437 research outputs found

    Contactless smart screening in nursing homes : an IoT-enabled solution for the COVID-19 era

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    In the COVID-19 era, the provision of health indicators seamlessly and without contact, in groups at risk such as the elderly, is crucial due to the fast spread of the disease and the need to act quickly to contain its evolution. Continuous monitoring of vital signs, such as body temperature and cardio-respiratory rates, can be vital in early detection and prediction of COVID-19, which rapidly progresses and particularly affects the elderly population in nursing homes. Conventional clinical methods used for monitoring vital signs are contact-based, require contact sensors that need to be precisely attached by a trained health professional, are less convenient for repeatable measurements, and not practical for long-term monitoring. On the other hand, contactless vital signs monitoring using radar-based techniques, or IR-thermal imaging, do not require the attachment of physical electrodes and can be of great value in health screening of patients and help health professionals in early detection of the COVID-19 in the elderly population, in the specific context of nursing houses. This work describes the design and specification of a low-cost contactless health screening system for nursing homes, and includes the design of an IoT Edge device that can be placed above the beds where patients rest, allowing the continuous acquisition of health information and its processing without any type of contact and invasiveness.911A-2C18-106F | Carlos Jorge Enes Capit?o de AbreuN/

    Sedentary behaviour impairs skeletal muscle repair modulating the inflammatory response

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    This study investigated whether sedentary behaviour modulates skeletal-muscle repair and tissue inflammatory response after cardiotoxin (CTX)-induced injury. Singly caged rats spent 8 weeks either as a sedentary group (SED, n = 15) or as a control group (EX, n = 15)?caged with running wheels for voluntary running. All rats had each tibial anterior muscle infused either with CTX (CTX; right muscle) or saline solution (Sham; left muscle) and were sacrificed (n = 5 per group) on the 1st, 7th, and 15th day post-injection (dpi). Histological and immunohistochemical analyses were used to calculate myotube percentage and fibrosis accretion, and quantify the number of neutrophils and M1 and M2 macrophage subtypes. The SED group showed an increased number of both neutrophils and M1 macrophages (7th and 15th dpi) compared to the EX group (p < 0.01). The EX group showed an increased number of M2 macrophages on the 1st dpi. On the 7th dpi, the SED group showed a lower myotube percentage compared to the EX group (p < 0.01) and on the 15th dpi showed only 54% of normal undamaged fibres compared to 90% from the EX group (p < 0.01). The SED group showed increased fibrosis on both the 7th and 15th dpi. Our results show that sedentary behaviour affects the inflammatory response, enhancing and prolonging the Th1 phase, and delays and impairs the SMR process.DB19-D819-F720 | Carlos Eduardo da Silva TeixeiraN/

    Markerless three-dimensional gait analysis in healthy older adults: test–retest reliability and measurement error

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    This work was supported by Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia: grant numbers DOI 10.54499/2020.07958.BD (PhD Grant), DOI: 10.54499/UIDB/00447/2020, and DOI: 10.54499/UIDP/00447/2020) attributed to CIPER–Centro Interdisciplinar de Estudo da Performance Humana (unit 447).In older adults, gait analysis may detect changes that signal early disease states, yet challenges in biomechanical screening limit widespread use in clinical or community settings. Recently, a markerless method from multi-camera video data has become accessible, making screenings less challenging. This study evaluated the test-retest reliability and measurement error of markerless gait kinematics and kinetics in healthy older adults. Twenty-nine healthy older adults performed gait analysis on two occasions, at preferred walking speed, using their everyday clothes. Lower limb angles and moments were averaged from 8 gait cycles. Integrated pointwise indices [Intraclass Correlation Coefficient (ICCA,K) and Standard Error of Measurement (SEM)] were calculated for curve data, as well as ICCA,K, and SEM [95 % confidence intervals] for selected peaks. Generally, kinematic ICCs were good (>0.75) and reasonably stable throughout the gait cycle, except for the hip kinematics during the swing phase in the sagittal plane and pelvis tilt and rotation. The integrated and peaks SEM were 0.75), except for the transverse hip moment and abduction peak, fluctuating more during the swing than through the stance phase. SEM were < 0.07Nm/Kg. In conclusion, these results showed good overall test-retest reliability for markerless gait kinematics and kinetics for the hip, knee, and ankle joints, moderate for the pelvis angles, and error levels of ≤5°, and SEM%≤5% for the sagittal plane. This supports this method's use in assessing gait in healthy older adults, including kinetics, for which reliability data from markerless systems is difficult to find reported.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    MERGULHANDO NO UNIVERSO DAS INCERTEZAS: : Literatura Infantil e Probabilidade nos anos iniciais do Ensino Fundamental

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    O presente estudo tem como objetivo investigar diferentes demandas cognitivas de Bryant e Nunes (2012) para a construção do conceito de Probabilidade na relação entre literatura infantil e compreensões de estudantes do 5º ano do Ensino Fundamental. Foi desenvolvida uma pesquisa exploratória de caráter qualitativo, a partir de três etapas: o mapeamento de catálogos de editoras e a exploração documental das literaturas infantis; discussão das características do livro O Clubinho, criação autoral; e, a realização de entrevistas clínicas com seis estudantes do 5º ano do Ensino Fundamental, por meio da contação de histórias. Os resultados apontam a escassez de literaturas infantis que envolvam compreensões probabilísticas e fragilidades apresentadas por muitos desses recursos; a contribuição do livro de histórias O Clubinho, rompendo com a abordagem focada nos procedimentos de cálculo; e por fim, que a vivência das histórias, facilitou a mobilização de variadas noções probabilísticas ligadas as demandas cognitivas

    The influence of satisfaction and switching costs on customer loyalty : the Pingo Doce case

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    Este estudo visa compreender a influ?ncia da satisfa??o e dos custos de mudan?a na fideliza??o dos clientes de uma rede de supermercados. Para o efeito foi desenvolvido um inqu?rito sobre o comportamento de consumo em dois supermercados Pingo Doce situados na cidade de Viana do Castelo. Nesta investiga??o foram realizados 600 question?rios a clientes destas superf?cies para avaliar quais os fatores que mais influenciam a fideliza??o dos clientes. De acordo com os resultados, foi poss?vel concluir que tanto a satisfa??o como os custos de mudan?a influenciam a fideliza??o dos clientes.8316-FD77-85EB | Pedro Miguel Fonseca Moreira de CarvalhoN/

    The invisibility of women in the brazilian prison system, forgotten in time and space.

