114 research outputs found

    The roles of internet of things in enabling servitized business model : a systematic literature review

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    Internet of things has increasingly gained attention regarding its potential in enabling servitized business model. However, the academic research that explains this concept is still underexplored. Thus, this paper aims to provide a consolidation and comprehensive analysis of the relevant literature, through conducting a systematic review. From analysing 53 articles, four types of IoT-enabled servitized business model: add-on, sharing, usage-based and solution-oriented are identified. The framework was established to present the relationships of the roles of IoT, firm’s benefit and inhibiting factors in enabling each type of business model. This framework provides a useful and inclusive overview of the topic

    Online Recommendation System - The Potential And Possibilities Of World -Of- Mouth On The Internet

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    In recent years, the unprecedented growth in web technology has enabled web users to attain a more active role in communicating via the Internet. Not only can web users obtain information through the Internet, they can now also post information online. As a result, consumers' electronic word-of-mouth (eWOM) communication can be easily disseminated through Web 2.0 applications such as online discussion forums, electronic bulletin board systems, newsgroups, blogs, review sites, and social networking sites

    Seasonal effects on the feeding ecology and habitat of Chersina Angulata in the South Western Cape

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    Philosophiae Doctor - PhD (Biodiversity and Conservation Biology)Nearly one-third of the world’s tortoises live in South Africa, but little is known about their habitat requirements and feeding ecology. Chersina angulata, the angulate tortoise, is endemic to southern Africa, with a wide distribution along the western and southern coasts. Because this tortoise occupies a number of different habitat types, it has always been considered a generalist herbivore, although little is known about its diet and other needs. This study evaluates the habitat characteristics and feeding ecology of C. angulata at two study sites in the southwestern Cape, the West Coast National Park (WCNP) and Dassen Island (DI). The WCNP is a large conserved area in the Fynbos biome, along the southwestern coast of South Africa, whereas DI is a small offshore island with low floral and faunal diversity, just south of the WCNP. The efficacy of three methods used to study the feeding ecology of herbivores, focal observations, macroscopic faecal analysis and histological analysis of scats, was evaluated. Plant cover, species diversity, and the variety of growth forms were substantially larger at the WCNP than on DI. In the WCNP, shrubs and grasses were the dominant growth forms but the vegetation also included herbs, succulents, restios, sedges and parasitic plants. A few perennial species such as the grass Ehrharta villosa, shrubs such as Helichrysum niveum, Nylandtia spinosa and Rhus spp., and succulents such as Carpobrotus edulis and Ruschia spp., provided most of the plant cover. DI had a depauperate flora, consisting of succulents and herbs, and ephemeral plants contributed more than perennials did to plant cover throughout the year. The succulents Mesembryanthemum crystallinum and Tetragonia fruticosa provided most of the cover on DI. Angulate tortoises are herbivores and 72 diet plants in 32 plant families were identified to the species or genus level. Several diet species, however, could not be identified. In addition to angiosperms, the tortoises’ diet included mosses, mushrooms, insects,snails and animal faeces. The most important growth forms in the diet were herbs and grasses. The diet of the WCNP tortoises was more diverse than the diet of DI tortoises, but the number of principal food items in the diet did not differ between the two sites. Over an annual cycle, WCNP tortoises had four principal food plants while DI tortoises had five principal food plants. At both sites, principal food plants changed with the season and few plants remained principal food items in more than one season. Cynodon dactylon was a principal food item in three of the four seasons in the WCNP, whereas Trachyandra divaricata was a principal food plant each season on DI. Most principal food plants were grass or herb species but the sedge Ficinia nigrescens, and a succulent that could be identified only to the family level (Aizoaceae), featured strongly in the spring diets of DI and WCNP tortoises, respectively. The three study methods did not provide the same type or quality of information about the feeding ecology of angulate tortoises. The small size and wary nature of angulate tortoises compromised focal studies because it was often not possible to see what the tortoises ate. This method, however, provided the interesting observation that rabbit faecal pellets contributed nearly 30% to summer and autumn diets on DI when food was scarce. Rabbit faeces may not only provide a source of nutrients but may also supplement the microflora, required to digest cellulose, in the tortoises’ guts. Macroscopic evaluation of the tortoises’ scats appeared to be an ineffective method to identify diet plants, and the bulk of the scat mass could not be identified. This indicates that angulate tortoises either selected food low in fibrous content or that the digestive system of the tortoises dealt efficiently with tough plant material. The macroscopic method was the only method that highlighted the large contribution of fruits / seeds to the diet of angulate tortoises. Since the tortoises digested many seeds only partially, or not at all, C. angulata is potentially an important agent of seed dispersal in the southwestern Cape. The macroscopic study showed that on DI, sand made up 28% of the scat mass in spring, whereas sand never made a substantial contribution to the scat composition of WCNP tortoises. Lithophagy may be an important strategy in a depauperate habitat, such as DI, because the abrasive action of sand may help with the digestion of tough plants, or the sand may provide the tortoises with important minerals that are deficient in their food plants.The histological analysis of scats provided the most comprehensive diet list for C. angulata. Selection indices based on data from the histological analysis indicated that angulate tortoises were highly selective in their food choice. Most of the principal food items were selected out of proportion to their availability and the tortoises avoided the most abundant plants in their habitats. Several factors, such as palatability, accessibility and profitability, may have influenced their food choice. The proportional similarity indices for WCNP and DI tortoises, respectively, were 0.31 and 0.16, confirming that C. angulata is a food specialist and not a food generalist as was previously thought. This factor should be considered in the management of this species and in future conservation planning of its habitat.South Afric

