70 research outputs found

    Motorne funkcije i kognicija kod starih osoba

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    The prolonging of a lifespan and the increasing proportion of elderly people in general population are setting new healthcare tasks. One of them is researching and clarifying the relations and links between motoric and cognitive functions in elderly. 'Impoverishment' of cognitive capacities occurs during the aging process. Many studies show a strong link between cognition and the function of walking. There is growing evidence that the decline in cognitive functions is resulting in deterioration of walking. Usually described as characteristic of the later stages of dementia, the distortion of ambulation may also be present in the earlier stages, even before the prodromal stage of mild cognitive impairment. Speed and temporal and spatial variability of steps are the main gait characteristics which are connected to the degree of decline in cognitive processes. Those characteristics are motor phenotype that reflects the deterioration of cognitive performance and which can be used for prediction of dementia. It is assumed that physical activity provides beneficial effects at cognitive and psychological levels, including prevention and improvement of depressive states and anxiety disorders, enhancing stress reduction, improved self-confidence and above all it delays cognitive decline in the elderly. Disruption of axons and myelin in the cerebral white matter is considered one of the primary mechanisms underlying age-related cognitive decline. Therefore, maintaining white matter structural connectivity in the old age may be one of the key factors in preserving brain function and high cognitive performance necessary for independent living. Physical activity also influences cerebrovascular mechanisms, such as preserving higher blood vessel elasticity and wall integrity. Moreover, there is an association between light physical activity and white matter integrity especially in the temporal lobe. The conclusion of some studies shows a relationship between the Īµ4 allele and brain derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) response to physiologic adaptation which likely impacts the extent of neuroprotective benefit gained from engagement in physical exercise. Some authors propose a program of exercises which consist of a combined aerobic and resistance training. Motoric function and cognition are closely related and using regular physical activity is important for maintaining physical and mental health in the elderly.Produžetak životnog veka i povećanje udela starijih ljudi u opÅ”toj populaciji postavlja nove zadatke za zdravstvene službe. Jedan od njih je istraživanje i razjaÅ”njavanje odnosa i povezanosti između motoričkih i kognitivnih funkcija kod osoba starijeg životnog doba. Tokom procesa starenja odigrava se 'osiromaÅ”enje' kognitivnih kapaciteta. Mnoge studije ukazuju na postojanje izrazite povezanosti između kognitivnih funkcija i funkcije hoda. Postoji sve viÅ”e dokaza da opadanje kognitivnih funkcija rezultuje deterioracijom funkcije hoda. Poremećaj funkcije hoda se obično povezuje sa kasnijim stadijumima demencije, međutim, ona može biti naruÅ”ena i u ranijim stadijumima pa čak i pre nastanka prodromalnog stadijuma tj. blagog kognitivnog poremećaja. Brzina koraka i vremenska i prostorna varijabilnost koraka su glavne karakteristike koje se povezuju sa stepenom pada kognitivnih procesa. Ove karakteristike su motorni fenotip koji reflektuje stepen deterioracije kognitivnog funkcionisanja i koji može biti upotrebljen kao prediktivni pokazatelj nastanka demencija. Pretpostavlja se da fizička aktivnost obezbeđuje pozitivne efekte na kognitivnom i psiholoÅ”kom planu, uključujući prevenciju i poboljÅ”anje depresivnih i anksioznih stanja, da redukuje stres, unapređuje samopouzdanje i konačno, odlaže nastanak procesa opadanja kognitivnih funkcija kod osoba starijeg doba. Prekidi aksonskih puteva i mijelina u beloj masi se smatraju jednim od primarnih mehanizama za nastanak opadanja kognitivnih funkcija tokom procesa starenja. Zbog toga se pretpostavlja da je održavanje strukturalne celovitosti bele mase jedan od ključnih faktora koji doprinose očuvanju viÅ”ih kognitivnih funkcija koje su neophodne za nezavisno funkcionisanje u starijem životnom dobu. Fizička aktivnost takođe deluje preko cerebrovaskulnih mehanizama kao Å”to su očuvanost elastičnosti i integriteta zidova krvnih sudova. Osim pomenutog, postoji povezanost između lagane fizičke aktivnosti i integriteta bele mase posebno u temporalnom lobusu. Zaključci pojedinih istraživanja ukazuju na postojanje odnosa između Īµ4 genskog alela i brain derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) odgovora na fizioloÅ”ku adaptaciju nastalu fizičkim vežbanjem, za koju se pretpostavlja da pozitivno utiče na neuroprotekciju. Neki autori predlažu program fizičkog vežbanja kao kombinaciju aerobnog i treninga sa primenjenim otporom. Motorička funkcija i kognicija su blisko poezani, a redovna fizička aktivnost i vežbanje je važno za održavanje fizičkog i mentalnog zdravlja

