192 research outputs found

    The challenge of plural identity

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    The complexity of collective existence is expressed through an awareness of its real identity, which then entails an appropriate attitude towards its own negativity. Within the hierarchically structured identity, different levels of its generality make it possible to consider them as factors of a plural reality. If negativity is raised to consciousness, then its dark side is dismantled. Thus, instead of being a factor of conflict, negativity becomes an element of complementariness and a factor in the construction of a shared identity at a higher level of generality

    Using sport marketing to reach consumers

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    Project (Descriptive Study) / JEL-M310 - MarketingJEL- M390 - Marketing and Advertising- OtherSport marketing, especially sponsorship is of great importance since it is a part of a promotional mix that supports the interest of the company by associating it with a specific player, team or event. Moreover, sponsorship may be the major or only marketing effort for some companies whereby it is important to consider it as a powerful option when deciding upon marketing tools. The purpose of this thesis is therefore to provide a better understanding of sport marketing with great focus on sport sponsorship. In order to reach this purpose, the study provide a better understanding of sport marketing mix and a sport sponsorship as a most effective and most used tool. Theoretical part of the study is based on existing academic publications about sport marketing mix, promotion of sport marketing and sports sponsorship. This study was investigated by conducting a various research strategies in the course of compiling a final research document. These strategies included sending out by electronic way questionnaires to a wide number of random people in order to get as much different opinions is possible. The analysis of the data was performed through quantitative data analysis methods. The research provided the framework to investigate the effect of sponsorship awareness, corporate image and intention to purchase sponsor products. The main findings of the research are that sport sponsorship has a positive effect on sponsorship awareness and on corporate image. However, no significant positive effect was found of sport sponsorship on customer intention to purchase sponsor product.No Marketing desportivo, o patrocínio assume um papel de extrema importância, uma vez que é uma parte de um "mix" promocional que suporta o interesse da empresa em associar-se a um determinado clube, jogador ou evento. Além disso, o patrocínio pode ser o maior ou o único esforço de marketing para algumas empresas, pelo que é ainda mais importante considerá-lo como uma forte opção ao decidir sobre ferramentas de marketing. O objetivo deste trabalho é, portanto, proporcionar um melhor entendimento do marketing desportivo, com grande foco no patrocínio desportivo. Para alcançar este objetivo, o trabalho procura explanar uma melhor compreensão sobre o marketing desportivo e o patrocínio desportivo como a ferramenta mais usada e mais eficaz. A parte teórica do trabalho é baseada em publicações académicas existentes sobre marketing desportivo, promoções de marketing desportivo e patrocínios desportivos. Este estudo foi feito através da realização de várias estratégias de pesquisa com o propósito da elaboração de um documento final de pesquisa. Estas estratégias incluíram o envio de questionários eletrónicos para um grande número de pessoas aleatórias, a fim de obter o máximo possível de respostas diferentes. A análise dos dados foi realizada através de métodos de análise de dados quantitativos. A pesquisa forneceu a estrutura para o estudo do efeito da perceção do patrocínio, a imagem corporativa e a intenção de comprar produtos de patrocinadores. As principais conclusões do estudo provam que o patrocínio desportivo esta positivamente correlacionado com a perceção do cliente sobre o respetivo patrocínio e na imagem da empresa. No entanto, nenhum efeito positivo significativo foi encontrado sobre a intenção de compra de produtos do patrocinador pelo cliente

    Психолошки корени предања о убијању стараца

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    The mythical origins of the story on the killing of elders asserts a presupposition that such a rite never existed as a common ritual practice among the Balkan peoples, to which their traditions testify. An analysis of the mythical aspect reveals the psychological roots of the tradition, the chief function and meaning of which lie not in factual, but in psychological reality. The account of the rite is a symbolical substitution for an actual ritual that satisfied a community's psychological and social needs for such meaning. Part of folk tradition primarily as a fictive invention, the ritual on the killing of elders clearly sends a message which forbids an act that would bring into question the social, moral and spiritual foundations of a community.Analiza predanja o ubijanju starih pokazuje da njegovi primarni mitski slojevi ne potiču iz neposredne činjenične realnosti već da su psihološki motivisani. Arheološki dokazi o najranijem paleolitskom sahranjivanju, kojim je začet kult prirodno umrlih ostarelih članova kolektiva, dubini tog iskustva daju odgovarajuću kulturnu i arhetipsku relevantnost. Transponovanu fiktivnu tvorevinu, obred ubijanja starih se iskazuje kao moguća posledica prirodno instinktivnog agresivnog motiva mlađih prema starim članovima koji oličavaju aktuelnu društvenu moć. Pokazujući da bi zadovoljavalje tog motiva dovelo u pitanje samu zajednicu, predanje ne osporava njegovu psihološku realnost. Projekcijom obreda u mitsku prošlost priznaje se ta realnost koja živim predanjem ukazuje na njenu aktuelnost. Osnovni izvor predanja je psihološki motiv koji fiktivnim obredom izražava aktuelni odnos sina prema ocu u trenutku promene njihovih realnih statusnih uloga. Psihološki jasno sagledana motivaciona ravan predanja ukazuje na vrednost duhovnog principa arhetipa koji određuje drugačnji odnos prema ostarelim članovima kolektiva. Nezavisna od neposrednog fakticiteta, vrednosna relevantnost predanja kao duhovne tvorevine ogleda se u njegovoj jasnoj socijalnoj i moralnoj poruci. Priča o fiktavnom obredu nije evokacija događaja već način da se ukaže na neprihvatljivost takvog čina i time spreči neposredno ubijanje starih

