44 research outputs found

    Promena parametara anfasa nakon ortodontske terapije malokluzije II klase

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    Introduction The aim was to evaluate the difference in en-face anthropometric facial parameters and proportions of patients with Class II malocclusion, before and after orthodontic treatment as well as changes in linear parameters and facial proportions and their deviation from ideal values. Material and method In this study, en-face photographs before and after the treatment of 50 Class II malocclusion patients were used. Patients were divided in two groups; first group comprised 25 patients treated with multibracket appliance with extractions, and second group included 25 patients treated without extractions, using fixed functional Herbst and multibracket appliance. On each and every photo before and after the treatment facial points and lines were drawn, and linear parameters were determined, based on those markers. Results showed change in anthropometric parameters in both groups of patients. Statistically significant difference was found for parameters in the middle and lower facial third. Facial proportions changed after the treatment in both groups and they approached ideal values and golden proportion 1:1.618 in the lower facial third. Conclusion Patients with Class II, division 1 malocclusion, deviate from an ideal set of proportions, particularly in the lower facial third. After the orthodontic treatment, anthropometric parameters in the lower facial third were approaching ideal values.Uvod Cilj ovog rada bio je da se antropometrijskim merenjem fotografija anfasa pacijenata pre i posle ortodontske terapije malokluzije II klase, 1. odeljenja, utvrde promene linearnih parametara i proporcija, kao i njihovo odstupanje od idealnih vrednosti. Materijal i metod U istraživanju su koriŔćene fotografije anfasa 50 pacijenata pre i posle ortodontske terapije. Pacijenti su podeljeni u dve grupe, od kojih je jedna lečena ekstrakcionom (fiksni aparati sa intermaksilarnim gumicama II klase), a druga neekstrakcionom (fiksni aparati sa fiksnim funkcionalnim Herbst aparatom) metodom terapije malokluzije II klase. Na fotografijama su, nakon iscrtavanja mekotkivnih tačaka, mereni linearni parametri: podela lica na horizontalne trećine, dužina i Å”irina lica, kao i set linearnih proporcija koji su u odnosu idealnih proporcija. Rezultati Dobijeni rezultati pokazali su da je kod obe grupe pacijenata doÅ”lo do promene u antropometrijskim parametrima srednje i donje trećine lica. Dobijena razlika bila je statistički značajna (Sig lt 0,01). Kod obe grupe pacijenata dobijena je razlika u odnosu linearnih parametara prema setu idealnih proporcija, naročito u donjoj trećini lica, u kojoj se taj odnos približio idealnim vrednostima i proporciji 1 : 1,618. Zaključak Pacijenti sa malokluzijama II klase, 1. odeljenja, odstupaju od idealnih vrednosti facijalnih proporcija, pogotovo u donjoj trećini lica. Nakon zavrÅ”ene ortodontske terapije vrednosti antropometrijskih parametara u donjoj trećini lica se približavaju idealnim vrednostima, u obe grupe pacijenata

    Učenje u muzeju

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    U tekstu se ističe da informalna okruženja poput muzeja pružaju velike potencijale za učenje. Uslovi za učenje u muzejima kao informalnim okruženjima razlikuju se od onih u formalnim vaspitno-obrazovnim institucijama. Učenje u ovakvim okruženjima nije vođeno, usmeravano od nekog spoljaÅ”njeg autoriteta, već je samousmereno, dobrovoljno i personalno. Ipak, specifična prilika za učenje koju nudi muzej jeste iskustvena (doživljajna) priroda učenja koja se bazira na susretu s realnim predmetima. U novije vreme, konstruktivizam kao teorijska orijentacija postmodernog miÅ”ljenja ima veliki uticaj na muzej, a posebno na polje njegovog vaspitno-obrazovnog rada, učenje i prirodu iskustva u njemu. Konstruktivizam nudi definiciju učenja kao procesa personalne konstrukcije značenja te se naročita pažnja posvećuje znanju i značenjima koje posetioci stvaraju (konstruiÅ”u) na osnovu sadržaja muzeja. Socijalni konstrukcionisti dodaju da stvaranje značenja nije samo lična stvar, već da je ono posredovano socijalnim okruženjem pojedinca. Iskustvo učenja u muzejima se najčeŔće javlja unutar socijalnog konteksta. Za veliki broj posetioca važan aspekt muzejske posete predstavlja upravo socijalna priroda aktivnosti koja se odvija u njima

