3,292 research outputs found

    Experimental Investigation of Heat Transfer in Components of a Hermetic Reciprocating Compressor under Thermal Transient

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    Heat transfer has an important role on the efficiency and reliability of hermetic reciprocating compressors adopted for household refrigeration. Most analyses of such compressors are carried out for fully-cyclic operating conditions based on established procedures and standards. However, since household refrigeration systems work by alternating periods in which the compressor is on (ON) and idle (OFF), the performance assessment of compressors should take into account the ON/OFF cyclic operation. This paper presents an experimental study of the heat transfer in components of a hermetic reciprocating compressor during thermal transients due to ON/OFF cyclic operation. The compressor was instrumented with thin-film heat flux sensors and thermocouples to evaluate time-varying heat transfer coefficients. We found that heat flux in some regions is significantly affected by the cyclic operating condition. Moreover, the investigation revealed the presence of different time scales due to distinct thermal inertia and heat transfer associated with each component

    Gestão participativa e produtividade : uma abordagem da ergonomia

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    TESE (doutor) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro TecnologicoO título do trabalho "Gestão participativa e produtividade: uma abordagem da ergonomia", apresenta explicitamente os temas que estão sendo tratados. Pelas experiências vividas, pelos contatos realizados e pela revisão bibliográfica realizada foi constituído o entendimento que a gestão no futuro será, de alguma maneira, estabelecida com base em processos participativos. Isto passou a ser a primeira hipótese do trabalho. Ao buscar como os processos participativos estavam sendo obtidos apareceu de forma clara que os que estavam sendo experimentados apresentavam grandes conflitos. Frente a isto, passou a ser importante estudar formas de se obter processos participativos, que oferecessem resultados finais menos conflituosos reativamente. Os homens possuem, individualmente, limitações e capacidades. Na atividade de trabalho, se estas forem prioritariamente respeitadas, haverá uma tendência do homem a desempenhar suas atividades com maior criatividade, inteligência e com grandes possibilidades de desenvolver sistemas participativos com menos conflitos reativos, mantendo e até desenvolvendo a estrutura de conflitos proativos. Em outras palavras pode-se apresentar esta hipótese na seguinte forma: a ergonomia poderá ser uma plataforma para obtenção de sistemas participativos, ou ainda que os ambientes quando impregnados de ergonomia estarão mais propensos ao desenvolvimento de sistemas participativos. Com estas hipótese formuladas passou-se a estudar detalhada e aprofundadamente as questões da participação, produtividade, ergonomia, organização do trabalho, da qualidade de vida e das formas de gestão

    Análise multi-critério aplicada ao mapeamento da suscetibilidade a escorregamentos

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    This paper presents the application of a multi-criteria analysis (MCA) tool for landslide susceptibility assessment in Porto Alegre municipality, southern Brazil. A knowledge driven approach was used, aiming to ensure an optimal use of the available information. The landslide conditioning factors considered were slope, lithology, fl ow accumulation and distance from lineaments. Standardization of these factors was done through fuzzy membership functions, and evaluation of their relative importance for landslide predisposition was supported by the analytic hierarchy process (AHP), based on local expert knowledge. Finally, factors were integrated in a GIS environment using the weighted linear combination (WLC) method. For validation, an inventory, including 107 landslide points recorded between 2007 and 2013 was used. Results indicated that 8.2% (39.40 km²) of the study area are highly and very highly susceptible to landslides. An overall accuracy of 95% was found, with an area under the receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve of 0.960. Therefore, the resulting map can be regarded as useful for monitoring landslide-prone areas. Based on the fi ndings, it is concluded that the proposed method is eff ective for susceptibility assessment since it yielded meaningful results and does not require extensive input data.Este estudo apresenta a aplicação de uma ferramenta de análise multi-critério para mapear a suscetibilidade a escorregamentos no município de Porto Alegre, sul do Brasil. Uma abordagem guiada pelo conhecimento de especialistas foi utilizada, com o intuito de otimizar a utilização das informações disponíveis. Os fatores condicionantes dos escorregamentos considerados foram declividade, litologia, acúmulo defl uxo e distância de lineamentos. A padronização desses fatores foi realizada por meio da aplicação de funções fuzzy e a importância relativa de cada um na predisposição do terreno a escorregamentos foi estabelecida com o apoio da técnica AHP (Analytic Hierarchy Process), com base no conhecimento de especialistas locais. Por fi m, a integração dos fatores em ambiente SIG se deu por meio do método denominado Combinação Linear Ponderada (WLC). Para validar os resultados, utilizou-se um mapa inventário contendo 107 cicatrizes de escorregamentos, registradas entre 2007 e 2013. Os resultados indicam que 8,2% (39,38 km²) da área de estudo possui uma suscetibilidade alta e muito alta a escorregamentos. A validação dos resultados obteve uma exatidão geral de 95%, com uma área abaixo da curva ROC (Receiver Operating Characteristic) de 0,960. Portanto, o mapa obtido pode ser considerado útil para monitorar as áreas propensas a esses processos. Com base nos resultados, conclui-se que o método proposto é efi caz para a avaliação da suscetibilidade, uma vez que os resultados obtidos são robustos e que não foi necessária uma quantidade extensa de dados de entrada

    Human Trafficking and Prostitution in Mozambique: the Mualy, Amalapos and the Police