    FPGA implementation of a hybrid on-line process monitoring in PC based real-time systems

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    This paper presents one way of FPGA implementation of hybrid (hardware-software based) on-line process monitoring in Real-Time systems (RTS). The reasons for RTS monitoring are presented at the beginning. The summary of different RTS monitoring approaches along with its advantages and drawbacks are also exposed. Finally, monitoring module is described in details. Also, FPGA implementation results and some useful monitoring system applications are mentioned

    Izazovi primene transferabilnih dozvola u saobraćaju

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    All recent technological improvements and changes in transport sector: substitution of fuels, increased use of diesel vehicles, direct gasoline injection, supercharging, electric vehicles, hybrid vehicles, etc., cannot offset massive growth in traffic, combined with significantly heavier, more powerful, more luxurious and thus more fuel consuming vehicles. Increasingly stringent standards, related to fuel quality and technology of vehicle engines, prove not to be a life-saving solution either to problems of energy consumption, nor to CO2 emission. Focusing on the implementation of increasingly strict energy and emission standards, the effect of the rapid increase in the use of motor vehicles on the degree of energy consumption and air pollution is completely neglected. Hence, in this article we focused on the market-driven instruments that can reduce transport demand, especially on the challenges of tradable permits use in transport.Sva skorašnja tehnološka poboljšanja u sferi saobraćaja: korišćenje energetski efikasnijih goriva, porast učešća dizel-vozila, poboljšano (direktno) ubrizgavanje goriva, uvođenje električnih i hibridnih vozila itd., nisu u stanju da ponište efekat dramatičnog porasta obima putničkih kilometara, niti sve većeg korišćenja znatno težih, komfornijih, energetski sve zahtevnijih motornih vozila. Sve oštriji standardi vezani za kvalitet goriva i tehnologiju motora, ne predstavljaju spasonosno rešenje ni za probleme potrošnje energije, niti za emisiju CO2. Fokusiranjem isključivo na standarde se, u stvari, samo zanemaruje uticaj naglog porasta korišćenja motornih vozila na potrošnju energije i zagađenje vazduha. Stoga smo se u ovom radu orijentisali na tržišne ekonomske instrumente koji mogu da smanje obim tražnje za saobraćajem - posebno na izazove primene transferabilnih dozvola u saobraćaju

    Izazovi primene transferabilnih dozvola u saobraćaju

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    All recent technological improvements and changes in transport sector: substitution of fuels, increased use of diesel vehicles, direct gasoline injection, supercharging, electric vehicles, hybrid vehicles, etc., cannot offset massive growth in traffic, combined with significantly heavier, more powerful, more luxurious and thus more fuel consuming vehicles. Increasingly stringent standards, related to fuel quality and technology of vehicle engines, prove not to be a life-saving solution either to problems of energy consumption, nor to CO2 emission. Focusing on the implementation of increasingly strict energy and emission standards, the effect of the rapid increase in the use of motor vehicles on the degree of energy consumption and air pollution is completely neglected. Hence, in this article we focused on the market-driven instruments that can reduce transport demand, especially on the challenges of tradable permits use in transport.Sva skorašnja tehnološka poboljšanja u sferi saobraćaja: korišćenje energetski efikasnijih goriva, porast učešća dizel-vozila, poboljšano (direktno) ubrizgavanje goriva, uvođenje električnih i hibridnih vozila itd., nisu u stanju da ponište efekat dramatičnog porasta obima putničkih kilometara, niti sve većeg korišćenja znatno težih, komfornijih, energetski sve zahtevnijih motornih vozila. Sve oštriji standardi vezani za kvalitet goriva i tehnologiju motora, ne predstavljaju spasonosno rešenje ni za probleme potrošnje energije, niti za emisiju CO2. Fokusiranjem isključivo na standarde se, u stvari, samo zanemaruje uticaj naglog porasta korišćenja motornih vozila na potrošnju energije i zagađenje vazduha. Stoga smo se u ovom radu orijentisali na tržišne ekonomske instrumente koji mogu da smanje obim tražnje za saobraćajem - posebno na izazove primene transferabilnih dozvola u saobraćaju

