14 research outputs found

    Prilog biografiji Ivana Šalića

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    Contemporary historiography, so far, has not engaged in researching the biography of Ivan Šalić, the personal secretary of the Archbishop of Zagreb Alojzije Stepinac. Since the communist system was averse to Šalić and the Catholic Church in Croatia, it is not surprising that, to date, no one has made a critical review and analyzed his life and priestly service. This paper aims to show the life and significance of Ivan Šalić based on archival documents held in the Croatian State Archives in Zagreb and Šalić\u27s birthplace in Bebrina (near Slavonski Brod). Numerous postal cards and letters testify to his life, especially the period when he was imprisoned in the Stara Gradiška Penitentiary (1946–1953). The paper will present his life from birth to death and analyze the correspondence with his family to emphasize his importance for the Catholic Church in Croatia.Suvremena historiografija dosad se nije bavila biografijom Ivana Šalića, osobnoga tajnika zagrebačkoga nadbiskupa Alojzija Stepinca. Budući da je komunistički sustav bio nesklon Šaliću i Katoličkoj Crkvi u Hrvatskoj, ne čudi da nitko do danas nije napravio kritički pregled i analizirao njegov život i svećeničku službu. Ovim se radom želi prikazati životni put i važnost Ivana Šalića na temelju arhivskih dokumenata pohranjenih u Hrvatskom državnom arhivu u Zagrebu i Šalićevoj rodnoj kući u Bebrini (kod Slavonskoga Broda). Brojne dopisnice i pisma svjedoče o njegovu životu, osobito o razdoblju kada je bio zatvoren u Kazneno-popravnom domu u Staroj Gradiški (1946. – 1953.). U radu će se prikazati njegov život od rođenja do smrti te analizirati korespondencija s obitelji kako bi se istaknula njegova važnost za Katoličku Crkvu u Hrvatskoj

    The choice of citizens or the regime? Local (self-) government in the Kingdom of Yugoslavia 1929-1941. A case study of the Slavonski Brod district

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    During the period of the Kingdom of Yugoslavia, urban and rural municipalities were the lowest administrative units and closest to the needs of the ordinary population. The aim of this paper is to determine the level of self-government, whether the leadership of municipal administrations was an expression of the political will of the majority of the population or an instrument of the regime that ensured loyalty through various restrictions, pressures and direct nominations. This case study is spatially limited to the area of the Brod district, which was composed of one city and 18 municipalities. It is limited in period from the proclamation of the dictatorship of King Alexander in 1929 until the collapse of the Kingdom of Yugoslavia in 1941. During the 1920s, central government limited local self-government in various ways, and immediately after the proclamation of the dictatorship, it was legally abolished. However, it should be recognised that the Law on Municipalities was adopted in 1933 and the Law on City Municipalities a year later in which the regime proclaimed self-government in the municipalities, but in reality, it limited it to a great extent. The situation in cities and rural municipalities is very different. Elections for the rural municipalities were held three times (1933, 1936, 1940), while in the cities, despite announcements, these were not held until the collapse of the state. The appointment procedure adopted during the dictatorship period was retained, although the parliamentary elections of 1935 and 1938 showed that the imposed concepts did not have significant support from the electoral base.During the period of the Kingdom of Yugoslavia, urban and rural municipalities were the lowest administrative units and closest to the needs of the ordinary population. The aim of this paper is to determine the level of self-government, whether the leadership of municipal administrations was an expression of the political will of the majority of the population or an instrument of the regime that ensured loyalty through various restrictions, pressures and direct nominations. This case study is spatially limited to the area of the Brod district, which was composed of one city and 18 municipalities. It is limited in period from the proclamation of the dictatorship of King Alexander in 1929 until the collapse of the Kingdom of Yugoslavia in 1941. During the 1920s, central government limited local self-government in various ways, and immediately after the proclamation of the dictatorship, it was legally abolished. However, it should be recognised that the Law on Municipalities was adopted in 1933 and the Law on City Municipalities a year later in which the regime proclaimed self-government in the municipalities, but in reality, it limited it to a great extent. The situation in cities and rural municipalities is very different. Elections for the rural municipalities were held three times (1933, 1936, 1940), while in the cities, despite announcements, these were not held until the collapse of the state. The appointment procedure adopted during the dictatorship period was retained, although the parliamentary elections of 1935 and 1938 showed that the imposed concepts did not have significant support from the electoral base

