87 research outputs found

    Digital Competencies in Selected European Countries among University and High-School Students: Programming is lagging behind

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    Background: Constant integration of digital technologies in economic and social life is rapidly and significantly shaping and changing our environment and ourselves. To function in such a world, even in daily routines, it is necessary to possess certain digital competencies. Objectives: This paper aims to examine how university and high-school students of economic orientations from selected European countries self-assess their digital competencies, and to analyse the identified differences. This will enable further understanding of university and high-school students’ digital competencies that can serve as guidance for improving teaching practices and curricula. Methods/Approach: A survey was conducted to collect data that were analysed using non-parametric statistic tests (Mann-Whitney U test and Kruskal-Wallis H test) and Spearman Rank-Order Correlation coefficient. Results: University and high-school students consider to have below intermediate level of digital competencies. High-school students self-assessed digital competencies at a higher level than university students. University students of higher years of study self-assessed digital competencies at a higher level. There is no universal pattern among high-school students of different years of study. University students in the Accounting module and high-school students in the Tourism module assessed their digital competencies at the lowest level in several areas. There is a consistency in self-assessment of digital knowledge and digital skills. Conclusions: The identified below intermediate level of digital competencies and discovered discrepancies indicated the need for educational process improvements to provide university and high-school students with a higher degree of digital competencies. Programming is the most lagging behind in all the observed groups

    Urbanisation as a tool for economic growth – Novi Sad the developmental city

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    Current research and documents on urban development emphasise the links between economic growth and planning strategies, making urban space an asset of the contemporary market economy. The analysis of development trends in post-transitional cities shows numerous similarities to the Asian concept of developmental cities. This study examines current urban development strategies in the city of Novi Sad (Serbia), particularly focusing on trends in housing projects, which are the major contributors to the production of urban space. The housing policy in the city, spanning from urban reconstruction after WWII until the present, is comprehended through statistical data on construction activity, taken as an indicator of change in urban politics and the general concept of city development. The major change in this concept is the weakening of the connection between city population growth and apartment building production. As a result, human needs are no longer the primary motive for apartment construction. The comparison, analysis, and conclusions based on the interpretation of the indicators highlight the necessity for rethinking present urban practises in order to combat the continual process of degrading the quality of life in the city

    Multilevel analysis of factors associated with noncommunicable diseases morbidity

