48 research outputs found

    Scott Menard: Longitudinal Research

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    V pedagoškem procesu uporabljena primera celovite programske rešitve SAP na Univerzi v Mariboru, Fakulteti za organizacijske vede in na Ekonomski univerzi v Pragi

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    The paper describes two cases of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems integration into the educational process. Case studies used at the University of Maribor, Faculty of Organizational Sciences, Slovenia and at the University of Economics Prague, Czech Republic are presented and explained with regards to where and how they are used. The lectures and seminars on the ERP systems and the market share leader ERP system SAP are available for students at both universities. Both universities have gained much practical experience with the teaching of ERP based on exercises and practical experience with the SAP product done by students. As a next step, both universities plan to prepare a common international e-business course based on scenarios running on the SAP application accessible for students from both universities. This kind of cooperation could give student projects a new international dimension. Key words: case, education, Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP), process, procurement, SAP, teaching, sellingČlanek opisuje dva primera uporabe celovite programske rešitve (ERP) znotraj pedagoškega procesa. Opisana sta učna primera uporabe na Univerzi v Mariboru, Fakulteti za organizacijske vede in na Ekonomski univerzi v Prag, Češka. Na obeh univerzah je v okviru predavanj in vaj predstavljena na trgu ena od vodilnih celovitih programskih rešitev SAP. Študentje obeh univerz so tekom svojega izobraževanja pridobili veliko praktičnih izkušenj na tem področju. Obe univerzi se zavedata pomembnosti e-regijskega sodelovanja in v prihodnosti načrtujeta skupno izobraževanje na področju celovitih programskih rešitev vključno s praktično izvedbo vaj iz SAP-a, ki bodo temeljile na skupno zastavljenem scenariju. Tak način e-regijskega sodelovanja bo študentom v okviru njihovega študija prinesel popolnoma nove dimenzije mednarodnega povezovanja. Ključne besede: študija primera, izobraževanje, učenje, celovita programska rešitev, ERP, proces, oskrbovanje, prodajanj

    Introduction: Advances in E-Business Engineering

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    (First Paragraph) E-business is one of the most exciting and challenging research areas. Today, not only large companies, but also medium or small-sized companies are learning that e-business is a required component of doing business. E-business has rapidly evolved in the last decade and this trend will continue. In this rapid process, a variety of e-business engineering methods and techniques have been developed. There are many research issues needed to be addressed. As a result, there is a growing demand for insights into challenges, issues, and solutions related to the design, implementation, and management of e-business systems


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    Abstract This contribution deals with business process optimization and management

    Analysis of suitable frameworks for artificial intelligence adoption in the public sector

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    Proceedings: https://doi.org/10.35011/IDIMT-2022Modern management and digitalization are gaining momentum in the public sector. Governments and municipalities are trying to catch up to the private sector, where the adoption of Artificial Intelligence (AI) is further advanced. Research about AI in the public field is still in the early stages, but publications have increased in the last few years. This paper analyzes the current literature regarding the adoption of AI in the public sector. The goal is to evaluate if there are suitable frameworks that help public institutions introduce, build, and run AI applications. To this goal, articles are evaluated how much the existing frameworks support the adoption AI process

    Determination of College Expectations in OECD Countries: The Role of Individual and Structural Factors

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    Renowned international experts in higher education financing have argued that, owing to large government deficits, tertiary education will not be able to open up and meet growing demand unless cost-sharing principles and efficient student financial aid programmes are introduced. Opponents of cost-sharing in higher education object that introducing tuition fees will raise inequality in access to higher education. Drawing on OECD data, and focusing on college expectations, the authors argue that the effects of ability, gender, and socio-economic background on college expectations are primarily shaped by the characteristics of secondary education systems, such as the degree of stratification and vocational specificity of secondary schools, while the principal characteristics of the tertiary education system, such as enrolment rates and the model of financing, play a much less important role. The results clearly show that, after controlling for the effects of secondary school system characteristics, cost-sharing, as such or by degree, does not affect the formation of college expectations by ability, gender, and socio-economic background as much as the selectivity of the secondary school system does

