21 research outputs found

    Asymmetric Total Synthesis of Mycobacterial Diacyl Trehaloses Demonstrates a Role for Lipid Structure in Immunogenicity

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    The first asymmetric total synthesis of three structures proposed for mycobacterial diacyl trehaloses, DAT1, DAT2, and DAT3 is reported. The presence of two of these glycolipids, DAT1 and DAT3, within different strains of pathogenic M. tuberculosis was confirmed, and it was shown that their abundance varies significantly. In mass spectrometry, synthetic DAT2 possessed almost identical fragmentation patterns to presumptive DAT2 from Mycobacterium tuberculosis H37Rv, but did not coelute by HPLC, raising questions as the precise relationship of the synthetic and natural materials. The synthetic DATs were examined as agonists for signaling by the C-type lectin, Mincle. The small differences in the chemical structure of the lipidic parts of DAT1, DAT2, and DAT3 led to drastic differences of Mincle binding and activation, with DAT3 showing similar potency as the known Mincle agonist trehalose dimycolate (TDM). In the future, DAT3 could serve as basis for the design of vaccine adjuvants with simplified chemical structure

    Human γδ T cells recognize CD1b by two distinct mechanisms

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    γδ T cells form an abundant part of the human cellular immune system, where they respond to tissue damage, infection, and cancer. The spectrum of known molecular targets recognized by Vδ1-expressing γδ T cells is becoming increasingly diverse. Here we describe human γδ T cells that recognize CD1b, a lipid antigen-presenting molecule, which is inducibly expressed on monocytes and dendritic cells. Using CD1b tetramers to study multiple donors, we found that many CD1b-specific γδ T cells use Vδ1. Despite their common use of Vδ1, three CD1b-specific γδ T cell receptors (TCRs) showed clear differences in the surface of CD1b recognized, the requirement for lipid antigens, and corecognition of butryophilin-like proteins. Several Vγ segments were present among the CD1b-specific TCRs, but chain swap experiments demonstrated that CD1b specificity was mediated by the Vδ1 chain. One of the CD1b-specific Vδ1+ TCRs paired with Vγ4 and shows dual reactivity to CD1b and butyrophilin-like proteins. αβ TCRs typically recognize the peptide display platform of MHC proteins. In contrast, our results demonstrate the use of rearranged receptors to mediate diverse modes of recognition across the surface of CD1b in ways that do and do not require carried lipids

    Synthetic mycobacterial diacyl trehaloses reveal differential recognition by human T cell receptors and the C-type lectin Mincle

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    The cell wall of Mycobacterium tuberculosis is composed of diverse glycolipids which potentially interact with the human immune system. To overcome difficulties in obtaining pure compounds from bacterial extracts, we recently synthesized three forms of mycobacterial diacyltrehalose (DAT) that differ in their fatty acid composition, DAT1, DAT2, and DAT3. To study the potential recognition of DATs by human T cells, we treated the lipid-binding antigen presenting molecule CD1b with synthetic DATs and looked for T cells that bound the complex. DAT1- and DAT2-treated CD1b tetramers were recognized by T cells, but DAT3-treated CD1b tetramers were not. A T cell line derived using CD1b-DAT2 tetramers showed that there is no cross-reactivity between DATs in an IFN-γ release assay, suggesting that the chemical structure of the fatty acid at the 3-position determines recognition by T cells. In contrast with the lack of recognition of DAT3 by human T cells, DAT3, but not DAT1 or DAT2, activates Mincle. Thus, we show that the mycobacterial lipid DAT can be both an antigen for T cells and an agonist for the innate Mincle receptor, and that small chemical differences determine recognition by different parts of the immune system

    Memory in low-grade glioma patients treated with radiotherapy or temozolomide: a correlative analysis of EORTC study 22033-26033

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    Background: EORTC study 22033-26033 showed no difference in progression-free survival between high-risk low-grade glioma receiving either radiotherapy (RT) or temozolomide (TMZ) chemotherapy alone as primary treatment. Considering the potential long-term deleterious impact of RT on memory functioning, this study aims to determine whether TMZ is associated with less impaired memory functioning. Methods: Using the Visual Verbal Learning Test (VVLT), memory functioning was evaluated at baseline and subsequently every 6 months. Minimal compliance for statistical analyses was set at 60%. Conventional indices of memory performance (VVLT Immediate Recall, Total Recall, Learning Capacity, and Delayed Recall) were used as outcome measures. Using a mixed linear model, memory functioning was compared between treatment arms and over time. Results: Neuropsychological assessment was performed in 98 patients (53 RT, 46 TMZ). At 12 months, compliance had dropped to 66%, restricting analyses to baseline, 6 months, and 12 months. At baseline, patients in either treatment arm did not differ in memory functioning, sex, age, or educational level. Over time, patients in both arms showed improvement in Immediate Recall (P = 0.017) and total number of words recalled (Total Recall; P < 0.001, albeit with delayed improvement in RT patients (group by time; P = 0.011). Memory functioning was not associated with RT gross, clinical, or planned target volumes. Conclusion: In patients with high-risk low-grade glioma there is no indication that in the first year after treatment, RT has a deleterious effect on memory function compared with TMZ chemotherapy. Keywords: chemotherapy; low-grade glioma; memory functioning; radiotherapy