    Challenges Ahead: Mitigating Air Transport Carbon Emissions

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    In this paper we confront widely accepted global climate stabilization goals (70% reduction of CO2 emissions) with the International Civil Aviation Organization's (ICAO) forecasts of future commercial aviation growth, in order to explore the real possibilities of realizing these climate stabilization goals. By using ICAO forecasts, we clearly show that, instead of the proclaimed 70% reduction of CO2 emissions, air transport's CO2 emissions are going to rise five-fold (4.9 times) in the 2005-40 period. But even if a 70% increase of aviation's energy efficiency and reduction of CO2 emissions could be somehow (miraculously) achieved, CO2 emissions of air transport would be higher by 50% in 2040 (than in 2005), due to the sudden increase in the volume of air-transport tourist trips. So, if the aim is to achieve ambitious energy consumption and GHG reduction for air transport within the next few decades, policies should aim at reducing total consumption, which means reducing VKT not just vehicle-specific consumption. Due to the extremely high growth rates in the volume of air traffic, it is highly unlikely that technical progress of engines will be sufficient to reduce overall emissions or even keep them at today's levels. Hence, the policy focus should shift to more rigorous and efficient implementation of market-driven instruments, which, apart from creating incentives to develop and use low-emission technologies, can also reduce the demand for travel

    Push i pull faktori koji utiču na razvoj vinskog turizma rejona Tri Morave

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    The subject of this paper are the factors affecting the decision of wine tourists to take a trip to a particular destination. These factors can be divided into internal (push) and external (pull) factors. The purpose of this study is to determine the development potential as well as the factors that influence participation in wine tourism in Tri Morave sub-region. In order to do that, two researches were conducted: one on the offer side and another on the demand side. Based on the results of the survey on the offer side, one can conclude that Tri Morave sub-region abounds in natural and anthropological resources that should be turned into an integrated wine product. On the other hand, research concerning tourist demand was conducted by polling winery visitors. The obtained data confirms assumptions about the appearance of modern tourists seeking authentic experience, satisfaction of hedonistic needs, and enjoyment of high-quality wine and food. Based on the results of the survey, the purchase of wine and wine tasting are the highest ranked benefits that tourists expect from visits to wineries. The application of Spearman's correlation coefficient points to statistically significant correlation between respondents, who referred to tasting, wine purchase, and authentic tourist experience as the basic motives of their visit, and future behavior of tourists in terms of revisiting and recommendations of the given wine destination to friends.Predmet ovog rada predstavljaju push i pull faktori koji utiču na odluku vinskog turiste o preduzimanju putovanja u određenu destinaciju. Ovi faktori mogu biti podeljeni na interne (pull) i eksterne (push) faktore. Cilj rada je da se utvrdi razvojni potencijal, kao i faktori koji utiču na učesnike vinskog turizma u rejonu Tri Morave. U tu svrhu sprovedena su dva istraživanja: jedno na strani ponude, a drugo na strani tražnje. Na osnovu rezultata istraživanja na strani ponude, može se zaključiti da rejon Tri Morave obiluje prirodnim i antropogenim resursima koji bi trebalo biti oblikovani u integrisani vinski proizvod. Na drugoj strani, istraživanje koje se tiče turističke tražnje je sprovedeno ispitivanjem posetilaca vinarija.Prikupljeni podaci potvrđuju pretpostavke o pojavi modernog turiste u potrazi za autentičnim iskustvom, zadovoljenjem hedonističkih potreba i uživanjem u kvalitetnom vinu i hrani. Na osnovu rezultata istraživanja, kupovina i degustacija vina su najviše rangirane koristi koje turisti očekuju od posete vinarijama.Primenom Spearmanovog koeficijenta korelacije je utvrđeno da postoji statistički značajna veza između ispitanika koji su kao osnovne motive svoje posete naveli degustaciju, kupovinu vina i sticanje autentičnog turističkog doživljaja i budućeg ponašanja turista u smislu ponovne posete i preporuke prijateljima date vinske destinacije

