370 research outputs found

    Improving edge finite element assembly for geophysical electromagnetic modelling on shared-memory architectures

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    This work presents a set of node-level optimizations to perform the assembly of edge finite element matrices that arise in 3D geophysical electromagnetic modelling on shared-memory architectures. Firstly, we describe the traditional and sequential assembly approach. Secondly, we depict our vectorized and shared-memory strategy which does not require any low level instructions because it is based on an interpreted programming language, namely, Python. As a result, we obtained a simple parallel-vectorized algorithm whose runtime performance is considerably better than sequential version. The set of optimizations have been included to the work-flow of the Parallel Edge-based Tool for Geophysical Electromagnetic Modelling (PETGEM) which is developed as open-source at the Barcelona Supercomputing Center. Finally, we present numerical results for a set of tests in order to illustrate the performance of our strategy.This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Sklodowska-Curie grant agreement No. 644202. The research leading to these results has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 Programme (2014-2020) and from Brazilian Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation through Rede Nacional de Pesquisa (RNP) under the HPC4E Project (www.hpc4e.eu), grant agreement No. 689772. Authors gratefully acknowledge the support from the Mexican National Council for Science and Technology (CONACYT). All numerical tests were performed on the MareNostrum supercomputer of the Barcelona Supercomputing Center - Centro Nacional de Supercomputación (www.bsc.es).Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Detailed structural analysis of Mallorca Cathedral's structure on a global model

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    Mallorca cathedral, an outstanding Gothic building showing one of the more audacious structures built in Europe during the Middle Age, has been researched by the Department of Construction Engineering of UPC for more than 10 years. The building includes very interesting structural innovations and some specific seismic resistant devices, such as diaphragmatic arches. However, previous structural analyses have pointed out that the structure might show only limited seismic strength due to the slenderness of the structural members and the large dimension of its vaults. A refined seismic analysis is needed to understand the true seismic performance of the building. This dissertation is a continuation of a previous one done during course 2007-2008 (Ajoy Das, 2008), consisting of a FEM non-linear analysis of typical bay structure. For the present dissertation, we analyzed the results from an already available FEM model involving the entire structure, including the entire nave, chapels, façades and towers. The used model analyzes the response of the structure under gravity loading and earthquake considering linear and nonlinear behavior of the material. The dissertation included the following activities: (1) Inspection and understanding of the structure. Review of previous works regarding historical research, inspection and structural analysis; (2) Characterization of the seismic actions based on some previous works; (3) Research on past seismic performance; (4) Validating the model and using it to carry out structural analysis by means of sophisticated computer tools. Computer codes DIANA were used for this purpose. (5) Conclusions on the performance of the structure in these conditions of analyses

    Relevance of Higher Education. How to measure it? The case of masters of engineering in Peru

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    Existing evaluation models for higher education have, mainly, accreditation purposes, and evaluate the efficiency of training programs, that is to say, the degree of suitability between the educational results and the objectives of the program. However, it is not guaranteed that those objectives adequate to the needs and real interests of students and stakeholders, that is to say, they do not assess the relevance of the programs, a very important aspect in developing countries. From the review of experiences, this paper proposes a model for evaluating the relevance of engineering masters program, and applies it to the case of a master?s degree at the University of Piura, Peru. We conclude that the proposed model is applicable to other masters program, offers an objective way for determining is a training program keep being relevant, and identifies improvement opportunitie

    Neuroscience and adversting. Attention, emotion and their relation with the awards received at Cannes International Advertising Awards

