439 research outputs found


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    Higher education institutions are considered as the main bearers of socio-economic development of society in general. Having in mind that quality is considered as an important part of institution's responsibility as well as its' sustainability, it is necessary to provide a holistic approach that would cover all processes in the institution and offer students and other stakeholders the expected standards of professional and competent functioning in all aspects of life and work. On that basis, every higher education institution tend to design and implement scientific research and professional work in various fields, and to promote and nurture creative and critical thinking values, academic integrity and professional ethics. Dedicated to this mission, many of them attempt to establish themselves as reputable HEI's in the country and the region committed to the standards of the European educational space, endeavoring to develop science, academic community, local and regional social community. Vision of many faculties is oriented toward becoming recognizable in the international academic community by constantly striving to meet as higher as possible educational, scientific and academic community standards, but also, in accordance to their original principles and actions, to contribute to the development a culture of quality in the society. Therefore, the quality management of a higher education institution is a process that continuously and systematically follows-up over a long-time period whether the established system of quality assurance, monitoring and control is effective and adjusted to proclaimed European standards. Purpose of this presentation is to gain insight into to current developmental state of quality management in HEI's in relation to the proclaimed standards

    A 12th century set of marvered purple glass vessels from Braničevo (Serbia)

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    During the 2011 archaeological excavations at the Mali Grad site in Braničevo, a set of at least 16 vessels made of translucent dark-purple glass and decorated with marvered opaque white trails was discovered. This unique glass assemblage, consisting of at least eight bowls, three bottles, two cylindrical flasks and three further vessels which can be possibly attributed to flasks, was found in the most significant archaeological context in the urban centre of Braničevo, in the layer above the floor in House No 4. According to other archaeological finds from the same context, coins in particular, the glass vessel set is dated to the 12th century. Importantly, the finds from Braničevo are so far the earliest securely-dated vessels of this type in the territory of the Byzantine Empire, post-dating the reestablishment of its control over the Balkan Peninsula in the 11th century

    The significance of determining specific IgE antibodies to recombinant allergens in planning venom immunotherapy

