323 research outputs found

    Adequacy of clinical information in X-ray referrals for traumatic ankle injury with reference to the Ottawa Ankle Rules-a retrospective clinical audit

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    Study Objective To assess the adequacy of clinical information with reference to the Ottawa Ankle Rules (OAR) in X-ray referrals for adults with traumatic ankle injury in the ED of a South Australian tertiary hospital and report upon referring trends between emergency department clinicians. Methods A retrospective clinical audit of adult ankle X-ray referrals in the emergency department was conducted. Eligible referrals were screened for their adherence to the OAR, patient details, clinical history and referrer. A logistic regression was used to determine the influence of these factors on the likelihood of being referred for X-rays despite not meeting the OAR criteria. Sensitivity, specificity, positive and negative likelihood ratios and their associated confidence intervals were calculated to assess the diagnostic accuracy of the OAR for those referred. Results Out of the 262 eligible referrals, 163 were deemed to have met the criteria for the OAR. Physiotherapists showed the highest OAR compliance of 77.3% and were the most accurate in their use of the rules, with a sensitivity of 0.86. Medical officers, registrars and interns were 2.5 times more likely to still refer a patient for X-ray if they did not meet the OAR criteria, compared to physiotherapists as the baseline. Patient age, duration of injury etc. were not significantly associated with likelihood of referral (even when they did not meet OAR criteria). The overall sensitivity, specificity, positive and negative likelihood ratios of the OAR were 0.59 (95% CI [0.47–0.71]), 0.37 (95% CI [0.30–0.44]), 0.93 (95% CI [0.76–1.16]) and 1.10 (95% CI [0.82–1.48]) respectively. Conclusion The results of this audit demonstrated poor sensitivity and moderate compliance by referrers with the rule. Reasonable evidence exists for the implementation of individual and/or institutional-based change strategies to improve clinician compliance and accuracy with use of the OAR

    Statin use and incident cardiovascular events in renal transplant recipients

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    BACKGROUND: Statins achieve potent LDL lowering in the general population leading to a significant cardiovascular (CV) risk reduction. In renal transplant recipients (RTR) statins are included in treatment guidelines, however, conclusive evidence of improved cardiovascular outcomes has not been uniformly provided and concerns have been raised about simultaneous use of statins and the immunosuppressant cyclosporine. This study aimed to elucidate the effect of statins on a compound CV endpoint, comprised of ischaemic CV events and CV mortality in RTR, with subgroup analysis focussing on cyclosporine users. METHOD: 622 included RTR (follow‐up 5.4 years) were matched based on propensity scores and dichotomized by statin use. Survival analysis was conducted. RESULTS: Cox regression showed that statin use was not significantly associated with the compound CV endpoint in a fully adjusted model (HR = 0.81, 95% CI = 0.53‐1.24, P = .33). Subgroup analyses in RTR using cyclosporine revealed a strong positive association of statin use with the CV compound outcome in a fully adjusted model (HR = 6.60, 95% CI 1.75‐24.9, P = .005). Furthermore, statin use was positively correlated with cyclosporine trough levels (correlation coefficient 0.11, P = .04). CONCLUSION: In conclusion, statin use does not significantly decrease incident CV events in an overall RTR cohort, but is independently associated with CV‐specific mortality and events in cyclosporine using RTR, possibly due to a bilateral pharmacological interaction

    Consumption of fruits and vegetables and cardiovascular mortality in renal transplant recipients:A prospective cohort study

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    Background It currently remains understudied whether low consumption of fruits and vegetables after kidney transplantation may be a modifiable cardiovascular risk factor. We aimed to investigate the associations between consumption of fruits and vegetables and cardiovascular mortality in renal transplant recipients (RTRs). Methods Consumption of fruits and vegetables was assessed in an extensively phenotyping cohort of RTRs. Multivariable-adjusted Cox proportional hazards regression analyses were performed to assess the risk of cardiovascular mortality. Results We included 400 RTRs (age 5212 years, 54% males). At a median follow-up of 7.2years, 23% of RTRs died (53% were due to cardiovascular causes). Overall, fruit consumption was not associated with cardiovascular mortality {hazard ratio [HR] 0.82 [95% confidence interval (CI) 0.60-1.14]; P = 0.24}, whereas vegetable consumption was inversely associated with cardiovascular mortality [HR 0.49 (95% CI 0.34-0.71); P 45mL/min/1.73 m(2) [HR 0.56 (95% CI 0.35-0.92); P = 0.02] or the absence of proteinuria [HR 0.62 (95% CI 0.41-0.92); P = 0.02]. Conclusions In RTRs, a relatively higher vegetable consumption is independently and strongly associated with lower cardiovascular mortality. A relatively higher fruit consumption is also associated with lower cardiovascular mortality, although particularly in RTRs with eGFR>45mL/min/1.73 m(2) or an absence of proteinuria. Further studies seem warranted to investigate whether increasing consumption of fruits and vegetables may open opportunities for potential interventional pathways to decrease the burden of cardiovascular mortality in RTRs.Dutch Kidney Foundation: C00.187

    Socioeconomic inequalities in the quality of primary care under Brazil's national pay-for-performance programme: a longitudinal study of family health teams.