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    Uvod: Iako analize geografskih varijacija, učestalosti obolevanja i faktora čije je prisustvo povezano sa pojavom hroničnih nezaraznih bolesti imaju dugu tradiciju, tek nedavno su se naučna istraživanja fokusirala i na proučavanje prostornog konteksta, odnosno na to kako su karakteristike susedstva (engl. neighbourhood environment) povezane sa obolevanjem od hroničnih nezaraznih bolesti. Smatra se da karakteristike susedstva, naročito socijalno-ekonomske, mogu da oblikuju zdravstvene ishode nezavisno od individualnih karakteristika odnosno da formiraju kontekst koji daje povod za prisustvo faktora rizika po zdravlje. Cilj ove disertacije bio je da se ispita povezanost individualnih karakteristika, karakteristika domaćinstava i karakteristika opština sa prisustvom bilo koje hronične bolesti, prisustvom kardiovaskularnih bolesti i prisustvom dve ili više hroničnih bolesti (multimorbiditetom) kod odraslih stanovnika Srbije, primenom univarijantne i multivarijantne dvostepene logističke regresije. Metod: U ovoj studiji korišćeni su podaci iz istraživanja zdravlja stanovnika Srbije, sprovedenog 2013. godine po tipu studije preseka, na reprezentativnom uzorku odraslih osoba uzrasta 20 i više godina; rezultati Popisa stanovništva, domaćinstava i stanova u Republici Srbiji, sprovedenog 2011. godine, za nivo opština i podaci iz DevInfo opštinskih profila za 2013. godinu. Kao instrumenti prikupljanja podataka u navedenim istraživanjima korišćeni su upitnici. Rezultati: Kardiovaskularne bolesti predstavljaju najzastupljeniju grupu hroničnih nezaraznih bolesti kod odraslih osoba u Srbiji (40,4%). Bilo koju od 12 posmatranih hroničnih bolesti ima polovina (48,0%), a dve ili više hroničnih bolesti trećina odraslog stanovništva (30,1%). Postoje značajne razlike u prisustvu bilo koje hronične bolesti, prisustvu dve ili više hroničnih bolesti i prisustvu kardiovaskularnih bolesti u odnosu na većinu posmatranih individualnih karakteristika ispitanika, kao i karakteristika domaćinstva i karakteristika opština u kojima ispitanici žive. Prema modelima multivarijantne dvostepene logističke regresije, 8% varijacija u prisustvu bilo koje hronične bolesti, 3,2% varijacija u prisustvu kardiovaskularnih bolesti, 10% varijacija u prisustvu dve ili više bolesti kod odraslih između opština, 4,4% varijacija u prisustvu kardiovaskularnih bolesti kod žena između opština, može se objasniti karakteristikama opština...Introduction: Despite the long analysis tradition relating to the geographic variations, the prevalence of diseases and the factors whose presence is associated with the occurrence of noncommunicable diseases, it was only recently that the scientific research shifted its focus on the study of the spatial context, i.e. how the facts about the neighborhood environment are associated with noncommunicable diseases morbidity. It is suggested that the neighborhood environment, especially the socio-economic, can shape the health outcomes independently of individual characteristics, thus creating a context that gives rise to the subsistence of health risk factors. The aim of this thesis was to explore the association between the individual, household and municipal characteristics and presence of any chronic disease, presence of cardiovascular diseases and presence two or more chronic diseases (multimorbidity) in the adult population of Serbia, whereby using a univariate and multivariate two-level logistic regression. Method: This study utilized data from the following datasets: the Serbian Population Health Survey, conducted in 2013 (as a cross sectional study, on a representative sample of adults aged 20 and older); results of the Census of Population conducted in 2011 (for the level of municipalities); and the data from DevInfo municipal profiles for 2013. Above surveys involved questionnaires, as instruments for the data collection. Results: Cardiovascular diseases are the most prevalent group of noncommunicable diseases among adults in Serbia (40.4%). Half of the adult population (48.0%) have any of the 12 observed chronic diseases, and a third (30.1%) have two or more chronic diseases. There are significant differences regarding the presence of any chronic disease, two or more chronic diseases, and cardiovascular diseases as compared to the most monitored individual characteristics of respondents, their households and their municipalities. By municipal characteristics, the multivariate two-level logistic regression models can clarify 8% of variations concerning any chronic disease, 3,2% of variations concerning cardiovascular diseases, 10% of variations concerning adults with two or more diseases, and 4,4% of variations concerning cardiovascular diseasese in women..

    Psychological problems of women during infertility treatment and their correlation with the outcomes of in vitro fertilization.

