34 research outputs found

    Septicemia due to Aeromonas hydrophila in a Pregnant Woman: A Case Report and Review of the Literature

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    Background: In the late 1960s, the first isolates of Aeromonas were recovered from human specimens. Presently, there is sufficient evidence to suggest that the different isolates of the genus Aeromonas are human pathogens. The most frequent site of infection is the digestive tract, although extraintestinal infection also occurs. In those cases involving septicemia, most infections occur in individuals with underlying diseases. This report presents the case of a pregnant woman with no underlying disease or signs of immunodeficiency who developed A. hydrophila septicemia at 24 weeks gestation

    El efecto del nivel de proteína y lípidos sobre la acción dinámica específica y la excreción postprandial en sub-adultos del camarón blanco Litopenaeus vannamei

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    The study aimed to evaluate the effect of 4 levels of dietary protein (20, 30, 40 and 50%) and lipids (2, 4, 8 and 16%) on the magnitude and duration of specific dynamic action (SDA) and postprandial nitrogen excretion in the subadult white shrimpLitopenaeus vannameiusing computer-controlled metabolic chambers (continuous-flow respirometer). We determined the oxygen consumption rate at 1 h intervals until the postprandial oxygen consumption rate returned to the pre-feeding level. Shrimp fed all the diets had significantly higher respiration rates after feeding due to the SDA. Oxygen consumption, the SDA coefficient and the SDA magnitude increased notably with increasing dietary protein content. Shrimp fed the 20% protein diet had the lowest levels of pre- and post-feeding respiration and the smallest SDA. A significant change in the SDA coefficient relative to each lipid level was not demonstrable. Additionally, nitrogenous excretion increased with an increase of dietary protein but not with an increase of lipid level. By estimating the SDA of subadults, the response to standard metabolic rate (SMR) was lower than that reported for juveniles and postlarva white shrimp

    The Cost of Providing Comprehensive HIV Services to Key Populations : An Analysis of the LINKAGES Program in Kenya and Malawi

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    Introduction: Timely data on HIV service costs are critical for estimating resource needs and allocating funding, but few data exist on the cost of HIV services for key populations (KPs) at higher risk of HIV infection in low- and middle-income countries. We aimed to estimate the total and per contact annual cost of providing comprehensive HIV services to KPs to inform planning and budgeting decisions. Methods: We collected cost data from the Linkages across the Continuum of HIV Services for Key Populations Affected by HIV (LINKAGES) program in Kenya and Malawi serving female and male sex workers, men who have sex with men, and transgender women. Data were collected prospectively for fiscal year (FY) 2019 and retrospectively for start-up activities conducted in FY2015 and FY2016. Data to estimate economic costs from the provider’s perspective were collected from LINKAGES headquarters, country offices, implementing partners (IPs), and drop-in centers (DICs). We used top-down and bottom-up cost estimation approaches. Results: Total economic costs for FY2019 were US6,175,960inKenyaandUS6,175,960 in Kenya and US4,261,207 in Malawi. The proportion of costs incurred in IPs and DICs was 66% in Kenya and 42% in Malawi. The costliest program areas were clinical services, management, peer outreach, and monitoring and data use. Mean cost per contact was US127inKenyaandUS127 in Kenya and US279 in Malawi, with a mean cost per contact in DICs and IPs of US63inKenyaandUS63 in Kenya and US104 in Malawi. Conclusion: Actions undertaken above the service level in headquarters and country offices along with those conducted below the service level in communities, comprised important proportions of KP HIV service costs. The costs of pre-service population mapping and size estimation activities were not negligible. Costing studies that focus on the service level alone are likely to underestimate the costs of delivering HIV services to KPs

    Evolving trends in the management of acute appendicitis during COVID-19 waves. The ACIE appy II study