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    BACKGROUND: Many governments have introduced pay-for-performance programmes to incentivise health providers to improve quality of care. Evidence on whether these programmes reduce or exacerbate disparities in health care is scarce. In this study, we aimed to assess socioeconomic inequalities in the performance of family health teams under Brazil's National Programme for Improving Primary Care Access and Quality (PMAQ). METHODS: For this longitudinal study, we analysed data on the quality of care delivered by family health teams participating in PMAQ over three rounds of implementation: round 1 (November, 2011, to March, 2013), round 2 (April, 2013, to September, 2015), and round 3 (October, 2015, to December, 2019). The primary outcome was the percentage of the maximum performance score obtainable by family health teams (the PMAQ score), based on several hundred (ranging from 598 to 914) indicators of health-care delivery. Using census data on household income of local areas, we examined the PMAQ score by income ventile. We used ordinary least squares regressions to examine the association between PMAQ scores and the income of each local area across implementation rounds, and we did an analysis of variance to assess geographical variation in PMAQ score. FINDINGS: Of the 40 361 family health teams that were registered as ever participating in PMAQ, we included 13 934 teams that participated in the three rounds of PMAQ in our analysis. These teams were located in 11 472 census areas and served approximately 48 million people. The mean PMAQ score was 61·0% (median 61·8, IQR 55·3-67·9) in round 1, 55·3% (median 56·0, IQR 47·6-63·4) in round 2, and 61·6% (median 62·7, IQR 54·4-69·9) in round 3. In round 1, we observed a positive socioeconomic gradient, with the mean PMAQ score ranging from 56·6% in the poorest group to 64·1% in the richest group. Between rounds 1 and 3, mean PMAQ performance increased by 7·1 percentage points for the poorest group and decreased by 0·8 percentage points for the richest group (p<0·0001), with the gap between richest and poorest narrowing from 7·5 percentage points (95% CI 6·5 to 8·5) to -0·4 percentage points over the same period (-1·6 to 0·8). INTERPRETATION: Existing income inequalities in the delivery of primary health care were eliminated during the three rounds of PMAQ, plausibly due to a design feature of PMAQ that adjusted financial payments for socioeconomic inequalities. However, there remains an important policy agenda in Brazil to address the large inequities in health. FUNDING: UK Medical Research Council, Newton Fund, and CONFAP (Conselho Nacional das FundaçÔes Estaduais de Amparo Ă  Pesquisa)

    SRT1720 improves survival and healthspan of obese mice

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    Sirt1 is an NAD+-dependent deacetylase that extends lifespan in lower organisms and improves metabolism and delays the onset of age-related diseases in mammals. Here we show that SRT1720, a synthetic compound that was identified for its ability to activate Sirt1 in vitro, extends both mean and maximum lifespan of adult mice fed a high-fat diet. This lifespan extension is accompanied by health benefits including reduced liver steatosis, increased insulin sensitivity, enhanced locomotor activity and normalization of gene expression profiles and markers of inflammation and apoptosis, all in the absence of any observable toxicity. Using a conditional SIRT1 knockout mouse and specific gene knockdowns we show SRT1720 affects mitochondrial respiration in a Sirt1- and PGC-1α-dependent manner. These findings indicate that SRT1720 has long-term benefits and demonstrate for the first time the feasibility of designing novel molecules that are safe and effective in promoting longevity and preventing multiple age-related diseases in mammals

    Antioxidant and Antiproliferative Activities of Heterofucans from the Seaweed Sargassum filipendula