    The Union for Armed Struggle and the Home Army in Poland from 1939-1945

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    Ovaj rad donosi pregled povijesti Saveza za oružanu borbu i Zemaljske armije koja je djelovala u Poljskoj 1939. – 1945. Naglasak je na vojnoj povijesti i vojnoj terminologiji. Na početku rada donosi se kratak pregled vojno-političke povijesti Njemačke i SSSR-a jer su one okupirale i podijelile Poljsku na njemački i sovjetski dio 1939. godine. Potom se opisuje način na koji je Poljska okupirana, tj. koji je bio omjer snaga njemačkih, sovjetskih i poljskih trupa. Nadalje, opisuje se formiranje vojno-političke organizacije koja je do kraja rata uspjela okupiti nekoliko stotina tisuća boraca koji su bili raspoređeni u borbeni i propagandni sektor te tajne službe. U radu se navodi kako je išao proces formiranja različitih diverzantnih skupina koje su izvele nekoliko desetaka tisuća napada na njemačke i sovjetske trupe. Donosi se i struktura upravljanja Saveza za oružanu obranu i Zemaljske armije. Navode se glavni zapovjednici koji su rukovodili skupinama i osmišljavali različite akcije. Detaljno se prikazuje na koji način se organizacija opremala te iz kojih izvora su se vojnici naoružavali. U radu se navode najvažnije i najveće akcije koje je izveo Savez za oružanu obranu i Zemaljska armija, te tragedije koje su doživjeli Poljaci, osobito Varšavski ustanak (1944. godine)

    Družba Isusova - isusovci

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    Tema govori o povijesti Družbe Isusove i njezinu utemeljenju

    Pontes poeticae

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    Kloštar near Kobaš and Rosary Society in Slavonski Kobaš

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    U radu se obrađuje povijest crkve posvećene Majci Božjoj na nebo uznesenoj na lokalitetu Kloštar kod Slavonskog Kobaša. Uz Kloštar se vežu mnogi crkveni redovi: templari, cisterciti, augustinci, ivanovci i franjevci, koji su ostavili svoj trag na tom području. Današnje područje oko Kloštra bilo je posjed Giletića, koji je kasnije pripao Berislavićima. Za vrijeme Turaka uništen je samostan, a sadašnja crkva ostatak je svetišta nekadašnje crkve. Župa je na + Kloštru postojala do 1698., kada je sjedište župe premješteno u Kobaš, a župna crkva postala je crkva svetog Ivana Krstitelja. Otada je crkva Uznesenja Blažene Djevice Marije na Kloštru filijalna crkva. Uz svetište na Kloštru vezane su dvije legende o čudotvornoj slici i zavjetnoj slici iz 1764. godine. U radu se obrađuju pobožnosti kojima Kobašani i drugi vjernici štuju Majku Božju Kloštarsku više od dva stoljeća. Tradicija pobožnosti prenosi se s koljena na koljeno i još je uvijek živa među Kobašanima i onima koji su odselili iz Kobaša, ali se uvijek rado vraćaju za blagdan Velike Gospe. U drugom dijelu rada obrađuje se kratka povijest kruničarskog društva, koje djeluje u Slavonskom Kobašu od 1929. godine. Kruničarskom društvu je u deset godina (od 1929. do 1939.) pristupilo više od 160 žena, stoga društvo danas djeluje u 12 grupa i okuplja 170 žena i djevojaka koje svaki dan mole deseticu svete krunice i druge molitve. U radu se navode obveze kruničara i pobožnosti koje obavljaju članice kruničarskog društva iz Slavonskog Kobaša. U prilogu rada zapisane su litanije i pjesme posvećene Majci Božjoj Kloštarskoj.Place Kloštar near Slavonski Kobaš is a Shrine of Saint Mary located three and a half-mile west of Slavonski Kobaš. On this place, which has a rich history, is the Church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, and this paper will be about the history of the church and this area from 1174 to the present day. Before the Ottomans, there was a monastery in which were Templars, Cistercians, Augustinians, Ivanovites, and Franciscans and they all left their trace there. This place was a possession of family Giletich\u27s, after them it devolved to Berislavich family and united with their lands is one possession called Kobaš. Ottomans destroyed monasteries and left ruins from which people made chapel. In that period land devolve to Kutjevo monastery, and after that, it was ruled by Franciscans from Velika. The seat of Parish was moved to Kobaš in 1698th and since then, it’s subsidiary. There are two legends connected with this place, a miraculous image and a votive image from 1764th. Since the 18th Century people from Kobaš and other believers worship Mother of Good in Kloštar. Every year people from Kobaš pilgrimage three Sundays before The Assumption of Mary into Heaven and make vows which are ending with solemn holy mass and votive procession praying for intercession, healing, and other intentions. The tradition of piety is passed down from generation to generation and every year more than 10 000 people are coming to Kloštar and pray to Saint Mary. The second part of this paper will show the short history of the Holy Rosary fraternity from Slavonski Kobaš which is established in 1929. The Holy Rosary fraternity gathered more than 160 women (from 1929th to 1939), so today fraternity is active in 12 groups and gathers 170 women and young women. They are praying every day part of Rosary and other prays. This paper will show how someone can become part of a fraternity and which obligations have members of the Holy Rosary fraternity from Slavonski Kobaš

    How native speakers of Croatian understand other Slavic languages? Visual World Paradigm eye–tracking experiment

