974 research outputs found

    The Research on Moral and Civic Education in the Spanish Educational Theory – Evolution and current trends

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    With this paper the editors of the Journal of Social Science Education start a new kind of report which presents an overview of scholarly discourses on civic education and economic education in several European countries. The overall aim is to provide a first access to these discourses which are often rather difficult to reach. By publishing reports on these national scientific fields the editors of JSSE hope to facilitate the mutual perception of scholars and the development of a European discourse. The NECE database “Networking European Citizenship Education” which is available at http://www.nece.eu and at the German Federal Agency of Civic Education may help networking, too

    Escoliosis dolorosa en la infancia: osteoblastoma costal.

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    Las principales causas de dolor de espalda en la infancia son los traumatismos, las infecciones, los procesos oncológicos y otras enfermedades que pueden causar dolor referido a dicho nivel. Es ampliamente admitido que la escoliosis idiopática en la infancia no es un proceso doloroso, por lo tanto, ante la presencia de una escoliosis dolorosa se debe realizar un estudio detallado para localizar la causa del dolor. Presentamos el caso de una niña con escoliosis dolorosa producida por un osteoblastoma costal. Localización rara para este tumor y causa poco frecuente de escoliosis.The main causes of back pain in children are injury, infections, cancer and other diseases proces - ses that can cause referred pain to that level. It is widely accepted that idiopathic scoliosis in childhood is not a painful process, therefore, in the presence of a painful scoliosis should conduct a detailed study to find the cause of pain. We report the case of a girl with painful scoliosis caused by a rib osteoblastoma, this is a rare location of the osteoblastoma and is a rare cause of scoliosis

    Entropy and canonical ensemble of hybrid quantum classical systems

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    In this work we generalize and combine Gibbs and von Neumann approaches to build, for the first time, a rigorous definition of entropy for hybrid quantum-classical systems. The resulting function coincides with the two cases above when the suitable limits are considered. Then, we apply the MaxEnt principle for this hybrid entropy function and obtain the natural candidate for the hybrid canonical ensemble (HCE). We prove that the suitable classical and quantum limits of the HCE coincide with the usual classical and quantum canonical ensembles since the whole scheme admits both limits, thus showing that the MaxEnt principle is applicable and consistent for hybrid systems

    Expansion of the ligand knowledge base for chelating P,P-donor ligands (LKB-PP)

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    [Image: see text] We have expanded the ligand knowledge base for bidentate P,P- and P,N-donor ligands (LKB-PP, Organometallics2008, 27, 1372–1383) by 208 ligands and introduced an additional steric descriptor (nHe(8)). This expanded knowledge base now captures information on 334 bidentate ligands and has been processed with principal component analysis (PCA) of the descriptors to produce a detailed map of bidentate ligand space, which better captures ligand variation and has been used for the analysis of ligand properties

    Entropy and canonical ensemble of hybrid quantum classical systems

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    We generalize von Neumann entropy function to hybrid quantum-classical systems by considering the principle of exclusivity of hybrid events. For non-interacting quantum and classical subsystems, this entropy function separates into the sum of the usual classical (Gibbs) and quantum (von Neumann) entropies, whereas if the two parts do interact, it can be properly separated into the classical entropy for the marginal classical probability, and the conditional quantum entropy. We also deduce the hybrid canonical ensemble (HCE) as the one that maximizes this entropy function, for a fixed ensemble energy average. We prove that the HCE is additive for non-interacting systems for all thermodynamic magnitudes, and reproduces the appropriate classical- and quantum-limit ensembles. Furthermore, we discuss how and why Ehrenfest dynamics does not preserve the HCE and does not yield the correct ensemble averages when time-averages of simulations are considered -- even if it can still be used to obtain correct averages by modifying the averaging procedure.Comment: 6 pages + 4 pages Supp. Ma

    About the computation of finite temperature ensemble averages of hybrid quantum-classical systems with molecular dynamics

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    Molecular or condensed matter systems are often well approximated by hybrid quantum-classical models: the electrons retain their quantum character, whereas the ions are considered to be classical particles. We discuss various alternative approaches for the computation of equilibrium (canonical) ensemble averages for observables of these hybrid quantum-classical systems through the use of molecular dynamics (MD)-i.e. by performing dynamics in the presence of a thermostat and computing time-averages over the trajectories. Often, in classical or ab initio MD, the temperature of the electrons is ignored and they are assumed to remain at the instantaneous ground state given by each ionic configuration during the evolution. Here, however, we discuss the general case that considers both classical and quantum subsystems at finite temperature canonical equilibrium. Inspired by a recent formal derivation for the canonical ensemble for quantum classical hybrids, we discuss previous approaches found in the literature, and provide some new formulas

    Transformed Institutions - Transformed Citizenship Education? Remarks on the current situation in Spain

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    Educational systems are placing great emphasis on the need to generate a sense of citizenship. In this article, we treat this question within the concrete framework of the recent history of Spain (from 1990 to current day). We make reference to three points: 1. The institutional framework of citizenship education; 2. The concepts of citizenship present in the school curriculum and the public debate; 3. The state of research into citizenship education. Based on our analysis of the situation in Spain, we draw several conclusions regarding international research projects on citizenship education

    Aspects of asphaltene aggregation obtained from coarse-grained molecular modeling

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    We have performed a molecular-simulation-based study to explore some of the underlying mechanisms of asphaltene aggregation. The daunting complexity of the crude oil + asphaltene system precludes any type of meaningful molecular simulation unless some assumptions are made with respect to the key physical and chemical properties that must be explicitly described. In the present work, we focus on molecular simulations of a coarse-grained model of asphaltene molecules in pure solvents, which are based on the assumption that the general size asymmetry and asphaltene morphology play a key role in the aggregation process. We use simple single isotropic Lennard-Jones sites to represent paraffinic and aromatic C<sub>6</sub> segments, which are used as building blocks for the description of continental asphaltene models and solvent moieties. The energy and size parameters for the intermolecular models (ε and σ) for solute and solvent molecules are chosen to reproduce the experimental density of the liquid phase for different mixtures. An explicit pure solvent is considered, and the relationship between the aggregation mechanism and the solvent nature is investigated through direct simulation of the aggregation process. The results reproduce accurately expected trends observed for more-complex models as well as experiments, for example, strong aggregation of asphaltene molecules in <i>n-</i>heptane and high solubility in toluene. Different asphaltene models based on different geometries reveal that even at this level of simplification the topology of the molecules (number and position of aliphatic branches) does affect the way molecules aggregate