2,022 research outputs found

    On the Structure of Noncommutative N=2 Super Yang-Mills Theory

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    We show that the recently proposed formulation of noncommutative N=2 Super Yang-Mills theory implies that the commutative and noncommutative effective coupling constants \tau(u) and \tau_{nc}(u) coincide. We then introduce a key relation which allows to find a nontrivial solution of such equation, thus fixing the form of the low-energy effective action. The dependence on the noncommutative parameter arises from a rational function deforming the Seiberg-Witten differential.Comment: 1+5 pages, LaTe

    BF Theories and Group-Level Duality

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    It is known that the partition function and correlators of the two-dimensional topological field theory GK(N)/GK(N)G_K(N)/ G_K(N) on the Riemann surface Σg,s\Sigma_{g,s} is given by Verlinde numbers, dim(Vg,s,KV_{g,s,K}) and that the large KK limit of dim(Vg,s,KV_{g,s,K}) gives Vol(Ms{\cal M}_s), the volume of the moduli space of flat connections of gauge group G(N)G(N) on Σg,s\Sigma_{g,s}, up to a power of KK. Given this relationship, we complete the computation of Vol(Ms{\cal M}_s) using only algebraic results from conformal field theory. The group-level duality of G(N)KG(N)_K is used to show that if G(N)G(N) is a classical group, then limNGK(N)/GK(N)\displaystyle \lim_{N\rightarrow \infty} G_K(N) / G_K(N) is a BF theory with gauge group G(K)G(K). Therefore this limit computes Vol(Ms{\cal M}^\prime_s), the volume of the moduli space of flat connections of gauge group G(K)G(K)

    Evaluación del Grado de Biología de la Facultad de Ciencias de la Universidad de Alicante

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    Una vez implantado el Grado de Biología, es el momento de hacer una revisión profunda de los resultados obtenidos, con el fin de comprobar si éstos son adecuados para garantizar la continuidad de la impartición del mismo. Esta comunicación se presenta como resultado del trabajo que se está realizando en el seno de la Comisión del Grado en Biología, que es el grupo encargado de realizar la autoevaluación de dicho grado. La revisión se centra en comprobar la adquisición de competencias por parte de los estudiantes, en los recursos humanos y materiales que soportan el desarrollo del título y en el análisis de la evolución de los resultados del mismo. Todo ello en tres ámbitos principales: la Gestión del Título, los Recursos de los que se dispone y por último los Resultados obtenidos. Toda esta información será de gran ayuda para poder detectar las fortalezas y debilidades del grado, y de este modo poder reforzar aquellos puntos que se revelen más débiles

    Seguimiento del grado de Ciencias del Mar. Curso 2014-15

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    Una vez implantado completamente el Grado de Ciencias del Mar en la Universidad de Alicante y a punto de finalizar la segunda promoción, es el momento de revisar el funcionamiento del programa formativo. Por una parte, es necesario continuar con el intenso trabajo de coordinación horizontal y vertical para asegurar la coherencia en contenidos, metodologías, evaluación y guías docentes. Y por otra parte, hay que evaluar si los posibles errores detectados con anterioridad han sido resueltos. Como metodología de trabajo, desde la Facultad de Ciencias se han constituido ocho comisiones de semestre. Cada una de estas comisiones está integrada por un coordinador de semestre, los responsables de las asignaturas de ese semestre, el coordinador del Grado y el/la delegado/a del alumnado. Cada una de estas comisiones se reúne, por lo menos, dos veces por curso. Los resultados de este trabajo permiten la detección de problemas actuales y si las medidas adoptadas han sido útiles para solucionar incidencias pasadas

    Nonreductive WZW models and their CFTs

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    We study two-dimensional WZW models with target space a nonreductive Lie group. Such models exist whenever the Lie group possesses a bi-invariant metric. We show that such WZW models provide a lagrangian description of the nonreductive (affine) Sugawara construction. We investigate the gauged WZW models and we prove that gauging a diagonal subgroup results in a conformal field theory which can be identified with a coset construction. A large class of exact four-dimensional string backgrounds arise in this fashion. We then study the topological conformal field theory resulting from the G/GG/G coset. We identify the Kazama algebra extending the BRST algebra, and the BV algebra structure in BRST cohomology which it induces.Comment: dvi.uu (34 pages

    On the Picard-Fuchs Equations for Massive N=2 Seiberg-Witten Theories

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    A new method to obtain the Picard-Fuchs equations of effective, N=2 supersymmetric gauge theories with massive matter hypermultiplets in the fundamental representation is presented. It generalises a previously described method to derive the Picard-Fuchs equations of both pure super Yang-Mills and supersymmetric gauge theories with massless matter hypermultiplets. The techniques developed are well suited to symbolic computer calculations.Comment: 29 pages, uses phyzzx.te

    Cannabinoid pharmacology/therapeutics in chronic degenerative disorders affecting the central nervous system

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    The endocannabinoid system (ECS) exerts a modulatory effect of important functions such as neurotransmission, glial activation, oxidative stress, or protein homeostasis. Dysregulation of these cellular processes is a common neuropathological hallmark in aging and in neurodegenerative diseases of the central nervous system (CNS). The broad spectrum of actions of cannabinoids allows targeting different aspects of these multifactorial diseases. In this review, we examine the therapeutic potential of the ECS for the treatment of chronic neurodegenerative diseases of the CNS focusing on Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease, Huntington's disease, and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. First, we describe the localization of the molecular components of the ECS and how they are altered under neurodegenerative conditions, either contributing to or protecting cells from degeneration. Second, we address recent advances in the modulation of the ECS using experimental models through different strategies including the direct targeting of cannabinoid receptors with agonists or antagonists, increasing the endocannabinoid tone by the inhibition of endocannabinoid hydrolysis, and activation of cannabinoid receptor-independent effects. Preclinical evidence indicates that cannabinoid pharmacology is complex but supports the therapeutic potential of targeting the ECS. Third, we review the clinical evidence and discuss the future perspectives on how to bridge human and animal studies to develop cannabinoid-based therapies for each neurodegenerative disorder. Finally, we summarize the most relevant opportunities of cannabinoid pharmacology related to each disease and the multiple unexplored pathways in cannabinoid pharmacology that could be useful for the treatment of neurodegenerative diseases