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    This article discusses processes of human trafficking for prostitution in Mozambique It begins by situating the African continent within the dynamics of globalization processes associating human trafficking with poverty and discussing it as a profitable illegal activity conducted on a global scale It continues by presenting the historical factors and economic constraints that put the Mozambican population in a vulnerable situation in relation to human trafficking and prostitution The article then examines how the perceptions of police regarding women trafficked for prostitution are affected by the local institution referred to as Mualy Quantitative data come from the Statistic Brain Research Institute compiled from the following reports UNAIDS World Bank and Demographic Dividend for the period of 2010 to 2017 Qualitative data were collected through ten interviews with the Provincial Command Squads of the Police of the Mozambique Republic PRM of Nampula a city located in northern Mozambique Results show that cultural factors interfere with how Mozambican police perceive human trafficking for prostitution and that such interferences undermine authorities strategies to combat this type of crim

    Cross-Boundary Energy-Resources Assessment for an Integrated Sources Harnessing and Sustainable Development

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    The objective of this study is to evaluate the energy resources (ER) and the regulatory framework of the South American countries aiming at the sustainable development and to develop the South America Energy Integration (SAEI) in the long term focusing on structures such as transmission lines and pipelines. The methodology is based on the IERP (Integrated Energy-Resources Planning) and the analysis of the EI existing in South America. As result, the regulatory assessment provided evidence that the current structure is already in place with binational hydroelectric plants and transnational pipelines that promote energy integration. On the other hand, SAIE still needs an institutional evolution that gives more integration and quicker solutions to international arbitration. Finally, the construction of the attributes and sub-attributes and their respective valuations aiming at a SAEI strategy is not trivial, there is a need for the complete assessment of all the attributes and sub-attributes of the four dimensions established in the IERP methodology of the expansion of the SSERs analyzed to provide a strategy for the SAEI

    Captações de água subterrânea no campus da UFSM, Santa Maria – RS

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    Currently there is a significant increase in the use of groundwater due to lower processing cost,distribution, and especially water shortages. Since 1960 have been drilled over 50 tubular wells tosupply about 17.000 people, which circulate in the Federal University of Santa Maria Campus, RioGrande do Sul state, southern Brazil. However, circa the 20 tubular wells were active until 2006 tomeet one average consumption of 850m3/day. This was done entirely by wells being exploitedGuarani Aquifer System/GAS, Paraná Basin. The aim was to investigate the situation andavailability of the fresh groundwaters, through preparation of a database, analysis the operationcondition of the wells to provide technical information for the grant. It was found that the watersare in accordance with guidelines for human consumption. It was also noted that there is not agood control of the piezometric levels and there was a variation of the static levels of the wells,probable assocition with the increase in the water consumption, new buildings and/or on climatechange which alter the ability of the recharge. Presents one climatic water balance for one shortperiod by five years. The aquifer system is exploited with shallow wells ranging from 47m to 128mdeep with fresh water.Key-words: aquifer, tubularAtualmente há um aumento significativo do uso das águas subterrâneas, devido ao menor custo de tratamento, distribuição e, principalmente, escassez de recursos hídricos. Desde 1960 já foram perfurados mais 50 poços tubulares para abastecer cerca de 17.000 pessoas, que circulam no Campus da Universidade Federal de Santa Maria/UFSM, no Estado do Rio Grande do Sul. Até 2006, 20 captações supriam um consumo médio de 850m³/dia. Esse abastecimento era realizado totalmente por poços tubulares sendo as águas subterrâneas explotadas do Sistema Aquífero Guarani/SAG, na borda da Bacia do Paraná. O objetivo da pesquisa foi investigar a situação atual das captações e disponibilidade das águas subterrâneas, através da preparação de um banco de dados incluindo a análise da condição de funcionamento dos poços e parâmetros hidrodinâmicos buscando subsidiar a gestão racional. Constatou-se que as águas estão de acordo com as normas estabelecidas para consumo humano. Ainda não há um bom controle dos níveis piezométricos. Notou-se uma variação dos níveis estáticos dos poços, provavelmente oriundos do aumento do consumo de água na construção de novos prédios e/ou relativos às alterações climáticas. Apresenta-se um balanço hídrico climático avaliado num curto período de cinco anos. O sistema aquífero explotado é raso com poços penetrando entre 47 m a 128 m de profundidade águas doces

    Semi-automatic rubble counting system for superheated droplet detectors

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    Neutron dose rate measurements are normally performed by means of PADC, CR-39 and TLD detectors. Although, none of these devices can give instant reading of the neutron dose, recently new kind of detectors are being developed, based on the formation of tiny drops in a superheated liquid suspended in a polymer or gel solution, called superheated droplet detector (SDD) or also as bubble detectors (BD), with no response for gamma radiation. This work describes the experimental setup and the developed procedures for acquiring and processing digital images obtained with bubble detector spectrometer (BDS), developed by Bubble Technology Industries, for personal neutron dosimeter and/or neutron energy fluence measurements in nuclear facilities. The results of the neutron measurements obtained during the F-18 production, at the RDS-111 cyclotron, are presented. These neutron measurements were the first ones with this type of BDS detectors in a particle accelerator facility in Brazil and it was very important to estimate neutron dose rate received by occupationally exposed individuals