96 research outputs found

    A topographic signature of a hydrodynamic origin for submarine gullies

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    Submarine gullies - small scale, straight, shallow channels formed in relatively high seafloor-slope settings - are ubiquitous features that play an important role in the general evolution of continental margin morphology. The mechanisms associated with the origin and evolution of submarine gullies are, however, still poorly defined. In this paper we present evidence of a topographic signature of gully erosion in the Cook Strait sector of the Hikurangi subduction margin, New Zealand. This signature indicates that submarine gully initiation is a threshold process driven by unconfined, directionally-stable, fluid or sediment gravity flows accelerating downslope. We propose cascading dense water, a type of current that is driven by seawater density contrast, as the source of these flows. The sensitivity of such ephemeral hydrodynamic events to climate change raises questions regarding implications for future variation of the distribution and magnitude of a significant seafloor erosion process.peer-reviewe

    Holocene canyon activity under a combination of tidal and tectonic forcing

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    The majority of submarine canyon systems that are active during sea level highstands are coupled to terrestrial or littoral sediment transport systems (e.g. high sediment-yield rivers, wave-base sediment disturbance). However, non-coupled canyon systems can also exhibit sedimentary activity. Characterising the nature, origin, and spatial and temporal influence of the processes responsible for this sedimentary activity is important to understand the extent of sediment and carbon transfer to the deep sea, the impact of sedimentary flows on biological colonisation and diversity, and the control of recent seafloor processes on canyon morphology.peer-reviewe

    Submarine mass movements and their consequences

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    Submarine spreading is a type of mass movement that involves the extension and fracturing of a thin surficial layer of sediment into coherent blocks and their finite displacement on a gently sloping slip surface. Its characteristic seafloor signature is a repetitive pattern of parallel ridges and troughs oriented perpendicular to the direction of mass movement. We map ~30 km2 of submarine spreads on the upper slope of the Hikurangi margin, east of Poverty Bay, North Island, New Zealand, using multibeam echosounder and 2D multichannel seismic data. These data show that spreading occurs in thin, gently-dipping, parallel-bedded clay, silt and sandy sedimentary units deposited as lowstand clinoforms. More importantly, high-amplitude and reverse polarity seismic reflectors, which we interpret as evidence of shallow gas accumulations, occur extensively in the fine sediments of the upper continental slope, but are either significantly weaker or entirely absent where the spreads are located. We use this evidence to propose that shallow gas, through the generation of pore pressure, has played a key role in establishing the failure surface above which submarine spreading occurred. Additional dynamic changes in pore pressure could have been triggered by a drop in sea level during the Last Glacial Maximum and seismic loading.peer-reviewe

    Geomorphic response of submarine canyons to tectonic activity: Insights from the Cook Strait canyon system, New Zealand

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    Active margins host more than half of submarine canyons worldwide. Understanding the coupling between active tectonics and canyon processes is required to improve modeling of canyon evolution and derive tectonic information from canyon morphology. In this paper we analyze high-resolution geophysical data and imagery from the Cook Strait canyon system (CS), offshore New Zealand, to characterize the influence of active tectonics on the morphology, processes, and evolution of submarine canyons, and to deduce tectonic activity from canyon morphology. Canyon location and morphology bear the clearest evidence of tectonic activity, with major faults and structural ridges giving rise to sinuosity, steep and linear longitudinal profi les, cross-sectional asymmetry, and breaks in slope gradient, relief, and slope-area plots. Faults are also associated with stronger and more frequent sedimentary fl ows, steep canyon walls that promote gully erosion, and seismicity that is considered the most likely trigger of failure of canyon walls. Tectonic activity gives rise to two types of knickpoints in the CS. Gentle, rounded and diffusive knickpoints form due to short-wavelength folds or fault breakouts. The more widespread steep and angular knickpoints have migrated through canyonfloor slope failures and localized quarrying and/or plucking. Migration is driven by base-level lowering due to regional margin uplift and deepening of the lower Cook Strait Canyon, and is likely faster in larger canyons because of higher sedimentary flow throughput. The knickpoints, nonadherence to Playfair"s Law, linear longitudinal profiles, and lack of canyon-wide, inverse power law slope-area relationships indicate that the CS is in a transient state, adjusting to perturbations associated with tectonic displacements and changes in base level and sediment fluxes. We conclude by inferring unmapped faults and regions of more pronounced uplift, and proposing a generalized model for canyon geomorphic evolution in tectonically active margins