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    Fucan is a term used to denominate a type of polysaccharide which contains substantial percentages of l-fucose and sulfate ester groups. We obtained five heterofucans from Sargassum filipendula by proteolytic digestion followed by sequential acetone precipitation. These heterofucans are composed mainly of fucose, glucose, glucuronic acid, galactose and sulfate. These fucans did not show anticoagulant activity in PT and aPTT tests. Their antioxidant activity was evaluated using the follow tests; total antioxidant capacity, scavenging hydroxyl and superoxide radicals, reducing power and ferrous ion [Fe(II)] chelating. All heterofucans displayed considerable activity, especially SF-1.0v which showed the most significant antioxidant potential with 90.7 ascorbic acid equivalents in a total antioxidant capacity test and similar activity when compared with vitamin C in a reducing power assay. The fucan antiproliferative activity was performed with HeLa, PC3 and HepG2 cells using MTT test. In all tested conditions the heterofucans exhibited a dose-dependent effect. The strongest inhibition was observed in HeLa cells, where SF-1.0 and SF-1.5 exhibited considerable activity with an IC50 value of 15.69 and 13.83 ÎŒM, respectively. These results clearly indicate the beneficial effect of S. filipendula polysaccharides as antiproliferative and antioxidant. Further purification steps and additional studies on structural features as well as in vivo experiments are needed to test the viability of their use as therapeutic agents

    Pay for performance in primary care: the contribution of the Programme for Improving Access and Quality of Primary Care (PMAQ) on avoidable hospitalisations in Brazil, 2009-2018.

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    BACKGROUND: Evidence on the effect of pay-for-performance (P4P) schemes on provider performance is mixed in low-income and middle-income countries. Brazil introduced its first national-level P4P scheme in 2011 (PMAQ-Brazilian National Programme for Improving Primary Care Access and Quality). PMAQ is likely one of the largest P4P schemes in the world. We estimate the association between PMAQ and hospitalisations for ambulatory care sensitive conditions (ACSCs) based on a panel of 5564 municipalities. METHODS: We conducted a fixed effect panel data analysis over the period of 2009-2018, controlling for coverage of primary healthcare, hospital beds per 10 000 population, education, real gross domestic product per capita and population density. The outcome is the hospitalisation rate for ACSCs among people aged 64 years and under per 10 000 population. Our exposure variable is defined as the percentage of family health teams participating in PMAQ, which captures the roll-out of PMAQ over time. We also provided several sensitivity analyses, by using alternative measures of the exposure and outcome variables, and a placebo test using transport accident hospitalisations instead of ACSCs. RESULTS: The results show a negative and statistically significant association between the rollout of PMAQ and ACSC rates for all age groups. An increase in PMAQ participating of one percentage point decreased the hospitalisation rate for ACSC by 0.0356 (SE 0.0123, p=0.004) per 10 000 population (aged 0-64 years). This corresponds to a reduction of approximately 60 829 hospitalisations in 2018. The impact is stronger for children under 5 years (-0.0940, SE 0.0375, p=0.012), representing a reduction of around 11 936 hospitalisations. Our placebo test shows that the association of PMAQ on the hospitalisation rate for transport accidents is not statistically significant, as expected. CONCLUSION: We find that PMAQ was associated with a modest reduction in hospitalisation for ACSCs

    Perfil sociodemogråfico e interesse de ingresso no ensino superior entre alunos do 9°ano e ensino médio do oeste do Paranå / Sociodemographic profile and interest in entering higher education among 9th grade and high school students in western Paranå

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    No dia 19 de setembro de 2019, realizou-se a I Feira de ProfissĂ”es da UNIOESTE, e nela, a Liga MĂ©dico-AcadĂȘmica de Pediatria (LIPED) aplicou um questionĂĄrio a 99 alunos do 9Âș ano do ensino fundamental e ensino mĂ©dio, visando conhecer o perfil sociodemogrĂĄfico dos participantes, bem como seu interesse no ingresso ao ensino superior. Assim, a pesquisa mostrou um predomĂ­nio de indivĂ­duos do sexo feminino, de cor branca, com renda familiar entre 1 e 5 salĂĄrios-mĂ­nimos, interessados em cursar medicina e em uma universidade pĂșblica

    Logos: informando adolescentes sobre métodos contraceptivos e Ist / Logos: informing adolescents about contraceptive methods and Ist

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    O LOGOS Ă© um projeto que visa orientar os alunos do Ensino MĂ©dio das redes pĂșblica e privada de Cascavel, a respeito do uso correto de mĂ©todos para a prevenção de ISTs e gravidez indesejada, alĂ©m de atitudes de risco que favorecem o contĂĄgio por ISTs. Para tal fim, foram elaboradas palestras dinĂąmicas, visando instruir sobre os mecanismos contraceptivos e os aparelhos reprodutores feminino e masculino, bem como as diferentes ISTs e como preveni-las
