4 research outputs found

    Academic and transversal skills of information professionals crucial for the formation of professional identity and competence

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    Suočeno s ekonomskim, ekološkim i socijalnim izazovima, obrazovanje je danas u vrlo nezavidnom položaju. Da bi kao odrasli ostvarili svoj puni potencijal, studenti moraju razviti niz vještina poput rješavanja problema, kritičkog razmišljanja, komunikacije, timskog rada i samoupravljanja. Iako se tehničke i profesionalne vještine nude u sklopu nastavnih planova informacijskih znanosti i informatike u Hrvatskoj, poduzetničke se vještine još uvijek rijetko podučavaju, posebno na preddiplomskom studiju, iako studenti moraju razviti takve vještine i prije nego što počnu planirati svoju buduću karijeru. Također, iako studije o društveno korisnom učenju donose dokaze o poboljšanju studenata u rješavanju problema, kritičkom i kreativnom razmišljanju, komunikacijskim vještinama, timskom radu, interkulturalnoj kompetenciji, liderstvu i odlučivanju o karijeri (Carrington & Selva 2010, Harris, Jones & Coutts 2010, Milne, Gabb, & Leihy 2008, Prentice & Robinson 2010, Rochford, 2014), obrazovanje o društveno korisnom učenju još je premalo zastupljeno u akademskim kurikulima u Hrvatskoj (Mikelić Preradović i Mažeikienė, 2019). Prvi cilj ovog rada bio je istraživanje stavova studenata informacijskih znanosti i informatike prema stjecanju poduzetničkih vještina tijekom studija. Drugi cilj rada bio je utvrditi razinu i učestalost građanskog (društvenog) angažmana učenika. Uzorak je obuhvatio 211 studenata dodiplomskog i diplomskog studija informacijskih znanosti s Filozofskog fakulteta (Sveučilište u Zagrebu, Sveučilište u Osijeku i Sveučilište u Zadru), kao i studente informatike s Fakulteta organizacije i informatike (Sveučilište u Zagrebu) i Odjel za informatiku Sveučilišta u Rijeci. Prvi dio ankete ispitao je stavove studenata o važnosti stjecanja poduzetničkih vještina tijekom studija. Temelji se na konceptualnom modelu EntreComp (Bacigalupo i sur., 2016), gdje se poduzetništvo razgrađuje na 3 područja i 15 kompetencija koje predstavljaju poduzetničke vještine. Drugi dio ankete ispitao je iskustva učenika s građanskim angažmanom, volontiranjem i angažmanom u zajednici, dok je posljednji dio prikupio demografske podatke. Analiza odgovora otkrila je da studenti vide sljedeće poduzetničke vještine kao najvažnije za svladavanje: (a) kombiniranje znanja i resursa radi postizanja vrijednih učinaka, (b) razvijanje vizije za pretvaranje ideja u akciju, (c) odgovorno ponašanje, (d) otpornost na pritisak i privremeni neuspjeh, (e) maksimalno korištenje ograničenih resursa, (f) demonstriranje učinkovite komunikacije, uvjeravanja, pregovaranja i liderstva, (g) definiranje prioriteta i prilagođavanje nepredviđenim promjenama, (h) umrežavanje i (i) promišljanje i učenje iz 41 uspjeha i neuspjeha. Također je otkrilo da studentima nedostaju mogućnosti za društveno korisno učenje i angažman u zajednici za vrijeme studija. Konačno, rezultati pokazuju da većina studenata nikada nije imala priliku pohađati kolegij o društveno korisnom učenju i da ih više od dvije trećine nije volontiralo u posljednjih 12 mjeseci. Ovi će se rezultati koristiti za oblikovanje akademskog kolegija koji povezuje društveno korisno učenje i poduzetništvo te omogućuje studentima stjecanje vještina za koje smatraju