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    Background: In 2020, ACIE Appy study showed that COVID-19 pandemic heavily affected the management of patients with acute appendicitis (AA) worldwide, with an increased rate of non-operative management (NOM) strategies and a trend toward open surgery due to concern of virus transmission by laparoscopy and controversial recommendations on this issue. The aim of this study was to survey again the same group of surgeons to assess if any difference in management attitudes of AA had occurred in the later stages of the outbreak. Methods: From August 15 to September 30, 2021, an online questionnaire was sent to all 709 participants of the ACIE Appy study. The questionnaire included questions on personal protective equipment (PPE), local policies and screening for SARS-CoV-2 infection, NOM, surgical approach and disease presentations in 2021. The results were compared with the results from the previous study. Results: A total of 476 answers were collected (response rate 67.1%). Screening policies were significatively improved with most patients screened regardless of symptoms (89.5% vs. 37.4%) with PCR and antigenic test as the preferred test (74.1% vs. 26.3%). More patients tested positive before surgery and commercial systems were the preferred ones to filter smoke plumes during laparoscopy. Laparoscopic appendicectomy was the first option in the treatment of AA, with a declined use of NOM. Conclusion: Management of AA has improved in the last waves of pandemic. Increased evidence regarding SARS-COV-2 infection along with a timely healthcare systems response has been translated into tailored attitudes and a better care for patients with AA worldwide

    Tilapia Culture in Geothermal Waters: A Case of Study in a Semi-Arid Region in North- Central Mexico

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    The objective of the present study was to implement and evaluate a semi-intensive Nile tilapia culture in a pond of 4, 900 m 2 serving with geothermal-water in a semi-arid region in the Central-North Plateau of Mexico. A total of 10,000 masculinized Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) fingerlings of 3.0±0.5 g of total body weight were introduced into the pond. The culture had duration of 10 months and during this time analysis of water quality, feeding and biometrical samples were realized and at the ending growth performance indicators were calculated. The results indicated that Nile tilapia at the end of the experiment reached a mean of 28 cm of total length and a mean of 360 g in total body weight, with a survival rate of 87%. The total yield obtained was of 6,000 kg/ha. This study demonstrated a high potential of Nile tilapia in semi-intensive culture in geothermal-waters ponds.El objetivo del presente estudio fue implementar y evaluar un cultivo semi-intensivo de tilapia del Nilo en un estanque de 4,900 m 2 sirviendo con agua geotérmica en una región semiárida de la Meseta Centro-Norte de México. Se introdujeron en el estanque un total de 10.000 alevines de tilapia del Nilo masculinizado (Oreochromis niloticus) de 3,0 ± 0,5 g de peso corporal total. El cultivo tuvo una duración de 10 meses y durante este tiempo se realizaron análisis de calidad de agua, alimentación y muestras biométricas y se calcularon los indicadores de rendimiento de crecimiento final. Los resultados indicaron que la tilapia del Nilo al final del experimento alcanzó una media de 28 cm de longitud total y una media de 360 ​​g en peso corporal total, con una tasa de supervivencia del 87%. El rendimiento total obtenido fue de 6.000 kg / ha. Este estudio demostró un alto potencial de tilapia del Nilo en cultivo semi-intensivo en estanques de aguas geotérmicas

    Morphological, sediment and soil chemical characteristics of dry tropical shallow reservoirs in the Southern Mexican Heghlands

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    Se estudió la morfometría, los sedimentos y las características químicas del suelo de once embalses tropicales secos y secos situados en el sur de México. Los embalses están situados entre 1104 y 1183 metros sobre el nivel del mar en un área sedimentaria. Se midieron 17 parámetros morfométricos y 8 de sedimento y suelo. Los resultados de los parámetros morfométricos mostraron que estos depósitos presentaban un fondo blando y rugoso, con forma elipsoide y depresión cóncava que permiten la mezcla de agua y sedimentos, causando turbidez y gradientes térmicos rotos; Sus ligeras pendientes permitieron Colonización de macrófitas sumergidas y plantas halófitas y mejoró la incidencia de la luz solar sobre la superficie del agua aumentando la evaporación y la productividad primaria. Los depósitos poco profundos tropicales secos tienen fluctuaciones en el área y volumen según la cantidad de lluvia, el efecto de la evaporación, la temperatura, el volumen perdido para el riego y otras causas. La arena-arcilla fue la textura sedimentaria más importante y sus valores fluctuaron con los periodos inundados. los El ciclo de concentración-dilución mostró una relación directa en el porcentaje de materia orgánica en el suelo, así como con el pH, el nitrógeno del suelo y el fósforo. El Tilzate, El Candelero y El Móvil se relacionaron por el desarrollo de la orilla y altas concentraciones de materia orgánica y nitrógeno en el suelo. Por último, destacamos la importancia de este estudio, en relación con posibles cambios futuros en los parámetros morfométricos como consecuencia del impacto humano.The morphometry, sediment and soil chemical characteristics of eleven dry tropical shallow reservoirs situated in Southern Mexican Highlands were studied. The reservoirs are located at 1104 to 1183 meters above sea level in a sedimentary area. Seventeen morphometric and eight sediment and soil chemical parameters were measured. The results of the morphometric parameters showed that these reservoirs presented a soft and roughness bottom, with an ellipsoid form and a concave depression that permit the mix up of water and sediments, causing turbidity and broken thermal gradients; their slight slopes allowed the colonization of submerged macrophyte and halophyte plants and improved the incidence of sunlight on water surface increasing evaporation and primary productivity. Dry tropical shallow reservoirs have fluctuations in area, and volume according to the amount of rainfall, the effect of evaporation, temperature, lost volume for irrigation, and other causes. The sand-clay was the most important sediment texture and their values fluctuated with the flooded periods. The concentration-dilution cycle showed a direct relationship in the percentage of organic matter in the soil as well as with pH, soil nitrogen and phosphorus. El Tilzate, El Candelero and El Movil were related by the shore development and high concentrations of organic matter and nitrogen in the soil. Finally, we emphasize the importance of this study, in relation to possible future changes in morphometrical parameters as a consequence of human impact

