250 research outputs found

    Combined Pulmonary Fibrosis and Emphysema Syndrome: A New Phenotype within the Spectrum of Smoking-Related Interstitial Lung Disease

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    Combined pulmonary fibrosis and emphysema (CPFE) is a recently defined syndrome, in which centrilobular and/or paraseptal emphysemas in upper lung zones coexist with pulmonary fibrosis in lower lobes in individuals. These patients have a characteristic lung function profile, with unexpected subnormal dynamic and static lung volumes, contrasting with a significant reduction of carbon monoxide transfer (DLco) and exercise hypoxemia. Pulmonary hypertension is highly prevalent in CPFE and is the leading determinant of death. Tobacco smoking has been proposed as the main factor in its etiology, though the pathophysiology and its natural history remain to be determined. High-resolution computed axial tomography is the mandatory tool to confirm the diagnosis. Currently, there is no consensus about its treatment since those published to date on this issue are limited to well-characterised series of cases; hence, a better understanding of this entity may help in the development of future therapeutic approaches

    Anemia in Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease

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    Momentos clave en el aprendizaje de isometrías

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    El objetivo de este estudio es identificar ejemplos de momentos clave en el aprendizaje de isometrías de alumnos de 3o de ESO. Mostramos tres ejemplos de momentos clave y los analizamos para obtener nuevas características que ayuden a refinar la propia noción en construcción de momento clave

    COPD: Differential Diagnosis

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    Key moments when learning isometries in a collaborative and technological context

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    Presentamos una investigación sobre el aprendizaje de isometrías con un programa de geometría dinámica. Los datos se han tomado en una clase de secundaria con estudiantes de 14 y 15 años trabajando en un entorno colaborativo. Partiendo de los ejes de cognición matemática, mediación tecnológica y orquestación del profesorado, construimos la noción de «momento clave en el aprendizaje» para desarrollar el análisis. Para este artículo, seleccionamos cuatro ejemplos de momento clave que indican la pertinencia de explorar los ejes anteriores y que, a su vez, apuntan a la necesidad de considerar estos ejes de forma integrada. En futuras investigaciones, tendremos que profundizar en la influencia entre los distintos resultados que ahora destacamos.We present a research on the learning of isometries with dynamic geometry software. Our data come from a secondary classroom with students aged 14 and 15 who are working in a collaborative context. Drawing on issues of mathematical cognition, technological mediation and orchestration by the teacher, we elaborate the notion of “learning key moment” to develop our analysis. For this article, we select four examples of key moments that point to the adequacy of exploring the issues above and, simultaneously, to the need of further considering these issues as integrated. In future research, it will be useful to go deeper inside the influence among the different results that are now examined

    Efectes al sòl de l Incendi Forestal de Pego de maig del 2015

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    This work consists of a short-term study of the effects of forest fires in May 2015 in Pego and Atzúbia, Vall de Gallinera and Vall d'Ebo on the soil. To do this, soil samples have been taken from three different zones, areas where the intensity has been moderate and a low, and a control zone (without burning). In addition, ashes were also extracted from the places where it was burned. From the samples extracted, both physical and chemical analyzes of the soil and the ashes have been carried out, among them the granulometry, texture and bulk density, organic matter, color, carbonates, saturation extract, Cation exchange. In the case of the ashes, an analysis was also made of their hydrophobicity. All these analyzes have been compared with the different samples taken, both after the fire to see what the result of the study. An observation has also been made on the evolution of the vegetation of the area. The results obtained from the analyzed parameters do not present very high values for the areas that have been burned, so we can say that the fire reflects an insignificant impact. But if a landscape and ecosystem impact. It is very important to know the edaphic factors to recover again a habitat that has been affected by a forest fire.Aquest treball consta d¿un estudi a curt termini dels efectes de l¿incendi forestal ocorregut en maig del 2015 a Pego i Atzúbia, la Vall de Gallinera i la Vall d¿Ebo sobre el sòl. Per tal de realitzar-lo, s¿han pres mostres de sòl de tres zones diferents, zones on la intensitat ha sigut moderada i l¿altra de baixa, i una zona control (sense cremar). A més, també es varen extraure cendres dels llocs on es va cremar. En les mostres extretes, s¿han realitzat anàlisis tant físics com químics del sòl i de les cendres, entre ells cal destacar, la granulometria, la textura i densitat aparent, la matèria orgànica, el color, els carbonats, el extracte de saturació, la capacitat d¿intercanvi catiònic. En el cas de les cendres, també es va fer un anàlisi sobre la seua hidrofobicitat. Tots aquests anàlisis s¿han comparat amb els diferents mostrejos realitzats, tots dos després de l¿incendi per a poder veure quin és el resultat de l¿estudi. També s¿ha realitzat una observació sobre l¿evolució de la vegetació de la zona. Els resultats obtinguts dels paràmetres analitzats no presenten uns valors molt elevats per a les àrees que han estat cremades, doncs podem dir, que l¿incendi reflexa un impacte poc significatiu. És molt important conèixer els factors edàfics per a poder reconstruir de nou un hàbitat que ha sigut afectat per un incendi forestal.Este trabajo consta de un estudio a corto plazo de los efectos del incendio forestal ocurrido en mayo de 2015 en Pego y Atzúbia, la Vall de Gallinera y Vall d’Ebo sobre el suelo. Para realizarlo, se han tomado muestras de suelo de tres zonas diferentes, zonas donde la intensidad ha sido moderada y otra baja, y una zona control (sin quemar). Además, también se extrajeron cenizas de los lugares donde se quemó. De las muestras extraídas, se han realizado análisis tanto físicos como químicos del suelo y las cenizas, entre ellos destacamos, la granulometría, la textura y densidad aparente, la materia orgánica, el color, los carbonatos, el extracto de saturación, la capacidad de intercambio catiónico. En el caso de las cenizas, también se hizo un análisis sobre su hidrofobicidad. Todos estos análisis se han comparado con los diferentes muestreos realizados, ambos después del incendio para poder ver cuál es el resultado del estudio. También se ha realizado una observación sobre la evolución de la vegetación de la zona. Los resultados obtenidos de los parámetros analizados no presentan unos valores muy elevados para las áreas que han sido quemadas, por ello podemos decir, que el incendio refleja un impacto poco significativo. Pero si, un impacto paisajístico y para el ecosistema. Es muy importante conocer los factores edáficos para poder recuperar de nuevo un hábitat que ha sido afectado por un incendio forestal.Morera Piera, J. (2017). Efectes al sòl de l Incendi Forestal de Pego de maig del 2015. Universitat Politècnica de València. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/85715TFG