da su relevantne za njihovu buduću karijeru.Faced with the economic, environmental and social challenges, education today is in a very unenviable position. To achieve their full potential as adults, students need to develop a range of skills, such as problem solving, critical thinking, communication, teamwork and self- management. While technical and professional skills are offered as a part of Information Sciences and Informatics curricula in Croatia, entrepreneurial skills are still rarely taught, especially at the introductory-level study, although students need to develop such skills well before they start planning their future careers. Also, although studies on academic service learning bring consistent evidence of students’ improvement in problem-solving, critical and creative thinking, communication skills, teamwork, intercultural competency, leadership and career decision-making (Carrington & Selva 2010, Harris, Jones & Coutts 2010, Milne, Gabb, & Leihy 2008, Prentice & Robinson 2010, Rochford, 2014), service learning education is still underrepresented in academic curricula in Croatia (Mikelic Preradovic and Mažeikienė, 2019). The first aim of this paper was to research the attitudes of information sciences and informatics students towards acquiring entrepreneurial skills during their study. The second aim of the paper was to determine the level and frequency of students' civic (community) engagement. The sample included 211 undergraduate and graduate students of Information Sciences from the Faculties of Humanities and Social Sciences (University of Zagreb, University of Osijek and University of Zadar) as well as students of Informatics from the Faculty of Organization and Informatics (University of Zagreb) and Department of Informatics at the University of Rijeka. The first part of the survey examined students' attitudes about the importance of acquiring entrepreneurial skills during their study. It is based on the EntreComp conceptual model (Bacigalupo et al., 2016), where entrepreneurship is broken down into 3 competence areas and 15 competences that represent entrepreneurial skills. The other part of the questionnaire examined students' experiences with civic engagement, volunteering and community engagement, while the last part collected demographic data. The analysis of the responses revealed that students perceive the following entrepreneurial skills as the most important to master: (a) combining knowledge and resources to achieve valuable effects, (b) developing a vision to turn ideas into action, (c) acting responsibly, (d) being resilient under pressure and temporary failure, (e) making the most of limited resources, (f) demonstrating effective communication, persuasion, negotiation and leadership, (g) defining 43 priorities and adapting to unforeseen changes, (h) networking and (i) reflecting and learning from both success and failure. It also revealed that students lack opportunities for service learning and community engagement during their study. Finally, the results show that majority of students never had an opportunity to take the course on service learning and that more than two thirds of them haven't volunteered in the last 12 months. These results will be used to design an academic course that links service learning and entrepreneurship and enables students to acquire skills that they perceive as relevant for their future careers