    Reproductive performance of the Mesa silverside (Chirostoma jordani Woolman, 1894) under natural and controlled photoperiods

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    Chirostoma jordani is a native annual species inhabiting lacustrine waters of the Central Mexico Plateau. It is widely distributed and is currently facing high environmental pressures. Five experiments were performed to study the reproductive performance of this species. Four of the experiments were conducted in 270-L indoor recirculation tanks. Two males and one female at the first stage of reproduction were included in each test. A photoperiod of 14 light hours and 10 dark hours was used. In a fifth experiment, 10 females and 15 males were kept in an outdoor 3,000-L recirculation tank under natural photoperiod. The number of spawns, fertilised eggs and 30-day-old juveniles were counted and the survival rate was calculated. The results indicated significant differences (P<0.05) between treatments. Higher spawn numbers and greater egg production were observed under controlled photoperiod, and higher numbers of juveniles and a higher survival rate were observed under natural photoperiod. The trials exhibited different patterns of egg production during the experiment. The egg production in the natural-photoperiod trials followed a polynomial curve model. In contrast, the trials under the controlled photoperiod showed an irregular pattern of increases and decreases in egg production.Chirostoma jordani es una especie nativa anual que habita aguas lacustres de la meseta de México Central. Está ampliamente distribuido y se enfrenta actualmente a altas presiones ambientales. Se realizaron cinco experimentos para estudiar el rendimiento reproductivo de esta especie. Cuatro de los experimentos se realizaron en tanques de recirculación de interior de 270 litros. En cada prueba se incluyeron dos machos y una hembra en la primera etapa de reproducción. Se utilizó un fotoperíodo de 14 horas luz y 10 horas oscuras. En un quinto experimento, 10 hembras y 15 machos se mantuvieron en un tanque de recirculación externo de 3.000 L bajo fotoperiodo natural. Se contó el número de reproductores, huevos fertilizados y juveniles de 30 días de edad y se calculó la tasa de supervivencia. Los resultados indicaron diferencias significativas (P <0,05) entre los tratamientos. Se observó un mayor número de reproductores y mayor producción de huevos bajo un fotoperiodo controlado, y se observó un mayor número de juveniles y una mayor tasa de supervivencia bajo fotoperíodo natural. Los ensayos mostraron diferentes patrones de producción de huevos durante el experimento. La producción de huevos en los ensayos de fotoperíodo natural siguió un modelo de curva polinomial. En contraste, los ensayos bajo el fotoperíodo controlado mostraron un patrón irregular de aumentos y disminuciones en la producción de huevos

    Effects of protein and lipids on growth performance, feed efficiency and survival rate in fingerlings of bay snook (petenia splendida)

