413 research outputs found

    New species of titi monkey, genus Callicebus Thomas, 1903 (Primates, Pitheciidae), from Southern Amazonia, Brazil

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    O gĂȘnero Callicebus Ă© um dos grupos mais diversificados entre os primatas neotropicais, com 31 espĂ©cies reconhecidas. Contudo, ainda existem grandes lacunas no conhecimento acerca da diversidade contida neste gĂȘnero. Tais lacunas vĂȘm sendo paulatinamente preenchidas graças a uma intensificação recente dos esforços de amostragem. Diversas distribuiçÔes geogrĂĄficas foram melhor delimitadas, e seis espĂ©cies novas foram descritas nos Ășltimos 15 anos. O objetivo do presente estudo Ă© descrever uma nova espĂ©cie de Callicebus pertencente ao grupo de espĂ©cies Callicebus moloch, recentemente descoberta em uma ĂĄrea previamente considerada como parte da distribuição geogrĂĄfica de C. cinerascens. Foram realizadas quatro expediçÔes. A coleta de dados foi realizada atravĂ©s de observaçÔes diretas, coletas de espĂ©cimes e entrevistas com moradores locais. Os espĂ©cimes foram depositados na coleção de mamĂ­feros do Museu Paraense EmĂ­lio Goeldi. Para uma avaliação comparativa, foram examinados os exemplares das demais espĂ©cies do grupo Callicebus moloch, principalmente as formas geograficamente vizinhas, C. bernhardi e C. cinerascens. Foram examinados 10 caracteres cromĂĄticos da pelagem. AlĂ©m da massa corporal, foram verificadas as medidas externas convencionais e 26 medidas cranianas. A nova espĂ©cie difere de todas as outras espĂ©cies amazĂŽnicas do gĂȘnero Callicebus por uma combinação exclusiva de caracteres, sendo facilmente distinguida pela faixa grisalha clara contrastante na testa, costeletas e garganta ocre-escuras, partes superiores do tronco e flancos grisalho-escuras, e cauda uniformemente laranja. A distribuição geogrĂĄfica da nova espĂ©cie Ă© limitada pelos rios Roosevelt e AripuanĂŁ, nos estados de Mato Grosso e Amazonas, Brasil. Aproximadamente 25% (1.246.382 ha) desta ĂĄrea constituem unidades de conservação, sendo cinco de uso sustentĂĄvel (746.818 ha) e trĂȘs de proteção integral (499.564 ha). AlĂ©m disso, uma porção expressiva da ĂĄrea de distribuição da nova espĂ©cie estĂĄ localizada dentro de terras indĂ­genas (1.555.116 ha - 32%). Assim, 57% (2.801.498 ha) da ĂĄrea de ocorrĂȘncia da nova espĂ©cie encontram-se dentro de ĂĄreas protegidas.The genus Callicebus is one of the most diverse Neotropical primate groups, with 31 recognized species. However, large knowledge gaps still exist regarding the diversity of this genus. Such gaps are gradually being filled due to recent intensification of sampling efforts. Several geographic distributions have been better delimited, and six new species have been described in the last 15 years. The goal of the present study is to describe a new species of Callicebus belonging to the Callicebus moloch species group, recently discovered in an area previously considered to be part of the geographic distribution of C. cinerascens. Data collection was conducted through direct observations, specimen collection and interviews with local residents during four expeditions. Specimens were deposited in the mammalian collection of the Museu Paraense EmĂ­lio Goeldi.. For a comparative evaluation, we examined specimens of the other species of the Callicebus moloch species group, especially the geographically neighboring forms, C. bernhardi and C. cinerascens. We examined 10 chromatic characters of the fur. In addition to body mass, we verified the conventional external variables and 26 craniometric variables. The new species differs from all other Amazonian Callicebus by an exclusive combination of characters, being easily distinguished by the light gray line of the forehead, dark ocher sideburns and throat, dark gray portions of the torso and flanks, and uniformly orange tail. The geographic distribution of the new species is limited by the Roosevelt and AripuanĂŁ rivers, in the states of Mato Grosso and Amazonas, Brazil. Approximately 25% (1,246.382 ha) of this area falls within conservation areas, with five areas of sustainable use (746,818 ha) and three of integral protection (499,564 ha). Furthermore, a considerable portion of the distribution area is located within indigenous lands (1,555.116 ha - 32%). Therefore, 57% (2,801.498 ha) of the occurrence area of the new species falls within protected areas

    New species of titi monkey, genus Callicebus Thomas, 1903 (Primates, Pitheciidae), from Southern Amazonia, Brazil

