269 research outputs found

    Evaluación de la calidad de las leches pasteurizadas en EL SALVADOR

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    En un país como El Salvador, con una extensión territorial pequeña y con una tasa de crecimiento poblacional cada vez mayor, el problema de la alimentación se agudiza de modo especial en la población infanto- juvenil


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    Introduction: In recent years, the teaching-learning process has been changing from face-to-face to virtual mode progressively worldwide, this was significantly accelerated due to the COVID-19 pandemic, where the classroom went from face-to-face to virtual format, affecting all levels of education, many countries had to make a leap to digital knowledge more out of necessity than technological growth, which leads to seeking solutions to new problems from the virtual environment. Today in the new normal from now on, the virtual environment will be developed in parallel with the face-to-face environment. The objective of this research was to identify the emotional state that students have in the virtual classroom, to allow the teacher to evaluate the perception that students have during their class session and thus improve their teaching-learning strategies in real time. Method: An application in artificial intelligence with neural networks was proposed to capture the emotional state of students in the virtual classroom in real time to show the teacher the perception of their students during the virtual class session. Results: The results obtained allow to show the states of the group of students so that the teacher can perceive the sensation within their students at the time of the class and thus improve their teaching-learning strategies in real time. Conclusions: It is concluded that it is an efficient form of continuous improvement for active learning processes within the classroom in real time.Introducción: En los últimos años, el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje ha ido cambiando del modo presencial al virtual de forma progresiva a nivel mundial, esto se aceleró significativamente a causa de la pandemia del COVID-19 afectando todos los niveles de la educación, muchos países tuvieron que dar un salto al conocimiento digital, más por necesidad que por crecimiento tecnológico, lo cual originó buscar soluciones a los nuevos problemas a partir del entorno virtual. Hoy en la nueva normalidad, el entorno virtual se desarrollará paralelamente con el entorno presencial. El objetivo de la presente investigación fue identificar el estado emocional que tienen los estudiantes en el aula virtual, para permitir al docente evaluar la percepción que tienen los estudiantes durante su sesión de clase y así mejorar sus estrategias de enseñanza-aprendizaje en tiempo real. Método: Se propuso una aplicación de inteligencia artificial con redes neuronales que permiten capturar el estado emocional de los estudiantes dentro del aula virtual en tiempo real para mostrar al docente la percepción de sus estudiantes durante la sesión de clase virtual. Resultados: Los resultados obtenidos muestran el estado emocional de los estudiantes dentro del aula, para que el docente pueda evaluar y así mejore en tiempo real sus estrategias dentro del proceso enseñanza-aprendizaje. Conclusiones: Se concluye que es una forma eficiente de mejora continua para los procesos del aprendizaje activo dentro del aula en tiempo real.Введение: В последние годы во всем мире процесс преподавания-обучения постепенно переходит от очного к виртуальному режиму, это значительно ускорилось из-за пандемии COVID-19, затронувшей все уровни образования, многим странам пришлось совершить скачок к цифровым знаниям, больше из-за необходимости, чем из-за технологического роста, который возник для поиска решений новых проблем из виртуальной среды. Сегодня, в условиях новой нормальности, виртуальная среда будет развиваться параллельно с очной средой. Целью данного исследования было определить эмоциональное состояние студентов в виртуальном классе, чтобы позволить преподавателю оценить восприятие студентов во время занятия и таким образом улучшить свои стратегии преподавания-обучения в режиме реального времени. Метод: Было предложено приложение искусственного интеллекта с нейронными сетями для захвата эмоционального состояния студентов в виртуальном классе в реальном времени, чтобы показать преподавателю восприятие своих студентов во время сеанса виртуального класса. Результаты: полученные результаты показывают эмоциональное состояние учеников в классе, чтобы учителя могли оценить и улучшить свои стратегии в процессе преподавания-обучения в режиме реального времени. Выводы: Сделан вывод, что это эффективная форма непрерывного совершенствования процессов активного обучения в классе в режиме реального времени.引言:近年来,全球范围内的教学过程逐渐从面对面向虚拟模式转变。由于 COVID-19 疫情影响了各级教育,这一进程显着加快,许多国家不得不做出飞速补充数字知识,而不仅仅是技术的增长。这一必要性促使我们从虚拟环境中寻找新问题的解决方案。在新常态的今天,虚拟环境将与面对面环境并行发展。本研究的目的是确定学生在虚拟课堂中的情绪状态,让教师能够评估学生在课堂上的感受,从而实时改进他们的教学策略。 研究方法:我们提出了一个带有神经网络的人工智能应用程序,可以实时捕捉虚拟教室中学生的情绪状态,以向教师展示学生在虚拟课堂上的感受。 研究结果:获得的结果显示了学生在课堂上的情绪状态,以便教师在教学过程中实时评估并改进他们的策略。 研究结论:得出的结论是,它是一种持续改进课堂内实时主动学习过程的有效形式

