55 research outputs found

    Using AR interfaces to support industrial maintenance procedures

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    Industries are becoming more and more digitized to better implement intelligent and predictive maintenance support systems, aligned with Industry 4.0, which requires the progressive digitization of data collection and processes. Maintenance interventions, in an evolving technological context, are increasingly more complex and difficult for technicians to perform. In these environments, the use of Augmented Reality (AR) to help assist and guide in the maintenance operations, can accomplish a considerable gain in productivity. AR allows to superimpose information objects in real scenes, such as text, images, audiovisuals, and 2D/3D model animations, making available contextual information about the process, based on location and perspective. This paper describes the design and implementation of a prototype augmented reality application to support maintenance tasks inside a metal stamping production unit, that produces components for the automotive sector. It aims to train and guide personnel during the maintenance operations, and offering an extra channel to reach expert help.2411-78B2-7CDB | Pedro Miguel MoreiraN/

    Restorative justice as a mechanism for horizontalization of penal conflicts and recognition of victims as subjects of rights.

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    Este artigo discute a necessidade de supera??o do modelo processual penal fundamentado na neutraliza??o da v?tima e consequente expropria??o do conflito pelo Estado, como f?rmula ?nica para solu??o do caso penal. Com foco nesse modelo processual, questiona-se se a sua l?gica de fato atende ?s necessidades das v?timas, respeitando seus direitos e garantias fundamentais. Em seguida, indaga-se sobre a necessidade de se discutir, ainda que de forma coadjuvante ao modelo vigente, um novo modelo de solu??o consensual de conflitos penais, marcado pela constru??o de procedimentos dial?gicos e horizontais como forma de resposta ao delito. Para tanto, o presente artigo possui como marco a no??o de justi?a horizontalizada, apontada por Nils Christie, que trabalha a import?ncia de se construir uma justi?a que se atenha ?s especificidades dos personagens centrais do conflito penal ? ofensores e v?timas ? para uma constru??o participada na decis?o do caso penal. Por fim, analisa-se se a Justi?a Restaurativa tem potencial suficiente para conferir a autonomia necess?ria ?s v?timas para que sejam, efetivamente, compreendidas como sujeitos de direitos.This article discusses the need to overcome the criminal procedural model based on the neutralization of the victim and the consequent expropriation of the conflict by the State, as the only formula for solving the criminal case. Focusing on this procedural model, it is questioned whether its logic actually meets the needs of victims, respecting their fundamental rights and guarantees. The next question is about the urge to discuss, even in a way that is compatible with the current model, a new model of consensual solution of criminal conflicts, marked by the construction of dialogical and horizontal procedures as a response to crime. This article is based on the notion of horizontal justice, pointed out by Nils Christie, which demonstrates the importance to build a justice that fits the specificities of the central characters of the criminal conflict ? offenders and victims ? to a participative decision of the criminal case. Finally, it is analyzed if the Restorative Justice has sufficient potential to confer the necessary autonomy to the victims so that they are effectively understood as subject of rights


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    The present study aimed to evaluate the biological resistance of treated wood from Eucalyptus grandis and Eucalyptus cloeziana under the action of biodeteriorative organisms in laboratory testing. Thus, we used trees of Eucalyptus grandis and Eucalyptus cloeziana, both 16 years old, which was converted into planks and subjected to preservative treatment in an autoclave with chromate copper arsenate (CCA). Then, it was made the specimens for the conduct of accelerated decay test, as recommended by ASTM. From the results, it was observed for the fungus Trametes versicolor that the preservative treatment was effective in reducing the biological degradation of the wood of the two species, with reduced mass loss in 35.17 and 82.31% for wood Eucalyptus grandis and Eucalyptus cloeziana, respectively, as for the fungus Gloeophyllum trabeum mass loss was reduced by 6.79 and 96.65%, compared to the control. Based on the conditions of realization of the present study, it was observed that preservative treatment with CCA is effective in the increasing the biological resistance of the wood under the action of fungi Trametes versicolor and Gloeophyllum trabeum.A presente pesquisa teve por objetivo avaliar a resist\ueancia biol\uf3gica da madeira tratada de Eucalyptus grandis e Eucalyptus cloeziana sob a a\ue7\ue3o de organismos biodeterioradores em ensaios de laborat\uf3rio. Para tanto, foram utilizadas \ue1rvores de Eucalyptus grandis e Eucalyptus cloeziana, ambas com 16 anos de idade, as quais foram desdobradas em t\ue1buas e submetidas ao tratamento preservativo em autoclave com arseniato de cobre cromatado (CCA). Em seguida, confeccionaram-se os corpos de prova para condu\ue7\ue3o do ensaio de apodrecimento acelerado com os fungos Trametes versicolor e Gloeophyllum trabeum , seguindo as recomenda\ue7\uf5es da norma ASTM. A partir dos resultados obtidos, observou-se para o fungo Trametes versicolor que o tratamento preservativo foi eficiente na redu\ue7\ue3o da degrada\ue7\ue3o biol\uf3gica da madeira das duas esp\ue9cies, com redu\ue7\ue3o da perda de massa em 35,17 e 82,31% para a madeira de Eucalyptus grandis e Eucalyptus cloeziana, respectivamente, j\ue1 para o fungo Gloeophyllum trabeum, a perda de massa foi reduzida em 6,79 e 96,65%, em compara\ue7\ue3o \ue0 testemunha. Com base nas condi\ue7\uf5es de realiza\ue7\ue3o do presente estudo observou-se que o tratamento preservativo com CCA \ue9 eficiente no aumento da resist\ueancia biol\uf3gica da madeira a a\ue7\ue3o dos fungos apodrecedores Trametes versicolor e Gloeophyllum trabeum

