14 research outputs found

    Agrargeschichte abseits der Geschichtswissenschaft: Karl GrĂŒnberg und die Historische Schule der Nationalökonomie

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    Demand and Support: The Policy of Representation and of Support in Post-War Agriculture in Lower Austria, 1945–1952

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    Chambers of agriculture have been a constitutive element of the Austrian agricultural organization system since the 1920s and 1930s. They are legally obliged to represent the interests of their members, to administer the aid thing and to offer legal, technical and social advice. The Federal Constitution decrees that the representation of the interests of the agricultural and forestry population is the responsibility of the provinces. The first part of this article explains the changes in tasks of the chamber of agriculture from 1922 to 1952 based on the chamber of agriculture for Lower Austria and Vienna. The second part of the article focuses on the district chamber of agriculture as a local institution, which also deals with the representation of interests and its part in the rationing system of agricultural goods after World War II.Chambers of agriculture have been a constitutive element of the Austrian agricultural organization system since the 1920s and 1930s. They are legally obliged to represent the interests of their members, to administer the aid thing and to offer legal, technical and social advice. The Federal Constitution decrees that the representation of the interests of the agricultural and forestry population is the responsibility of the provinces. The first part of this article explains the changes in tasks of the chamber of agriculture from 1922 to 1952 based on the chamber of agriculture for Lower Austria and Vienna. The second part of the article focuses on the district chamber of agriculture as a local institution, which also deals with the representation of interests and its part in the rationing system of agricultural goods after World War II

    Expansion of a wine estate. Building in a historical context

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    Abweichender Titel laut Übersetzung der Verfasserin/des VerfassersDie Arbeit beschĂ€ftigt sich mit dem Thema Bauen im historischen Umfeld des Weltkulturerbes Wachau. Konkret geht es um die Erweiterung und Modernisierung eines Weinguts im historischen Bestand. Nach einer geschichtlichen Analyse der Kulturlandschaft Wachau wird anhand des konkreten Bauprojektes die Thematik des Bauens im denkmalgeschĂŒtzten Ensemble behandelt. Hauptaufgabe ist die Erweiterung eines sehr erfolgreichen Weinbaubetriebes um neue, den modernen Produktionsanforderungen angepasste BetriebsrĂ€ume. ZusĂ€tzlich soll das Weingut um einen Restaurantbetrieb und GĂ€stezimmer erweitert werden. Die an die Produktion gestellten Forderungen konnten im Bestand nicht zufriedenstellend realisiert werden. Aus diesem Grund sieht der Entwurf einen unterirdisch mit dem Bestand verbundenen Neubau in unmittelbarer NĂ€he zum bestehenden Hof vor. In diesem Neubau befinden sich auch die GĂ€stezimmer. Die durch diese Erweiterung leer stehenden RĂ€ume im Bestand können in weiterer Folge zum Restaurantbetrieb umgeplant werden. Das denkmalpflegerische Konzept orientiert sich an den Leitgedanken:- Minimierung der Eingriffe - Erhaltung des straßenseitigen Erscheinungsbildes - Konsequente GegenĂŒberstellung Alt/Neu - Einbeziehung der Kulturlandschaft Wachau11


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    Agrargeschichte schreiben: Traditionen und Innovationen im internationalen Vergleich

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    Decline in the expression of copper/zinc superoxide dismutase in the kidney of rats with endotoxic shock: Effects of the superoxide anion radical scavenger, tempol, on organ injury

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    1. Endotoxaemia causes an enhanced formation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) which contribute to the multiple organ dysfunction syndrome (MODS) in septic shock. Here we investigate (i) the effects of endotoxin on the expression of two isoforms of superoxide dismutase (SOD), namely Cu/Zn-SOD (cytosol) and Mn-SOD (mitochondria) in the rat kidney, and (ii) the effects of the radical scavenger tempol on the MODS caused by lipopolysaccharide (LPS, E. coli, 6 mg kg(−1) i.v.) in the rat. 2. Endotoxaemia resulted in a rapid, but transient, decline in the expression of both mRNA and protein of Cu/Zn-SOD as well as an increase in the expression of the mRNA of Mn-SOD in the kidney. Endotoxaemia for 6 h also caused hypotension, acute renal dysfunction, hepatocellular injury, pancreatic injury and an increase in the plasma levels of nitrite/nitrate. 3. Pretreatment of rats with tempol (100 mg kg(−1) i.v. bolus injection, 15 min prior to LPS followed by an infusion of 30 mg kg(−1) i.v., n=9) did not affect the circulatory failure, but attenuated the renal dysfunction and the hepatocellular injury/dysfunction caused by LPS. Tempol did not affect the rise in nitrite/nitrate caused by endotoxin. 4. These results imply that an enhanced formation of ROS (including superoxide anions) in conjunction with inadequate defences against such ROS contributes to the injury and dysfunction of the kidney and the liver in endotoxic shock

    Image_3_Every Breath You Take: Non-invasive Real-Time Oxygen Biosensing in Two- and Three-Dimensional Microfluidic Cell Models.TIFF

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    <p>Knowledge on the availability of dissolved oxygen inside microfluidic cell culture systems is vital for recreating physiological-relevant microenvironments and for providing reliable and reproducible measurement conditions. It is important to highlight that in vivo cells experience a diverse range of oxygen tensions depending on the resident tissue type, which can also be recreated in vitro using specialized cell culture instruments that regulate external oxygen concentrations. While cell-culture conditions can be readily adjusted using state-of-the-art incubators, the control of physiological-relevant microenvironments within the microfluidic chip, however, requires the integration of oxygen sensors. Although several sensing approaches have been reported to monitor oxygen levels in the presence of cell monolayers, oxygen demands of microfluidic three-dimensional (3D)-cell cultures and spatio-temporal variations of oxygen concentrations inside two-dimensional (2D) and 3D cell culture systems are still largely unknown. To gain a better understanding on available oxygen levels inside organ-on-a-chip systems, we have therefore developed two different microfluidic devices containing embedded sensor arrays to monitor local oxygen levels to investigate (i) oxygen consumption rates of 2D and 3D hydrogel-based cell cultures, (ii) the establishment of oxygen gradients within cell culture chambers, and (iii) influence of microfluidic material (e.g., gas tight vs. gas permeable), surface coatings, cell densities, and medium flow rate on the respiratory activities of four different cell types. We demonstrate how dynamic control of cyclic normoxic-hypoxic cell microenvironments can be readily accomplished using programmable flow profiles employing both gas-impermeable and gas-permeable microfluidic biochips.</p