    Academic and transversal skills of information professionals crucial for the formation of professional identity and competence

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    Suočeno s ekonomskim, ekološkim i socijalnim izazovima, obrazovanje je danas u vrlo nezavidnom položaju. Da bi kao odrasli ostvarili svoj puni potencijal, studenti moraju razviti niz vještina poput rješavanja problema, kritičkog razmišljanja, komunikacije, timskog rada i samoupravljanja. Iako se tehničke i profesionalne vještine nude u sklopu nastavnih planova informacijskih znanosti i informatike u Hrvatskoj, poduzetničke se vještine još uvijek rijetko podučavaju, posebno na preddiplomskom studiju, iako studenti moraju razviti takve vještine i prije nego što počnu planirati svoju buduću karijeru. Također, iako studije o društveno korisnom učenju donose dokaze o poboljšanju studenata u rješavanju problema, kritičkom i kreativnom razmišljanju, komunikacijskim vještinama, timskom radu, interkulturalnoj kompetenciji, liderstvu i odlučivanju o karijeri (Carrington & Selva 2010, Harris, Jones & Coutts 2010, Milne, Gabb, & Leihy 2008, Prentice & Robinson 2010, Rochford, 2014), obrazovanje o društveno korisnom učenju još je premalo zastupljeno u akademskim kurikulima u Hrvatskoj (Mikelić Preradović i Mažeikienė, 2019). Prvi cilj ovog rada bio je istraživanje stavova studenata informacijskih znanosti i informatike prema stjecanju poduzetničkih vještina tijekom studija. Drugi cilj rada bio je utvrditi razinu i učestalost građanskog (društvenog) angažmana učenika. Uzorak je obuhvatio 211 studenata dodiplomskog i diplomskog studija informacijskih znanosti s Filozofskog fakulteta (Sveučilište u Zagrebu, Sveučilište u Osijeku i Sveučilište u Zadru), kao i studente informatike s Fakulteta organizacije i informatike (Sveučilište u Zagrebu) i Odjel za informatiku Sveučilišta u Rijeci. Prvi dio ankete ispitao je stavove studenata o važnosti stjecanja poduzetničkih vještina tijekom studija. Temelji se na konceptualnom modelu EntreComp (Bacigalupo i sur., 2016), gdje se poduzetništvo razgrađuje na 3 područja i 15 kompetencija koje predstavljaju poduzetničke vještine. Drugi dio ankete ispitao je iskustva učenika s građanskim angažmanom, volontiranjem i angažmanom u zajednici, dok je posljednji dio prikupio demografske podatke. Analiza odgovora otkrila je da studenti vide sljedeće poduzetničke vještine kao najvažnije za svladavanje: (a) kombiniranje znanja i resursa radi postizanja vrijednih učinaka, (b) razvijanje vizije za pretvaranje ideja u akciju, (c) odgovorno ponašanje, (d) otpornost na pritisak i privremeni neuspjeh, (e) maksimalno korištenje ograničenih resursa, (f) demonstriranje učinkovite komunikacije, uvjeravanja, pregovaranja i liderstva, (g) definiranje prioriteta i prilagođavanje nepredviđenim promjenama, (h) umrežavanje i (i) promišljanje i učenje iz 41 uspjeha i neuspjeha. Također je otkrilo da studentima nedostaju mogućnosti za društveno korisno učenje i angažman u zajednici za vrijeme studija. Konačno, rezultati pokazuju da većina studenata nikada nije imala priliku pohađati kolegij o društveno korisnom učenju i da ih više od dvije trećine nije volontiralo u posljednjih 12 mjeseci. Ovi će se rezultati koristiti za oblikovanje akademskog kolegija koji povezuje društveno korisno učenje i poduzetništvo te omogućuje studentima stjecanje vještina za koje smatraju da su relevantne za njihovu buduću karijeru.Faced with the economic, environmental and social challenges, education today is in a very unenviable position. To achieve their full potential as adults, students need to develop a range of skills, such as problem solving, critical thinking, communication, teamwork and self- management. While technical and professional skills are offered as a part of Information Sciences and Informatics curricula in Croatia, entrepreneurial skills are still rarely taught, especially at the introductory-level study, although students need to develop such skills well before they start planning their future careers. Also, although studies on academic service learning bring consistent evidence of students’ improvement in problem-solving, critical and creative thinking, communication skills, teamwork, intercultural competency, leadership and career decision-making (Carrington & Selva 2010, Harris, Jones & Coutts 2010, Milne, Gabb, & Leihy 2008, Prentice & Robinson 2010, Rochford, 2014), service learning education is still underrepresented in academic curricula in Croatia (Mikelic Preradovic and Mažeikienė, 2019). The first aim of this paper was to research the attitudes of information sciences and informatics students towards acquiring entrepreneurial skills during their study. The second aim of the paper was to determine the level and frequency of students' civic (community) engagement. The sample included 211 undergraduate and graduate students of Information Sciences from the Faculties of Humanities and Social Sciences (University of Zagreb, University of Osijek and University of Zadar) as well as students of Informatics from the Faculty of Organization and Informatics (University of Zagreb) and Department of Informatics at the University of Rijeka. The first part of the survey examined students' attitudes about the importance of acquiring entrepreneurial skills during their study. It is based on the EntreComp conceptual model (Bacigalupo et al., 2016), where entrepreneurship is broken down into 3 competence areas and 15 competences that represent entrepreneurial skills. The other part of the questionnaire examined students' experiences with civic engagement, volunteering and community engagement, while the last part collected demographic data. The analysis of the responses revealed that students perceive the following entrepreneurial skills as the most important to master: (a) combining knowledge and resources to achieve valuable effects, (b) developing a vision to turn ideas into action, (c) acting responsibly, (d) being resilient under pressure and temporary failure, (e) making the most of limited resources, (f) demonstrating effective communication, persuasion, negotiation and leadership, (g) defining 43 priorities and adapting to unforeseen changes, (h) networking and (i) reflecting and learning from both success and failure. It also revealed that students lack opportunities for service learning and community engagement during their study. Finally, the results show that majority of students never had an opportunity to take the course on service learning and that more than two thirds of them haven't volunteered in the last 12 months. These results will be used to design an academic course that links service learning and entrepreneurship and enables students to acquire skills that they perceive as relevant for their future careers