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    Cilj: Ispitati psihološke probleme infertilnih ţena podvrgnutih vantelesnoj oplodnji (VTO) i analizirati dvosmernost psihološko-ovarijalnih odnosno psihološko-uterusnih odnosa. Metode: Prospektivna kohortna studija obuhvatila je 120 infertilnih ţena od kojih je 29 ţena imalo PCOS, 38 neobjašnjen infertilitet (UI), 38 endometriozu, 15 tubarni faktor (TFI). Psihopatološke faktore pratili smo skalom BPRS-19, anksioznost skalom HAMA-14, a distres skalom DASS-21. Merenja smo izveli na poĉetku i kraju ovarijalne stimulacije (COH), preoperativno (OPU), pre embriotransfera (ET) i prilikom serumskog testiranja beta-hCG (ST). Rezultati: VTO je udruţen sa promenama psihološkog stanja ţene. Anksiozno-depresivni simptomi BPRS-ad rastu u ST fazi: kod UI sa 2.03±1.92 na 2.42±1.70 (p=0.017) i TFI sa 2.20±1.42 na 3.50±2.71 (p=0.004). Kod endometrioze BPRS-ad pada tokom COH i OPU faze sa 3.00±1.79 na 2.70±1.51. Tokom VTO kod UI i endometrioze opadaju: agresivnost (BPRS-hs) 0.68±0.89 do 0.36±0.68 (p=0.000) odn. 0.66±1.02 do 0.23±0.50 (p=0.001), i poremećaj mišljenja (BPRS-td) 0.45±1.01 do 0.11±0.40 (p=0.011) odn. 0.47±0.77 do 0.21±0.48 (p=0.030). Medju ţenama sa PCOS dobijeno je uvećanje u Anksioznosti HAMA-14 sa 4.59±3.65 na 8.73±3.62 (p<0.0001). Porast stresa (DASS-s) karakteriše TFI sa 4.13±2.70 na 4.79±4.69, p=0.006. Stres pada u ET fazi kod PCOS (sa 4.21±3.26 na 2.86±3.19, p=0.029), UI sa 4.32±3.68 na 3.08±4.07, p=0.019 i endometrioze sa 5.08±3.32 na 3.21±3.49, p=0.011. Kod UI ţena u COH fazi, atretiĉne oocite i embrioni dobrog kvaliteta pozitivno su udruţeni sa distresom i povuĉenošću (BPRS-wr) (p=0.018, p=0.006). Kod ţena sa endometriozom u ET i ţena sa TFI u ST fazi postoji pozitivna udruţenost izmeĊu BPRS-ad, BPRS-wr, BPRS-hs i debljine endometriuma (p=0,002, p=0,027, p=0.041). U ET i ST fazi manji distres dobijen je u trudnih u poreĊenju sa netrudnima (p=0.049, p=0.010 ponaosob). Zaključci: Ţene sa PCOS u VTO proceduri pokazuju porast depresije, stresa i anksioznosti...Objective: The aim of the study was to evaluate psychological problems in infertile women and to analyze interaction between psychological-ovarian and psychological-uterine relationships. Methods: Prospective cohort study analyzed 120 infertile women. Study population encompassed 29 women with PCOS, 38 with unexplained infertility (UI), 38 with endometriosis and 15 with tubal infertility (TFI). BPRS-19 scale was applied to evaluate psychopathological factors, HAMA-14 scale to measure anxiety and DASS-21 scale to analyze distress. The scales were applied in each woman at the beginning and at the end of ovarian stimulation (COH), 30 minutes before operation (OPU), at the day of embryo transfer (ET), and at the day of pregnancy tests (HCG-ST). Results: IVF is associated with changes in psychological status of women. Anxious-depressive symptoms evaluated by BPRS-ad increased in the ST. This increase was in UI women from 2.03±1.92 to 2.42±1.70 (p=0.017) and in TFI women from 2.20±1:42 to 3:50±2.71 (p=0.004). In women with endometriosis BPRS-ad decreased during COH and OPU from 3:00±1.79 to 2.70±1.51. During IVF treatment we have noticed among women with UI and endometriosis the decrease of Hostility (BPRS-hs), from 0.68±0.89 to 0.36±0.68 (p=0.000), and from 0.66±1.02 to 0.23±0.50 (p=0.001), and Thinking-Disorder (BPRS-td) from 0.45±1.01 to 0.11±0.40 (p=0.011) and from 0.47±0.77 to 0.21±0.48 (p=0.030). Among PCOS women the increase in Anxyeti HAMA-14 was found from 4.59±3.65 to 8.73±3.62 (p<0.0001). Among TFI women the increase in stress (DASS-s) was found from 4.13±.70 to 4.79±4.69, p=0.006. Conversely, decrease in stress was found in women with PCOS from 4.21±3.26 to 2.86±3.19, p=0.029, with UI from 4.32±3.68 to 3.08±4.07, p=0.019 and with endometriosis from 5.08±3.32 to 3.21±3.49, p=0.011 during ET. In women with UI, during COH, atretic oocytes and Embryo good quality were positively correlated with distress and withdrawal-retardation (BPRS-wr) (p=0.018, p=0.006)..