    SubSpread : an integrated approach to understand the signature, mechanics and controls of subaqueous spreading

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    Subaqueous spreading is a widespread type of mass movement, which involves extensional displacement along a gliding plane and the deformation of the failing layer into a sequence of ridges and troughs. Spreading has been poorly investigated, nonetheless it poses hazard to offshore infrastructures. SubSpread is a new project that will investigate the mechanics of the spreading failure and its geological controls in the subaqueous environment. The first objective of SubSpread is to identify the topographic and sedimentary signature of subaqueous environment. We have compiled a global database of subaqueous and subaerial spreads that includes information on physiography, geomorphology, sedimentology and geotechnical properties, where available. A preliminary analysis of the database reveals that spreading morphologies occur on both passive and active margins, especially in the headwall area of translational retrogressive slides. Potential causes of spreading include seismic loading (also glacially induced), sediment loading, and increased pore pressure generated by migration of fluid or gas. The latter may induce loss of shear strength and the formation of a weak layer, particularly in gentle open slopes. Information compiled in this database will also be used to develop a numerical model that can better understand the mechanics and rheological aspects of submarine spreading, focusing on the role played by pore pressure generation. The Tuaheni slide complex in the Hikurangi Margin of New Zealand is being used as a case-study in view of the wealth of geophysical and sedimentological data that are available. The final part of the SubSpread project will test whether the morphometric and sedimentological signature of spreading can provide information on past seismicity. In this case, the test site will be Lake Tekapo in the South Island of New Zealand.peer-reviewe

    Subaqueous mass movements in the context of observations of contemporary slope failure

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    The consequences of subaqueous landslides have been at the forefront of societal conscience more than ever in the last few years, with devastating and fatal events in the Indonesian Archipelago making global news. The new research presented in this volume demonstrates the breadth of ongoing investigation into subaqueous landslides, and shows that while events like the recent ones can be devastating, they are smaller in scale than those Earth has experienced in the past. Understanding the spectrum of subaqueous landslide processes, and therefore the potential societal impact, requires research across all spatial and temporal scales. This volume delivers a compilation of state-of-the-art papers covering regional landslide databases, advanced techniques for in situ measurements, numerical modelling of processes and hazard

    Processes on the precipice : seafloor dynamics across the upper Malta-Sicily escarpment

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    The Malta-Sicily Escarpment (MSE) is a steep, sediment-undersupplied, carbonate escarpment incised by a series of submarine canyons. In this study we present data acquired from the upper MSE during the Eurofleets-funded CUMECS cruise to document a complex seafloor morphology comprising gullies, canyon heads, mass movement scars, channels, contourites and escarpments. The evolution of the upper MSE has been driven by the interaction of fault activity, sedimentary activity related to hemipelagic, pelagic and contouritic sedimentation, and seafloor incision by bottom current activity. Submarine mass movements play a key role in canyon development – they control the extent of lateral and headward extension, facilitate tributary development, remove material from the continental shelf and slope, and feed sediment into the canyons.peer-reviewe

    Scientific Drilling

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    Deep-seated bedrock landslides and submarine canyon evolution in an active tectonic margin : Cook Strait, New Zealand

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    The Cook Strait sector of the Hikurangi subduction margin, off south-east central New Zealand, is dominated by a multi-branched canyon system where landslides are widespread. The objective of this study is to determine the character, origin, and influence of these landslides on the evolution of the canyon system. Multibeam bathymetry covering seven submarine canyons is utilised to characterise landslides’ spatial distribution, morphological attributes and area-frequency characteristics. We demonstrate that mass movements within the Cook Strait canyons consist of spatially dense, predominantly retrogressive, small, deep-seated, translational bedrock landslides occurring in Late Cenozoic sequences. These landslides affect up to a quarter of the canyoned area. Concentration of landslides in the shallow canyon reaches (down to 800 m) is attributed to the influence of oceanographic processes originating on the continental shelf such as tide- generated currents, dense shelf water cascading and internal waves. Canyon incision and wall undercutting, locally favoured by underlying lithological control, are proposed as major landslide drivers in Cook Strait. Ground motion during regional earthquakes is considered a secondary cause. Retrogressive landslides are responsible for canyon widening and wall retreat, cross-sectional asymmetry, preconditioning for additional failure, destabilisation of adjacent slopes and delivery of sediment into canyon floors.peer-reviewe
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