to the functional integral comes from complexified gauge field configurations. For this reason the eigenvalues of the Polyakov line lie off the unit circle on a contour in the complex plane. We find at low temperatures that as mu passes one of the quark energy levels there is a third-order Gross-Witten transition from a confined to a deconfined phase and back again giving rise to a rich phase structure. We compare a range of physical observables in the large N theory to those calculated numerically in the theory with N=3. In the latter case there are no genuine phase transitions in a finite volume but nevertheless the observables are remarkably similar to the large N theory.Comment: 44 pages, 18 figures, jhep3 format. Small corrections and clarifications added in v3. Conclusions cleaned up. Published versio

    Flavour-coherent propagators and Feynman rules: Covariant cQPA formulation

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    We present a simplified and generalized derivation of the flavour-coherent propagators and Feynman rules for the fermionic kinetic theory based on coherent quasiparticle approximation (cQPA). The new formulation immediately reveals the composite nature of the cQPA Wightman function as a product of two spectral functions and an effective two-point interaction vertex, which contains all quantum statistical and coherence information. We extend our previous work to the case of nonzero dispersive self-energy, which leads to a broader range of applications. By this scheme, we derive flavoured kinetic equations for local 2-point functions Sk(t,t)S^{}_\mathbf{k}(t,t), which are reminiscent of the equations of motion for the density matrix. We emphasize that in our approach all the interaction terms are derived from first principles of nonequilibrium quantum field theory.Comment: 20 pages, 3 figures. Minor modifications, version published in JHE

    Calming device

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    A device (1), for calming down a subject, comprises a content delivering means (12,14) adapted for delivering a content in a first mode, at least one sensor (22, 24, 26, 28, 29) configured to detect an activity level of the subject and a controlling unit operatively coupled to the at least one sensor. The controlling unit receives the detected activity level and compares the detected activity level with a pre-determined threshold activity level. The controlling unit is capable of changing the delivery of the content to a second mode when the detected activity level is above the threshold activity level