162 research outputs found

    Systemic Issues of the Information System in the Healthcare Industry: Lessons Learned from the Field in Australia

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    This paper examines the systemic issues involved in attempting to meet the needs and requirements of this stakeholder group: health care provider, information system vendor of the health care provider and the government funding department in the reporting data for the funding model for the health care provider. In this paper we consider the upgrade process of the information system to meet the data requiremen t with a change in policy by the government funding body in their funding model

    Designing and Visualising Healthcare Delivery Systems

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    The effective delivery of information within health care is essential in a clinical setting but the healthcare domain is littered with poorly designed, developed, and implemented systems that do not meet the expectations of the clinicians, administrators or patients. To address design, development and implementation of health information systems issues safety and quality must be ‘engineered in’ a holistic, integrated and quality approach using the guiding principles of Total Quality Management, TQM. Technology can improve health care delivery but must be understood by all stakeholders and a consistent view of the role it plays must be achieved. This paper describes a novel approach to viewing the operations of a healthcare provider where electronic means could be used to distribute information. Specifically, an approach called the “triple pair flow” model is used to provide a view of healthcare delivery that considers the issues of safety and quality that is integrated, yet detailed, and that combines the strategic enterprise view with a business process view

    E-fulfilment Systems for Quality Healthcare Delivery: A New Construct for Visualising and Designing

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    Electronically delivered information and funds transaction systems do offer such organisations great potential for efficiency and effectiveness, but many large integrated ICT systems, particularly in public service projects, have notoriously underperformed and disappointed. To ensure that quality is ‘engineered in’ a holistic, integrated and quality approach is required, and Total Quality Management (TQM) principles are the obvious foundations for this. TQM is a business philosophy that encourages an over-arching responsibility - both individual and collective - to quality and customer satisfaction. This paper describes a novel approach to viewing the operations of a healthcare provider where electronic means could be used to distribute information and facilitate electronic fund settlements, building around the Full Service Provider core. Specifically, an approach called the “triple pair flow” model is used to provide a view of healthcare delivery that is integrated, yet detailed, and that combines the strategic enterprise view with a business process view

    Teodorico Pedrini: The Music and Letters of an 18th-century Missionary in China

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    Peter Allsop and Joyce Lindorff originally intended to investigate the origin of Arcangelo Corelli’s influence on the sonatas of Teodorico Pedrini, a Vincentian who served in China’s imperial court from 1711 to 1746. He was at the center of the conflict over the Chinese Rites, which led to the suppression of the first Catholic mission to China. During their research, Allsop and Lindorff discovered a wealth of letters and diaries by or about Pedrini. His music and his capacity as court music master were “key to his unequalled intimacy with a succession of Chinese emperors.” Allsop and Lindorff review the past research on Pedrini, explore his relationship with Emperor Kangxi, and explain the importance of music and multiculturalism at court. Pedrini’s music is also discussed

    Dimensional approaches to experimental psychopathology of schizophrenia: shift learning and report of psychotic-like experiences in college students

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    Adopting a dimensional approach to experimental psychopathology, and taking into account inconsistencies in the previous literature, we examined whether reports of psychotic-like experiences in undergraduate students were associated with shift-learning deficits, akin to those seen in schizophrenia. The participants (N=72) were tested on a new compound stimulus discrimination task (CSDT) before and after a target shift, and were administered a multi-dimensional schizotypy inventory (O-LIFE). Performance impairment following a target shift was associated with the negative (Introvertive Anhedonia) and the impulsive (Impulsive Non-conformity) dimension of schizotypy, but not with the positive (Unusual Experiences), nor the disorganised (Cognitive Disorganisation) dimension. None of the schizotypy measures were associated with performance on discrimination learning before the target shift. The obtained results are in line with past evidence that shift learning is associated with the severity of the negative symptomatology of schizophrenia. The possibility that psychotic-like features may contribute differentially to performance deficits across successive stages of learning is considered

    Improving emergency treatment for patients with acute stroke: the PEARS research programme, including the PASTA cluster RCT