    Theoretical analysis of the cumulative costs of different diesel bus alternatives for a public transport in the city of Belgrade

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    This paper includes comparative analysis of the environmental, energetic, and financial costs of different bus propulsion, possibly applied on the public transport in the city of Belgrade. It considers the modern diesel bus, the trolleybus, the natural gas bus with the spark ignition engine, the electric bus using LiFePO4 battery, and the electric bus with ultra-capacitor. The results are presented according to the real data and the real electro-energetic situation in Serbia, with the dominantly used lignite coal as primary fuel. This model gives the exact exhaust emission of electric vehicles at the thermal power plant, enables its comparison to the internal combustion engine vehicles. The result in analysis shows that the natural gas bus is the most cost efficient in economical way with overall exploitation price of $87 per 100 km. The trolleybus is more economical then the natural gas powered bus only at high departures rate, higher than 230 per workday

    Using RFID Technology in Collaborative Design of the Assembly Systems

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    Modern production conditions require the application of the concept of distributing production. This approach means coordinative production in a number of small and middle size companies. Multiplex products, consisting of a number of parts, components, and modules are assembled in one function unit in one company, but they may not be manufactured in one place. Huge factory and production complex, which existed in our country, comprised all phases of product lifecycle, from the development of a concept solution to the assembly. Technology of product manufacturing, resource logistics, quality control, product testing and verification of product function characteristics all represented activities performed by specified departments. Designing and technology documentation was created on the basis of information given by the above mentioned departments. Today companies are specialized in partial technology processes. Hundreds, sometimes thousands of collaborative processes depend on workers interactions and communication in the product assembly phase. With an intensive coordination, all the manufacturing phases of one product design and technology documentation are produced, in digital form, on CAx workstation. The Product Lifecycle Management can be achieved by using specialized software solutions. Some of the solutions for the Product Lifecycle Management offer integrated portfolio for engineering design and production of products and services, which enables companies to create their own digital e-business projects

    Uticaj proteklog vremena od prvih simptoma do dijagnoze celijakije na psihofizičko funkcionisanje i druŔtveni život dece i adolescenata

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    Uvod. Celijakija je autoimunska bolest, koja nastaje zbog neadekvatneimunske reakcije u kontaktu s glutenom kod genetski predisponiranih osobapri konzumiranja glutena i srodnih proteina koji su prisutni u pÅ”enici, raži,ječmu i ovsu. Za ovo specifično oboljenje je striktna, strogo kontrolisana idoživotna bezglutenska dijeta jedini lek. Cilj rada je da se proceni da li dužinaperioda od pojave prvih simptoma do postavljanja dijagnoze celijakijeutiče na psiho-fizičko funkcionisanje i druÅ”tveni život dece i adolescenata.Metode. Studija obuhvata 116 ispitanika (39 muÅ”kog pola), uzrasta 8-18godina sa dijagnozom celijakije. U istraživanju su od instrumenata koriŔćeni:dokumentacioni list i specifični instrument za obolelu decu od celijakije(CDPQOL) koji meri psiho-fizičko i druÅ”tveno funkcionisanje.Rezultati. Dijagnoza celijakije postavljena je kod 50% ispitanika u uzrastu dodve godine života. Kod 48,28% ispitanih, dijagnoza celijakije je postavljenaunutar tri meseca od pojave simptoma. Kod ispitanika sa celijakijom uzrastaod 8-12 godina nisu utvrđene statistički značajne razlike u psiho-fizičkomfunkcionisanju i druÅ”tvenom životu u zavisnosti od vremenskog periodaod pojave prvih simptoma bolesti do postavljanja dijagnoze. Kod ispitanikauzrasta od 13 do 18 godina koriŔćenjem upitnika CDPQOL utvrđene sustatistički značajne razlike u domenima funkcionisanja u Å”koli, izlascima isocijalnim događanjima, samopouzdanju, kao i ukupnom CDPQOL skoruu zavisnosti od dužine vremenskog perioda od pojave prvih simptoma bolestido postavljanja dijagnoze.Zaključak: Dužina perioda od pojave prvih simptoma do postavljanja dijagnozecelijakije uticala je značajno na psiho-fizičko funkcionisanje i druÅ”tveniživot ispitanika uzrasta od 13 do 18 godina, ali ne i kod mlađih ispitanika.To potvrđuje značaj ranog postavljanja dijagnoze i započinjanja lečenja