    Impact of Weather Conditions on Travel Demand – The Most Common Research Methods and Applied Models

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    This paper presents an overview of the applied research methodologies and developed travel demand models that take weather impact into account. The paper deals with trip generation and modal split as elements of travel demand that best describe changes in the travel behaviour in different weather conditions. The authors herein emphasize the importance of research in local conditions in all climate zones, especially in areas where climate and modal split characteristics are different from those in common research areas. This review is designed as a brief guide on how the impact of weather can be explored in order to encourage conducting research even in the countries where there is no systematic traffic and travel data collection. The stated adaptation technique followed by the panel household travel surveys may be particularly appropriate for those countries. It is concluded that small budgets should not be considered an obstacle, because it is possible to draw reliable conclusions based even on small samples. Moreover, modern research methods enable a cheaper survey process together with the possibility of obtaining higher quality of results. The increasing popularity of research in this field should contribute to the creation of more resilient transport systems all over the world. A special contribution of this paper is the review of research studies carried out in central, western and southern Europe and not mentioned in any review paper before.</p

    Numerical methods for generation and characterization of disordered aperiodic photonic lattices

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    We introduce numerical modeling of two different methods for the deterministic randomization of two-dimensional aperiodic photonic lattices based on Mathieu beams, optically induced in a photorefractive media. For both methods we compare light transport and localization in such lattices along the propagation, for various disorder strengths. A disorder-enhanced light transport is observed for all disorder strengths. With increasing disorder strength light transport becomes diffusive-like and with further increase of disorder strength the Anderson localization is observed. This trend is more noticeable for longer propagation distances. The influence of input lattice intensity on the localization effects is studied. The difference in light transport between two randomization methods is attributed to various levels of input lattice intensity. We observe more pronounced localization for one of the methods. Localization lengths differ along different directions, due to the crystal and lattice anisotropy. We analyze localization effects comparing uniform and on-site probe beam excitation positions and different probe beam widths

    Preparation of LiFePO4/C composites by co-precipitation in the presence of stearic acid

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    The olivine type compositions LiMPO4 (M = Fe, Mn, Co) are among the most attractive materials for the positive electrode of lithium-ion battery. The benefits of using LiFePO4 are excellent cycle life, high structural stability, low cost and environmental friendliness. Its main limitation is low total electrical conductivity, which can be overcome by carbon coating and/or the achievement of a small and homogeneous particle size distribution. Here is presented a simple and inexpensive route for obtaining LiFePO4/C composites by aqueous co-precipitation of an Fe(II) precursor material in the presence of stearic acid and subsequent heat treatment at different temperatures. Stearic acid serves as both chelating agent and carbonaceous material. During pyrolytic degradation stearic acid decomposes to carbon while creating reductive atmosphere. The crystal structures of the powders were revealed by X-ray powder diffraction. It was shown that phase purity of the synthesized powders is very dependent on calcination temperature, as well as their electrochemical properties

    Expenses of the knowledge-based society in the function of competitiveness growth of Bosnia and Herzegovina

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    The aim of the paper is to point out to the status, significance and benefits that Bosnia and Herzegovina has from the development of a knowledge-based society. Comparative analysis of key statistical indicators has shown that Bosnia and Herzegovina is in a very poor position compared to other countries, both in terms of investment in knowledge and innovation according to UNESCO statistics and competitiveness, as indicated by the Word Economic Forum and The Global Competitiveness Report. Bosnia and Herzegovina is also far below the performance of the countries of the European Union whose accession it is striving for. The results of the analysis suggest that investments in the development of science, education and innovation in Bosnia and Herzegovina are so low that they do not show correlation with economic growth and foreign investment flows as key indicators of competitiveness


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    Using numerical analysis we demonstrate the existence of vortex solitons at the interface separating two different photonic lattices. We consider the conditions for the existence of discrete vortex states at such interface and also study their stability. A novel type of interface vortex solitons with five lobes is observed. Also different topological charges and phase structures of such solutions are studied, as well as influence of different lattice intensities. Other observed solutions are in the form of discrete solitons with six lobes. For lower beam powers such solutions are stable during propagation, but for higher beam powers they oscillate during propagation in a way indicating the exchange of power between neighboring lobes, or show dynamical instabilities