    7th International ConferenceThe Future of Information Sciences INFuture2019: Knowledge in the Digital Age

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    This is the seventh publication in the series of biennial international conferences, The Future of Information Sciences (INFuture) organised by the Department of Information and Communication Sciences, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Zagreb. Since its beginnings twelve years ago, the INFuture conference has been providing a platform for discussing both theoretical and practical issues in information organization and information integration through the explorations of how developments in information and communication technology influence the future of the field of information sciences. Education and research in information sciences and its interdisciplinary scope and application is of particular interest to this conference which is aimed at researchers and professionals from the broad field of information and communication sciences and related professions. The title of this year's conference is INFuture2019: Knowledge in the Digital Age. The conference explores the influence the information and communication sciences have on the society as a whole.The INFuture2019 conference consists of 26 papers from 58 authors from nine countries -Austria, Croatia, Germany, Netherlands, Norway, Slovenia, South Korea, Sweden and United States

    Ružička days : International conference 19th Ružička Days “Today Science – Tomorrow Industry” : Proceedings

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    Dear colleagues, we are extremely honoured to present to you the Proceedings of the international conference 19th Ružička Days, which was successfully held on September 21–23, 2022, in Vukovar, Croatia, in the hometown town of our famous Croatian scientist and first Nobel laureate, professor Leopold (Lavoslav) Ružička. The main goals of the Conference were to promote excellence, originality and innovation of interdisciplinary scientific research as well as the practical application of the obtained results through collaboration with industry, emphasizing thus the recognizable slogan of the Ružička Days conference: "Today Science – Tomorrow Industry". In addition, the Conference gave the opportunity for meetings, exchanging the ideas, opinions, experiences and cooperation among participants from different working surroundings. It is also important to point out that since 2008, within the international conference Ružička Days, Meeting of Young Chemists has also been held, where high school students, with the help of their mentors, present papers in the field of chemistry, with the aim to direct students and young people to the technical and natural sciences, especially chemistry. In its seventh issue (2011, 2013, 2015, 2017, 2019, 2021) the Proceedings publishes scientific and professional full papers of high quality in the following sections: Chemical analysis and synthesis (10), Chemical and biochemical engineering (3), Food technology and biotechnology (4), Chemistry in agriculture and forestry (1), Environmental protection (9) and 8th Meeting of Young Chemists (3). Full-length papers were subjected to an international review procedure done by eminent experts from the corresponding fields, to whom we express our gratitude, but they were not subjected to linguistic proofreading. On behalf of the Scientific and Organizing Committee of the 19th Ružička Days we cordially thank all the authors, reviewers, participants, lecturers, organizers, especially the international organizers EuCheMS and EHEDG, auspices and sponsors, and all the others who, in any way, supported the Conference and contributed to the preparation of the Proceedings, especially to our highly skilled and committed associates, who have put a lot of effort in the preparation of these Proceedings. At the very end, special thanks to our young, future scientists and their mentors who are faithful participants of the Meeting of Young Chemists of the Ružička Days conference. Enjoy the extremely interesting scientific and professional papers contained in these Proceedings, until the next 20th jubilee of Ružička Days in 2024! We are looking forward to meeting you again in Vukovar! Yours sincerely, Chief Editors Jurislav Babić Vesna Ocelić Bulatović Dajana Kučić Grgi