    Mogućnosti kompjuterske simulacije ortognatske hirurÅ”ke procedure u terapiji nepravilnosti II skeletne klase

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    Aim: The aim of this study was to investigate the possibilities for computer-aided orthognathic surgery in the treatment of class II malocclusions. Materials and methods: Twelve patients treated at the Dept. of Orthodontics, School of Dentistry, Belgrade, were included in the study. Profile cephalometric analyses of all patients were conducted before and after the treatment. The first step was the profile cephalometric analysis before the treatment using the computer software Nemotec dental studio NX2005 and the second step was the computer-aided simulation using the same software. Results: The difference in the results was found in the soft-tissue analysis, which can be explained by the possibility of observing the instant changes in patients' profiles during the simulation of surgical treatment. Conclusion: Based on the results of the present study, it can be concluded that the computer-aided simulation provides a faster approach, a possibility to educate patients before the surgical treatment and a better clinician-patient communication.Cilj: Cilj ovog istraživanja je bio da se ispitaju mogućnosti kompjuterske simulacije hirurÅ”ke procedure u terapiji nepravilnosti II skeletne klase. Materijal i metod: U ovom istraživanju obuhvaćeno je 12 pacijenata Klinike za Ortopediju vilica, StomatoloÅ”kog fakulteta u Beogradu. KoriŔćene su fotografije i profilni snimci glave svih pacijenata pre i posle zavrÅ”ene terapije. Prva faza istraživanja podrazumevala je analiziranje profilnih snimaka glave pre terapije pomoću kompjuterskog programa Nemotec dental studio NX2005, a druga faza istraživanja podrazumevala je simulaciju hirurÅ”ke terapije pomoću jedne od opcija koje ovaj kompjuterski program nudi. Rezultati: Razlika u rezultatima pre i posle kompjuterske simulacije dobijena je u analizi mekotkivnog profila upravo zbog mogućnosti posmatranja promena pacijentovog profila tokom simulacije hirurÅ”ke metode. Zaključak: Na osnovu dobijenih rezultata može se zaključiti da kompjuterska simulacija pruža brži pristup informacijama, korisna je za edukaciju pacijenata sa mogućnostima hirurÅ”ke intervencije i naravno, poboljÅ”ava komunikaciju kliničara sa pacijentima


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    The paper underlies the importance of the museum and international scientific partnership to promote and add value to the regional cultural heritage, as a condition for developing greater awareness of the civilisational framework of cultural inheritance at the global level. The goal of the action research carried out in parallel in Italy and Serbia and involving 170 children was to devise, realise and evaluate and educational programme that would bring museums closer to children. Reflexivity and triangulation were used in this research endeavour based on a constructivist theoretical framework. Reflecting on the activities carried out and the data collected, the authors of this paper, as participants in the research, are able to validate several important roles of the museum as a place that facilitates the development of an awareness of the cultural heritage of oneā€™s own country, skills and capabilities, the social and individual construction of meaning, as well as the development of international partnership. The research findings confirm that the field of qualitative educational discourse offers museums a respectable future in terms of linking theory and practice. In other words, museums will make it possible for scientific results to be more closely applied for the purpose of improving educationa lpractice.U tekstu se objaÅ”njava značaj muzeja i međunarodnog znanstvenog partnerstva u promociji i valorizaciji regionalnog kulturnog nasljeđa, kao preduvjetu razvijanja svijesti o civilizacijskom okviru kulturnih tekovina na globalnom nivou. S ciljem osmiÅ”ljavanja, realizacije i evaluacije edukativnog programa radi približavanja djece muzejima, paralelno je u Italiji i Srbiji provedeno akcijsko istraživanje kojim je bilo obuhvaćeno 170 djece. Istraživački projekt, utemeljen u konstruktivistički teorijski okvir, odlikuje refleksivnost i triangulacija. Refleksije provedenih aktivnosti i prikupljenih podataka omogućuju autoricama teksta da, kao sudionice istraživanja, vrednuju važnu ulogu muzeja kao mjesta razvijanja svijesti o kulturnoj baÅ”tini vlastite teritorije, vjeÅ”tina i sposobnosti, socijalne i personalne konstrukcije značenja, te oblikovanja međunarodnog partnerstva. Istraživački nalazi potvrđuju da polje kvalitativnog obrazovnog diskursa, muzejima nudi respektabilnu perspektivu u pogledu povezivanja teorije i prakse, odnosno mogućnosti neposrednije primjene znanstvenih rezultata u funkciji unapređivanja obrazovne prakse

