85 research outputs found

    Association between arsenic in drinking water and the occurrence of type 2 diabetes

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    Арсен је деценијама присутан у води за пиће јавних водоводних система у општини Зрењанин. Његово константно присуство у концентрацијама већим од максимално дозвољене (10 μg/L) представља велики јавно-здравствени проблем у Србији. Међутим, у нашој популацији до сада није испитиван његов утицај на појаву дијабетеса тип 2 и појаву компликација ове болести. Истраживање је спроведено у две фазе. Прва фаза истраживања представљала је еколошку студију која је обухватила две популације које конзумирају различите концентрације арсена у води за пиће у односу на вредност од 10 μg/L, дефинисану Правилником о хигијенској исправности воде за пиће (Сл. лист СРЈ 42/98). Ова фаза истраживања је заснована на подацима o броју новодијагностикованих случајева дијабетеса тип 2 из популационог Регистра за дијабетес општине Зрењанин Завода за јавно здравље у Зрењанину (ЗЗЈЗ), за период од 2006. до 2010. године, и Регистара за дијабетес Републике Србије, Института за јавно здравље Србије. Друга фаза истраживања спроведена је на узорку популације оболеле од дијабетеса тип 2, подељене према концентрацијама арсена у води за пиће којима су били изложени (>10 μg/L и ≤10 μg/L). Поред спроведеног упитника и одређивања концентрације арсена у води из јавних водних објеката на територији општине Зрењанин, вршена је и одређивање нивоа арсена у коси оболелих од инсулин независног дијабетеса. Резултати истраживања су показали да је стандардизована стопа инциденције новодијагностикованих од дијабетеса тип 2 значајно већа у изложеној популацији него у неизложеној. Значајно је већи ризик за оболевење од ове болести код изложених арсену из воде за пиће у односу на неизложене. Такође, резултати истраживања су показали да постоји значајна повезаност између концентрације арсена у коси испитаника и концентрације арсена у води за пиће коју су конзумирали. Концентрација арсена у коси испитаника, односно, изложеност зависила је и од начина употребе воде...Arsenic is constantly present in certain drinking w ater supply systems of Zrenjanin municipality in concentration above 10 μ g/L across decades. It presents a great public health problem in Serbia, but its relationship with the occurrence of type 2 diabetes and its complications has not been studied previously. The research was conducted in two phases. The first phase was a registry-based ecological study of two populations consuming water with different arsenic levels, based on current guidelines (10 mg/L). All newly diagnosed c ases of type 2 diabetes were obtained from the National Registry of Diabetes in Serbia an d from the Institute of Public Health of Zrenjanin for the period from 2006 to 2010. The sec ond phase of this research was conducted among type 2 diabetes patients, who were divided in two groups according to arsenic concentration in drinking water (>10 μg/L и ≤ 10 μg/L). Besides conducted questionnaire, drinking water arsenic concentration s were measured as well as hair arsenic concentration.The results showed significantly higher standardize d incidence rate in newly diagnosed type 2 diabetes patients who were exposed to drinking water arsenic compared to unexposed. Increased risk for the occurrence of typ e 2 diabetes was shown in exposed population. Although, the results showed significan t association between hair arsenic concentrations and drinking water arsenic concentra tions among participants who were exposed to drinking water arsenic above 10 μg/L. Th e magnitude of exposure was influenced by the water usage..

    High resolution luminescence spectroscopy and thermoluminescence of different size LaPO4:Eu3+ nanoparticles

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    T. G. acknowledges the ERDF PostDoc project No. ( K. S. and K. L. acknowledge the Latvian National Research Program IMIS2. The authors from Vinča Institute of Nuclear Sciences acknowledge the financial support of the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia (Project No: 45020 and 172056 ).Nanoparticles (5 nm) and nanorods (2 nm × 15 nm and 4 nm × 20 nm) of monoclinic monazite LaPO4:Eu3+ were prepared by reverse micelle and co-precipitation techniques. Effects of the particle size and surface defects on the intensity of luminescence and the emission spectrum shapes were analyzed by high resolution spectroscopy under laser (266 nm) and X-rays excitation. All synthesized LaPO4:Eu3+ samples showed similar spectral features with characteristic Eu3+ ions emission bands: 5D0→7F0 centered at 578.4 nm, magnetic-dipole transition 5D0→7F1 at 588–595 nm, electric-dipole transition 5D0→7F2 at 611.5–620.5 nm, 5D0→7F3 at (648–652 nm) and 5D0→7F4 at (684–702.5 nm), with the most dominant electric-dipole 5D0→7F2 transition. Additionally, the thermally stimulated luminescence was studied for the most dominant peak at 611.5 nm. It was shown that the Eu3+ doping creates traps in all samples. Two prominent and well resolved glow peaks at 58.7 K and 172.3 K were detected for 5 nm nanoparticles, while low-intensity glow-peaks at 212.1 K and 212.2 K were observed in the X-rays irradiated nanorods. Displayed glows could be attributed to free and bound electrons and holes or to the recombination of electrons of ionized oxygen vacancies with photogenerated holes. To obtain information about the processes and specific defect type it is necessary to carry out additional analysis for all synthesized samples. The glow curves were analyzed and trap parameters were estimated and discussed throughout the paper.ERDF PostDoc project No. (; IMIS2; Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia (Project No: 45020 and 172056 ); Institute of Solid State Physics, University of Latvia as the Center of Excellence has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Framework Programme H2020-WIDESPREAD-01-2016-2017-TeamingPhase2 under grant agreement No. 739508, project CAMART

