1,496 research outputs found

    Development of a new salmon salting smoking method and process monitoring by impedance spectroscopy

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    [EN] In this work two objectives were proposed: (i) to optimize a new salmon salting smoking method using vacuum packaging and (ii) to evaluate the application of impedance spectroscopy (IS) to the on-line monitoring of the process. Different processing conditions were evaluated (4 smoke flavoring (SF) salt concentrations, 3 salting times, salting in vacuum or in air). Physico-chemical analyses and IS measurements were performed with three different sensors during the process. Salting with 16 g SF salt/100 g fish in vacuum packaging provided smoked salmon similar to products currently available on the market. This new method has the advantages of reducing processing times and waste. IS measurements were carried out by three different electrodes. The most appropriate sensor for process monitoring was a needle electrode, with which robust prediction models for NaCl content, moisture and a,,, during the salting smoking process were obtained. The results showed the potential of IS as a rapid on-line monitoring method of the salmon salting smoking process. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.The authors gratefully acknowledge the financial support for the work reported here received from the Generalitat Valenciana (GV/2011/098) and the Universitat Politecnica de Valencia (UPV) (PAID-06-09-2940). A. Fuentes would like to thank the Campus de Excelencia Internacional at the UPV for its support. The proof-reading of this paper was funded by the UPV, Spain.Rizo Párraga, AM.; Fuentes López, A.; Fernández Segovia, I.; Masot Peris, R.; Alcañiz Fillol, M.; Barat Baviera, JM. (2013). Development of a new salmon salting smoking method and process monitoring by impedance spectroscopy. LWT - Food Science and Technology. 51(1):218-224. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.lwt.2012.09.025S21822451

    Information Technology and Competitive Advantage: The Role of the Ownership Structure

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    This paper analyses the relationship between information technology use (IT) and competitive advantage. Previous empirical research shows that IT improves competitive advantage when it acts together with some human or managerial resources of an intangible nature. In this work we propose a new complementary resource to IT: democratic ownership structure. We empirically analyse whether ownership structure and IT have a positive, combined impact on competitive advantage. Results show that ownership structure is a key element in explaining competitive advantage differences. Nonetheless, we did not find any IT-ownership structure complementary effect

    Paving the road for flipped teaching in Spanish universities

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    Spanish university lecturers have traditionally spent most of their contact time with students explaining theory in the classroom. Once the theoretical contents have been presented, lecturers demonstrate (with little or no student participation) several reinforcing examples and practical exercises. Student involvement only occurs when they are asked to perform a series of tasks and exercises after the lesson and generally outside the classroom. Active learning methodologies have been proven to significantly enhance the teaching-learning process, and fortunately, Spanish universities are increasingly promoting these approaches. Among these active learning methodologies, flip teaching is one of the most frequently adopted teaching strategies. However, the introduction of flip teaching poses challenges and requires a radical change of mentality from lecturers and students. To succeed, participants must abandon former work habits and work on the theoretical concepts outside the classroom, while significantly increasing the degree of interaction inside and outside the classroom. Lecturers must spearhead this process of change, but success can only be achieved with student involvement. This paper shows how flip teaching was implemented in a subject within the MSc in Project Management course at the Universitat Politècnica de València. Emphasis is given to active teaching strategy and the three basic components on which it relies: students, faculty, and the teaching learning methodology. Results and conclusions extend the discussion and provides some guidelines on facilitating the (necessary) adoption of this and other active learning methodologies in Spanish universities

    Presence of palm oil in foodstuffs: consumers' perception

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    Purpose - The purpose of this paper is to determine the presence of palm oil in food products on sale, and to study and compare consumers' opinions about this oil type in Spain (importing country) and Peru (producing country). Design/methodology/approach - Recent news published in both countries, which could influence consumer perceptions, were analysed. A study on the labelling of foodstuffs in Spain was carried out, as was a survey with Spanish and Peruvian consumers. Findings - Palm oil was found in a large number of products and in a wide range of foods, especially those from the bakery sector. The percentages of saturated fats varied substantially within the same product type. Spanish consumers showed much more interest in the labelling and information on nutritional properties, especially energy values, saturated fats and sugars, while Peruvians focused more on energy values, and protein, vitamin and mineral contents. In Spain, palm oil was considered the worst quality fat/oil and had a clearly negative effect on both health and the environment. In Peru, palm oil was neither perceived by the majority of respondents as low quality oil nor associated with negative health effects. However, they were aware of the environmental problems that could result from its production. Originality/value - These results confirm that the food industry should make efforts to reduce or replace palm oil in foods, mainly in Spain, as most consumers believe that palm oil negatively affects their health and the environmen