    En-face parameters change after orthodontic treatment of class II malocclusion

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    Introduction The aim was to evaluate the difference in en-face anthropometric facial parameters and proportions of patients with Class II malocclusion, before and after orthodontic treatment as well as changes in linear parameters and facial proportions and their deviation from ideal values. Material and method In this study, en-face photographs before and after the treatment of 50 Class II malocclusion patients were used. Patients were divided in two groups; first group comprised 25 patients treated with multibracket appliance with extractions, and second group included 25 patients treated without extractions, using fixed functional Herbst and multibracket appliance. On each and every photo before and after the treatment facial points and lines were drawn, and linear parameters were determined, based on those markers. Results showed change in anthropometric parameters in both groups of patients. Statistically significant difference was found for parameters in the middle and lower facial third. Facial proportions changed after the treatment in both groups and they approached ideal values and golden proportion 1:1.618 in the lower facial third. Conclusion Patients with Class II, division 1 malocclusion, deviate from an ideal set of proportions, particularly in the lower facial third. After the orthodontic treatment, anthropometric parameters in the lower facial third were approaching ideal values

    Supporting socially marginalized groups through pedagogical counseling the case of Roma population

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    U radu se polazi od stanoviÅ”ta da marginalizacija delova populacije predstavlja izazov sa kojim se danas suočavaju razvijena demokratska druÅ”tva, kao i ona koja se nalaze u procesu tranzicije. U svetlu ovakvog stanoviÅ”ta, autorke u tekstu sa pedagoÅ”kog aspekta razmatraju mogućnosti pružanja podrÅ”ke marginalizovanim grupama, s posebnim osvrtom na romsku populaciju. U tom okviru, a na osnovu teorijskih polaziÅ”ta kritičke pedagogije, u radu se razmatra fenomen marginalizacije u obrazovnom kontekstu, te sagledava položaj romske populacije. Poseban akcenat se stavlja na mogućnosti pružanja podrÅ”ke Romima kroz aspekt pedagoÅ”kosavetodavnog rada. Zaključuje se da je, radi razvoja inkluzivnog druÅ”tva, neophodno raditi na menjanju druÅ”tvene svesti, smanjivanju predrasuda i stereotipa, i obrazovanju građana. Ukazuje se da pedagoÅ”ko-savetodavni rad, koji bi trebalo da prožima sve aktivnosti usmerene ka socijalnoj i obrazovnoj inkluziji, može da ima potencijal u osnaživanju i samih pripadnika socijalno marginalizovanih grupa.The paper starts from the standpoint that marginalization of segments of population is a challenge which democratic societies, as well societies in the process of transition, face today. In light of such standpoint, the authors of the paper consider the possibilities of providing support for marginalized groups from pedagogical aspects, with a special focus on the Roma population. In that framework, based on the theoretical starting points of critical pedagogy, the paper analyzes the phenomenon of marginalization in the educational context, and examines the position of the Roma population. Special emphasis is placed on the possibility to provide support for the Roma population through the aspect of pedagogical counseling. The conclusion is that in order to enhance the development of the inclusive society, it is necessary to work on changing social awareness, reducing prejudices and stereotypes, and the education of citizens. It is indicated that pedagogical counseling, which should permeate all the activities directed to social and educational inclusion, may have the potential to empower members of socially marginalized groups themselves