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    Ovaj rad predstavlja rezultate istraživanja čiji je cilj bio ispitivanje i razumijevanje rečenica na srodnim slavenskim jezicima od strane izvornih govornika hrvatskoga jezika metodom praćenja pokreta očiju. Budući da nitko od sudionika nije studirao prevoditeljski smjer ili slavensku lingvistiku, studija ilustrira učinke pasivne višejezičnosti. Sudionici su bili izloženi slušnim podražajima na bugarskom, češkom, poljskom i ruskom jeziku, popraćenim vizualnim prikazima. Analiza anticipacijskih pokreta očiju pokazala je kako izvorni govornici hrvatskoga jezika, slušajući rečenice na drugom slavenskom jeziku, usmjeravaju svoju pozornost na referentne objekte čim prepoznaju predikat rečenice. Nadalje, rezultati pokazuju značajno razumijevanje poljskog jezika kod izvornih govornika hrvatskoga jezika. Ovo istraživanje pruža dokaze o učincima utemeljenim na Shannonovoj teoriji informacije u pasivnoj višejezičnosti te raspravlja o ulozi fonetske sličnosti između percipiranog podražaja i njegovog ekvivalenta u mentalnom leksikonu slušatelja.Speakers of closely related languages have a clear privilege when communicating with one another over speakers of typologically and genetically distant languages. They can use their L1s and conduct a relatively fluent conversation. Such a multilingual interaction is referred to as ‘intercomprehension’. The Slavic language family is a good example for testing intercomprehension due to extensive language contact and well documented historical development of each member of the language family. In this paper, we present an experiment in the Visual World Paradigm (VWP) to shed light on the factors facilitating and impeding mutual intelligibility. In a multilingual communication, speech comprehension depends on a degree of similarity between the languages and contextual (un)expectedness of elements coming from a closely related language. To quantify the first factor, we analyze the surface phonetic resemblance between the equivalents of cognate predicates across the Slavic languages; To address the question of stimulus (un)expectedness, we adopt a methodology of information theory. In this study, native speakers of Croatian are exposed to Bulgarian, Czech, Polish, and Russian sentences. Their task is to listen to foreign audio samples and watch the pictures referring to simple SVO–type sentences. We hypothesize that gaze anticipation effect measured on a visual field presenting a direct object is driven by the information theoretic notion of surprisal and phonetic similarity between the predicates in Croatian and a language of exposure. A strong intercomprehension effect was observed for Croatian native speakers listening to Polish sentences. The results of the eye–tracking experiment shed light on visually enhanced processing of closely related languages. The outcomes of this study contribute to the debate about the factors moderating mutual intelligibility among Slavic speakers

    Kobaš Walked Circle-Dance – Contributions to the Study of the Slavonian Intangible Cultural Heritage

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    Radom će se prikazati kulturološki i identitetski značaj šetanih kola posavskoga sela Slavonski Kobaš i to: kola „polako“ i kola „na brzo“ kao dio nematerijalne kulturne baštine i tradicije hrvatskoga naroda. Šetana kola zaštićena su kao nematerijalno kulturno dobro od 2009. godine. Točnije rečeno, zaštićena su drežnička šetana kola, a predmetom ovoga rada bit će kobaška šetana kola koja pripadaju istom geografskom i kulturološkom krugu kao i drežnička. Šetana kola važan su element kulturnoga identiteta šokačke kulture i šokačkoga identiteta. Cilj je rada dati doprinos proučavanju šetanih kola koja su neopravdano zanemarena i u znanstvenim, i u stručnim krugovima, a čiji je značaj i u kulturološkom, i u etnološkom, i u povijesnom, i u lingvističkom, i književnopovijesnom kontekstu izrazito velik te ukazuje na mogućnost proučavanja slojevitosti tekstova šetanih kola kao predložaka za iščitavanje povijesti, usmene književnosti, jezika vremena u kojemu su nastajala, etnologije, identiteta i općenito kulturološkoga poimanja naroda za koji su vezana kao dio kulturne baštine i identiteta jednoga kraja. Rad se temelji na metodama terenskoga prikupljanja građe (tekstovi šetanih kola), analiziranja i usustavljivanja prikupljene građe te rada na dostupnoj arhivskoj građi.The paper shows the cultural and identity significance of the walked circle-dance of the Posavina village of Slavonski Kobaš, namely: the “slowl” and the “quick” circle-dance as part of the intangible cultural heritage and tradition of the Croatian people. The šetana walked circle-dances, have been protected as intangible cultural property since 2009. Specifically, the Drežnica walked circle-dances are protected, and the subject of this paper are the Kobaš walked circle-dances, which belong to the same geographical and cultural circle as the Drežnica dances. The walked circle-dances are an important element of the cultural identity of the Šokac culture and identity. The aim of the paper is to contribute to the study of walked circle-dances, which are unjustifiably neglected in scientific and professional circles. The significance of walked circle-dances is extremely large in cultural, ethnological, linguistic and literary historical contexts and suggests the possibility of studying the layers of these dances as templates for interpreting history, oral literature, the language of the time in which they originated, ethnology, identity, and generally the cultural understanding of the peoples to whom they are bound as part of the cultural heritage and identity of one locality. The work is based on the methods of field material collection (texts of walked circle-dances), analysing and systemizing the collected material and working on the available archival material. Finally, ecommendations are made for possible further research