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    Background Intravenous thrombolysis and intra-arterial thrombectomy are proven emergency treatments for acute ischaemic stroke, but they require rapid delivery to selected patients within specialist services. National audit data have shown that treatment provision is suboptimal. Objectives The aims were to (1) determine the content, clinical effectiveness and day 90 cost-effectiveness of an enhanced paramedic assessment designed to facilitate thrombolysis delivery in hospital and (2) model thrombectomy service configuration options with optimal activity and cost-effectiveness informed by expert and public views. Design A mixed-methods approach was employed between 2014 and 2019. Systematic reviews examined enhanced paramedic roles and thrombectomy effectiveness. Professional and service user groups developed a thrombolysis-focused Paramedic Acute Stroke Treatment Assessment, which was evaluated in a pragmatic multicentre cluster randomised controlled trial and parallel process evaluation. Clinicians, patients, carers and the public were surveyed regarding thrombectomy service configuration. A decision tree was constructed from published data to estimate thrombectomy eligibility of the UK stroke population. A matching discrete-event simulation predicted patient benefits and financial consequences from increasing the number of centres. Setting The paramedic assessment trial was hosted by three regional ambulance services (in north-east England, north-west England and Wales) serving 15 hospitals. Participants A total of 103 health-care representatives and 20 public representatives assisted in the development of the paramedic assessment. The trial enrolled 1214 stroke patients within 4 hours of symptom onset. Thrombectomy service provision was informed by a Delphi exercise with 64 stroke specialists and neuroradiologists, and surveys of 147 patients and 105 public respondents. Interventions The paramedic assessment comprised additional pre-hospital information collection, structured hospital handover, practical assistance up to 15 minutes post handover, a pre-departure care checklist and clinician feedback. Main outcome measures The primary outcome was the proportion of patients receiving thrombolysis. Secondary outcomes included day 90 health (poor status was a modified Rankin Scale score of > 2). Economic outputs reported the number of cases treated and cost-effectiveness using quality-adjusted life-years and Great British pounds. Data sources National registry data from the Sentinel Stroke National Audit Programme and the Scottish Stroke Care Audit were used. Review methods Systematic searches of electronic bibliographies were used to identify relevant literature. Study inclusion and data extraction processes were described using Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses guidelines. Results The paramedic assessment trial found a clinically important but statistically non-significant reduction in thrombolysis among intervention patients, compared with standard care patients [197/500 (39.4%) vs. 319/714 (44.7%), respectively] (adjusted odds ratio 0.81, 95% confidence interval 0.61 to 1.08; p = 0.15). The rate of poor health outcomes was not significantly different, but was lower in the intervention group than in the standard care group [313/489 (64.0%) vs. 461/690 (66.8%), respectively] (adjusted odds ratio 0.86, 95% confidence interval 0.60 to 1.2; p = 0.39). There was no difference in the quality-adjusted life-years gained between the groups (0.005, 95% confidence interval –0.004 to 0.015), but total costs were significantly lower for patients in the intervention group than for those in the standard care group (–£1086, 95% confidence interval –£2236 to –£13). It has been estimated that, in the UK, 10,140–11,530 patients per year (i.e. 12% of stroke admissions) are eligible for thrombectomy. Meta-analysis of published data confirmed that thrombectomy-treated patients were significantly more likely to be functionally independent than patients receiving standard care (odds ratio 2.39, 95% confidence interval 1.88 to 3.04; n = 1841). Expert consensus and most public survey respondents favoured selective secondary transfer for accessing thrombectomy at regional neuroscience centres. The discrete-event simulation model suggested that six new English centres might generate 190 quality-adjusted life-years (95% confidence interval –6 to 399 quality-adjusted life-years) and a saving of £1,864,000 per year (95% confidence interval –£1,204,000 to £5,017,000 saving per year). The total mean thrombectomy cost up to 72 hours was £12,440, mostly attributable to the consumables. There was no significant cost difference between direct admission and secondary transfer (mean difference –£368, 95% confidence interval –£1016 to £279; p = 0.26). Limitations Evidence for paramedic assessment fidelity was limited and group allocation could not be masked. Thrombectomy surveys represented respondent views only. Simulation models assumed that populations were consistent with published meta-analyses, included limited parameters reflecting underlying data sets and did not consider the capital costs of setting up new services. Conclusions Paramedic assessment did not increase the proportion of patients receiving thrombolysis, but outcomes were consistent with improved cost-effectiveness at day 90, possibly reflecting better informed treatment decisions and/or adherence to clinical guidelines. However, the health difference was non-significant, small and short term. Approximately 12% of stroke patients are suitable for thrombectomy and widespread provision is likely to generate health and resource gains. Clinician and public views support secondary transfer to access treatment. Future work Further evaluation of emergency care pathways will determine whether or not enhanced paramedic assessment improves hospital guideline compliance. Validation of the simulation model post reconfiguration will improve precision and describe wider resource implications. Trial registration This trial is registered as ISRCTN12418919 and the systematic review protocols are registered as PROSPERO CRD42014010785 and PROSPERO CRD42015016649

    Estimating the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of establishing additional endovascular Thrombectomy stroke Centres in England::a discrete event simulation

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    Background We have previously modelled that the optimal number of comprehensive stroke centres (CSC) providing endovascular thrombectomy (EVT) in England would be 30 (net 6 new centres). We now estimate the relative effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of increasing the number of centres from 24 to 30. Methods We constructed a discrete event simulation (DES) to estimate the effectiveness and lifetime cost-effectiveness (from a payer perspective) using 1 year’s incidence of stroke in England. 2000 iterations of the simulation were performed comparing baseline 24 centres to 30. Results Of 80,800 patients admitted to hospital with acute stroke/year, 21,740 would be affected by the service reconfiguration. The median time to treatment for eligible early presenters (< 270 min since onset) would reduce from 195 (IQR 155–249) to 165 (IQR 105–224) minutes. Our model predicts reconfiguration would mean an additional 33 independent patients (modified Rankin scale [mRS] 0–1) and 30 fewer dependent/dead patients (mRS 3–6) per year. The net addition of 6 centres generates 190 QALYs (95%CI − 6 to 399) and results in net savings to the healthcare system of £1,864,000/year (95% CI -1,204,000 to £5,017,000). The estimated budget impact was a saving of £980,000 in year 1 and £7.07 million in years 2 to 5. Conclusion Changes in acute stroke service configuration will produce clinical and cost benefits when the time taken for patients to receive treatment is reduced. Benefits are highly likely to be cost saving over 5 years before any capital investment above £8 million is required