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    vod: Pacijenti sa sistemskom alergijskom reakcijom (SAR) na ubod insekta često pokazuju višestruku pozitivnost serumskog specifičnog IgE (sIgE) na venome Hymenoptera. Nepotrebna dugotrajna imunoterapija specifična za venom (VIT) kod lažno-pozitivnih pacijenata povećava rizik od ponovne SAR. Prisustvo sIgE na unakrsno-reaktivne ugljenohidratne determinante (engl. cross-reactive carbohydrate determinants-CCD) (CCD- sIgE) komplikuje tumačenje sIgE-testa, posebno kod pacijenata sa višestrukom pozitivnošću na venome Hymenoptera. Ciljevi: Ovo iztraživanje je imalo za cilj da analizira dijagnostički značaj sIgE- testiranja na rekombinantne alergene kod pacijenata sa SAR na venome Hymenoptera. Takođe je analiziran klinički značaj molekularne alergološke dijagnostike koja koristi pojedinačne rekombinantne komponente (engl. component-resolved diagnostics-CRD) i test CCD-inhibicije za selekciju uzročnog venoma koji će biti korišćeni za VIT. Pacijenti i metode: ImmunoCAP metodom kod 82 pacijenta merili smo nivoe sIgE na ekstrakte venoma: vemom pčele (PV), venom ose (OV), venom stršljena (SV) i rekombinantne alergene: fosfolipazu A2 (rApi m 1), antigena 5 (rVes v 5 ) i CCD-bromelain. Analizirali smo korelaciju metoda ImmunoCAP i Imunoblot za detekciju sIgE na PV i OV ekstrakte, i rekombinantne alergene rApi m 1 i rVes v 5 kod 39/82 pacijenata. Prema podacima o alergiji na ubod insekta, uporedili smo sensitivnost i specifičnost između dve metode. Imunoblot metodom kod 71 pacijenta merili smo sIgE na PV, OV, SV, CCD i rekombinantne alergene: rApi m 1, hijaluronidazu (rApi m 2), ikarapin (rApi m 10), rVes v 5 i fosfolipazu A1 (rVes v 1). Kod 29/71 PV/OV/SV/CCD-pozitivnih pacijenata izvršena je CCD- inhibicija. Prema CRD i CCD-inhibiciji identifikovali smo pravu senzibilizaciju i definisali grupe višestruko pozitivnih pacijenata kojima je bila potrebna CCD-inhibicija pre početka VIT. Rezultati: Težina SAR nije zavisila od nivoa sIgE u ekstrakte venoma i rekombinantne alergene. Ukupno 51% pacijenata je imao višestruku pozitivnost na ekstrakte PV/OV ili PV/OV/SV. Teška SAR i CCD-sIgE bili su češći kod višestruko pozitivnih nego kod jednostruko pozitivnih pacijenata (P < 0,001). Serumska CCD-sIgE antitela su bila češća kod pacijenata sa alergijom na venom pčele u odnosu na pacijente sa alergijom na venom ose ( P < 0,0001) i venom stršljena (P = 0,049). Postojala je značajna korelacija između nivoa sIgE na ekstrakte venoma (P < 0,0001) i rekombinantne alergene (P < 0,05) merenih ImmunoCAP i Imunoblot metodama...Introduction: Adults with systemic allergic reactions (SAR) to insect sting show often multiple-positivity of serum specific IgE (sIgE) to Hymenoptera venoms. Unnecessary long-lasting venom-specific immunotherapy (VIT) in false-positive patients increase the risk of recurrent SAR. The presence of IgE to cross-reactive carbohydrate determinants (CCD) complicates the interpretation of sIgE to Hymenoptera venoms, especially in patients with multiple-positivity. Objectives: This report aims to analyze the diagnostic importance of recombinant allergen IgE-testing in patients with SAR to Hymenoptera sting. Also we analyzed the clinical importance of the component-resolved diagnostics (CRD) and CCD-inhibition test for selection of the causative venom for VIT. Patients and methods: In 82 patients we measured levels of sIgE to honeybee venom (HBV), wasp venom (WV), hornet venom (HV) extracts, recombinant phospholipase A2 from HBV (rApi m 1), recombinant antigen 5 from WV (rVes v 5), and CCD-bromelain by ImmunoCAP. We analyzed the correlation of ImmunoCAP and Imunoblot for HBV and WV extracts, rApi m 1, and rVes v 5 in 39/82 patients. According to the history of insect sting allergy, we compared sensitivity and specificity between the two methods. In 71 patients we measured sIgE to HBV WV, HV, CCD and recombinant allergens: rApi m 1, hyaluronidase (rApi m 2), icarapin (rApi m 10), rVes v 5 and phospholipase A1 (rVes v 1) by Imunoblot. In 29/71 HBV/WV/HV/CCD-positive patients CCD-inhibition was performed. According to CRD and CCD-inhibition we identified true sensitization and defined groups of multiple- positive patients who needed CCD-inhibition before starting VIT. Results: The severity of the SAR does not depend on the sIgE level to venom extracts and recombinant allergens. Fifty-one percent of the patients had a multiple-positivity to HBV/WV or HBV/WV/HV extracts. Severe SAR and serum CCD-sIgE were more frequent in multiple-positive than single-positive patients (P < 0.001). Serum CCD-sIgE were more frequent in HBV allergic patients than WV (P < 0.0001) and HV allergic patients (P = 0.049). There was a significant correlation between levels of sIgE to venom extracts (P < 0.0001) and recombinant allergens (P < 0.05) measured by ImmunoCAP and Imunoblot..

    Knowledge Management as Imperative for Economic Growth and Development

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    We are now living in times of global business activity and the knowledge economy. Knowledge-based resources represent the organizational Know-how as the knowledge of employees, organizational production processes, and overall knowledge of one collective. Knowledge management has long been recognized as a factor necessary for the development of business organizations. Only those managers that embrace knowledge as the most important resource can expect to be better positioned than the competition. Know-how is very important segment of overall knowledge that is deposited within the organization. The value of knowledge is much more important than all other forms of assets that an organization possesses. But knowledge cannot be communicated without the interested employees. So, managers have to create the business environment which uses adequate business communication. Good communication stimulates ideas and creativity of employees. Management must be able to manage business information and achieve active participation in communication with employees and exchange the intellectual capital values with them

    Risk factors for brain metastases after definitive chemoradiation for locally advanced non-small cell lung cancer

