86 research outputs found

    Canciones que habitan poemas

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    Com s'ha de desenvolupar la formació dels futurs mestres de religió catòlica?

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    En aquest article es pretén respondre a la pregunta de com s'ha de desenvolupar la formació dels futurs mestres de religió catòlica. Encetem la nostra reflexió tot exposant les raons que han motivat la nostra cerca, reflexió i/o proposta. En un primer moment, remarquem la significació del que vol dir ser i fer de mestre de religió catòlica a l'escola tot emfasitzant la importància de la dimensió vocacional i professional. Per fer-ho, aterrem en l'anàlisi de la realitat actual mostrant com veiem els mestres de religió que tenim i que tindrem a les escoles del nostre país. A partir d'aquí, intentem dibuixar, esbossar quines haurien de ser les competències bàsiques i quines són les necessitats a cobrir per tal d'assolir-les i que haurien de formar part del seu pla de formació. Finalment, per tal de respondre de manera conclusiva a la pregunta plantejada a l'inici del treball, explorem de forma prospectiva com hauria de ser la pràctica formativa.This article aims at answering the question of how to develop training for prospective Catholic Religion teachers. Firstly, we present the motives for our research, reflection, and/or proposal. Then, we emphasize the significance of what is meant by being and acting as a Catholic Religion teacher at school, paying special attention to the vocational and professional dimensions. To do so, we analyse our current reality, by showing our vision of the religion teachers that there are and there will be in our country's schools. After, we aim at depicting and describing which basic competences they should have and what needs should be met in order to achieve them and become part of their training syllabus. Finally, in order to answer the initial question conclusively, we prospectively examine what their training practice should be like

    Normal faulting in the 1923 Berdún earthquake and postorogenic extension in the Pyrenees

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    The 10 July 1923 earthquake near Berdún (Spain) is the largest instrumentally recorded event in the Pyrenees. We recover old analog seismograms and use 20 hand-digitized waveforms for regional moment tensor inversion. We estimate moment magnitude Mw 5.4, centroid depth of 8 km, and a pure normal faulting source with strike parallel to the mountain chain (N292°E), dip of 66° and rake of -88°. The new mechanism fits into the general predominance of normal faulting in the Pyrenees and extension inferred from Global Positioning System data. The unique location of the 1923 earthquake, near the south Pyrenean thrust front, shows that the extensional regime is not confined to the axial zone where high topography and the crustal root are located. Together with seismicity near the northern mountain front, this indicates that gravitational potential energy in the western Pyrenees is not extracted locally but induces a wide distribution of postorogenic deformation.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Bíblia i currículum escolar. Introducció a una problemàtica paradoxal

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    L'article que es presenta forma part d'una elaboració més àmplia. S'ha seleccionat unes reflexions introductòries que obren interrogants i plategen problemàtiques sobre les quals s'aprofundirà posteriorment. Partim de la importància de la Bíblia com a referent espiritual i cultural, a continuació es descriuen alguns dels possibles atansaments vers els textos bíblics i quines són, o podrien ser, les aproximacions a la Bíblia des de l'escola. Es presenta, també, alguns moments significatius sobre l'estudi i la interpretació de la Bíblia i les conseqüències que poden tenir en l'ensenyament

    La religió catòlica a l'escola: nou context, nou currículum? Uns primers apunts per a la reflexió

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    La publicació del nou currículum de Religió catòlica derivat de la progressiva aplicació de la LOE hauria de suscitar una reflexió sobre la incidència dels nous contextos en l'àmbit cultural, educatiu i religiós. Tot i que es tracta d'un currículum confessional, alhora, és un rostre públic, educatiu i eclesial de la confessió catòlica, per la qual cosa caldrà desenvolupar una especial èmfasi en el coneixement de les realitats canviants i fugir d'un disseny curricular rígid, excloent i aspre que traeixi la identitat i les exigències de l'ensenyament de la religió


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    Los estudiantes con altas capacidades pueden tener una creatividad innata, mayor rapidez para aprender, un coeficiente intelectual más alto, entre otras características. Pero ¿Por qué algunos tienen problemas con su bajo rendimiento académico? Unos autores creen que la solución al problema es la motivación. Dicha motivación puede potenciarse involucrando al estudiante en la creación de los materiales educativos, que a su vez deben estar contextualizados en sus características y en su realidad. Este artículo expone las ideas del diseño de un modelo de perfiles que soporta un proceso adaptativo de co-creación de material educativo con base en las características de los estudiantes con altas capacidades y de algunos modelos de enseñanza-aprendizaje. Además, se explica cómo se incluye la participación del mismo estudiante, de su familia y de su profesor en el proceso de co-creación del material