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    A 120-days trial with three dietary protein levels (30, 40 and 50%, respectively) and two dietary lipid concentrations (6 and 12%, respectively) was conducted to investigate the optimum dietary protein and lipid level for the growth, feed efficiency and survival rate of bay snook fingerlings, P. splendida (0.18±0.05 g initial body weight). A 2x3 factorial experiment in a completely randomized design with three replicates was used. Whole body amino acids and fatty acids analyses were carried out for each diet and calculated growth performance, fed efficiency and survival rate. The results showed a higher survival rate. Final Body Weight (FBW), Feed Efficiency (FE), Protein Efficiency Ratio (PER), Feed Conversion Ratio (FCR) and condition factor (K) was significantly affected by dietary protein level (p<0.05) and FBW, SGR, PER and K were significantly affected by dietary lipids levels (p<0.05). The amino acid composition in diets and whole body was similar and Saturated Fatty Acids (SFA) showed a similar trend; the Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids (PUFA) indicated that 30/12 and 50/12 diets presented high values in whole body, whereas monoenes presented a dissimilar pattern. The best growth was observed with 50/12 diets where the lipid source was corn oil.Se realizó un ensayo de 120 días con tres niveles de proteína en la dieta (30, 40 y 50%, respectivamente) y dos concentraciones de lípidos en la dieta (6 y 12%, respectivamente) para investigar el nivel óptimo de proteínas y lípidos en la dieta para el crecimiento, Y la tasa de supervivencia de alevines de bahía, P. splendida (0.18 ± 0.05 g de peso corporal inicial). Se utilizó un experimento factorial 2x3 en un diseño completamente al azar con tres repeticiones. Se realizaron análisis de aminoácidos y ácidos grasos de todo el cuerpo para cada dieta y se calculó el rendimiento de crecimiento, la eficiencia alimentada y la tasa de supervivencia. Los resultados mostraron una mayor tasa de supervivencia. El peso corporal final (FBW), la eficiencia de la alimentación (FE), la relación de eficiencia proteica (PER), la proporción de conversión de alimento (FCR) y el factor de condición (K) fueron significativamente afectados por el nivel de proteína en la dieta (p <0,05) y FBW, SGR, PER Y K fueron significativamente afectados por los niveles de lípidos en la dieta (p <0,05). La composición de aminoácidos en las dietas y el cuerpo entero fue similar y los ácidos grasos saturados (SFA) mostraron una tendencia similar; Los ácidos grasos poliinsaturados (AGPI) indicaron que las dietas 30/12 y 50/12 presentaron valores altos en todo el cuerpo, mientras que los monoenos presentaron un patrón diferente. El mejor crecimiento se observó con 50/12 dietas donde la fuente lipídica fue aceite de maíz

    Performance of Brooders, Fry and Growth of the Nile Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) Cultured in an Experimental Recirculating Aquaculture System

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    We present results of a long-term study aimed to optimize Nile tilapia O. niloticus production in a recirculating aquaculture system (RAS) in México City. Three experiments were evaluated: 1) fry production; 2) production of masculinized fries; and 3) assessment of growth under three different densities (10, 30 and 75 fish/m3). The broodstock produced on average 2400 ± 600 fry every 15 days during six months, with a total production of 28,800 ± 2000. One hundred percent males were produced in 274-L raceways in an eight-week period. The obtained results in fish production in the RAS system indicated variations related to density. A daily growth rate of 3.6 g/day was registered with a density of 10 fish/m3, 0.9 g/day in 30 fish/m3 and 0.4 g/day in 75 fish/m3. This information could be useful for production purposes in this type of systems.Presentamos los resultados de un estudio a largo plazo dirigido a optimizar la producción de tilapia del Nilo O. niloticus en un sistema de acuicultura recirculante (RAS) en la ciudad de México. Se evaluaron tres experimentos: 1) producción de alevines; 2) producción de papas fritas masculinizadas; Y 3) evaluación del crecimiento bajo tres densidades diferentes (10, 30 y 75 peces / m3). Los reproductores produjeron en promedio 2400 ± 600 alevines cada 15 días durante seis meses, con una producción total de 28.800 ± 2000. Ciento por ciento de los machos fueron producidos en 274-L en un período de ocho semanas. Los resultados obtenidos en la producción de peces en el sistema RAS indicaron variaciones relacionadas con la densidad. Se registró una tasa de crecimiento diario de 3,6 g / día con una densidad de 10 peces / m3, 0,9 g / día en 30 peces / m3 y 0,4 g / día en 75 peces / m3. Esta información podría ser útil para fines de producción en este tipo de sistemas