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    The genus Callicebus is one of the most diverse Neotropical primate groups, with 31 recognized species. However, large knowledge gaps still exist regarding the diversity of this genus. Such gaps are gradually being filled due to recent intensification of sampling efforts. Several geographic distributions have been better delimited, and six new species have been described in the last 15 years. The goal of the present study is to describe a new species of Callicebus belonging to the Callicebus moloch species group, recently discovered in an area previously considered to be part of the geographic distribution of C. cinerascens. Data collection was conducted through direct observations, specimen collection and interviews with local residents during four expeditions. Specimens were deposited in the mammalian collection of the Museu Paraense EmĂ­lio Goeldi.. For a comparative evaluation, we examined specimens of the other species of the Callicebus moloch species group, especially the geographically neighboring forms, C. bernhardi and C. cinerascens. We examined 10 chromatic characters of the fur. In addition to body mass, we verified the conventional external variables and 26 craniometric variables. The new species differs from all other Amazonian Callicebus by an exclusive combination of characters, being easily distinguished by the light gray line of the forehead, dark ocher sideburns and throat, dark gray portions of the torso and flanks, and uniformly orange tail. The geographic distribution of the new species is limited by the Roosevelt and AripuanĂŁ rivers, in the states of Mato Grosso and Amazonas, Brazil. Approximately 25% (1,246.382 ha) of this area falls within conservation areas, with five areas of sustainable use (746,818 ha) and three of integral protection (499,564 ha). Furthermore, a considerable portion of the distribution area is located within indigenous lands (1,555.116 ha - 32%). Therefore, 57% (2,801.498 ha) of the occurrence area of the new species falls within protected areas


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    Editorial da edição Primata

    Comparative study of plans for integrated residue management of construction: an analysis documental

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    Objective: The present study is a comparative study of integrated plans in four cities, highlighting the points that are in accordance with Resolution 307/2002 of CONAMA. Methods: This is a bibliographic and documentary research as having scientific articles sources Plans and Integrated Solid Waste Management Construction of five Brazilian cities: Curitiba, Cuiaba, Florianopolis, Rio de Janeiro and SĂŁo Paulo. Results: The resolution foresees the Integrated Management of Residues Plan for Construction, as an instrument for implementing the management of construction waste, to be developed by municipalities. Many capital not yet made their plans Integrated Residue Management Construction. Conclusion: The Integrated Waste Management Plan Construction is of great importance, because these residues bring many environmental and health problems

    Desempenho de ovinos em confinamento recebendo dietas com torta de cupuaçu (Theobroma grandiflorum schum., sterculiaceae)

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    Esse estudo avaliou o efeito da inclusão da torta de cupuaçu (Theobroma grandiflorum Schum.) na alimentação de ovinos em confinamento. Foram avaliados o consumo (em kg dia-1, % PV e kg PV-0, 75), ganho de peso, conversão alimentar, medidas morfométricas da carcaça, características de carcaça, comportamento ingestivo e qualidade da carne. Foram utilizados vinte e cinco ovinos castrados, sem raça definida (SRD), com peso médio vivo inicial de 17,4 (±1,90) kg, mantidos em confinamento até que atingissem 35 kg de peso vivo (PV). As dietas experimentais eram compostas por 26 % de silagem de capim-elefante (Pennisetum purpureum, Schum) e 74 % de concentrado, composto de milho moído, farelo de soja, farelo de trigo, calcårio calcítico e torta de cupuaçu, e consistiram na substituição do milho e do farelo de trigo pela torta de cupuaçu nos níveis 0 (controle), 7,4, 14,8, 22,2 e 29,6 % da matéria seca total. O delineamento experimental foi inteiramente casualizado, com cinco tratamentos e cinco repetiçÔes.  A substituição dos alimentos padrÔes pela torta de cupuaçu não influenciaram (P>0,05) nas variåveis avaliadas, indicando que a torta pode ser utilizada em dietas para ovinos em confinamento em até 30 % da matéria seca total, sem comprometer consumo, características da carcaça e qualidade da carne

    Prediction of carcass rib eye area by ultrasound images in sheep using computer vision

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    ABSTRACT: The present research created a tool to measure ultrasound images of the rib eye area in sheep. One hundred twenty-one ultrasound images of sheep were captured, with regions of interest segmented using the U-Net algorithm. The metrics adopted to evaluate automatic segmentations were Dicescore and intersection over union. Finally, a regression analysis was performed using the AdaBoost Regressor and Random Forest Regressor algorithms and the fit of the models was evaluated using the Mean Square Residuals, mean absolute error and coefficient of determination. The values obtained for the Dice metric were 0.94, and for Intersection over Union it was 0.89, demonstrating a high similarity between the actual and predicted values, ranging from 0 to 1. The values of Mean Quadratic Residuals, mean absolute error and coefficient The determination of the regressor models indicated the best fit for the Random Forest Regressor. The U-Net algorithm efficiently segmented ultrasound images of the Longissimus Dorsi muscle, with greater precision than the measurements performed by the specialist. This efficient segmentation allowed the standardization of rib eye area measurements and, consequently, the phenotyping of beef sheep on a large scale

