20 research outputs found

    On the quantization of Poisson brackets

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    In this paper we introduce two classes of Poisson brackets on algebras (or on sheaves of algebras). We call them locally free and nonsingular Poisson brackets. Using the Fedosov's method we prove that any locally free nonsingular Poisson bracket can be quantized. In particular, it follows from this that all Poisson brackets on an arbitrary field of characteristic zero can be quantized. The well known theorem about the quantization of nondegenerate Poisson brackets on smooth manifolds follows from the main result of this paper as well.Comment: Latex, 24 pp., essentially corrected versio

    Quantum symmetric pairs and representations of double affine Hecke algebras of type C∨CnC^\vee C_n

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    We build representations of the affine and double affine braid groups and Hecke algebras of type C∨CnC^\vee C_n, based upon the theory of quantum symmetric pairs (U,B)(U,B). In the case U=Uq(glN)U=U_q(gl_N), our constructions provide a quantization of the representations constructed by Etingof, Freund and Ma in arXiv:0801.1530, and also a type BCBC generalization of the results in arXiv:0805.2766.Comment: Final version, to appear in Selecta Mathematic

    Quantized multiplicative quiver varieties

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    Beginning with the data of a quiver Q, and its dimension vector d, we construct an algebra D_q=D_q(Mat_d(Q)), which is a flat q-deformation of the algebra of differential operators on the affine space Mat_d(Q). The algebra D_q is equivariant for an action by a product of quantum general linear groups, acting by conjugation at each vertex. We construct a quantum moment map for this action, and subsequently define the Hamiltonian reduction A^lambda_d(Q) of D_q with moment parameter \lambda. We show that A^\lambda_d(Q) is a flat formal deformation of Lusztig's quiver varieties, and their multiplicative counterparts, for all dimension vectors satisfying a flatness condition of Crawley-Boevey: indeed the product on A^\lambda_d(Q) yields a Fedosov quantization the of symplectic structure on multiplicative quiver varieties. As an application, we give a description of the category of representations of the spherical double affine Hecke algebra of type A_{n-1}, and its generalization constructed by Etingof, Oblomkov, and Rains, in terms of a quotient of the category of equivariant D_q-modules by a Serre sub-category of aspherical modules.Comment: Re-written introduction, improvements to expositio

    Cohomological construction of quantized universal enveloping algebras

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