    About the stolen monument

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    Na inicijativu Ministarstva za kulturu SR Srbije i Ministarstva za kulturu Mađarske, na Borskom jezeru petog maja 1979. godine postavljen je impozantni spomenik MikloÅ”u Radnotiju, rad znamenitog vajara Imrea Varge. Tada je u izdanju Narodne biblioteke u Boru promovisano i prvo izdanje "Borske beležnice" na srpskom i mađarskom jeziku. Od tada počinje da se stvara kult Radnoti u borskoj kulturnoj sredini, pa i Å”ire. Na sve Borske susrete balkanskih književnika pozivani su Mađari. I oni su redovno dolazili. I oni i Jevreji iz Saveza jevrejskih opÅ”tina. Sve do 1989. godine. Od tada pesnik počinje da pada u zaborav. Tek je, oduÅ”evlјen spomenikom i tragičnom sudbinom pesnika, borski književnik i poeta Milan Mirić 1999. godine napisao predivnu pesmu ā€œSusret sa MikloÅ”em na jezeruā€, koju je, zajedno sa prevodom na mađarski, uvrstio u svoju zbirku "Krug crne rijeke". Negde oko prvog oktobra 2001. godine primećeno je da spomenika kraj Borskog jezera viÅ”e nema. Nestao je!...On the initiative of the Ministry of Culture of SR Serbia and the Ministry of Culture of Hungary, an imposing monument to Miklos Radnoti, the work of the famous sculptor Imre Varga, was set up on Lake Bor on May 5, 1979. At that time, the first edition of the "Bor Notebook" in Serbian and Hungarian was promoted in the edition of the National Library in Bor. Since then, the cult of Radnoti began to be created in the cultural environment of Bor, and beyond. Hungarians were invited to all meetings of Balkan writers in Bor. And they came regularly. Both they and the Jews from the Federation of Jewish Communities. Until 1989. Since then, the poet begins to fall into oblivion. Enthusiastic about the monument and the poet's tragic fate, Bor writer and poet Milan Mirić wrote the beautiful poem "Meeting MikloÅ” at the Lake" in 1999, which he included in his collection "Circle of the Black River", along with a translation into Hungarian. Somewhere around the first of October 2001, it was noticed that the monument by Lake Bor is no longer there. Disappeared!..

    Assessment of heavy metal load in chub liver (Cyprinidae ā€“ Leuciscus cephalus) from the NiÅ”ava River (Serbia)

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    The NiŔava River plays an important role as the source for both drinking water and agricultural irrigation dueto its hydrological and geomorphological characteristics as the largest river in the region of southeast Serbia.In this study we used the liver of the chub (Leiciscus cephalus) as a tool for biomonitoring heavy metalaccumulation along the river. Chub specimens were sampled from two localities (one at the border withBulgaria and a second in the city of NiŔ). Concentrations were estimated for six heavy metals (iron,cadmium, copper, zinc, lead and manganese) in chub liver. Low bioconcentration level was observed formost of the metals and the concentrations corresponded to the nominal concentration in livers of fishinhabiting metal unpolluted streams and rivers. However, cadmium concentration in the chub liver exceeded0.5 mg kg-1, a several hundred folds increase from nominal concentration indicating a potential toxicexposure of the fish and of the stream ecosystem to this heavy metal. Hepatosomatic indices were calculatedand tested for the impact of metal concentrations on liver size. A decrease of the hepatic index was observedin fish with higher cadmium concentration, suggesting a possible impact on the health of the chub populationin the NiŔava River