    Oral formulation of DPP-4 inhibitor plus Quercetin improves metabolic homeostasis in type 1 diabetic rats.

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    This study aimed to investigate the potential of an oral formulation (QV formulation) containing Quercetin and a Dipeptidyl Peptidase-4 Inhibitor (DPP-4 inhibitor), Vildagliptin, in improving metabolic homeostasis in type 1 diabetes model. Female albino Fischer rats were divided into four groups: untreated control animals (C), untreated diabetic animals (D), diabetic animals treated with QV formulation (DQV), and diabetic animals treated with insulin (DI). Diabetes was induced by injection of alloxan (135?mg?kg body mass)?1 and confirmed by glycemic test. After the 30-day treatment period, biochemical parameters were analyzed in the pancreas, liver, and serum. Histopathological changes in pancreatic tissue were examined by Hematoxyline & Eosin staining and the insulin content in the islet measured by immunohistochemistry with anti-insulin antibody. The glycogen content in the hepatocytes was quantified by Periodic Schiff Acid staining. The QV formulation reduced the glycemia, preserved the pancreatic architecture, increased insulin levels, furthermore ameliorated lipid profile and to promote higher survival rate of animals. Together, our data suggest that the QV formulation treatment was able to normalize metabolic homeostasis in type 1 diabetic rats

    Carbonaceous and siliceous Neoproterozoic vase-shaped microfossils (Urucum Formation, Brazil) and the question of early protistan biomineralization.

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    Vase-shaped microfossils (VSMs) occur in dolomitic extraclasts of indeterminate provenance within the basal diamictite of the Neoproterozoic Urucum Formation (Jacadigo Group) of west-central Brazil, having an age constrained between 889?44 Ma (K-Ar; basement rocks) and 587?7 Ma (40Ar/39Ar age of early metamorphic cryptomelane in overlying manganese ore). Early isopachous carbonate cement entombed these VSMs, preserving rare direct evidence of original wall composition that is carbonaceous (now kerogenous) in practically all specimens. Some tests are siliceous or composed of a quartz-kerogen mixture; secondary replacement explains some features of these tests, but original biomineralization seems more likely for others. This interpretation, coupled with test morphology, suggests affinity to arcellinid testate amoebae. Five VSM taxa are recognized in the deposit: Cycliocyrillium simplex Porter, Meisterfeld, and Knoll, 2003, and C. torquata Porter, Meisterfeld, and Knoll, 2003, originally described in the Chuar Group (USA), and three new monospecific genera?Palaeoamphora urucumense n. gen. n. sp., Limeta lageniformis n. gen. n. sp., and Taruma rata n. gen. n. sp. Most of the taxonomically important characteristics of these VSMs occur also in extant testate amoebae, but the combinations of some characters, such as organic-walled tests having exceptionally long necks that exhibit terminal apertures (L. lageniformis n. gen. n. sp.), are evidently novel additions to the known diversity of Neoproterozoic VSMs. Evidence of glacially influenced deposition in the conformably overlying Santa Cruz Formation may indicate that the Urucum Formation slightly preceded or was penecontemporaneous with a major Neoproterozoic glaciation, although the VSM-hosting extraclasts must be older, possibly rivaling the age of the testate amoebae of the Chichkan Formation (766?7 Ma) that are currently regarded as the oldest record of protists in the geological record

    Teores de massa seca de lab-lab cultivada em solos tratados com herbicidas mimetizadores de auxinas

