12 research outputs found

    Litter identity mediates predator impacts on the functioning of an aquatic detritus-based food web

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    During past decades, several mechanisms such as resource quality and habitat complexity have been proposed to explain variations in the strength of trophic cascades across ecosystems. In detritus-based headwater streams, litter accumulations constitute both a habitat and a resource for detritivorous macroinvertebrates. Because litter edibility (which promotes trophic cascades) is usually inversely correlated with its structural complexity (which weakens trophic cascades), there is a great scope for stronger trophic cascades in litter accumulations that are dominated by easily degradable litter species. However, it remains unclear how mixing contrasting litter species (conferring both habitat complexity and high quality resource) may influence top–down controls on communities and processes. In enclosures exposed in a second-order stream, we manipulated litter species composition by using two contrasting litter (alder and oak), and the presence–absence of a macroinvertebrate predator (Cordulegaster boltonii larvae), enabling it to effectively exert predation pressure, or not, on detritivores (consumptive versus non-consumptive predation effects). Leaf mass loss, detritivore biomass and community structure were mostly controlled independently by litter identity and mixing and by predator consumption. However, the strength of predator control was mediated by litter quality (stronger on alder), and to a lesser extent by litter mixing (weaker on mixed litter). Refractory litter such as oak leaves may contribute to the structural complexity of the habitat for stream macroinvertebrates, allowing the maintenance of detritivore communities even when strong predation pressure occurs. We suggest that considering the interaction between top–down and bottom–up factors is important when investigating their influence on natural communities and ecosystem processes in detritus-based ecosystems

    Combining the Monthly Drought Code and Paleoecological Data to Assess Holocene Climate Impact on Mediterranean Fire Regime

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    International audienceCurrently, indexes from the Fire Weather Index System (FWI) are used to predict the daily fire hazard, but there is no reliable index available in the Mediterranean region to be compared with paleofire records and check for their long-term reliability. In order to assess the past fire hazard and the fire-season length, based on data availability and requirements for fire index computation, we first chose and tested the efficiency of the Drought Code (DC) in Corsica (the main French Mediterranean fire-prone region) over the current period (1979–2016). We then used DC as a benchmark to assess the efficiency of the Monthly Drought Code (MDC) and used it to assess the Fire-Season Length (FSL), which were both used to characterize the fire hazard. Finally, we computed the Holocene MDC and FSL based on the HadCM3B-M1 climate model (three dimensional, fully dynamic, coupled atmosphere-ocean global climate model without flux adjustment) datasets and compared both index trends with those from proxies of paleofire, vegetation, and land use retrieved from sedimentary records in three Corsican lakes (Bastani, Nino, and Creno). Our strategy was to (i) assess fire hazard without the constraint of the daily weather-data requirement, (ii) reconstruct Holocene fire hazard from a climate perspective, and (iii) discuss the role of climate and human fire drivers based on the MDC-Paleofire proxy comparisons. Using both the Prométhée fire database and the ERA-Interim climate database over Corsica for the current period, we showed that DC values higher than 405 units efficiently discriminated fire-days from no-fire-days. The equivalent threshold value from MDC was set at 300 units. MDC and FSL indexes calculated for each of the past 11 millennia Before Present (11 ka BP) showed high values before 7 ka BP (above 300 units for MDC) and then lower values for the mid- to late Holocene (below 300 units for MDC). Climate appeared as a key driver to predict fire occurrences, promoting fires between 11 and 8 ka BP when summers were warmer than the current ones and reducing fire hazard after 7–6 ka BP due to wetter conditions. Since 5 ka BP, humans have taken control of the fire regime through agro-pastoralism, favoring large and/or frequent events despite less fire-prone climate conditions. The current fire hazard and fire-season length computed over the last few decades (1979–2016) both reported values that were respectively higher and longer than those assessed for the previous six millennia at least and comparable for those before 7 ka BP. For the next decades, due to climate warming associated with land abandonment (fuel accumulation) and the increase in human-related sources of ignition, we can expect an increase in fire hazard and larger fire event

    Integrating past variability in climate-driven Mediterranean fire hazard assessments for 2020-2100

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    International audienceIn the Mediterranean basin, Corsica (French island) harbours among the best-preserved Mediterranean forest ecosystems and its high biodiversity could be threatened by the climate and disturbance-regime changes due to the global warming. This study aims i) to estimate the future climate-related re hazard in Corsica for the current century (2020-2100) based on two RCP scenarios (RCP4.5 and RCP8.5), and ii) to compare the predicted trends with the entire Holocene period for which re hazard has previously been assessed. An ensemble of future climate simulations from two IPCC RCP scenarios has been used to compute the Monthly Drought Code (MDC) and the Fire Season Length (FSL) and to assess the level of re hazard assessment. Here, we show that the MDC and the FSL would both strongly increase over the next decades due to the combined effect of temperature increase and precipitation decrease in the Corsica region. Moreover, the maximum Holocene FLS (7000 to 9000 years ago), will be reached (and even exceeded depending upon the scenario) after 2040. For the rst time in the Holocene, we may be confronted to an increase in the number of re-prone months driven by climate combined with many human-caused ignitions. This combination should increase the burned area from 15-140%. For the next 30 years, the game seems to be already played as both RCP scenarios resulted in similar increase in re hazard intensity and duration. It is thus mandatory to reconsider re-management and re-prevention policy to mitigate the future re risk, and its catastrophic consequences for ecosystems, population, and economy

    Climate-driven Mediterranean fire hazard assessments for 2020–2100 on the light of past millennial variability

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    International audienceIn the Mediterranean basin, Corsica (French island) harbours among the best-preserved Mediterranean forest ecosystems. However, its high biodiversity could be threatened by the climate and disturbance-regime changes due to the global warming. This study aims (i) to estimate the future climate-related fire hazard in Corsica for the current century (2020-2100) based on two RCP scenarios (RCP4.5 and RCP8.5) and (ii) to compare the predicted trends with the entire Holocene period for which fire hazard has previously been assessed. An ensemble of future climate simulations from two IPCC RCP scenarios has been used to compute the Monthly Drought Code (MDC) and the Fire Season Length (FSL) and to assess the level of fire hazard. Here, we show that the MDC and the FSL would both strongly increase over the next decades due to the combined effect of temperature increase and precipitation decrease in the Corsica region. Moreover, the maximum Holocene FLS (7000 to 9000 years ago) will be reached (and even exceeded depending upon the scenario) after 2040. For the first time in the Holocene, we may be confronted to an increase in the number of fire-prone months driven by climate combined with many human-caused ignitions. This combination should increase the burned area from 15 to 140% according to scenarios. For the next 30 years, the game seems to be already played as both RCP scenarios resulted in similar increase in fire hazard in terms of drought and duration. It is thus mandatory to reconsider fire-management and fire-prevention policy to mitigate the future fire risk and its catastrophic consequences for ecosystems, population, and economy