    Effect of transportation distance and lairage time on selected behaviors and carcass parameters in zebu cattle—a study using the animal focal sampling method

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    The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of the transport distance and lairage time on behavioral indicators of zebu beef cattle in the resting pen of a slaughterhouse using the focal animal technique. Eight lots of male zebu cattle, Nelore, aged approximately 4 years old, weighing on average 500 ± 28.5 kg-1, from different municipalities, transported by land, were evaluated. The lots were grouped into two categories: short distance (> 500 km) and long distance (> 500 km). Five focal animals per evaluated lot were used in each cycle of behavior observation, randomly chosen, and visually identified. The animal focal sampling method was used, with instantaneous recording, every 5 min per animal/h. A video camera was used and placed at a fixed point in the corral. After slaughtering, bruises and carcass pH were evaluated. The respiratory rate (RR) was measured in two moments, 30 min after unloading (RR_I) and 1 h before slaughtering (RR_F); behavioral data were divided into four lairage periods (1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th) equally and evaluated as repeated measures over time. The lairage time lowered the behaviors of headbutting (NCHBs), pushing (PsH), mounting (MT), and chasing away (CA), (p = 0.0001), and these behaviors were more evident in animals transported for short distances in the initial resting times, decreasing as they remained in the resting pen. There was effect of distance on the initial and final pH of the carcass, being greater in the short distance (p = 0.047). There was no effect of distance or lairage time on initial or final RR (p > 0.05). In addition, animals transported over long distances showed less carcass injuries, which were observed during post mortem inspection. It is concluded that animals transported over short distances present a greater number of agonistic behaviors, such as NCHBs, MT, PsH, and CA, predisposing to higher rates of bruising during lairage and more accentuated changes in the final pH of the meat

    Teores de clorofila da rĂșcula em função de diferentes ambientes e doses de esterco caprino / Archula's chlorophyl contents as a result of different environments and caprine stump doses

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    A rĂșcula Ă© uma hortaliça de grande relevĂąncia na alimentação humana, sendo uma das mais nutritivas, rica em minerais e vitaminas. É uma cultura que apresenta viabilidade de produção na regiĂŁo Nordeste do Brasil. Nesse sentido, o uso de tĂ©cnicas como utilização de telas de sombreamento nos cultivos buscando diminuir a incidĂȘncia da radiação solar, contribui na melhoria do desempenho da cultura, alĂ©m do uso de uma adubação adequada. Diante disso, objetivou-se com o presente trabalho avaliar os teores de clorofila a e b, massa fresca e massa seca da rĂșcula com diferentes doses de esterco caprino em ambientes protegido e nĂŁo protegido (pleno sol), sob as condiçÔes climĂĄticas de Bom Jesus – PI. O experimento foi conduzido na ĂĄrea experimental da Universidade Federal do PiauĂ­ (UFPI), Campus Professora Cinobelina Elvas, na cidade de Bom Jesus – PiauĂ­ (9Âș05’20,4’’S; 44Âș20’55,1’’W; 283 m), entre 13 de dezembro de 2018 a 23 de janeiro de 2019. O delineamento experimental adotado foi o inteiramente casualizado, com esquema fatorial 2 x 6, sendo dois ambientes diferentes (estufa e pleno sol) x 5 proporçÔes de esterco caprino incorporados ao solo (0,2; 0,4; 0,6; 0,8; 1 kg/vaso) e a testemunha (solo sem esterco). A cultivar de rĂșcula utilizada foi a “Cultivada”, e os resultados obtidos, evidenciaram que a clorofila a e b, massa seca e fresca foram influenciadas diretamente pelos ambientes, enquanto que a clorofila a, massa seca e fresca foram influenciadas pelas doses de esterco. 

    Intoxicação por metais pesados e intervenção farmacĂȘutica / Intoxication by heavy metals and pharmaceutical intervention

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    A toxicologia Ă© parte fundamental no Ăąmbito de conhecimentos essenciais para os profissionais da ĂĄrea da saĂșde e uma das ĂĄreas de atuação do profissional farmacĂȘutico. Nesse contexto enfatiza-se a problemĂĄtica dos metais pesados, agentes quĂ­micos contaminantes comuns no ambiente, devido a sua coerĂȘncia natural e emprego em diversos setores industriais. Alguns metais pesados traduzem-se em agentes tĂłxicos enquanto outros assumem-se como essenciais para o desenvolvimento dos seres vivos. Este estudo teve como objetivo, a anĂĄlise das intoxicaçÔes causadas por metais pesados em organismos humanos e a ação farmacolĂłgica diante dessas intoxicaçÔes