    Risk factors for ventilator associated pneumonia in intensive care units

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    Pneumonije povezane sa mehaničkom ventilacijom predstavljaju jednu od najčešćih formi intrahospitalnih infekcija u jedinicama intenzivnog lečenja. Ciljevi ove disertacije su bili da se sagledaju faktori rizika vezani za karakteristike pacijenta kao i za karakteristike i stanje na prijemu koji su od značaja za pojavu pneumonija povezanih sa mehaničkom ventilacijom. Takođe je cilj bio da se sagleda incidencija multirezistentnih sojeva patogena u bolničkim uslovima kao i efikasnost empirijske antibiotske terapije. Praćeno je 363 pacijenata koji su lečeni u Urgentnom centru Kliničkog Centra Srbije, u dve jedinice intenzivnog lečenja i koji su zahtevali mehaničku ventilaciju duže od 48 sati u periodu od 1.1.2013. do 31.12.2014. godine. Ispitivan je uticaj demografskih karakteristika, uzroka hospitalizacije i pratećih bolesti, kao i karakteristika pacijenata na prijemu u jedinice intenzivnog lečenja. Nezavisni prediktori za nastanak pneumonija povezanih sa mehaničkom ventilacijm prema multivarijantnoj regresionoj analizi su: primena masivne transfuzije na prijemu, koma, GKS manjeg od 8 i veći APACHE II skor. Pacijenti koji su razvili pneumoniju duže su boravili na mehaničkoj ventilaciji i imali su duži boravak u jedinicama intenzivnog lečenja. Intrahospitalni mortalitet je bio u ovoj grupi značajno veći kao i mortalitet 28 dana. U multivarijantnoj logističko regresionoj analizi faktor rizika za nastanak prošireno rezistentnih bakterija kao uzročnika VAP-a izdvaja se neadekvatna empirijska antibiotska terapija. Gram negativne bakterije bili su najčešće izolovani patogeni. Na osnovu rezultata ove disertacije predlaže se uvođenje protokola i mera kojima bi se delovalo na preventibilne faktore rizika radi redukcije incidencije pneumonija povezanih sa mehaničkom ventilacijom sa ciljem sprečavanja komplikacija i samanjenje mortaliteta kod traumatizovanih pacijenata u jedinicama intenzivnog lečenja.Ventilator associated pneumonia are most common intrahospital infections in intensive care units. The aims of this dissertation were to examine the patient-related caracteristics, as well as admission caracteristics and their influence on ventilator associated pneumonia incidence. We also studied multidrug resistant pathogens incidence and initial empiric antimicrobal therapy. There were 363 patients treated in Emergency center of Clinical centre of Serbia in two intensive care units requiring mechanical ventilation more than 48 hours in the period between 1.1.2013-31.12.2014. On admission sociodemographic data, cause for hospitalization and concomitant diseases as well as patients caracteristics due to trauma were evaluated. According to multivariate regression analysis independent predictors for ventilator associated pneumonia were: massive transfusion, coma, high value of APACHE II score on admissin. Patients who developed ventilator associated pneumonia spent more days on mechanical ventilation and in intensive care unit and their mortality was higher. Our results show the importance of guidelines and preventive measures reducing incidence of ventilator associated pneumonia, especially in early phase of treatment. We aslo shown that there are no difference in isolated pathogens between early and late form of ventilator associated pneumonia

    Management queues performances in postal traffic

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    U doktorskoj disertaciji rešavaju se sledeći problemi: problem opisivanja sistema masovnog opsluživanja kada teorija masovnog opsluživanja nailazi na ograničenja primene, problem predviđanja vremena čekanja, problem modelovanja odnosa na tržištu ekspres usluga kao izvora uticaja na redove čekanja, problem upravljanja brojem aktivnih kanala sistema masovnog opsluživanja i problem uticaja na subjektivno vreme čekanja. Primenom elemenata veštačke inteligencije i statističkih metoda razvijen je model za predviđanje parametra vremena čekanja u realnom vremenu pri jedinicama poštanske mreže za pružanje usluga korisnicima.The dissertation provides answers to the following issues: the problem of describing the queueing system when the queueing theory encounters limitations in its use, predicting the waiting time, the problem of modeling relations in the market of express services as a source of influence on the queues, managing the number of active channels in the queueing systems and the impact on subjective waiting time. Through application of artificial intelligence and statistical methods, a model has been developed which in real time predicts the parameters of waiting time at the units of postal network that provide service to customers