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    Todos os textos, informa??es e resultados apresentados s?o de inteira responsabilidade dos autores.Parte da disserta??o do segundo autor, financiado pelo Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cient?fico e Tecnol?gico (CNPq), Funda??o de Amparo ? Pesquisa do Estado de Minas Gerais (FAPEMIG), Coordenac?o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior (CAPES).O Projeto tem como coordenador/orientador, o terceiro autor.Este trabalho foi proposto com o objetivo de avaliar o efeito residual dos herbicidas triclopyr, 2,4-D e a mistura 2,4-D + picloram no teor de massa seca de plantas de lab-lab. O experimento foi dividido em duas etapas. A primeira parte foi conduzida em uma ?rea de pastagem infestada por plantas daninhas pertencente ? UFVJM, em Couto de Magalh?es de Minas ? MG. A segunda etapa foi realizada em casa de vegeta??o no Campus JK da UFVJM, em Diamantina ? MG. O delineamento experimental adotado foi inteiramente ao acaso, com quatro repeti??es. Os tratamentos foram tr?s herbicidas: triclopyr (960 g ha-1 do equivalente ?cido triclopyr); 2,4-D (1340 g ha-1 do equivalente ?cido 2,4-D) e a mistura 2,4-D + picloram (720 + 192 g ha-1 do equivalente ?cido 2,4- D + picloram) aplicados na dose recomendada pelos fabricantes, mais testemunha sem aplica??o. Foi utilizado o Dolichos lablab (lab-lab) como esp?cie indicadora. As aplica??es dos herbicidas foram realizadas em condi??es ambientais adequadas, utilizando um pulverizador costal, com bico de jato plano (leque) TT 110 02 e press?o constante de 200 kPa. Aos 40 e 280 dias ap?s a aplica??o do herbicida (DAA) foram coletados aleatoriamente, em cada parcela, amostras de solo na profundidade de 0 a 20 cm. Aos 40 dias ap?s a semeadura (DAS), as plantas indicadoras foram colhidas, visando a determina??o da massa seca de folhas vivas, caules vivos e total. N?o foi observado altera??o na massa seca das plantas de lab-lab cultivadas nos solos tratados com os herbicidas 2,4-D e triclopyr. Aos 40 DAA houve a morte das plantas quando cultivadas em solos tratados com a mistura 2,4-D + picloram. As plantas de lab-lab se mantiveram vivas durante o cultivo com solo aos 280 DAA para o tratamento com aplica??o da mistura 2,4-D + picloram, entretanto, houve redu??o dos teores de massa seca. Os herbicidas 2,4-D e triclopyr n?o influenciaram a massa seca das plantas de lab-lab. A mistura 2,4-D + picloram levou ?s plantas de lab-lab a morte aos 40 DAA, entretanto, foi observado redu??o do res?duo do herbicida aos 280 DAA.This study was proposed objecting to evaluate the residual effect of the herbicides triclopyr, 2,4-D, and the combination of 2,4-D + picloram on the dry mass content of the lablab bean plants. The experiment was divided in two parts. The first part was conducted in a pasture area infested by weeds that belongs to the UFVJM, in Couto de Magalh?es de Minas ? MG. The second part was completed in a greenhouse on the Campus JK of the UFVJM, in Diamantina ? MG. The experimental design was in randomized block, with four repetitions. The treatments were three herbicides: triclopyr (960 g ha-1 of the acid triclopyr equivalent); 2,4-D (1340 g ha-1 do of the 2,4-D acid equivalent), and the combination 2,4-D + picloram (720 + 192 g ha-1 of the acid 2,4-D + picloram acid equivalent) applied on the dose recommended by the manufacturer, one more witness without application. It was utilized the Dolichos lablab (lablab bean) as the indicator species. The application of the herbicides were conducted on adequate environmental conditions, using a costal spray, with a flat fan nozzle (fan) TT 110 02, and constant pressure of 200 kPa. At 40 and 280 days after application of the herbicide (DAA) were randomly collected, in each portion, soil samples on the width of 0 to 20 cm. At 40 days after sowing (DAS), the indicator plants were harvested, aiming the determination of dry mass of living leaves, living steams, and total. It was not observed alterations on the dry mass of lablab beans plants cultivated in soils treated with the herbicides 2,4-D and triclopyr. At 40 DAA there was the death of plants which were cultivated in soils treated with the combination of 2,4-D + picloram. The lablab bean plants kept alive during the growing with the soil at 280 DAA for the treatment with the application of the combination of 2,4-D + picloram, however, there was reduction on the dry mass content. The herbicides 2,4-D and triclopyr did not influence the dry mass of the lablab bean plants. The combination of 2,4-D + picloram did take the lablab bean plants to death at 40 DAA, however, it was not observed reduction of the herbicide at 280 DAA