    A model-based hybrid approach for circuit breaker prognostics encompassing dynamic reliability and uncertainty

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    Prognostics predictions estimate the remaining useful life of assets. This information enables the implementation of condition-based maintenance strategies by scheduling intervention when failure is imminent. Circuit breakers are key assets for the correct operation of the power network, fulfilling both a protection and a network reconfiguration role. Certain breakers will perform switching on a deterministic schedule, while operating stochastically in response to network faults. Both types of operation increase wear on the main contact, with high fault currents leading to more rapid ageing. This paper presents a hybrid approach for prognostics of circuit breakers, which integrates deterministic and stochastic operation through Piecewise Deterministic Markov Processes. The main contributions of this paper are (i) the integration of hybrid prognostics models with dynamic reliability concepts for a more accurate remaining useful life forecasting and (ii) the uncertain failure threshold modelling to integrate and propagate uncertain failure evaluation levels in the prognostics estimation process. Results show the effect of dynamic operation conditions on prognostics predictions and confirm the potential for its use within a condition-based maintenance strategy

    Concepto clínico de la albuminuria

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    Memoria presentada para optar al grado de doctor en Medicina y Cirujía por José Luis Madero y SegoviaMemoria presentada para optar al grado de doctor en Medicina y Cirugía por José Luis Madero y Segovia, ex alumno interno por oposición del Hospital Clínico de la Facultad de Medicina de Cádiz, Premio extraordinario de la Licenciatura, Medico por oposición de la Beneficencia municipal de Cádiz, Académico electo de la Real Academia de Medicina y Cirugía de esta capital. Individuo de la Asamblea Suprema de la Cruz Roja46 p., [1] h.; 21 c

    Nucleon-to-Roper electromagnetic transition form factors at large-Q2Q^2

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    High-precision nucleon-resonance electroproduction data on a large kinematic domain of energy and momentum transfer have proven crucial in revealing novel features of strong interactions within the Standard Model and unfolding structural details of baryon excited states. Thus, in anticipation of new data reaching to unprecedented photon virtuality, we employ a quark-diquark approximation to the three valence-quark bound-state problem to compute γpR+\gamma^\ast p \to R^+ and γnR0\gamma^\ast n \to R^0 transition form factors on Q2/mN2[0,12]Q^2/m_N^2 \in [0,12], where mNm_N is the nucleon mass. Having simultaneously analysed both charged and neutral channels, we also provide a quark-flavour separation of the transition form factors. The results should be useful in planning new-generation experiments.Comment: 13 pages, 10 figures, 1 tabl


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    Purpose – This paper aims to examine the critical elements for female chefs in overcoming the glass ceiling in a relevant sector of the hospitality industry: haute cuisine. Design – It is based on an empirical study. We surveyed 202 cooks and chefs from France, the US and Spain. Methodology – The data were analysed using fuzzy set qualitative comparative analysis (fsQCA). The fsQCA identifies patterns or combinations of causal conditions that lead to an outcome to evaluate the variety of conditions that produce high career expectations among female professional chefs. Approach – Although the status of women in the hospitality industry has received academic attention, there is still a gap in research on gender discrimination in haute cuisine, specifically regarding the factors that enable for women’s advancement to chef. Findings – Six variables were identified that impact female chefs\u27 career advancement (entrepreneurial attitude, mentoring, career expectations, workplace environment, skills learned on the job, and their perception of a glass ceiling). The results show that entrepreneurial attitude is a critical enabler for the career advancement of female chefs. This factor is moderated by incumbents\u27 skills acquired in the workplace, combined with adequate mentoring, which facilitates the absence of a harsh environment perception by female chefs. Originality of the research – The theoretical framework developed for this study contributes to the literature on female entrepreneurship in haute cuisine and its contribution to overcoming gender barriers to advancement in the sector