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    Una de las cuestiones recurrentes en publicidad está relacionada con la eficacia de la misma. En ocasiones, se mencionan los premios de publicidad obtenidos por los spots en festivales como medida de éxito. Sin embargo, los procesos psíquicos de atención y emoción registrados por los spots parecen un medio más fiable de medición del éxito, más incluso teniendo en cuenta la importancia de estos dos procesos mentales en la generación de recuerdo del spot por parte del público objetivo.Así, en este trabajo se midieron los niveles de atención y emoción generados mediante el estudio de la actividad electrodérmica en un grupo de veintidós personas.Posteriormente, se relacionó dicha medición con el premio concedido en el Festival de Cannes 2002 (León de Oro, Plata o Bronce) para conocer si los spots con premios Oro había obtenido mayores niveles de atención y emoción, o dicho de otra manera, si el jurado de dichos premios había concedido los mayores galardones a los spots que mayor atención y emoción habían desarrollado en el público, que a priori son los mejores o más eficaces considerada la actividad publicitaria en sí misma.Los resultados obtenidos permiten asociar objetivamente las tasas de cambio en la atención del espectador con la obtención de un premio Oro, y también entre el nivel medio de emoción registrado y los premios Oro, Plata o Bronce obtenidos (los anuncios con premios Oro obtuvieron niveles significativamente más altos de emoción que los spots que obtuvieron premios Plata, y estos respecto de los que consiguieron premios Bronce).Una de les qüestions recurrents en publicitat està relacionada amb l’eficàcia que té. De vegades, com a mesura d’èxit, s’esmenten els premis de publicitat que han obtingut els espots en festivals. No obstant això, els processos psíquics d’atenció i emoció enregistrats pels espots semblen un mitjà més fiable per a mesurar l’èxit, encara més tenint en compte la importància d’aquests dos processos mentals en el record que genera l’espot en el públic objectiu.Així, en aquest treball es van mesurar els nivells d’atenció i emoció generats mitjançant l’estudi de l’activitat electrodèrmica en un grup de 22 persones.Posteriorment es va relacionar aquest mesurament amb el premi obtingut al Festival de Cannes 2002 (Lleó d’Or, Plata o Bronze) per saber si els espots amb Lleó d’Or havien provocat més atenció i emoció, o dit d’una altra manera, si el jurat d’aquests premis havia concedit els principals guardons als espots que havien generat més atenció i emoció en el públic, que a priori són els millors o els més eficaços si considerem l’activitat publicitària en ella mateixa.Els resultats obtinguts permeten associar objectivament les taxes de canvi en l’atenció de l’espectador amb l’obtenció d’un Lleó d’Or, i també entre el nivell mitjà d’emoció enregistrat i els premis d’Or, Plata i Bronze obtinguts (els anuncis amb Lleó d’Or van obtenir nivells significativament més alts d’emoció que els espots que van aconseguir el Lleó de Plata, i aquests en van obtenir més en comparació amb els que van guanyar el Lleó de Bronze).One of the most recurrent issues in advertising is related to effectiveness. Sometimes the obtained advertising awards are used as a measure of success. However, the psychological processes of attention and excitement recorded by the spots seem to be a more reliable indicator for measuring success, even more so considering the importance of these two mental processes in the generation of memories by the target audience.Thus, in this work we measured electro-dermal activity in a group of 22 people to analyze their attention and emotion levels while they were watching Cannes Advertising Awards.Later this measurement was related to the prize awarded at the Cannes Film Festival 2002 (Golden, Silver or Bronze Lions) to investigate if the spots with Gold awards obtained higher levels of attention and emotion.The results show significant relation between higher rates of change in attention and receiving a gold award. Moreover, higher emotion levels and better prizes obtained were also significantly related (gold award announcements had significantly higher levels of emotion than the spots where silver awards were obtained, and these higher than where they won bronze awards)

    A gaze to rural education according to scientific discourses during the last decade

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    He largest proportion of illiteracy and lack of access to education in the world is concentrated in rural areas; therefore it is important to ensure there is access to quality education in these spots. This challenge is assumed by different branches of social research and it is reflected within the publication of articles in scientific journals. In the present document the scientific discourse surrounding the theme of rural education during the last decade was analyzed. To do this, the paper focuses on three aspects: the countries that set the agenda, the geographical areas that represent most of the attention and the prevalent themes within continents. It was observed that USA was the most productive country in terms of scientific writings with 30%; that Asia is really interested in health issues associated to rural education; that in Europe gender issues are on the table and that the African and Asian continents, as well as Latin America, are interested only on their own issues, as 100% of the times they only wrote about themselves

    Social involvement for community development in rural areas of Cuenca, Spain

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    Community development must be accompanied by a social involvement process which creates functional groups of citizens capable of taking responsibility for their own development. It is important that this process promotes the structuring of all population groups and provides the appropriate institutional and technical support. The present paper addresses these issues based on over 25 years of experience by the Association Instituto de Desarrollo Comunitario de Cuenca in revitalizing rural areas of the Spanish province of Cuenca. This paper analyses the social involvement process encouraged by this association, the relationships between public institutions and local associations, the role of these associations and the difficulties encountered in the rural areas. The long-term perspective of this experience provides some keys which can be used to successfully support the process of social involvement ―such as information on its characteristics and methodological tools―, establish local associations and create sustainable partnerships that foster the growth of leadership within the community development process