    PLIO: a generic tool for real-time operational predictive optimal control of water networks

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    This paper presents a generic tool, named PLIO, that allows to implement the real-time operational control of water networks. Control strategies are generated using predictive optimal control techniques. This tool allows the flow management in a large water supply and distribution system including reservoirs, open-flow channels for water transport, water treatment plants, pressurized water pipe networks, tanks, flow/pressure control elements and a telemetry/telecontrol system. Predictive optimal control is used to generate flow control strategies from the sources to the consumer areas to meet future demands with appropriate pressure levels, optimizing operational goals such as network safety volumes and flow control stability. PLIO allows to build the network model graphically and then to automatically generate the model equations used by the predictive optimal controller. Additionally, PLIO can work off-line (in simulation) and on-line (in real-time mode). The case study of Santiago-Chile is presented to exemplify the control results obtained using PLIO off-line (in simulation)Peer ReviewedPostprint (author’s final draft

    Effects of Adding an Online Exercise Program on Physical Function in Individuals Hospitalized by COVID-19: A Randomized Controlled Trial

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    The worldwide pandemic caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) virus has impacted all healthcare systems. One potential sequela experienced by hospitalized coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) survivors includes muscle weakness with a reduction in strength and, consequently, a possible increase in frailty. The aim of this clinical trial was to evaluate the efficacy of adding an online therapeutic exercise program for 8 weeks to the medical prescriptions on functional variables in patients hospitalized due to COVID-19. A randomized controlled trial including 70 previously hospitalized COVID-19 survivors was conducted. Patients were randomly allocated to an experimental (n = 35) or control (n = 35) group. Both groups received regular prescriptions provided by their medical doctors. The experimental group also received a live online therapeutic exercise program for 8 weeks (3 sessions/week). Handgrip strength, gait speed, lower-extremity strength, balance, and frailty were assessed at baseline, at the end of the program, and one month after the end of the intervention. The repeated measures analysis of variance revealed significant Group*Time interactions for all the outcomes: (handgrip dominant: F = 17.395, p < 0.001, η2 = 0.24; handgrip non-dominant: F = 33.197, p < 0.001, η2 = 0.33; 4 m walk test (4WT): F = 13.039, p = 0.001, η2 = 0.16; short physical performance battery (SPPB): F = 26.421, p < 0.001, η2 = 0.28; the five chair-raise test (5CRT): F = 5.628, p = 0.004, η2 = 0.08; FRAIL scale: F = 11.249, p = 0.001, η2 = 0.14): patients in the experimental group experienced greater improvements in all outcomes than those assigned to the control group. This study revealed that the addition of an online exercise program for 8 weeks obtained greater improvements in handgrip strength, gait speed, lower-extremity strength, balance, and frailty in a sample of previously hospitalized COVID-19 survivors than application of just usual medical prescription

    Microbiota alterations in proline metabolism impact depression

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    The microbiota-gut-brain axis has emerged as a novel target in depression, a disorder with low treatment efficacy. However, the field is dominated by underpowered studies focusing on major depression not ad- dressing microbiome functionality, compositional nature, or confounding factors. We applied a multi-omics approach combining pre-clinical models with three human cohorts including patients with mild depression. Microbial functions and metabolites converging onto glutamate/GABA metabolism, particularly proline, were linked to depression. High proline consumption was the dietary factor with the strongest impact on depression. Whole-brain dynamics revealed rich club network disruptions associated with depression and circulating proline. Proline supplementation in mice exacerbated depression along with microbial translocation. Human microbiota transplantation induced an emotionally impaired phenotype in mice and alterations in GABA-, proline-, and extracellular matrix-related prefrontal cortex genes. RNAi-mediated knockdown of pro-line and GABA transporters in Drosophila and mono-association with L. plantarum, a high GABA producer, conferred protection against depression-like states. Targeting the microbiome and dietary proline may open new windows for efficient depression treatment
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