    Case-control study of apoE gene polymorphism in young CHD patients and controls in the Serbian population

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    Apolipoprotein E displays polymorphism with three common alleles, e2, e3, and e4. The aim of this research was to determine apoE gene polymorphism in a group of healthy patients and a group of patients with CHD, and to reveal the relation between anthropometric and biochemical parameters and the apoE genotype. In CHD group significantly higher values of blood pressure, waist circumference, BMI and fat %, triglycerides, insulin (HOMA IR) and CRP were found. A statistically significant higher presence of the e3e4 genotype and e4 allele was detected in the CHD group. Statistically significant differences between waist circumference, BMI, insulin and HOMA IR were found between subjects with e3e3 and e3e4 genotypes

    Up-conversion luminescence of GdVO4:Nd3+/Er3+ and GdVO4:Nd3+/Ho3+ T phosphors under 808 nm excitation

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    All authors acknowledge to the COST Action CM1403: The European upconversion network - from the design of photon-upconverting nanomaterials to biomedical applications (2014–2018). The authors from the University of Belgrade acknowledge the financial support of the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia (Project Nos. 45020 and 172056 ). K. S. acknowledges the Latvian National Research Program IMIS2 (Grant No. 302/2012 ). T. G. acknowledges the ERDF PostDoc project No. ( ).In recent years, there exists a tendency in research of up-conversion materials to shift excitation from 980 nm to shorter wavelengths. Here, in order to produce up-conversion luminescence emission of GdVO4-based materials under 808 nm excitation, polycrystalline powders of GdVO4:Er3+/Nd3+ and GdVO4:Ho3+/Nd3+ were successfully prepared by a high-temperature solid-state reaction technique. The prepared powders were highly crystalline with a single-phase zircon-type GdVO4 structure and consisted of micrometer-sized irregular spherical particles (2–6 μm in diameter). In all studied samples, visible up-conversion luminescence was successfully achieved under 808 nm illumination. Near-infrared pumping produced emission bands in the green, yellow-orange and green regions of the visible spectrum. The bands in the green and red regions of GdVO4: Er3+/Nd3+ as well as GdVO4:Ho3+/Nd3+ were, respectively, characteristic of Er3+ and Ho3+ ions. The dominant band originating from the 4G7/2 → 4I11/2 transition in Nd3+ ions was observed around 597 nm in all samples.COST Action CM1403 (2014–2018); Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia (Project Nos. 45020 and 172056 ); Latvian National Research Program IMIS2 (Grant No. 302/2012 ); ERDF PostDoc project No. ( ); Institute of Solid State Physics, University of Latvia as the Center of Excellence has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Framework Programme H2020-WIDESPREAD-01-2016-2017-TeamingPhase2 under grant agreement No. 739508, project CAMART

    Particle size effects on the structure and emission of Eu3+:LaPO4 and EuPO4 phosphors

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    The authors acknowledge the financial support of the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia (Projects nos. 45020 and 172056). T.G acknowledges to the ERDF PostDoc project No. ( paper provides the detailed study of (nano)particle's size effect on structural and luminescent properties of LaPO4:Eu3+ synthesized by four different methods: high temperature solid-state, co-precipitation, reverse micelle and colloidal. These methods delivered monoclinic monazite-phase submicron particles (> 100 nm), 4 × 20 nm nanorods and 5 nm spheres (depending on the annealing temperature), 2 × 15 nm nanorods, and ultra-small spheres (2 nm), respectively. The analysis of emission intensity dependence on Eu3+ concentration showed that quenching concentration increases with a decrease of the particle size. The critical distance for energy transfer between Eu3+ ions is found to be 18.2 Å, and the dipole-dipole interaction is the dominant mechanism responsible for the concentration quenching of emission. With the increase in Eu3+ concentration, the unit-cell parameter slightly increases to accommodate larger Eu3+ ions at sites of smaller La3+ ions. Photoluminescent emission spectra presented four characteristic bands in the red spectral region: at 592 nm (5D0→7F1), at 612 nm (5D0→7F2), at 652 nm (5D0→7F3) and at 684 nm (5D0→7F4), while in small colloidal nanoparticles additional emission bands from host defects appear at shorter wavelengths. Intensities of f-f electronic transitions change with particles size due to small changes in symmetry around europium sites, while emission bandwidths increase with the reduction of particle size due to increased structural disorder. Judd-Ofelt analysis showed that internal quantum yield of Eu3+ emission is strongly influenced by particle's morphology.Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia (Projects nos. 45020 and 172056); ERDF PostDoc project No. (; Institute of Solid State Physics, University of Latvia as the Center of Excellence has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Framework Programme H2020-WIDESPREAD-01-2016-2017-TeamingPhase2 under grant agreement No. 739508, project CAMART