    Přechod mezi střední a vysokou školou a role různých modelů přijímacích řízení

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    The study evaluates the potential impact of alternative models of university entrance exams – a model based on field-specific knowledge and a model relying on general aptitude tests – in the context of the Czech education system since 1998, a system that can be described as highly stratified and suffering from a notable excess of demand for higher education over supply. Using the dataset Sonda Maturant 1998, the authors show that entrance exams based on general aptitude tests may outperform the field-specific knowledge model in terms of providing access to talented students from a lower socioeconomic background. The simulations show that under the general aptitude regime the relative chances of an applicant with a university-educated father are only one-quarter higher than the relative chances of a student with a less educated father, compared to more than a one-third difference in the case of the regime emphasising field-specific knowledge. For mother’s education, the respective odds ratios differ by the even larger margin of 28 percentage points

    Rozdílné mechanismy – stejné nerovnosti. Změny v determinaci vzdělanostních aspirací mezi roky 1989 a 2003

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    The article focuses on the changes in the determination of educational aspirations that took place in the Czech Republic during its social, political and economic transformation. The aim of the article is to contribute to a deeper understanding of the changes in the stratification system after 1989, which were significantly influenced by changes in the causal mechanisms behind the formation of educational aspirations. Those changes in the determinants of educational aspirations were themselves largely driven by the expansion of economic returns to education and thus the increasing significance of education for life success. The empirical research is based on a comparison of data from the ‘Family ‘89’ (Rodina ’89) survey conducted in January 1989 and the Czech module of the longitudinal survey PISA-L 2003. The analyses were carried out with the hypothesis that the social origin of the background family had a much stronger direct impact on the educational aspirations of adolescents in 1989, while in 2003 social origin had a much stronger indirect influence. The stronger direct impact in 1989 was due to the very limited access to higher education under socialism and the role higher education played in the reproduction of the cultural elite. But with the gradual expansion of, and the rapidly increasing returns to, higher education during the transition period, social origin began to have a largely indirect effect on aspirations, particularly through the value pupils began to place on higher education as a means of ensuring a higher degree of life success. The authors’ empirical findings confirm the hypothesis about the change from direct to indirect effects and highlight the importance of researching educational aspirations from a historical point of view and in the context of social change

    Maintenance ideal model in Industry 4.0 – A transformation strategy roadmap to readiness factor calculation

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    The main purpose of this article is to analyze current status of companies’ readiness factor for 4th industrial revolution. Also, we wanted to present a maintenance model idea for a company implementing Industry 4.0. principles. Based on our previous research, firstly machinery maintenance as a phenomenon and its place in a production process is presented. Since every author defines machinery maintenance on its own, we try to choose one, which “fits” best for us. Various types of different approaches to maintenance (based on historical, socio-economic or production factors) are presented here. Also, a correlation between the industrial revolutions and machinery maintenance is shown. In the next part of the article various types of machinery maintenance (according to many different conditions) are presented. Also, based on the previous research there is an obvious correlation between the level of Maintenance and Industrial Revolutions presented. Main part of the article presents an ideal model proposition of maintenance in Industry 4.0. This is based on three main components: hardware, software, humans and organization. This also correlates with the previous research which was made

    Complex matching of RDF datatype properties

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    Property mapping is a fundamental component of ontology matching, and yet there is little support that goes beyond the identification of single property matches. Real data often requires some degree of composition, trivially exemplified by the mapping of "first name" and "last name" to "full name" on one end, to complex matchings, such as parsing and pairing symbol/digit strings to SSN numbers, at the other end of the spectrum. In this paper, we propose a two-phase instance-based technique for complex datatype property matching. Phase 1 computes the Estimate Mutual Information matrix of the property values to (1) find simple, 1:1 matches, and (2) compute a list of possible complex matches. Phase 2 applies Genetic Programming to the much reduced search space of candidate matches to find complex matches. We conclude with experimental results that illustrate how the technique works. Furthermore, we show that the proposed technique greatly improves results over those obtained if the Estimate Mutual Information matrix or the Genetic Programming techniques were to be used independently. The final publication is available at Springer via http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-40285-2_18