    RFID Technology Use in Assembly and Disassembly Processes

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    Modern production conditions demand the application of the concept of distributed production. Today companies are specialized for partial technology processes. Hundreds, sometimes even thousands, of collaborative processes depend on workersā€™ interaction and communication in product assembly and disassembly phases. RFID technologies can be really helpful in identifying objects in terms of sustainable development, regarding disassembly, recycling and reuse. In this paper we presented VCDE system architecture and the realization method of RFID technology as well as the data acquisition using RFID technology during the product lifecycle from the design process, production, assembly, usage, and an special example is given regard- ing disassembly and recycling process

    Analysis of Possible Use of Identification Technologies in Disassembly

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    The barcodes and Radio Frequency Identification tags that are being used during manufacturing, assembly, warehousing, and distribution could also be reused at the end of the product lifecycle for an identification of the correct disassembly process that would result in recycling of its components. The barcodes or RFID tags can be helpful in identifying objects in terms of sustainable development, regarding disassembly, recycling and reuse. In this paper, the analysis of the current applications of RFID Technology in the final phase of the product lifecycle will be presented. The simulation of the disassembly process supported by both barcode and RFID-enabled product sorting in Rockwell simulation Software Arena

    Kognitivne sposobnosti i motoričke performanse starijih osoba

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    Background/Aim. Aging entails a wide range of cognitive processes that are not independent of one another. It leads to changes in physical-motor characteristics and sometimes to disability. The aim of this study was to examine the asso- ciation between multiple cognitive performances in elderly subjects and their physical-motor abilities. Method. The study included 98 elderly participants (60+) (16 males and 82 females). Cognitive abilities were assessed by the Mon- treal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA)/Serbian version, and physical measures were assessed by the Senior Fitness Test with its five subtests, supplemented by the Walking Speed Test. Results. Several MoCA items demonstrated relatively low variability, i.e., they proved to be too easy for most of the participants. The participants exhibited the lowest per- formance on the memory relating to other domains, fol- lowed by executive functions, visuospatial skills, attention, concentration, and working memory domains, with the highest performance on temporal and spatial orientation re- lating to other domains. Executive functions and language correlated most significantly with physical strength. Agility and dynamic balance, lower- and upper-body strength, and aerobic endurance correlated moderately and positively. Conclusion. This study underlines the positive correlation between physical fitness and cognitive level in the elderly and emphasizes the importance of physical fitness for cog- nitive functions, especially those of executive type in elderly subjects. Clinicians should consider the association between cognitive function and physical-motor performances when dealing with functioning improvement in the elderly. The importance of designing the most efficient exercise pro- grams to achieve maximal somatic and cognitive effects is emphasized.Uvod/Cilj. Proces starenja podrazumeva promene na Å”iro- kom spektru kognitivnih procesa koji nisu nezavisni jedni od drugih. On, takođe, dovodi do promena u fizičko-motoričkim karakteristikama, a ponekad i do invaliditeta. Cilj istraživanja bio je da se ispita povezanost između viÅ”e kognitivnih per- formansi kod starijih ispitanika i njihovih fizičko-motoričkih sposobnosti. Metode. U istraživanju je učestvovalo ukupno 98 starijih ispitanika (60+) (16 muÅ”kog i 82 ženskog pola). Kognitivne sposobnosti procenjene su Montrealskom skalom kognicije (Montreal Cognitive Assessment ā€“ MoCA)/srpska verzi- ja, a mere fizičkih sposobnosti su procenjene Senior Fitness tes- tom koji se sastoji od pet subtestova, dopunjenih testom brzine hoda. Rezultati. Na nekoliko subtestova MoCA re- zultati su ukazali na relativno malu varijabilnost, tj. pokazalo se da su previÅ”e jednostavni za većinu ispitanika. Ispitanici su pokazali najslabije rezultate u funkcionisanju memorije u od- nosu na druge domene, a zatim slede izvrÅ”ne funkcije, vizue- lno prostorne veÅ”tine, pažnja, koncentracija i radna memorija, sa najviÅ”im performansama na vremenskoj i prostornoj ori- jentaciji u odnosu na druge domene. IzvrÅ”ne funkcije i jezik su najznačajnije korelirali sa fizičkom snagom. Spretnost i dinamična ravnoteža, snaga donjih i gornjih ekstremiteta i aerobna izdržljivost su korelirali umereno i pozitivno. Zaključak. Studija ukazuje na pozitivne korelacije između fizičko-motoričkih sposobnosti i kognitivnog nivoa kod stari- jih osoba i naglaÅ”ava značaj fizičke spremnosti za kognitivno funkcionisanje, a naročito u domenu izvrÅ”nih funkcija kod njih. Kliničari bi trebalo da imaju u vidu povezanost između kognitivnih funkcija i fizičko-motoričkih performansi, kada se bave poboljÅ”anjem funkcionisanja starijih osoba. Ukazuje se na važnost dizajniranja najefikasnijih programa vežbanja za postizanje maksimalnih somatskih i kognitivnih efekata