    A TCR beta-Chain Motif Biases toward Recognition of Human CD1 Proteins

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    High-throughput TCR sequencing allows interrogation of the human TCR repertoire, potentially connecting TCR sequences to antigenic targets. Unlike the highly polymorphic MHC proteins, monomorphic Ag-presenting molecules such as MR1, CD1d, and CD1b present Ags to T cells with species-wide TCR motifs. CD1b tetramer studies and a survey of the 27 published CD1b-restricted TCRs demonstrated a TCR motif in humans defined by the TCR β-chain variable gene 4-1 (TRBV4-1) region. Unexpectedly, TRBV4-1 was involved in recognition of CD1b regardless of the chemical class of the carried lipid. Crystal structures of two CD1b-specific TRBV4-1+ TCRs show that germline-encoded residues in CDR1 and CDR3 regions of TRBV4-1–encoded sequences interact with each other and consolidate the surface of the TCR. Mutational studies identified a key positively charged residue in TRBV4-1 and a key negatively charged residue in CD1b that is shared with CD1c, which is also recognized by TRBV4-1 TCRs. These data show that one TCR V region can mediate a mechanism of recognition of two related monomorphic Ag-presenting molecules that does not rely on a defined lipid Ag

    Atypical sideways recognition of CD1a by autoreactive γδ T cell receptors

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    CD1a is a monomorphic antigen-presenting molecule on dendritic cells that presents lipids to αβ T cells. Whether CD1a represents a ligand for other immune receptors remains unknown. Here we use CD1a tetramers to show that CD1a is a ligand for Vδ1+ γδ T cells. Functional studies suggest that two γδ T cell receptors (TCRs) bound CD1a in a lipid-independent manner. The crystal structures of three Vγ4Vδ1 TCR-CD1a-lipid complexes reveal that the γδ TCR binds at the extreme far side and parallel to the long axis of the β-sheet floor of CD1a’s antigen-binding cleft. Here, the γδ TCR co-recognises the CD1a heavy chain and β2 microglobulin in a manner that is distinct from all other previously observed γδ TCR docking modalities. The ‘sideways’ and lipid antigen independent mode of autoreactive CD1a recognition induces TCR clustering on the cell surface and proximal T cell signalling as measured by CD3ζ phosphorylation. In contrast with the ‘end to end’ binding of αβ TCRs that typically contact carried antigens, autoreactive γδ TCRs support geometrically diverse approaches to CD1a, as well as antigen independent recognition

    CD1b tetramers identify T cells that recognize natural and synthetic diacylated sulfoglycolipids from mycobacterium tuberculosis

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    Mycobacterial cell wall lipids bind the conserved CD1 family of antigen-presenting molecules and activate T cells via their T cell receptors (TCRs). Sulfoglycolipids (SGLs) are uniquely synthesized by Mycobacterium tuberculosis, but tools to study SGL-specific T cells in humans are lacking. We designed a novel hybrid synthesis of a naturally occurring SGL, generated CD1b tetramers loaded with natural or synthetic SGL analogs, and studied the molecular requirements for TCR binding and T cell activation. Two T cell lines derived using natural SGLs are activated by synthetic analogs independently of lipid chain length and hydroxylation, but differentially by saturation status. By contrast, two T cell lines derived using an unsaturated SGL synthetic analog were not activated by the natural antigen. Our data provide a bioequivalence hierarchy of synthetic SGL analogs and SGL-loaded CD1b tetramers. These reagents can now be applied to large-scale translational studies investigating the diagnostic potential of SGL-specific T cell responses or SGL-based vaccines

    T cell autoreactivity directed toward CD1c itself rather than toward carried self lipids

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    The hallmark function of αβ T cell antigen receptors (TCRs) involves the highly specific co-recognition of a major histocompatibility complex molecule and its carried peptide. However, the molecular basis of the interactions of TCRs with the lipid antigen–presenting molecule CD1c is unknown. We identified frequent staining of human T cells with CD1c tetramers across numerous subjects. Whereas TCRs typically show high specificity for antigen, both tetramer binding and autoreactivity occurred with CD1c in complex with numerous, chemically diverse self lipids. Such extreme polyspecificity was attributable to binding of the TCR over the closed surface of CD1c, with the TCR covering the portal where lipids normally protrude. The TCR essentially failed to contact lipids because they were fully seated within CD1c. These data demonstrate the sequestration of lipids within CD1c as a mechanism of autoreactivity and point to small lipid size as a determinant of autoreactive T cell responses

    Detection and localization of early- and late-stage cancers using platelet RNA

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    Cancer patients benefit from early tumor detection since treatment outcomes are more favorable for less advanced cancers. Platelets are involved in cancer progression and are considered a promising biosource for cancer detection, as they alter their RNA content upon local and systemic cues. We show that tumor-educated platelet (TEP) RNA-based blood tests enable the detection of 18 cancer types. With 99% specificity in asymptomatic controls, thromboSeq correctly detected the presence of cancer in two-thirds of 1,096 blood samples from stage I–IV cancer patients and in half of 352 stage I–III tumors. Symptomatic controls, including inflammatory and cardiovascular diseases, and benign tumors had increased false-positive test results with an average specificity of 78%. Moreover, thromboSeq determined the tumor site of origin in five different tumor types correctly in over 80% of the cancer patients. These results highlight the potential properties of TEP-derived RNA panels to supplement current approaches for blood-based cancer screening