    Peranan 3D Artist Pada Pembuatan Karakter 10K dan 4K Game MOBA Lokapala Dalam Anantarupa Studios

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    Alasan utama penulis memilih Anantarupa Studio sebagai tempat kerja magang karena Anantarupa sedang mengembangkan proyek Lokapala sebagai IP. Penulis ingin melihat perbedaan konsep serta teknik dalam menciptakan model 3D dalam industri game. Selama proses penulis mengalami beberapa kendala seperti penggunaan software-software baru dan beberapa teknik dalam proses pembuatan model 3D yang masih asing bagi penulis. Kendala-kendala ini dapat teratasi seiring berjalanya waktu penulis melakukan kerja magang dikarenakan semakin banyak proyek yang menggunakan software serta teknik-teknik ini yang membuat penulis semakin biasa menerapkannya. Selain dari sisi teknis penulis juga belajar etika kerja ataupun hal-hal lain non-teknis yang hadir dalam kehidupan kerja sehari-hari

    Perancangan Trasformasi Rigging Monster Batu pada Film Animasi “Our Treasure”

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    Alasan utama penulis memilih Anantarupa Studio sebagai tempat kerja magang karena Anantarupa sedang mengembangkan proyek Lokapala sebagai IP. Penulis ingin melihat perbedaan konsep serta teknik dalam menciptakan model 3D dalam industri game. Selama proses penulis mengalami beberapa kendala seperti penggunaan software-software baru dan beberapa teknik dalam proses pembuatan model 3D yang masih asing bagi penulis. Kendala-kendala ini dapat teratasi seiring berjalanya waktu penulis melakukan kerja magang dikarenakan semakin banyak proyek yang menggunakan software serta teknik-teknik ini yang membuat penulis semakin biasa menerapkannya. Selain dari sisi teknis penulis juga belajar etika kerja ataupun hal-hal lain non-teknis yang hadir dalam kehidupan kerja sehari-hari

    Demystifying supply chain visibility - a systematic literature review

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    Supply chain visibility (SCV) has been in trend after the millennium and raised interest of both academics and practitioners. However, there is still an ambiguity on the topic, which hinders a proper SCV application. This study aims to clarify the fuzziness of the area by conducting a systematic literature review. By reviewing 67 articles, we have identified a conceptual model that covers three main roles of information sharing for SCV and their impacts on the positive and negative constructs of SCV. This framework illuminates the inter-construct interactions and, also provides diagnostic insights for the implementation of SCV in the firms

    Intention to personal computing among secondary school teachers in Malaysia: A case shaped by the technology acceptance model