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    Background/Aim. As therapy for locally advanced nonsmall cell lung carcinoma (NSCLC) improves, brain metastases (BM) still remain a great problem. The aim of the study was to analyze risk factors for BM in patients with locally advanced NSCLC after chemoradiation therapy. Methods. Records for 150 patients with non-resectable stage IIIA/IIIB NSCLC treated with combined chemoradiation therapy were analyzed. All of them had negative brain metastases imaging result before the treatment. Incidence of BM was examined in relation to age, sex, histological type, stage, performance status scale of wellbeing of cancer patients, weight loss, chemotherapy regimen and chemotherapy timing. Results. One- and 2-year incidence rates of BM were 19 and 31%, respectively. Among pretreatment parameters, stage IIIB was associated with a higher risk of BM (p &lt; 0.004) vs stage IIIA. Histologically, the patients with nonsquamous tumors had an exceptionally high 2-year BM risk rate of 32% (p &lt; 0.02). Examining treatment-related parameters, 1-year and 2-year actuarial risk of BM were 27 and 39%, respectively, in the patients receiving chemotherapy before radiotherapy and 15 and 20%, respectively, when radiotherapy was not delayed (p &lt; 0.03). On multivariate analysis, timing of chemotherapy (p &lt; 0.05) and stage IIIA vs IIIB (p &lt; 0.01) remained statistically significant. Conclusion. Patients with IIIB stage, nonsquamous NSCLC, particularly those receiving sequential chemotherapy, had significantly high BM rates

    Teachers' leadership style and teaching effectiveness

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    Na ključni udeo liderstva nastavnika u učenju učenika, efektivnosti nastavnog pocesa, inovativnim i produktivnim pristupima nastavnom radu, klimi i kulturi na nivou škole, unapređenju škole, izradi politike obrazovanja i planiranju reformi obrazovanja ukazala su istraživanja i praksa drugih zemalja. Reklo bi se da je efektivnost nastave samo jedna od oblasti u kojoj liderstvo nastavnika može pomoći u rešavanju najosetljivijih i relevantnih problema u obrazovanju, a naposletku (i najvažnije) inicira učenike da uče. Poslednjih godina često su u okvir analize uzimani lideri na formalnim pozicijama te su direktori škola u takvim poduhvatima dobili na značaju dok su u potpunosti bibavi skrajnuti oni koji na direktan način doprinose efektivnosti nastave. Upravo usled nedostatka inicijative ali i istraživanja da se u okvir analize uzmu karakteristike ponašanja nastavnika koje direktno doprinose efektivnosti nastave, ovo istraživanje sprovedeno je sa ciljem ispitivanja povezanosti između liderskog stila nastavnika i efektivnosti nastave operacionalizovane kroz pokazatelje povoljne klime za učenje i pokazatelje angažovanosti učenika u nastavi i učenju...Researches and practices in other countries have indicated the key role of teachers’ leadership in students’ learning, effectiveness of teaching process, innovative and productive approaches to teaching, school climate and school culture, school improvement, creating education policy and planning of educational reforms. It can be said that teaching effectiveness is just one area in which teachers’ leadership could help in solving the most sensitive and relevant educational problems, and ultimately, and most importantly initiates students to learn. In recent years, leaders in formal positions have often been the focus of analysis so school principals have become the main figure and most important in such efforts, while those who directly contribute to teaching effectiveness was marginalized. Just because of the lack of initiative and researches that take into account characteristics of teachers' behavior that directly influence teaching effectiveness, this research was conducted with the aim of examining correlations between teachers' leadership style and teaching effectiveness operationalized by the indicators of favorable climate for learning and indicators of student engagement in teaching and learning..

    Association between arsenic in drinking water and the occurrence of type 2 diabetes