    Kognitivne sposobnosti i motoričke performanse starijih osoba

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    Background/Aim. Aging entails a wide range of cognitive processes that are not independent of one another. It leads to changes in physical-motor characteristics and sometimes to disability. The aim of this study was to examine the asso- ciation between multiple cognitive performances in elderly subjects and their physical-motor abilities. Method. The study included 98 elderly participants (60+) (16 males and 82 females). Cognitive abilities were assessed by the Mon- treal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA)/Serbian version, and physical measures were assessed by the Senior Fitness Test with its five subtests, supplemented by the Walking Speed Test. Results. Several MoCA items demonstrated relatively low variability, i.e., they proved to be too easy for most of the participants. The participants exhibited the lowest per- formance on the memory relating to other domains, fol- lowed by executive functions, visuospatial skills, attention, concentration, and working memory domains, with the highest performance on temporal and spatial orientation re- lating to other domains. Executive functions and language correlated most significantly with physical strength. Agility and dynamic balance, lower- and upper-body strength, and aerobic endurance correlated moderately and positively. Conclusion. This study underlines the positive correlation between physical fitness and cognitive level in the elderly and emphasizes the importance of physical fitness for cog- nitive functions, especially those of executive type in elderly subjects. Clinicians should consider the association between cognitive function and physical-motor performances when dealing with functioning improvement in the elderly. The importance of designing the most efficient exercise pro- grams to achieve maximal somatic and cognitive effects is emphasized.Uvod/Cilj. Proces starenja podrazumeva promene na Å”iro- kom spektru kognitivnih procesa koji nisu nezavisni jedni od drugih. On, takođe, dovodi do promena u fizičko-motoričkim karakteristikama, a ponekad i do invaliditeta. Cilj istraživanja bio je da se ispita povezanost između viÅ”e kognitivnih per- formansi kod starijih ispitanika i njihovih fizičko-motoričkih sposobnosti. Metode. U istraživanju je učestvovalo ukupno 98 starijih ispitanika (60+) (16 muÅ”kog i 82 ženskog pola). Kognitivne sposobnosti procenjene su Montrealskom skalom kognicije (Montreal Cognitive Assessment ā€“ MoCA)/srpska verzi- ja, a mere fizičkih sposobnosti su procenjene Senior Fitness tes- tom koji se sastoji od pet subtestova, dopunjenih testom brzine hoda. Rezultati. Na nekoliko subtestova MoCA re- zultati su ukazali na relativno malu varijabilnost, tj. pokazalo se da su previÅ”e jednostavni za većinu ispitanika. Ispitanici su pokazali najslabije rezultate u funkcionisanju memorije u od- nosu na druge domene, a zatim slede izvrÅ”ne funkcije, vizue- lno prostorne veÅ”tine, pažnja, koncentracija i radna memorija, sa najviÅ”im performansama na vremenskoj i prostornoj ori- jentaciji u odnosu na druge domene. IzvrÅ”ne funkcije i jezik su najznačajnije korelirali sa fizičkom snagom. Spretnost i dinamična ravnoteža, snaga donjih i gornjih ekstremiteta i aerobna izdržljivost su korelirali umereno i pozitivno. Zaključak. Studija ukazuje na pozitivne korelacije između fizičko-motoričkih sposobnosti i kognitivnog nivoa kod stari- jih osoba i naglaÅ”ava značaj fizičke spremnosti za kognitivno funkcionisanje, a naročito u domenu izvrÅ”nih funkcija kod njih. Kliničari bi trebalo da imaju u vidu povezanost između kognitivnih funkcija i fizičko-motoričkih performansi, kada se bave poboljÅ”anjem funkcionisanja starijih osoba. Ukazuje se na važnost dizajniranja najefikasnijih programa vežbanja za postizanje maksimalnih somatskih i kognitivnih efekata
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