    Liderski potencijal darovitih učenika

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    The paper aims to contribute to the knowledge about the leadership potential of talented students. The intention is to establish distinctive traits of talented students in the areas of music, art, sports, and mathematics in the following aspects of leadership: affinity for authenticity and creativity, basic personality traits, achievement motive, and emotional intelligence. The research was conducted on a convenience sample of 473 participants attending high schools for talented, using the following instruments: preconscious activity scale (PAS), Big Five Inventory (BFI), scale of achievement motive (MOP 2002) and a scale of emotional competences. The research results suggest various constellations of leadership dispositions in relation to the domain. Within the domain of sports and music, there are specific characteristics relating to public performance. Introspection and the intrapsychic plan are important characteristics of the mathematics and art domains. The domain of music and art are characterized by greater interest for innovation and diversity, while the domain of sports and mathematics revolve around ā€œplaying by set rulesā€. It is concluded that the leadership potential of talented students can be precisely observed and adequately supported only if it is located within the framework of individual domains.Ovim se radom nastoje upotpuniti spoznaje o liderskom potencijalu darovitih učenika. Cilj je utvrditi distinktivne karakteristike učenika darovitih u području glazbe, likovne umjetnosti, sporta i matematike, s obzirom na sljedeće aspekte liderstva: sklonost originalnosti i kreativnosti, temeljne dimenzije osobnosti, motiv postignuća i emocionalna inteligencija. Istraživanje je provedeno na prigodnom uzorku od 473 ispitanika koji pohađaju specijalizirane srednje Å”kole za darovite, a primijenjeni su sljedeći instrumenti: skala predsvjesne aktivnosti (SPA), upitnik Velikih pet (BFI), skala motiva postignuća (MOP 2002) i skala emocionalnih kompetencija. Rezultati istraživanja sugeriraju različite konstelacije dispozicija liderstva ovisno o vrsti domene. Domene sporta i glazbe specifične su po naglaÅ”enosti osobina koje su povezane s javnim nastupanjem. Introspektivnost i upućenost na intrapsihički plan važne su odrednice domena matematike i likovne umjetnosti. Domene glazbe i likovne umjetnosti karakterizira izraženije zanimanje za inovativnost i raznolikost, a za domene sporta i matematike važno je ā€žponaÅ”anje prema utvrđenim pravilimaā€. Zaključuje se da se liderski potencijal darovitih učenika može precizno uočiti i adekvatno podržavati samo ako se definira unutar okvira pojedinačnih domena

    Third mission of the university ā€“ basic differences in approaches

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    Tradicionalne i osnovne misije sveučiliÅ”ta, nastava i istraživanje sve se viÅ”e proÅ”iruju. Treća misija sveučiliÅ”ta je viÅ”edimenzionalan koncept koji poprima Å”iroke razmjere na svjetskom nivou. Kao cilj rada postavlja se proučavanje osnovnih sličnosti i razlika u pristupima trećoj misiji sveučiliÅ”ta kada je riječ o američkim u odnosu na europska sveučiliÅ”ta. Kao polazna osnova za usporedbu uzima se činjenica da treća misija sveučiliÅ”ta svoje porijeklo ima na američkom kontinentu dok se nastanak sveučiliÅ”ta vezuje za Europu. Cilj rada je konkretiziran na sljedeće zadatke: ispitati utjecaj globalnih obrazovnih politika na pristupe trećoj misiji sveučiliÅ”ta; ispitati razlike u načinu funkcioniranja europskih u odnosu na američka sveučiliÅ”ta; objasniti obrazovne implikacije provedbe treće misije na europskim sveučiliÅ”tima. Kao zaključak rada ističe se da je neophodno razumijevanje globalnih druÅ”tveno-ekonomskih utjecaja na proces visokog obrazovanja kako bi se sveobuhvatnije pristupilo obrazovnim reformama i načinima njihovog sprovođenja. Također, s obzirom na sudjelovanje sve brojnijih interesnih grupa u okviru realizacije treće misije sveučiliÅ”ta, neminovno je razvijanje stavova o vrijednostima i načelima treće misije kod svih onih koji su uključeni u proces visokog obrazovanja.The traditional and basic missions of the university, teaching and research are expanding. Terminology on the third mission of the university is gaining wide scope at the global level. The aim of this paper is to study basic similarities and differences in approach to the third mission of the university by comparing American to European universities. The starting point for comparing these approaches is the fact that the third mission of the university has its origins in the American continent, while the creation of the university is linked to Europe. The aim of this paper is to specify the following tasks: to examine the impact of global education policies on approaches to the third mission of the university; to examine the differences in the way European universities operate in relation to American universities; to explain the educational implications of the implementation of the universityā€™s third mission at European universities. In conclusion, it is necessary to understand the global socioeconomic impacts on the process of higher education in order to approach educational reforms and ways of implementing them more comprehensively. Also, given the growing number of the participating interest groups in the implementation of the third mission of the university, it is inevitable to develop attitudes about the values and principles of the third mission among all those who are involved in the process of higher education