    Identification of zoonotic genotypes of Giardia duodenalis

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    Giardia duodenalis, originally regarded as a commensal organism, is the etiologic agent of giardiasis, a gastrointestinal disease of humans and animals. Giardiasis causes major public and veterinary health concerns worldwide. Transmission is either direct, through the faecal-oral route, or indirect, through ingestion of contaminated water or food. Genetic characterization of G. duodenalis isolates has revealed the existence of seven groups (assemblages A to G) which differ in their host distribution. Assemblages A and B are found in humans and in many other mammals, but the role of animals in the epidemiology of human infection is still unclear, despite the fact that the zoonotic potential of Giardia was recognised by the WHO some 30 years ago. Here, we performed an extensive genetic characterization of 978 human and 1440 animal isolates, which together comprise 3886 sequences from 4 genetic loci. The data were assembled into a molecular epidemiological database developed by a European network of public and veterinary health Institutions. Genotyping was performed at different levels of resolution (single and multiple loci on the same dataset). The zoonotic potential of both assemblages A and B is evident when studied at the level of assemblages, sub-assemblages, and even at each single locus. However, when genotypes are defined using a multi-locus sequence typing scheme, only 2 multi-locus genotypes (MLG) of assemblage A and none of assemblage B appear to have a zoonotic potential. Surprisingly, mixtures of genotypes in individual isolates were repeatedly observed. Possible explanations are the uptake of genetically different Giardia cysts by a host, or subsequent infection of an already infected host, likely without overt symptoms, with a different Giardia species, which may cause disease. Other explanations for mixed genotypes, particularly for assemblage B, are substantial allelic sequence heterogeneity and/or genetic recombination. Although the zoonotic potential of G. duodenalis is evident, evidence on the contribution and frequency is (still) lacking. This newly developed molecular database has the potential to tackle intricate epidemiological questions concerning protozoan diseases.This study was partially funded by the European MED-VET-NET project contract FOOD-CT-2004-506122, and by the Dutch Food and Consumer Product Safety Authority (VWA). The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript.S

    Factores condicionantes de la lactancia en recién nacidos sanos del Hospital Universitario Clínica San Rafael (HUCSR)

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    Tradicionalmente se han descrito factores asociados a la Lactancia que varían en las diferentes culturas. En Colombia, los indicadores de prevalencia de la Lactancia materna exclusiva y duración de la Lactancia están lejos de las recomendaciones establecidas por la Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS). El Departamento de Pediatría del Hospital Universitario Clínica San Rafael, teniendo en cuenta los beneficios que la leche materna tiene, ha venido trabajando en los últimos años en pro de rescatar la lactancia como una práctica cultural adecuada. En respuesta a esta necesidad creó en Agosto de 2004 el programa institucional de Lactancia “Primero los niños, niñas y adolescentes”, a partir del cual surgieron varios interrogantes acerca del comportamiento de la lactancia en nuestro medio, que dieron origen al presente trabajo de investigación. Se diseñó un estudio de cohorte prospectivo realizado mediante la aplicación de una encuesta a 372 madres de recién nacidos sanos en postparto. La cohorte se reclutó entre julio de 2007 y junio de 2008 y se siguió hasta los 24 meses de edad del bebé con el fin de determinar la duración de la lactancia, sus factores condicionantes y las causas más frecuentes de su abandono. Se estableció la salida de los pacientes del estudio al cumplir 24 meses (recomendación de la OMS de la duración de lactancia) o al documentar su abandono antes de los 24 meses. Se encontró una lactancia materna exclusiva a los 6 meses de 14.7% y una duración acumulada de 14 meses para la población analizada