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    Este artigo ? uma reflex?o sobre a quest?o da mulher no sistema prisional brasileiro, tendo como base dados levantados para uma pesquisa de p?s-doutoramento realizada na Universidade Federal de Ouro Preto. Tem como objetivo discutir, por meio da perspectiva s?cio-hist?rica e dos direitos humanos, a quest?o da invisibilidade da mulher em priva??o de liberdade. O corpus da pesquisa foi obtido por meio da pesquisa bibliogr?fica e da an?lise de documentos. Conclu?mos que o modelo do sistema penitenci?rio brasileiro vive um esgotamento refletindo nas realidades das unidades prisionais, seja pelo aumento significativo da popula??o carcer?ria, seja pelo descaso que os governos t?m com mulheres e homens presos em suas a??es.This article is a reflection on the issue of women in the prison system Brazil, based on data collected for a postdoctoral research carried out at the Federal University of Ouro Preto. It aims to discuss, through the socio-historical perspective and human rights, the issue of the invisibility of women in restriction of their Freedom. The corpus of the research was obtained through bibliographic research and document analysis. We conclude that the Brazilian prison system model is saturated, a condition reflected in the reality of prisons, is the significant increase of the prison population, is the absence of humanitarian policies of government agencies to women and men deprived of their libert


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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi analisar as taxas de crescimento absoluto (TCA), as trocas gasosas foliares e o potencial h\ueddrico foliar ( \u3c8W) de plantas jovens de castanheira-da-Amaz\uf4nia ( Bertholletia excelsa Humb. &amp; Bonpl.), quando submetidas a tratamentos de aduba\ue7\ue3o (qu\uedmica ou verde), comparados com tratamento sem aduba\ue7\ue3o, para restaura\ue7\ue3o de \ue1rea degradada na Amaz\uf4nia central. Os tratamentos aplicados foram: controle (sem aduba\ue7\ue3o), aduba\ue7\ue3o qu\uedmica (Ouromag\uae) e aduba\ue7\ue3o verde (fragmentos de galhos e folhas). A TCA em di\ue2metro e altura, no tratamento com aduba\ue7\ue3o verde, foi cerca de 12 vezes superior ao controle. O \u3c8W atingiu na antemanh\ue3 o valor m \ue1ximo de -0,19 MPa e ao meio-dia o valor m\uednimo de -2,8 MPa, ambos no tratamento com aduba\ue7\ue3o verde. A efici\ueancia intr\uednseca no uso da \ue1gua (EIUA) n\ue3o exibiu diferen\ue7as entre os tratamentos. Ao contr \ue1rio da efici\ueancia no uso da \ue1gua (EUA), que, nos tratamentos com aduba\ue7\ue3o verde e qu\uedmica, foram observados aumentos de 66 e 38%, respectivamente, em rela\ue7\ue3o ao controle. Portanto, conclui-se que os tratamentos de aduba\ue7\ue3o, especialmente a aduba\ue7\ue3o verde, devido a melhorias que proporciona no uso dos recursos prim \ue1rios, bem como a \ue1gua, desempenham papel importante no crescimento de plantas de Bertholletia excelsa na fase jovem de plantios florestais sobre \ue1rea degradada na Amaz\uf4nia.This work objectives to analyze the absolute growth rate (AGR), leaf gas exchange and leaf water potential (\u3c8W) of young Brazil nut ( Bertholletia excelsa Humb. &amp; Bonpl.) plants subjected to chemical and green fertilization treatments, compared with treatment without fertilization, aiming the restoration of a degraded area in central of Amazonia rain forest. The applied treatments were: control (without fertilization), chemical (Ouromag\uae) and green fertilization (fragments of branches and leaves). The diameter and height AGR in the treatment with green fertilization was about 12 times higher than the control. The \u3c8W reached maximum value of -0.19 MPa at noon, and minimum of -2.8 MPa at midday, both in green fertilization treatment. The intrinsic water-use efficiency (WIUE) did not differed significantly between the treatments, unlike the treatments with green and chemical fertilization increased the water-use efficiency (WUE) up to 66 and 38%, respectively, when compared to the control. Therefore, we concluded that the fertilization treatments, especially the green one, due to improvements in the use of which provides primary resources, e.g. water, play a key role in the growth of Bertholletia excelsa plants in the young phase of forest plantations on degraded area in Amazonia

    Social media in cardiology: Reasons to learn how to use it

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    Social media has changed the way we learn, educate, and interact with our peers. The dynamic nature of social media and their immediate availability through our portable devices (smartphones, tablets, smartwatches, etc.) is quickly transforming the way we participate in society. The scope of these digital tools is broad as they deal with many different aspects: Teaching and learning, case discussion, congresses coverage, peer to peer interaction, research are examples worth mentioning. The scientific societies considered more innovative, are promoting these tools between their members. These new concepts need to be known by the cardiologists to stay updated, as countless information is moving rapidly through these channels. We summarize the main reasons why learning how to use these tools to be part of the conversation is essential for the cardiologist in training or fully stablished