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    Арсен је деценијама присутан у води за пиће јавних водоводних система у општини Зрењанин. Његово константно присуство у концентрацијама већим од максимално дозвољене (10 μg/L) представља велики јавно-здравствени проблем у Србији. Међутим, у нашој популацији до сада није испитиван његов утицај на појаву дијабетеса тип 2 и појаву компликација ове болести. Истраживање је спроведено у две фазе. Прва фаза истраживања представљала је еколошку студију која је обухватила две популације које конзумирају различите концентрације арсена у води за пиће у односу на вредност од 10 μg/L, дефинисану Правилником о хигијенској исправности воде за пиће (Сл. лист СРЈ 42/98). Ова фаза истраживања је заснована на подацима o броју новодијагностикованих случајева дијабетеса тип 2 из популационог Регистра за дијабетес општине Зрењанин Завода за јавно здравље у Зрењанину (ЗЗЈЗ), за период од 2006. до 2010. године, и Регистара за дијабетес Републике Србије, Института за јавно здравље Србије. Друга фаза истраживања спроведена је на узорку популације оболеле од дијабетеса тип 2, подељене према концентрацијама арсена у води за пиће којима су били изложени (>10 μg/L и ≤10 μg/L). Поред спроведеног упитника и одређивања концентрације арсена у води из јавних водних објеката на територији општине Зрењанин, вршена је и одређивање нивоа арсена у коси оболелих од инсулин независног дијабетеса. Резултати истраживања су показали да је стандардизована стопа инциденције новодијагностикованих од дијабетеса тип 2 значајно већа у изложеној популацији него у неизложеној. Значајно је већи ризик за оболевење од ове болести код изложених арсену из воде за пиће у односу на неизложене. Такође, резултати истраживања су показали да постоји значајна повезаност између концентрације арсена у коси испитаника и концентрације арсена у води за пиће коју су конзумирали. Концентрација арсена у коси испитаника, односно, изложеност зависила је и од начина употребе воде...Arsenic is constantly present in certain drinking w ater supply systems of Zrenjanin municipality in concentration above 10 μ g/L across decades. It presents a great public health problem in Serbia, but its relationship with the occurrence of type 2 diabetes and its complications has not been studied previously. The research was conducted in two phases. The first phase was a registry-based ecological study of two populations consuming water with different arsenic levels, based on current guidelines (10 mg/L). All newly diagnosed c ases of type 2 diabetes were obtained from the National Registry of Diabetes in Serbia an d from the Institute of Public Health of Zrenjanin for the period from 2006 to 2010. The sec ond phase of this research was conducted among type 2 diabetes patients, who were divided in two groups according to arsenic concentration in drinking water (>10 μg/L и ≤ 10 μg/L). Besides conducted questionnaire, drinking water arsenic concentration s were measured as well as hair arsenic concentration.The results showed significantly higher standardize d incidence rate in newly diagnosed type 2 diabetes patients who were exposed to drinking water arsenic compared to unexposed. Increased risk for the occurrence of typ e 2 diabetes was shown in exposed population. Although, the results showed significan t association between hair arsenic concentrations and drinking water arsenic concentra tions among participants who were exposed to drinking water arsenic above 10 μg/L. Th e magnitude of exposure was influenced by the water usage..

    Removal of mineral oil and wastewater pollutants using hard coal

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    This study investigates the use of hard coal as an adsorbent for removal of mineral oil from wastewater. In order to determine the efficiency of hard coal as an adsorbent of mineral oil, process parameters such as sorption capacity (in static and dynamic conditions), temperature, pH, contact time, flow rate, and chemical pretreatment were evaluated in a series of batch and continuous flow experiments. There were significant differences in the mineral oil removal for various pH values examined. The adsorption of mineral oil increased as pH values diverged from 7 (neutral). At lower temperatures, the adsorption was notably higher. The wastewater flow rate was adjusted to achieve optimal water purification. Equilibrium was reached after 10 h in static conditions. At that time, more than 99% of mineral oil had been removed. At the beginning of the filtering process, the adsorption rate increased rapidly, only to show a minor decrease afterwards. Equilibrium data were fitted to Freundlich models to determine the water-hard coal partitioning coefficient. Physical adsorption caused by properties of the compounds was the predominant mechanism in the removal process

    Express Services Market Analysis Based on the Lotka-Volterra Model – Case Study Serbia

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    This paper provides a preview of the former stages through which the market of express postal services had gone and the possibilities of further development, both on the global and local level. The aim of this paper is to complete an estimation of the need for this type of express services using the competitive Lotka–Volterra model in Serbia. In order to reduce the complexity of the process, the division of competition was conducted in two segments: the public operator and the private segment (comprised of all private operators). The given model provides a description of a dynamic competition relationship by indicating the existence of the equilibrium point between the public and the private sectors, and the conditions of its stability. The obtained values indicate that the private sector affects the public operator. The existing predator-prey relationship gives preference to the private sector and can be described by the Lotka-Volterra model.</p