    Geometría y tecnología

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    Intentaremos ilustrar algunas investigaciones sobre el papel de la tecnología en la educación geométrica, que han ido apareciendo en distintos medios de difusión profesional, con la finalidad de que los resultados de dichas investigaciones puedan convencer al profesorado que los adopte en sus clases y mejore el aprendizaje de su alumnado

    Mecanismes d'acció dels antifúngics i resistència en llevats

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    Si bé s'ha avançat en la síntesi de nous antifúngics i se'n coneix el mode d'acció, els mecanismes moleculars de resistència encara són insuficientment coneguts, i afecten principalment els llevats i els azoles. El fluconazole ha estat un dels antifúngics en els quals més s'ha aprofundit l'estudi de les resistències, i s'ha comprovat que aquestes poden ser degudes a mecanismes múltiples, entre els quals la major activitat dels transportadors o bombes d'efflux tenen un paper important, ja que expulsen a l'exterior l'antifúngic que ha penetrat a la cèl·lula. Les alteracions de la diana cèl·lular i l'alteració de la via de síntesi de l'ergosterol present a la membrana també tenen un paper important. Els gens CDR1 i BEN-R estan implicats en aquests mecanismes de resistència. En altres antifúngics com l'amfotericina B i les equinocandines les resistències no semblen ser problemes clínics importants. Candida albicans pot presentar resistències secundàries a la 5- fluorocitosina per pèrdua d'activitat enzimàtica i disminució de l'efecte del metabòlit actiu. La relació entre resistències i manca de resposta terapèutica ha estat demostrada en models animals i estudis clínics, tot i que la resposta al tractament antifúngic depèn en molts casos d'altres factors com l'estat immunitari del malalt, l'espècie fúngica causal, la farmacocinètica i la biodisponibilitat del fàrmac, entre d'altres.Most of our knowledge on antifungal resistance mechanisms is related to yeasts and azoles. Fluconazole is the most studied antifungal and several resistance mechanisms have been demonstrated. Efflux pump seems to be the most important, but cell-target changes and modifi- cations in the ergosterol metabolic way are also relevant. CDR1 and BEN-R are two genes involved in those resistance mechanisms. Resistance is not a major clinical problem with amphotericin B and echinocandins, but Candida albicans can have secondary resistances to 5-fluorocitosyne when enzymatic activity is lost and the active metabolite is lacking. Relationship among antifungal resistance and therapeutic response has been shown in experimental animal models and in clinical studies, but response to the treatment is also related to immunological status of the patient as well to the fungal species, and pharmacological aspects of the drug

    A new system to measure leather shrinkage temperature

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    Content: A characteristic of leather is that if it is gradually heated in aqueous solution it reaches a temperature where sudden and irreversible shrinkage occurs. This phenomenon is related to the denaturalization of the collagen protein that conforms the hide and is known as leather shrinkage. Specifically, the internal bonds break thus causing a shortening of the skin that can be up to a 35% from its original length. Accordingly, one of the most used methods to check the quality of the leather tanning process is the determination of the contraction temperature according to the ISO 3380:2015 standard. This method measures the leather shrinkage when constantly increasing the sample temperature. The shrinkage temperature corresponds to the temperature when the sample suddenly contracts. The value of this temperature indicates the degree of collagen stability and therefore, when higher, the leather will have better quality and resistance. The process of leather shrinkage can be divided in different stages. Several authors discriminate temperature A1 (when the first fibre starts to shrinkage), temperature C (when there is a massive shrinkage) and finally temperature A2 (when the last fibres are contracted individually). The method that describes the ISO 3380:2015 standard uses a device where the determination of the shrinkage temperature is performed visually by the laboratory technician. Consequently, the method tends to be imprecise and subjective. It should also be noticed that the device proposed by the standard does not allow differentiation between the different stages of the contraction process. There are other methods to determine leather shrinkage temperature including differential scanning calorimetry, microscopic hot table, thermogravimetric analysis, differential thermal analysis and thermomechanical analysis. All these methods involve complex devices and are only suitable for specialized personnel. In this work, a new device is developed to precisely measure the leather shrinkage temperature and to distinguish the different contraction stages. In addition, the proposed device is simple, easy to use and inexpensive, which facilitates its use in any industry. The developed system consists basically of a load cell to measure the strength produced by the shrinkage of the leather. With the logged data during the test a strength versus temperature graph is built. By means of its interpretation, the different stages of shrinkage can be determined. Different mathematical analysis of the logged data is proposed to determine the shrinkage stages temperatures, thus achieving a high degree of certainty and repeatability. Take-Away: A new device, simple and inexpensive, is developed to precisely measure the leather shrinkage temperature and to distinguish the different contraction stages