    Dimenzije treće misije sveučiliÅ”ta iz perspektive sveučiliÅ”nih nastavnika i studenata

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    The new roles of universities result in the expansion of traditional missions (teaching and research) in the direction of institutionalization and strengthening of the third mission and connecting the university with the community. Accordingly, the aim of the paper is to examine the perceptions of university teachers and students about different university missions, with special reference to the civic dimension, which is less studied in relation to the economic dimension of the third mission. The research included a total of 1 048 respondents, including 582 students and 466 teachers of the University of Novi Sad, and used the Questionnaire on the civic mission of the university and education for sustainable development. The obtained results indicate that there are more similarities between teachers and students than there are differences in the perception of the importance of different university missions. When it comes to differences, teachers attach more importance to the role of the university in promoting civic advocacy, while students attach more importance to the role of previous levels of education.Nove uloge sveučiliÅ”ta rezultiraju proÅ”irenjem tradicionalnih misija (nastave i istraživanja) u pravcu institucionalizacije i jačanja treće misije i povezivanja sveučiliÅ”ta s druÅ”tvenom zajednicom. U skladu s tim, cilj rada je ispitati percepcije sveučiliÅ”nih nastavnika i studenata o različitim misijama sveučiliÅ”ta, s posebnim osvrtom na civilnu dimenziju koja je manje proučavana u odnosu na ekonomsku dimenziju treće misije. Istraživanje je obuhvatilo ukupno 1 048 ispitanika, od kojih 582 studenta i 466 nastavnika SveučiliÅ”ta u Novom Sadu i koriÅ”ten je Upitnik o civilnoj misiji sveučiliÅ”ta i obrazovanju za održivi razvoj. Dobiveni rezultati ukazuju da između nastavnika i studenata ima viÅ”e sličnosti nego razlika u percepciji značaja različitih misija sveučiliÅ”ta. Kada je riječ o razlikama, nastavnici pridaju veći značaj ulozi sveučiliÅ”ta prilikom promocije civilnog zalaganja, dok studenti veći značaj pridaju ulozi prethodnih razina obrazovanja

    A Thermodynamic Analysis of the Process of Hydrogen Production by Natural Gas Decomposition in The Low-Temperature Thermal Plasma Reactor

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    Hydrogen produced via the thermal decomposition of natural gas, also known as ā€˜turquoiseā€™ hydrogen, is the subject of this study. It is expected that ā€˜turquoiseā€™ hydrogen will play a significant role in the coming energy transition, reducing emissions from fossil fuels in the short term until renewable energy sources are capable of producing enough energy or hydrogen transport becomes feasible on a large scale. The main advantage of the thermal decomposition of natural gas is the possibility of obtaining a high yield of hydrogen without the emission of carbon monoxide or carbon dioxide since the main products of the process are carbon in a solid state and hydrogen. The use of plasma in the process elevates the temperature of the process and increases methane decomposition without the use of catalysts. This paper presents an analysis of the process using a thermodynamic equilibrium model based on the minimum of the Gibbs function in the temperature range of 500-2000 K. As a result of the study, the equilibrium composition of the system in the observed temperature range is presented. Also, attention is given to undesirable components in the system such as carbon dioxide, hydrocyanic acid, and nitrogen compounds like ammonia and nitrogen monoxide. From the point of energy analysis, the useful energy of the system per kilogram of fuel and the efficiency of the process is presented. The results of the numerical analysis show that the efficiency of the process increases with increasing temperature and reaches its maximum at a temperature of 1200 K when an energy efficiency of about 50% is achieved.IEEP 2022 : Industrijska energetika i zaÅ”tita životne sredine u zemljama Jugoistočne Evrope; Novembar 8-10, 2022, Beograd, Srbij