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    With the recent emphasis in the development of a knowledge based society, this paper provides a springboard by assessing the preponderance of secondary school teachers in personal computing through the application of Technology Acceptance Model (TAM). Chiefly, two main constructs of perceived ease of use (PEU) and perceived usefulness (PU) were used for the said purpose—in combination with 1915 responses gathered from a nationwide mail survey consisting of the 12 states in Peninsular Malaysia. The survey instrument was validated through Principal component factor analysis prior to investigating both, i.e. the relationship between PEU and PU towards the intention to use. PEU was found to have a strong influence on PU. However, it was discovered that PU exerted a stronger influence than PEU in explaining Personal Computer (PC) usage intention. This suggests that PC has to be continually perceived as useful to be used in the long run, while its ease of use is important in promoting initial usage. Implications for policy makers in the education sector are explored further

    A fuzzy expected value approach under generalized data envelopment analysis

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    Fuzzy data envelopment analysis (DEA) models emerge as another class of DEA models to account for imprecise inputs and outputs for decision making units (DMUs). Although several approaches for solving fuzzy DEA models have been developed, there are some drawbacks, ranging from the inability to provide satisfactory discrimination power to simplistic numerical examples that handles only triangular fuzzy numbers or symmetrical fuzzy numbers. To address these drawbacks, this paper proposes using the concept of expected value in generalized DEA (GDEA) model. This allows the unification of three models - fuzzy expected CCR, fuzzy expected BCC, and fuzzy expected FDH models - and the ability of these models to handle both symmetrical and asymmetrical fuzzy numbers. We also explored the role of fuzzy GDEA model as a ranking method and compared it to existing super-efficiency evaluation models. Our proposed model is always feasible, while infeasibility problems remain in certain cases under existing super-efficiency models. In order to illustrate the performance of the proposed method, it is first tested using two established numerical examples and compared with the results obtained from alternative methods. A third example on energy dependency among 23 European Union (EU) member countries is further used to validate and describe the efficacy of our approach under asymmetric fuzzy numbers

    Reverse logistics pricing strategy for a green supply chain: a view of customers’ environmental awareness

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    The effectiveness of a reverse logistics strategy is contingent upon the successful execution of activities related to materials and product reuse. Green supply chain (GSC) in reverse logistics aims to minimize byproducts from ending up in landfills. This paper considers a retailer responsible for recycling and a manufacturer responsible for remanufacturing. Customer environmental awareness (CEA) is operationalized as customer word-of-mouth effect. We form three game theoretic models for two different scenarios with different pricing strategies, i.e. a non-cooperative pricing scenario based on Stackelberg equilibrium and Nash equilibrium, and a joint pricing scenario within a cooperative game model. The paper suggests that stakeholders are better off making their pricing and manufacturing decision in cooperation


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    Mobile applications are computer programs that have many benefits, such as making it easier forusers to obtain and disseminate information. The mobile application can also be used to help patientsconnect with hospitals. Some of the problems faced by patients are the difficulty of contactinghospitals to register for treatment or consultation, also the difficulty of patients finding informationabout doctor's practice schedules and information about polyclinic and existing facilities so patientsmust come to the hospital to find out that information. Based on the analysis of the problem, it isproposed making a mobile application with some features needed by patients. The design andmanufacture of this application is divided into three parts, namely database using MySQL, webapplications using PHP and mobile applications using Android. Based on respondent data, it can beconcluded that this application has several uses for respondents.Aplikasi mobile merupakan suatu program komputer yang memiliki banyak manfaat, sepertimempermudah pengguna untuk memperoleh dan menyebarluaskan informasi. Aplikasi mobile jugadapat digunakan untuk membantu pasien berhubungan dengan rumah sakit. Beberapa masalah yangdihadapi oleh pasien adalah sulitnya menghubungi rumah sakit untuk melakukan pendaftaran berobatatau konsultasi, juga sulitnya pasien mencari informasi mengenai jadwal praktek dokter dan informasimengenai poli dan fasilitas yang ada sehingga pasien harus datang ke rumah sakit untuk mengetahuiinformasi tersebut. Berdasarkan analisis masalah maka diusulkan pembuatan aplikasi mobile denganbeberapa fitur yang dibutuhkan pasien.Perancangan dan pembuatan aplikasi ini dibagi menjadi tigabagian yaitu basisdata menggunakan MySQL, aplikasi web menggunakan PHP dan aplikasi mobilemenggunakan Android. Berdasarkan data responden maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa aplikasi inimemiliki beberapa kegunaan bagi responden