174 research outputs found

    Moral Principles in Naladiyar or Vaelanvaetham

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    History says Tamil literature is very old and unique. There are many types of literature that have flourished in the Tamil language and among them Didactic literature have gained distinction. This Didactic literature guides people in a good way. After the Sangam period, the literature emphasized justice and morals in abundance. During the rule of Kalapirar who came from the north, both the internal and external literature of Sangam literature lost its values. The way of life of Tamil people changed. Justice and virtue were needed in that context. The collection of books that appeared then is Eighteen Anthologies. Naladiyar or Vaelanvaetham is one among those Eighteen Anthologies. This book is a collection of songs written by many Jain sages. Like Thirukkural, Naladiyar is divided into three major divisions. The purpose of this article is to analyse the ideas, thoughts and opinions described in Naladiyar to improve the human society

    A Liturgy in Sangam Literature

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    Worship has been an integral part of our lives since ancient times. Worship is a means of unifying the mind, language, and meaning to pray to the Lord. Since ancient times, people have been living with the belief that there is some power in this world that drives us. They live with the belief that we are driven by the forces of nature that happen around us every day. They worship nature as their gods. We can see that there were worships in ancient times like sun worship because we get light from the sun, Varunana because we get food from rain water, river worship, dragon worship and fire worship. In the Sangam literature also worship of one deity and multiple deities are found. The Deities are prioritized according to the nature of the land where the people live. In the hilly land of Kurinji, people worship lord Murugan as their deity, lord Indra in marutham land, lord Thirumal in mullai land, lord Kotravai in Paalai land and lord Varunan in Neyythal land. Worship of such deities is widespread in Sangam literary works. Along with the worship of these deities, there are reports of worshiping the powers that give fear such as ghosts, goblins and demons as deities in the Sangam literature. Thus, the purpose of this article is to investigate the worship methods in the Sangam literature

    The Role of a Confident Woman in Sangam Literature – Friend (Female)

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    The Sangam literature guides us to live the lives of our forefathers with tradition and culture. The Sangam literature is divided into Akam, and Puram, and clearly depicts the love/family life and the social/war life. Out of the 18 books in Sangam literature, there are 8 books related to the Akam, 8 are Puram books and 2 are related to both Akam as well as Puram. The role of a friend is very important in the Akam part of the Sangam literature. Friend's eloquence, intelligence, and selfless high character are seen to excel. The friend appears as the storehouse of love and the abode of character. If she is seen in the woman-lead’s home, she would be working but treated as a daughter. She is a messenger among the man and woman leads, but she is the backbone of the Akam texts. In the Sangam literature, there is more to the statements of the friend (female), the supporting character, than the statements of the woman-lead. The main characters in Sangam literature are the man-lead, the woman-lead, the friend (female), the foster mother, the birth mother, and the friend (male). The purpose of this article is that the female character who is the most trusted of the characters found in the Sangam literature is the friend of the woman-lead

    Evaluating the Vulnerabilities in ML systems in terms of adversarial attacks

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    There have been recent adversarial attacks that are difficult to find. These new adversarial attacks methods may pose challenges to current deep learning cyber defense systems and could influence the future defense of cyberattacks. The authors focus on this domain in this research paper. They explore the consequences of vulnerabilities in AI systems. This includes discussing how they might arise, differences between randomized and adversarial examples and also potential ethical implications of vulnerabilities. Moreover, it is important to train the AI systems appropriately when they are in testing phase and getting them ready for broader use

    Entrepreneurship Development in India-the Focus on Start-ups

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    Entrepreneurship is not new to India. In fact to quote from the Indian Industrial Commission Report (1916-1918)–"At a time when the West of Europe, the birth place of modern industrial system, was inhabited by uncivilized tribes, India was famous for the wealth of her rulers and for high artistic skill of her craftsmen. And even at a much later period, when the merchant adventures from the West made their first appearance in India, the industrial development of this country was, at any rate, not inferior to that of the more advanced European nations.

    Security Threats and Challenges for Wireless Sensor Network

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    A wireless sensor network is a network of a large number of independently working small sensing units which can communicate wirelessly. The basic plan of a Wireless sensor network (WSN) is to structural distribute self-determining devices using sensors to monitor physical or environmental conditions. Wireless communication technology performance different forms of security threats. WSN need effective security mechanisms because of these networks deployed in untended environments. Due to fixed limitations in wireless sensor networks, security is a crucial issue. The intent of this paper is to investigate the security-related threats and challenges in wireless sensor networks. The threats faced by this WSN are similar but not limited to those observed in a simple network of computers or Internet.We identify thesensorsecuritythreats, review proposed security mechanisms for wireless sensor networks

    A Comparative Study of Ensemble-based Forecasting Models for Stock Index Prediction

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    Stock prices as time series are, often, non-linear and non-stationary. This paper presents an ensemble forecasting model that integrates Empirical Mode Decomposition (EMD) and its variation Ensemble Empirical Mode Decomposition (EEMD) with Artificial Neural Network (ANN) for short-term forecasts of stock index. In first stage, the data is decomposed into a smaller set of Intrinsic Mode Functions (IMFs) and residuals using EMD and EEMD. In the next stage, IMFs and residue are taken as the inputs for the ANN model to train and predict the future stock price. The methodology was tested with weekly Nifty data for a period of 8 years. The results suggest that the ensemble forecast model using aggregation of the decomposed series performs better than traditional ANN and Support Vector Regression Models. Further, trading strategies based on EEMD-ANN models yielded better return on investments than Buy-and-Hold strategy

    Concise review on clinical applications of conditioned medium derived from human umbilical cord-mesenchymal stem cells (UC-MSCS)

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    In recent years, mesenchymal stem cells have provoked much attentiveness in the field of regenerative medicine because of their differentiation potential and the capability to facilitate tissue repair via the emancipation of biologically active molecules. They have gained interest because of their distinctive curative properties. Mesenchymal stem cells are isolated from the Wharton\u2019s jelly part of umbilical cord possessing higher proliferation capacity, immunomodulatory activity, plasticity, as well as self-renewal capacity than the mesenchymal stem cells from various origins, and it is considered to be the best resource for allogeneic transplantation. The isolated umbilical cord-derived mesenchymal stem cells are cultured in the Dulbecco\u2019s Modified Eagle\u2019s Medium, and thereby it begins to release soluble factors into the medium during the period of culture which is termed as conditioned medium. This conditioned media has both differentiation capacity and therapeutic functions. Thus, it can be able to differentiate the cells into different lineages and the paracrine effect of these cells helps in replacement of the damaged cells. This medium may accord to optimization of diagnostic and prognostic systems as well as the generation of novel and targeted therapeutic perspectives
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