    A comparative study of photocatalytically active nanocrystalline tetragonal T zyrcon- type and monoclinic scheelite-type bismuth vanadate

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    The authors from Vinča Institute of Nuclear Sciences acknowledge the financial support of the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia (Project no: 172056 ). The work of K. Smits was supported by Latvian National Research Program IMIS2 (Grant no. 302/2012 ).Monoclinic scheelite-type BiVO4 is currently considered as one of the most promising non-titania photocatalysts, wheras tetragonal zircon-type BiVO4 is still poorly understood. Herein, a new and simple synthetic approach was applied and nanostructured single-phase zircon-type BiVO4 was successfully prepared by a controllable ethylene-glycol colloidal route. In addition, nanostructured monoclinic scheelite-type BiVO4 powders were also fabricated through annealing of the as-prepared samples. A comparative study of the two BiVO4 polymorphs was conducted and it turned out that the novel synthetic approach had a significant impact on porosity and photocatalytic performance of zircon-structured BiVO4. All the prepared materials, as-prepared and annealed, were mesoporous, while measured values of specific surface area of some zircon-structured samples (∼34 m2/g) were ∼7 times higher than those reported thus far for this phase. Interestingly, for the first time, zircon-type BiVO4, previously considered to be a poor photocatalyst, exhibited a better overall performance in degradation of methyl orange compared to monoclinic scheelite-type BiVO4. Hence, it could be expected that the here-presented synthesis and observations will both arouse interest in scarcely studied tetragonal zircon-type BiVO4 and facilitate as well as speed up further research of its properties.Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia (Project no: 172056 ); Institute of Solid State Physics, University of Latvia as the Center of Excellence has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Framework Programme H2020-WIDESPREAD-01-2016-2017-TeamingPhase2 under grant agreement No. 739508, project CAMART

    Colloidal-chemistry based synthesis of quantized CuInS2/Se2 nanoparticles

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    Ternary chalcogenide nanoparticles, CuInS2 and CuInSe2, were synthesized in high- temperature boiling organic non-polar solvent. The X-ray diffraction analysis revealed that both materials have tetragonal (chalcopyrite) crystal structure. Morphology of the obtained materials was revealed by using transmission electron microscopy. Agglomerated spherical CuInS2 nanoparticles with broad size distribution in the range from 2 to 20 nm were obtained. In the case of CuInSe2, isolated particles with spherical or prismatic shape in the size range from 10 to 25 nm were obtained, as well as agglomerates consisting of much smaller particles with diameter of about 2-5 nm. The particles with the smallest diameters of both materials exhibit quantum size effect

    Identification of Seed Coat Phenolic Compounds from Differently Colored Pea Varieties and Characterization of Their Antioxidant Activity

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    The phenolic composition of seed coats in four differently colored pea varieties (Pisum sativum L.) was investigated using UHPLC-LTQ OrbiTrap MS. The obtained findings revealed that the seed coats of the examined pea genotypes possess a unique phenolic composition compared to previously studied European cultivars. In total, 41 phenolic compounds have been identified. The seed coats of the studied cultivars contained certain amounts of rosmarinic acid, rutin, galangin, morin, naringin, hesperetin and pinocembrin as well as ten flavonol glycosides that had not been reported previously. Additionally, the total phenolic content, antioxidant activity and metal chelating capacity of extracts was determined using Folin-Ciocalteu's method, 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl radical scavenging assay, ferric ion-reducing capacity and ferrous ion-chelating capacity assay, respectively. Dark colored genotypes MBK 168 and MBK 173 possessed the highest total phenolic contents as well the strongest antioxidant activities. On the other hand, bright colored genotypes MBK 88 and MBK 90 exhibited the strongest metal-chelating capacities. The examined pea seed coats may be considered as important potential contributors to human health due to the presence of bioactive phenolic constituents. In addition, our results could be used as a guideline for breeding new pea cultivars with high antioxidant activities applicable in the formulation of functional food products