238 research outputs found

    Feature-based Visualization of Dense Integral Line Data

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    Feature-based visualization of flow fields has proven as an effective tool for flow analysis. While most flow visualization techniques operate on vector field data, our visualization techniques make use of a different simulation output: Particle Tracers. Our approach solely relies on integral lines that can be easily obtained from most simulation software. The task is the visualization of dense integral line data. We combine existing methods for streamline visualization, i.e. illumination, transparency, and halos, and add ambient occlusion for lines. But, this only solves one part of the problem: because of the high density of lines, visualization has to fight with occlusion, high frequency noise, and overlaps. As a solution we propose non-automated choices of transfer functions on curve properties that help highlighting important flow features like vortices or turbulent areas. These curve properties resemble some of the original flow properties. With the new combination of existing line drawing methods and the addition of ambient occlusion we improve the visualization of lines by adding better shape and depth cues. The intelligent use of transfer functions on curve properties reduces visual clutter and helps focusing on important features while still retaining context, as demonstrated in the examples given in this work

    Streaming Aerial Video Textures

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    We present a streaming compression algorithm for huge time-varying aerial imagery. New airborne optical sensors are capable of collecting billion-pixel images at multiple frames per second. These images must be transmitted through a low-bandwidth pipe requiring aggressive compression techniques. We achieve such compression by treating foreground portions of the imagery separately from background portions. Foreground information consists of moving objects, which form a tiny fraction of the total pixels. Background areas are compressed effectively over time using streaming wavelet analysis to compute a compact video texture map that represents several frames of raw input images. This map can be rendered efficiently using an algorithm amenable to GPU implementation. The core algorithmic contributions of this work are methods for fast, low-memory streaming wavelet compression and efficient display of wavelet video textures resulting from such compression

    On the role of domain-specific knowledge in the visualization of technical flows

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    In this paper, we present an overview of a number of existing flow visualization methods, developed by the authors in the recent past, that are specifically aimed at integrating and leveraging domain-specific knowledge into the visualization process. These methods transcend the traditional divide between interactive exploration and featurebased schemes and allow a visualization user to benefit from the abstraction properties of feature extraction and topological methods while retaining intuitive and interactive control over the visual analysis process, as we demonstrate on a number of examples

    07291 Abstracts Collection -- Scientific Visualization

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    From 15.07. to 20.07.07, the Dagstuhl Seminar 07291 ``Scientific Visualization\u27\u27 was held in the International Conference and Research Center (IBFI),Schloss Dagstuhl. During the seminar, several participants presented their current research, and ongoing work and open problems were discussed. Abstracts of the presentations given during the seminar as well as abstracts of seminar results and ideas are put together in this paper. The first section describes the seminar topics and goals in general. Links to extended abstracts or full papers are provided, if available

    The effect of ethanolic extract of premature Musa Paradisiaca (plantain) pulp on the histology of the liver and kidneys of female Wistar rats

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    Background: Premature plantain is a major component in herbal remedies used for the treatment of different ailment such as reducing blood sugar, and peptic ulcer disease. The aim of the study was to determine the effect of ethanolic extract of premature Musa paradisiaca on histology of the liver and kidneys of female Wistar rats.   Methods: Twenty female Wistar rats weighing between 180-200 g were divided into four groups. Group 1 was administered distilled water only, while groups 2, 3 and 4 were administered the ethanolic extract of premature Musa paradisiaca in low, medium, and high dose respectively for 14 days. Results: Twenty-four hours after the last administration, all animals were sacrificed, tissues were harvested. The histological reports showed varying level of damage to the cytoarchitecture of the liver and kidney tissues of the treatment groups when compared to the control. Conclusions: This plant may likely induce nephrotoxic and hepatotoxic changes

    Peer support for people living with hepatitis B virus—A foundation for treatment expansion

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    Chronic hepatitis B infection (CHB) affects 300 million people worldwide and is being targeted by the United Nations 2030 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the World Health Organisation (WHO), working towards elimination of hepatitis B virus (HBV) as a public health threat. In this piece, we explore the evidence and potential impact of peer support to enhance and promote interventions for people living with CHB. Peer support workers (PSWs) are those with lived experience of an infection, condition or situation who work to provide support for others, aiming to improve education, prevention, treatment and other clinical interventions and to reduce the physical, psychological and social impacts of disease. Peer support has been shown to be a valuable tool for improving health outcomes for people living with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and hepatitis C virus (HCV), but to date has not been widely available for communities affected by HBV. HBV disproportionately affects vulnerable and marginalised populations, who could benefit from PSWs to help them navigate complicated systems and provide advocacy, tackle stigma, improve education and representation, and optimise access to treatment and continuity of care. The scale up of peer support must provide structured and supportive career pathways for PSWs, account for social and cultural needs of different communities, adapt to differing healthcare systems and provide flexibility in approaches to care. Investment in peer support for people living with CHB could increase diagnosis, improve retention in care, and support design and roll out of interventions that can contribute to global elimination goals

    Directed Mammalian Gene Regulatory Networks Using Expression and Comparative Genomic Hybridization Microarray Data from Radiation Hybrids

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    Meiotic mapping of quantitative trait loci regulating expression (eQTLs) has allowed the construction of gene networks. However, the limited mapping resolution of these studies has meant that genotype data are largely ignored, leading to undirected networks that fail to capture regulatory hierarchies. Here we use high resolution mapping of copy number eQTLs (ceQTLs) in a mouse-hamster radiation hybrid (RH) panel to construct directed genetic networks in the mammalian cell. The RH network covering 20,145 mouse genes had significant overlap with, and similar topological structures to, existing biological networks. Upregulated edges in the RH network had significantly more overlap than downregulated. This suggests repressive relationships between genes are missed by existing approaches, perhaps because the corresponding proteins are not present in the cell at the same time and therefore unlikely to interact. Gene essentiality was positively correlated with connectivity and betweenness centrality in the RH network, strengthening the centrality-lethality principle in mammals. Consistent with their regulatory role, transcription factors had significantly more outgoing edges (regulating) than incoming (regulated) in the RH network, a feature hidden by conventional undirected networks. Directed RH genetic networks thus showed concordance with pre-existing networks while also yielding information inaccessible to current undirected approaches
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